MTL - Pokemon Dark Giant-v3 Chapter 64 : the helplessness of the weak

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After more than 30 minutes of conversation, this transaction between Ryuzaki Shinji and Orina was also announced to be over.

"The information provided by Miss Orina really helped us a lot. This transaction is a big advantage for my shadow team. If the Elf Orina does not dislike it, if the Desert Rose needs help in the future, you can come. Find my help from the Shadow Team, and you only need to share a piece of the pie for us afterwards." Looking at the beautiful iceberg who was leaving in front, Ryuzaki Shinji also stood up and said to her in a serious tone.

Through the map provided by Orina this time and the information described verbally, Ryuzaki Shinji has a general understanding of the Death Basin, and does not need to explore with dark eyes at the beginning, thus saving the whole team a lot of money time.

At least 80% of what Ryuzaki Shinji said just now is sincere. After all, the other party is a very trustworthy person. Regarding Orina's answering attitude just now, Ryuzaki Shinji I am quite impressed.

Unfortunately, Orina didn't seem to want to have any interaction with Ryuzaki Shinji anymore. Without looking back or speaking, she quickly disappeared in front of the Shadow Team and others with a group of desert roses, disappearing into the darkness and disappearing. .

"Hmph, what a disgusting woman, she discriminates against men." Pierce, who was standing behind Ryuzaki Shinji, saw Orina indifferently ignore Ryuzaki Shinji's words, his tone was sullen. said coldly.

"That's right, isn't it because she's more beautiful, is more powerful, and her arrogant face really makes people angry." At this time, Aiya, who was originally at odds with Pierce, nodded in agreement. His face was also quite ugly.

"Well, Ryuzaki-sama, you should stop helping her in the future. This person is really annoying." Christina said angrily, pursing her lips.

The other members of the Shadow Team did not speak, but judging from their faces and eyes, they all felt very disgusted with Orina, the leader of the Desert Rose.

In this conversation, except for Ryusaki Shinji, Orina didn't look at the rest of the Shadow Team members from the beginning to the end.

Even if I occasionally look out of the corner of my eye, it is with contempt and disgust. It is a arrogant gesture of ignoring them and waiting for them as the background of the air, just like a normal person doesn't care about the ants at his feet. .

"Okay, if you don't want to be despised by others, then think of a way to become stronger. There is no need to waste time because of anger. Rest well tonight, and tomorrow morning we will enter the death basin." Affected by Orina's arrogant attitude, Ryuzaki Shinji also took the opportunity to stimulate them with words to boost their morale before departure.

"Yes, Ryuzaki-sama." Christina, Yan Kai and the others heard the words, and they were immediately shocked and said in unison.


When Ryuzaki Shinji and the others started to clean up for dinner and assigned shift patrols at night, on the other side, on a sandy ground less than one kilometer from the camp where the Shadow Team was located, two men and a woman were surrounding the fire. There was a heated debate.

And among the three people who are arguing, two of the men are Ryusaki Shinji's recent companions, Oba and Electromagnetic, and which of the remaining women is a mature woman about 27 years old.

At this time, this mature woman dressed in cool clothes was standing up with her long straight legs and her hands on her waist. The standard melon seed pretty face was covered with rain, and she looked down at Daye and Electromagnetic with a bad expression. Like a big sister teaching two disobedient younger brothers.

"I said that the two of you are dead brains, you have such a big thick leg and don't hug, you have to choose to risk your own life and go it alone. As the saying goes, it is good to enjoy the shade under the big tree. Thick legs, the risk factor of our next adventure will be reduced by at least half, hurry up and take me to strengthen that adult." The mature woman pointed at the two helpless teenagers in front of her with her tanned little fingers. said.

This mature woman with cool clothes is named Angela, from Fangyuan, she was originally a female trainer specializing in grass.

But since coming to this desert for five or six years, she has now transformed into a female trainer specializing in the ground system.

He holds a three-headed elf at the pinnacle level of the quasi-celestial king.

She is also one of the founders of the Liberty Alliance.

"It's all said and done, that man is not as simple and easy to use as you think, he is an extremely cruel person, friendship is a joke in front of him, not even a piece of toilet paper, and now we are in In front of him is a little bug that can be pinched to death at any time, if he goes over with the intention of taking advantage and doesn't work hard, he will definitely kill him, and I don't want to rely on others. The first time passed the eldest sister of the two of them, and the indifferent Electromagnetic also answered helplessly, and then turned her head away and did not look at Angela.

"Electromagnetic is right at all, and on the way here, he didn't owe us to recognize it. On the contrary, we were rescued by him several times and owed him a lot of kindness. If this time passes. Holding my thighs, I can't hold my face, and I don't want to rely on others, if you want to go, Sister Angela will go by herself, I won't go anyway." As soon as Electromagnetic finished speaking, Daye also took the words and said with a serious face. , the same and then don't look over your shoulder and don't look at Angela.

It's a pity that the answers of the two teenagers only got two heavy fists.

"Bang~, Bang~" Two voices appeared, Angela's fist fell on the heads of Daye and Electromagnetic at the same time.

"Two ignorant guys, have you forgotten who rescued you from the poisonous hands of the Desert Fang in the first place? Did you forget who rescued you from the king-level hippopotamus a week ago? Forgot who it was Did you two idiots be removed from the ruins yesterday? I will push you to do something." Angela squeezed Daye and Electromagnetic's face and said angrily.

In the end, Angela couldn't get enough of the two stubborn teenagers, so she gave up the idea of ​​forcing the two teenagers to introduce her to Ryuzaki Shinji angrily.

"Hey, don't eat tonight's dinner. We will part ways tomorrow. The death basin is too dangerous. I advise you to quit with interest. Without the protection of the king-level powerhouse, relying on your strength to enter is courting death, anyway. I already have a piece of the token, and I don't have to venture into it again." Angela took the barbecue away from the fire, and said angrily after walking.

Hearing Angela's withdrawal from this adventure, the faces of Daye and Electromagnetic suddenly turned ugly.

Now both of them have the strength of trainers at the peak of the quasi-kings, but how can they be the opponents of other organizations and veteran Although they were lucky at the beginning from the tooth of the desert The search team obtained a precious ancient person token in the hands of the search team, but during the following period, even the shadow of the ancient person token was not found.

The reason why I entered the Death Basin for adventure this time was because I heard that there were a large number of ancient people tokens in it, but who knew it would be so dangerous and unpredictable.

Just yesterday, the three of them went in during the daytime when the risk factor was the weakest, but as a result, they didn't even see the shadow of the White Bone Pagoda, and were driven out by the harsh environment and powerful elves inside.

Now, Angela, who is the strongest in the team, chose to quit. Relying on the strength of the two of them to enter, it would undoubtedly be a death sentence.

"Hey~~" At this point, they both looked at each other involuntarily, and then sighed deeply.

To be continued...


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