MTL - Portable Space: The Group Favorite Milk Bag Brings the Whole Family To Open and Hang-Chapter 779 Absolutely true

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  Chapter 779 The treasure is absolutely true

  Shi Minglei quickly agreed, and the three of them withdrew.

  Then Yuan Shenjue sent an order in the name of Xinbao, rewarding them two hundred taels of silver and some medicinal cloth.

Of course, the treatment of birds and beasts cannot be said to be useless, but now, resources are limited, and there are not enough medicines to treat people, so there is no need to publicize too much, just let them show their faces on this matter, and rectify their names, and lead them Going back to Beijing is for the Ministry of Medicine.

   It is worth mentioning that as soon as they left, the news spread, and then the head of the academy was dismissed.

They also checked, the mountain chief was talented, but he was arrogant, merciless, and vengeful, he offended many scholars, otherwise, he wouldn't be in such a situation where there was an obvious enmity between the two sides. Shi Minglei, who is on the disadvantaged side, still has so many friends.

  So it can be regarded as evil comes with evil.

  Yuan Shenjue finished handling the matter for Xinbao, and they left, Xinbao was still reading the medical book.

  Yuan Shenjue looked at her from the side, as if he had something to say, but Xinbao was quite serious when he read the medical books. He looked at her for a long time, but Xinbao didn't pay attention at all.

   Then Yuan Shenjue said: "Xinbao, I have something to tell you."

   "Oh!" Tuanzi raised his head, waiting to listen, Lin Niangzi and Hao Huashi also raised their heads, rubbing their heads secretly, waiting to listen.

  Yuan Shen Jue raised his eyes and said, "Let's go out and talk."

   Before Mrs. Lin had time to speak, he picked up the dumpling and ran away as if flying.

After running to the garden, he put Xinbao down and said with a smile: "Xinbao, have you seen that this person writes articles under the name of Layman Leiluo, his name is Zhao Minglei, and his fiancée's name is Li Luoer. Lei Luo, they should have put their names together."

  Tuanzi understood in seconds, and his big eyes gleamed: "Honey, then we have to put it together! We can't lose!"

  Yuan Shen Jue smiled and said: "It is possible."

  He was thinking last night, bamboo chopsticks, Qingtuanzi, in fact, green bamboo is quite good, bamboo green can also be used, everything is simple, others don’t know, but people know it...

As a result, Tuanzi said with a small mouth: "Then call it Baojue! You can tell that Xinbao and his wife are both amazing! Special treasure is also very unique! And the homophone is also amazing! Satisfied! They are so full! As soon as I heard it, I was very full and very delicious! It was extremely good!"

  Yuan Shen Jue: "..."

  He opened his mouth and closed it again, looking at Xiaotuanzi silently.

   Tuanzi looked at him blankly.

   Then she thought for a while: "Does my wife want to be called Juebao? Juebao doesn't sound very nice..."

  Yuan Shenjue still looked at her, and Xinbao nodded aggrievedly: "Well, whether it sounds good or not, the most important thing is that the wife is happy."

  Yuan Shen Jue let out a laugh: "No, Bao Jue sounds good, it tastes good and sounds good, so it should be called Bao Jue."

  Xinbao asked him: "Then do you also write a script?"

  Yuan Shen Jue was stunned for a moment: "The storybook..."

  He coughed twice: "I don't know how to write a storybook. I originally thought that I would use this name when I write articles in the future."

  Xinbao is very talkative: "It's okay to write articles, draw pictures, and be lazy. Anyway, Xinbao and his wife are destined to be famous in history, so there is no need to work so hard."

  Yuan Shen Jue: "..."

  She was right.

   Xinbao will definitely leave a name in history, so he can also leave a name with Qing History... If you want to say that, he really needs to draw more pictures of her so that it can be passed down to future generations.

  The two of them were talking, when Hao Hua came over with a smile: "Master, Madam said that there are some guests to be entertained at noon, and I asked you what clothes you want to wear."

   "Oh!" Xinbao suddenly remembered: "Xinbao will sprinkle water first, and then pick out clothes. The empress said, if you don't like this kind of occasion, you don't have to stay longer. When others see the ceremony, you can come out to play."

  Hao Huashi walked over slowly, then suddenly accelerated, and was about to pick up the little master and go to the bird forest to sprinkle water.

  But Yuan Shenjue was one step faster than him, and picked up Xinbao. Hao Hua rushed too fast, and was unable to stop for a while, and almost ran into them. He stopped urgently, and stood on the railing.

  Xiao Tuanzi was taken aback by being picked up just now: "Was it time?"

   "It's okay, it's okay," Hao Huashi's calf hit the railing, jumping in pain, "I just saw a butterfly and wanted to catch it, but I accidentally deceived myself."

  Xinbao stretched out his hand and touched his head: " doesn't hurt anymore."

  She also looked over there.

  Jiangnan gardens, with beautiful scenery, a small lake in front, and the nine-curved corridor is filled with water vapor, and the fairy air is floating.

  Xinbao couldn't help taking a few more glances: "Has that hat been delivered yet?"

   "Huh?" Hao Huashi said: "It seems that it was delivered last night. I just heard a sentence, Master wants?"

   "No more," Xinbao shook his little head regretfully: "It's a pity that Master Zheng was not brought, Xinbao originally wanted to draw pictures with his wife."

   "It's okay." Hao Huashi smiled and said, "I'll quietly find one for Master."

  He turned and left.

  Xinbao went to the bird forest to water the vines, and then went back to choose clothes.

  Actually, what she said didn't count, she just sat there and let Mrs. Lin compare it a few times, and then she was sure and put it on.

   It will be busy in the next few days. Today's banquet, even if it is a low-key practice for His Highness the Crown Prince by Jiangnan officials, so the little princess just go over and ask others to give a gift.

  Whether they are officials or family members, of course they want to see the little princess more, to see if they can give them some benefits through their fingers.

  But Mrs. Lin didn't intend to let them get what they wanted. Xinbao didn't like this kind of occasion, and she was also young, so it wouldn't be rude if she didn't come out.

  When Hao Hua went out there, he wanted to find Liang Ruoxu, but he caught a glimpse of Wang Xingzhi.

  For such a small matter, it is better to find Liang Ruoxu directly than to find the local snake. Hao Huashi went directly to say hello: "Master Wang."

  When Wang Xingzhi saw it was him, he quickly returned the salute with a smile: "Master Hao."

  Hao Huashi smiled and said, "I have something to trouble Mr. Wang..."

  He leaned over and said, Wang Xingzhi agreed, and within a quarter of an hour, he called two painters over.

  Over there, the Jin Zunyugui, dressed as Xinbao, went to receive the ceremony for a while.

  In this kind of occasion, there is a difference between superiority and inferiority, and there will be no old ladies and noble ladies holding hands and praising the handsome boy, so the process was soon over, and Xinbao came out, leaving Mrs. Lin to socialize with these people.

   Then Xinbao and his wife came back holding hands.

  The curtain hats were delivered overnight, and the shopkeepers would flatter them. In addition to the pre-ordered opera cats, there were also large and small opera butterflies.

  Xinbao thought the cat was so cute yesterday, but today when she saw Die in the play, she moved her love on the spot.

The main reason is that Xidie’s cap skirt is lighter and more elegant, and Die’er is also bigger. When you wear it and walk, it feels like Die’er is flying around, especially when walking between the corridors on the water, it is a real fairy. .

  Xinbao watched his wife walk twice, his eyes lit up with excitement, and immediately changed into a palace skirt with a long hem, ready to go for a walk with his wife.

  Two painters, one behind the other, have set up the table and are waiting to paint.

  Xinbao was full of confidence, imitating his wife's demeanor just now, swinging his little arms and walking forward.

Yuan Shenjue was used to naturally lowering his head to take care of her, but as a result, Tuanzi kept winking at him while trying to keep his face expressionless... Finally, he couldn't help it, and said directly: "Don't look at Xinbao, look at Xinbao. What is Xinbao doing, watch the way!"

  Yuan Shen Jue: "..."

  (end of this chapter)