MTL - Poor Family-v2 Chapter 964 The War of Destroying the Nation (18)

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  Chapter 964 The Battle to Destroy the Nation (18)

  At one watch, Li Zhizong was already sound asleep, but a violent push woke him up from his deep sleep, "What's the matter?" He asked vaguely.

   "Du Shuai, the big thing is not good. The Xifeng Department, the Nori Department and the Miqi Department have already withdrawn from the army."

  Li Zhizong hadn't fully woken up yet, he was like a short-circuited brain, and he didn't respond for a long time.

  The soldiers said anxiously again: "Xifeng Army, Yeli Army and Mi Qin Army have left the camp and withdrew westward!"


  Li Zhizong finally came to his senses, he yelled, jumped up from the head of the bed, and shouted, "When did this happen?"

   "Just now, the barracks is in chaos now!"

  At this time, there was a sudden shout from outside, and a soldier rushed in to report: "The leaders of the tribal army are outside, and they want to see Dushuai!"

  Li Zhizong was in a panic and anxious. He ran out before he even had time to put on his shoes, and saw several other tribal leaders gathered outside the big tent angrily.

   "Du Shuai, what's going on? Why did the Xifeng army retreat? Is the court lying to us? There is no one to save our tribe."

Li Zhizong groaned secretly, he had to hold on to these leaders. The Xifeng Department led the Yeli Department and the Miqi Department to retreat, and 50,000 people left at once, and the remaining 50,000 people could not disperse anymore. Deceive these too.

  He shouted quickly: "Everyone please listen to me, things are not what you think, please be quiet!"

Everyone gradually quieted down, and Li Zhizong said loudly: "The iron kite went to Helan Mountain to deal with the Song army, but the capital cannot be without defenders, so before the Tuoba army came to the capital, let the Xifeng army, Yeli army and Mi Qin army go first. Going to the capital to garrison, they have been transferred back to Xingqing Mansion."

   There is some truth to this reason, and a leader asked: "Then why didn't you say it this afternoon?"

   "It was only tonight that the emperor's secret decree was received, but the three of them went north first, because they were afraid of revealing the news and alarming the Song army, so they went north secretly and did not tell everyone."

   "But our 50,000 people are not the opponent of the Song army. The fine seal department is gone, what should we do?"

  Everyone has almost believed Li Zhizong's words, and Xifeng Bieye also left without leaving a word, everyone was at a loss.

  Li Zhizong hit the railway again while it was hot: "Everyone go back and pack up the tents first. After dawn, we will retreat to Jingzhou and rely on Jingzhou to defend the city."

  Everyone went back one after another, the camp gradually quieted down, and the sleepy soldiers fell asleep again, only some senior generals were left feeling uneasy and unable to fall asleep.

Time gradually approached the fourth watch, and a Song army cavalry of more than 10,000 men began to approach the Xixia camp quickly. They came very quickly, and almost at the same time as the Xixia army's outer alarm was issued, the Song army cavalry had already arrived. , Overwhelming rockets shot at the Xixia army camp, and thunder throwers kept throwing thunder into the Xixia army camp.

The fire was raging and spread rapidly, and there were explosions everywhere. The soldiers of the Xixia Army who had been alarmed ran away in all directions. Groups of frightened horses rushed out, and another Song army of more than 20,000 soldiers came from the north. Their arrows Ru Yu mercilessly shot and killed the Xixia soldiers who had just escaped from the camp.

Li Zhizong's camp was also attacked by rockets. His camp was surrounded by spears. Although this defense effectively blocked the enemy's entry, it also prevented the Xixia soldiers from escaping. The camp was already on fire. , The fire was so fierce that the soldiers had no time to escape the spread of the fire when they dismantled their tents, so they had to abandon their tents and flee outside the camp.

  But the dense spears hindered the soldiers from escaping. Many soldiers fell on the spears and were pierced by the spears.

  The only way out was extremely congested. Thousands of soldiers fled out after panicking. Many soldiers were pushed down and trampled. They cried helplessly and were eventually suffocated or trampled to death.

  At this moment, a burst of dense arrows shot towards them, and the soldiers screamed and fell down. Opposite them, a group of 3,000 Song Army infantry appeared. They shot with bows and arrows, which also had a powerful killing effect.

   Li Zhizong escaped from the camp with ten relatives, but he encountered a group of one hundred Song Army cavalry.

  The general of the cavalry department found that Li Zhizong was still wearing a golden helmet on his head. He was overjoyed and turned around and shouted: "Brothers, a big deal is coming!"

They roared and rushed forward, and stabbed Li Zhizong's soldiers with long spears. Li Zhizong turned and fled, but after running less than a dozen steps, he felt a chill in his back, and a spear tip appeared on his chest, Li Zhizong yelled , fell to the ground, realized that it hadn't disappeared, only felt a sharp pain in the neck, and then didn't know anything.

  The first general held Li Zhizong's head high, ran and shouted: "The enemy's main general is dead! The enemy's main general is dead!"

  At this time, the 10,000 Song cavalry on the outskirts continued to encircle and suppress the fleeing Xixia soldiers, and the Xixia camp had been completely engulfed by the fire.

  Jingzhou is about 70 miles away from the Yellow River. Just after dawn, the 50,000 Dangxiang cavalry led by the Xifeng Army finally rushed to the Yellow River.

Since the imperial court did not have the sincerity to rescue their fathers, wives, and children who were massacred by the Song army, they could only rely on themselves. Today, when the conflicts between the party and various ethnic groups and the imperial court are increasingly intensified, they cannot be expected to give up their own tribal interests for the benefit of Xixia, let alone To rescue his parents, wife and children.

  The 50,000 troops galloped westward quickly, and their efforts were not in vain after a night of running wildly. They rushed to the bank of the Yellow River.

Crossing the Yellow River is already commonplace for the Xixia army. They have already solved this problem on the march. Each Xixia army soldier carries thirty sheepskin airbags, which are usually deflated and folded into a leather bag and placed behind the saddle. When it needs to be used, inflate it immediately, and these airbags will form a small sheepskin raft, which can just pass a person and a horse.

The Yellow River near Xingqing Mansion is wide and the water flow is very gentle. It is relatively easy to cross the river. As long as a person sits on the sheepskin raft and does not move, the river will naturally send him to the other side after half an hour. Therefore, every household has its own sheepskin raft. It is equivalent to a necessary means of transportation.

   Not long after, the surface of the water was covered with soldiers crossing the river densely, and nearly half of the soldiers had already entered the water to cross the river. Half an hour later, some soldiers of the Xixia Army began to go ashore.

At this moment, a large number of warships suddenly appeared on the river, there were hundreds of them, the water army of Jingzhao Army finally came, the leader was a thousand-stone warship, Zhang Shun stood at the bow, holding a With a big gun, he pointed to the countless leather rafts in the Yellow River not far away and ordered: "Knock them over, shoot the enemy for me!"

In just a moment, the Qianshi warship rushed into the enemy's rafts first, and the powerful inertia overturned more than 20 rafts in a row. The horses and soldiers on the rafts fell into the water one after another, and then the soldiers on the boat began to shoot arrows. Shoot the overboard soldiers.

As more and more warships rushed into the rafts, a terrifying scene appeared on the water of the Yellow River, just like a pack of wolves broke into the sheepfold. The warships of the Song Army hit the rafts without any scruples. The ability is very poor, a slight collision will cause people and horses to fall into the water, and the soldiers of the Song Army on the boat will either shoot or stab them with spears, killing the soldiers who fell into the water one by one.

   This is a typical half-crossing attack strategy. The Song army has already laid a net, and when the Xixia army is halfway across the river, they will launch an attack. This will allow the Song army to annihilate the enemy at the lowest cost.

  At this time, the sound of war drums on both sides of the bank was rumbling at the same time, and 20,000 Song Army cavalrymen came out on each side of the east and west banks, and rushed to the Xixia soldiers who were about to cross the river and had just arrived on the river bank.

  The Xixia soldiers were in chaos, and Xifengbie had already crossed the Yellow River, and there were only more than 10,000 soldiers crossing the Yellow River. He shouted anxiously: "Get on your horse and fight immediately!"

   Before the soldiers were ready, 20,000 Song Army cavalrymen led by Cao Meng overwhelmingly charged, and the Xixia cavalry rushed to fight, and were thrown into chaos in an instant.

The cavalry on the east bank lost their command. In panic, what they thought of was not to fight, but to ride away on horseback. More than 20,000 soldiers on the east bank galloped on horseback. After more than ten miles, more than half of the enemy troops were killed, and the cavalry of the Song Army stopped chasing and turned back.

  At this time, more than 10,000 cavalry on the west bank had been routed, and the cavalry of the Song Army were also chasing and killing the fleeing enemy troops.

  In this half-cross interception battle, 40,000 Song cavalrymen wiped out nearly 40,000 enemy troops in one fell swoop. Although nearly 10,000 enemy soldiers still escaped, it could not change the outcome of the complete defeat of more than 100,000 Dangxiang coalition forces.

  (end of this chapter)