MTL - Poor Family-v2 Chapter 965 The War of Destroying the Nation (19)

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  Chapter 965 The Battle of Destroying the Nation (19)

To the north of Xingqing Mansion, a hundred-man Song army cavalry is galloping on a low hill. This is a battalion of cavalry. The cavalry of the Jingzhao Army is smaller than the infantry. For the first battalion, the chief officer is called the Ministry General, which is the original capital.

  In order to prevent the Xixia nobles from transferring their wealth, Li Yanqing dispatched 10,000 scout cavalry into 100 squadrons to patrol the north of Xingqing Mansion. In addition, a large number of ships were also sent to intercept the Yellow River.

  More than a hundred cavalry rushed to a small hill and paused. At the foot of the hill was an endless forest. At this moment, a soldier suddenly pointed into the forest and shouted: "General Wang, there are strange colors over there!"

  Ministry General Wang Qiu looked carefully at it immediately. After a while, several soldiers also shouted, "There is movement in the woods!"

  Wang Qiu also saw that there was a figure of a horseman inside, and he immediately ordered: "Go down and have a look!"

   Hundreds of cavalry rushed down the hillside and rushed into the woods. After a while, they rushed into the woods, but as soon as they entered the woods, 'Woo! ’ A cold arrow came and almost hit Wang Qiu. It passed by his ear and was nailed to a big tree.

  Wang Qiu was taken aback, and immediately shouted: "The opponent has guards, use a shield!"

The soldiers took off their shields one after another. At this time, several more arrows were shot. One soldier's horse was hit by an arrow. The horse hissed miserably and fell to the ground, pressing the soldier under him. The pinned down soldiers were dragged out.

   "Damn it, fight back!"

  The soldiers couldn't find the target, so they raised their crossbows and shot in the direction of the arrows. A flurry of arrows shot past, only to see a few black shadows rushing out from behind the big tree and heading south.

  The soldiers were about to gallop after them, but Wang Qiu waved his hand and said to one of the guards: "Old Xie, you take twenty brothers to chase after you. The **** is trying to lure us away. I won't be fooled!"

   These people actually ran south, how could the other party go south?

The Xie **** team led 20 cavalrymen yelling and chased after the black shadows, but Wang Qiu led the rest of the soldiers around the road from the outside and came to the front of the opponent. Ambush at the end.

Not long after, a caravan of camels arrived from the south, about a hundred camels, loaded with boxes and sacks, an old man from the Dangxiang tribe led the way on horseback, besides the camel driver, there were about thirty guards with knives. He kept looking south, with a nervous expression on his face.

  When the camel team walked twenty steps away, Wang Qiu pulled out a crossbow bolt and put it into the marching crossbow. When he was on the string, he raised the crossbow and aimed it at the old man in the head. ’ shot out, the arrow was fast and hard, it hit the left shoulder of the old man Dangxiang, the old man Dangxiang screamed, turned over and fell off his horse.

  The cavalry came out together, shouting and killing the thirty guards. The thirty guards resisted desperately, but wherever the cavalry's opponents were, they killed them all in just a moment, leaving no one behind.

The hunchbacks were so frightened that they squatted on the ground with their heads in their arms, trembling all over. Wang Qiu pulled out his saber and jumped off his horse to come to the old man in front of Dangxiang. !"

   "Tell me the truth, I won't kill you, and I will bandage your arrow wounds, but if you dare to lie, they will be your end!" Wang Qiu pointed at the corpses all over the ground, and said viciously.

"I can not!"

   "Then tell me, who are you and what are you transporting?"

   "The villain is the second butler of the Minister of War, Yinggui, and sent a batch of gold and silver to Datong Mansion!"

   "Hmph! I'd rather give gold soldiers than leave gold and silver for my life. It's really **** good. How many batches did he send in total? Which batch are you in? Is there any team that transported wealth?"

   "I don't know how many batches there are, but we must be the first batch in the British government. There seems to be a team delivering supplies behind us, about ten miles away from us."

  Wang Qiu immediately said to his opponent: "Bandup the arrow wound for him, and take him back to the intelligence battalion for torture."

  He quickly walked to the side of the camel, raised his knife and slashed at a big sack, and the sack was instantly split open, ‘Dang! With a sound, dozens of large silver ingots rolled out from the inside, and each silver ingot weighed at least fifty taels. This sack was at least two thousand taels of silver. The weight on the camel lost its balance, and two boxes rolled from the other side. It fell to the ground, and the lid of a box was opened, revealing dozens of ingots of yellow gold inside.

  Wang Qiu probably understood that the sacks contained silver and the boxes contained gold. No wonder there were more sacks and fewer boxes.

   With a huge harvest, Wang Qiu ordered his men to put away the gold and silver and let the soldiers guard it. He led the rest of the soldiers to kill to the south, and he wanted to intercept another team.

  Five days later, 120,000 soldiers of the Song Dynasty came to the capital of Xingqing, the capital of Xixia.

At this time, the Xingqing Mansion was almost exhausted. The chief of the Tuoba tribe led 20,000 cavalry to the Xingqing Mansion, and the Tuoba tribe could not come up with more troops. The 20,000 men were brought back by his son Tuobawei. .

  They rushed to Xingqing Mansion in time and invested in the defense of the city. The 10,000 iron kite army who had planned to go to He Nanshan also changed their plan because the coalition forces were wiped out and continued to stay in the city.

In addition, Li Qianshun ordered soldiers to be recruited from among the 200,000 party civilians in the city, and 50,000 were recruited, but the armor in the city was only enough to arm 20,000 people. Xixia was seriously short of pig iron, and no new weapons had been made for two years. A little bit of Bingjia was also given to the Dangxiang coalition forces.

  The current 20,000 deputy soldiers are still collected from the houses in the city. In this way, there are barely 50,000 soldiers in the city, and 30,000 civilian husbands as war support.

  Among the 50,000 troops, 20,000 recruits are party peasants, unlike herdsmen who can ride horses to fight, they can only farm land, basically have no combat effectiveness, and can be ignored.

  The other 20,000 people, the Song Army fought against them, their combat effectiveness was average, and they were defeated by the Song Army.

  The iron kite army is more famous, the dragon sees the head but does not see the end. There are only 3,000 real iron kites here, and the remaining 7,000 people are the more skilled Poxi army.

  In the morning, a party team came to the gate of Nancheng. Among them were Xiangguo Cao Zhi and Minister of War Yinggui. They were ordered to go to the Song Army to negotiate to see if they could resolve the Xixia crisis of annihilation through peace talks.

  The gate of the city opened slowly, and dozens of Xixia cavalry escorted the two important ministers to the Song Army camp ten miles away.

At this moment, Li Yanqing has no plans to rush to attack Xingzhou City. He is still waiting patiently. Xingqing Mansion is like a piece of bait. If the ministers of Xixia in the city gradually lose confidence, and the trees fall and the monkeys scatter, then the time is really ripe to attack Xingqing Mansion.

  Of course, the imperial court also needs to give face, and it may not be a bad thing for the imperial court to participate in the last step.

The camp of the Song Army was stationed ten miles south of Xingqing Mansion, and Li Yanqing had sent the news of the attack on Xingqing Mansion to Lin'an by means of flying eagles. This was a relay message, and the first stop was Chang'an City , and then change the pigeon letter and send it to Chengdu, the third stop is Jiangling, the fourth stop is Jiangzhou, and the last stop is Lin'an Mansion. It will take at least five or six days on the road.

  If someone is sent to deliver the letter, it will take at least a month, and the journey is too long.

In the barracks, Li Yanqing was inspecting all kinds of wealth seized by patrolling soldiers in a large tent. These were high-ranking noble officials of Xingqing Mansion who were about to transfer the wealth away, but were intercepted by the patrolling guards of the Song Army. Like a hill.

Yan Qing, who was in charge of this operation, introduced to Li Yanqing: "The brothers captured a total of thirty-two groups, far exceeding our expectations. There were only eight groups by land and water, and all the others were transported by land by camel. There are many kinds of gold and silver jewelry, silk and satin, and many gold and silver utensils and precious carpets from the far west, which can be said to be jaw-dropping."

   "Where did they transfer their wealth?" Li Yanqing asked again.

"Most of them were transferred to Datong Prefecture, but a few were transferred to the Hetao area. There is the Heishan Weifu Military Division in Xixia, with thousands of troops stationed there. There is also a city called Haicheng. It is estimated that they want to use Haicheng as their base. new foundations."

   "That's their wishful thinking, but I'm a little surprised, why the Xixia nobles believe that the Jin Dynasty will confess them like offering to their ancestors, and will honestly protect their property for them? Qiu has committed no crime!"

   "I can answer this question!"

  There was a hearty laugh from behind, Li Yanqing turned around, and saw Liu Wei, the Jinglue of Xihe Road, walked in quickly, Li Yanqing was pleasantly surprised, "When did Liu Jinglue come?"

   "I just arrived, and I am here to report the situation to Marshal Du."

   "Liu Jinglue is too polite, let's sit in the big tent of the Chinese army!"

  (end of this chapter)