MTL - Pokemon Dark Giant-Chapter 32 : The weak eat the strong

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Around four in the morning, Ryuzaki Shinji continued to dangle in the free trade zone. As time went on, more and more people came to the black market, and the number of stalls also increased, but it is interesting that Ryuzaki Shinji A lot of Team Rocket members were found at these newly added booths. Although they were very well disguised, some of the Rocket Team's usual small movements and secret codes still could not escape the eyes of Shinji Ryuzaki. For 9 years, these little actions and secret codes are like instincts, and they can't be changed even if they want to.

"It seems that the information that the ninja gave me is correct. It's not worth it for me to let Aboguai give him the Xing of Shattered Bones. It's getting more and more interesting. However, it's a pity that I didn't get Caesar's annihilation this time. For the specific battle plan, it seems that too much camouflage of the injury is also harmful, maybe, I can ask, hum hum hum ~" Ryuzaki Shinji sneered while looking at the newly obtained special treatment potion for Team Rocket in his hand. , These disguised Team Rocket members also took advantage of the opportunity to enter the black market to conduct a normal black market transaction in exchange for corresponding resources. This newly-made Rocket Team special treatment medicine was obtained from the disguised Team Rocket member in front of them. For it, Ryuzaki Shinji paid the price of 200W Alliance Coins, which is equivalent to the price he sold the entire Rockets base in Light Red City, but Ryuzaki Shinji paid the money very readily.

"Hahaha, brother, you are so generous. Come on, I have other banned drugs here. Do you want it? I can sell it to you at a cheaper price." The disguised Team Rocket member looked at the elf watch in his hand. The bank account information in his heart burst into joy, and he was very enthusiastic about selling his remaining items to Ryuzaki Shinji, although he heard from others that this healing potion, which can only be obtained from compulsory missions, is very valuable. , but he didn't expect it to be so valuable. He originally thought that the other party would definitely bargain when he opened his mouth, but the other party paid the money without thinking about it, and let the belly draft he prepared directly die. 200W Alliance Coin Ah, he had never seen so much money in his life.

"No, my little brother is already embarrassed. By the way, the battle plan that Mr. Caesar said just now, my little brother came a little late, so I didn't hear it clearly. I don't know if my brother can tell me in detail, my little brother doesn't want to spoil it. It's your plan." Ryuzaki Shinji first made a few gesture codes that Team Rocket used to connect, and then asked in a low voice to the Team Rocket members in front of him.

"Hey, what did I think it was? You're really asking the right person. I'm a relative of Captain Ishida, Caesar's heart. No problem. I'm happy today, bro, so I won't charge you. Let me tell you." After seeing the gesture made by Ryuzaki Shinji, the members of Team Rocket dissipated the last trace of defense in their hearts, and very enthusiastically told Ryuzaki Shinji all the information they knew.

10 minutes later, Ryuzaki Shinji appeared on the edge of the free trade area, and then he was walking quickly towards the direction of the elf monopoly area. According to the information of the Rocket team member just now, the space portal built by the Rocket team this time. Right in the pixie store.

"I can't believe it. Even the Elf Hunters Guild chose to betray the Y organization. In this way, the big financial groups that cooperated with the Y organization must have secretly betrayed the Y organization because they couldn't stand the pressure of the alliance. It's really interesting. Once the Y organization really does not die, it has to peel off its skin. This is a delicious big cake. Since I met it, you can give me a share, hahaha~" The more Ryuzaki Shinji thought about it, the more excited he became. The poker face that has remained unchanged for thousands of years has already revealed a greedy smile, and a hint of madness can not help but appear in the cold eyes.

After about ten minutes of walking, Ryusaki Shinji finally came to the edge of the elf monopoly area. Before he got close enough, he heard all kinds of elf screams of pain and despair from the elf monopoly area. The negative energy of the elf shrouded the entire elf monopoly area, which has completely turned into a **** on earth for the elf, full of copper stench and despair.

"Why do humans do this, what did our elves do wrong, and why do they treat us like this?" Yongjira saw the desperate expressions of various elves in the elves' exclusive area and listened to their desperate cries. Furious, he used telepathy to answer Ryuzaki Shinji's questioning with grief and indignation. This place was like hell, and he didn't want to stay for a second. It reminded him of the dark days in the laboratory.

"Wake up, this is the nature of this world, the weak have no rights, the weak is the original sin, Yongjira, if you don't have the power, sooner or later, you will be captured by other humans. It should be easy for you to understand, these are the laws of the jungle for your little elves: the strong eat the weak, and since they are the weaker, they will naturally be exploited, as it should be, your question is still too naive." Ryuzaki Shinji scolded Yongjira coldly in his heart, Yongjila's performance disappointed him a little, he thought he would become more mature after experiencing despair, but he didn't expect that he was still so naive. They are too different from Aboguai.

"..." After hearing Ryuzaki Shinji's answer, Yongjira fell silent, and the resentment in her heart disappeared.

"Hey, come back, just take a good rest in the Poké Ball, and think about it." Seeing Yongjira, who became depressed, Ryuzaki Shinji's heart sank slightly, and then he took out the Poké Ball and took Yongjira back. .

"I hope you can think clearly. You are 10,000 times lucky than most elves with qualifications, but if you lack a cold heart, you will always be weak." Ryuzaki Shinji looked at the whole body in his hand indifferently. The pitch-black Poke Ball thought, after retracting the Poke Ball into the Pokemon Belt, Ryuzaki Shinji secretly released the stinky mud, making him smaller and sticking to himself, and splitting into several micro-split bodies for warning.

Without the slightest sympathy, Ryuzaki Shinji, like other people in the elf monopoly area, has only indifference in his eyes, and he is completely indifferent to the tragic encounters of these elfs. Sympathy for this thing is the price for those who walk in the dark. It's so expensive that you can't afford it with your life.

The elf monopoly area is composed of tightly divided areas. These small areas are leased to various elf hunter guilds, allowing them to freely sell elf in their own way, while elf hunters They are all a group of ruthless and ruthless people, how do they know how to manage properly, directly keep the elf in the iron cages that circulate electricity, and then throw some scraps in it and it will be done, so these poached people are done. The elves were all hungry, yellow, skinny, and weak, and almost completely lost the vicious wildness of the wild elves.

"It's all rubbish, and has no value for cultivation." Ryuzaki Shinji looked at the dejected elves around him, like bereaved dogs, with deep disappointment in his eyes. The lost hope and wildness of the elves seemed to Ryuzaki Shinji in the eyes of Ryuzaki Shinji. It’s all just trash, and it has no value at all. I had some expectations for this elf monopoly area to see if I could find a few elf worthy of cultivation from here, but now it seems that this is simply a I hope, the good elf is so easy to meet. Everything depends on chance and luck. He is able to conquer black stinky mud and Yongjila one after another that suits his appetite. It is a recent bad luck. .

All the way, there are stalls where elves are locked in iron cages at will, but the business is quite good. Some people buy dozens of ordinary elves in one go, and some people spend a lot of money to buy some precious ones. Elf, generally such people are basically purchased from the big family, to supplement the lower-level personnel and cultivate the children who have the talent of trainers in the family. These elves who have lost their wildness are given to them as labor or initial elves. It's good, after all, it's very easy to make these little elves who have suffered from hunger and despair obediently pay a little price.

Finally, Shinji Ryuzaki found a booth that interested him in the center of the pixie-only area.

Unlike other dirty stalls, this one is very clean and has a rather ornate and simple building. This stall does not sell wild elf but elf eggs.

This refreshing booth is divided into a total of 18 elf egg sales areas, corresponding to 18 kinds of elf attributes.

The popularity of the booth is very hot, and people are asking for prices in every attribute exclusive area, and the area with the dragon attribute is the most crowded.

Ryuzaki Shinji was also the first to come to the area where dragon-type elf eggs are sold. The upper limit of racial value is high, the aptitude is good, the strength is strong, and it is difficult to cultivate. These signs are all set for the dragon-type elf. In the era when they were born, dragon-type elves were a sign of invincibility, and even some powerful dragon-type elves were generally not their opponents.

Although full of expectations, Ryuzaki Shinji was unsurprisingly disappointed. In the area where dragon-type elf eggs are, there are only some of the most common dragon-type elf eggs, such as those that eventually evolved into dragon-type elf eggs. There are very few kinds of pseudo-dragon elf eggs, such as the big-jawed ant, the black horse, the lalazao, and the red-faced dragon called the shame of the dragon family. As for the elf eggs of the quasi-shenlong elf in various regions, there is no shadow, but Even so, there are still many people who are willing to spend a lot of money to buy these elf eggs that can eventually evolve and have dragon attributes.

Thinking of the power of dragon-type elves, Ryuzaki Shinji couldn't help but want to buy such an egg. Dragon-type elves are very arrogant by nature. If they don't get their approval, they will not obey the trainer's orders even if they die. , but the elf egg is different. Although it may lose some of the wildness of the dragon-type elf, the trainers born with him can easily gain their trust, and the bond between them is stronger than that of acquiring the elf through subjugation. on more than one grade.

However, Ryuzaki Shinji is still Ryuzaki Shinji. Now Ryuzaki Shinji, who is in a sensible state, only has interests in mind. After weighing it again and again, he chose to give up this idea. It is not worth it. This is the reason. It is very slow. Even if the trainer can make this growth process infinitely shortened, it still takes a long time, and the energy and money spent in it are simply astronomical. That said, the deal isn't worth it at all.

After taking the interest brought by the elf egg out of his mind, Ryuzaki Shinji continued to search for the location of the Rockets' teleportation device.

However, as he passed the vicious elf egg selling area, a miraculous thing happened, which quickly caught Ryuzaki Shinji's attention.

To be continued ................................