MTL - Porter of Two Worlds-Chapter 16 Unreliable dad

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白 While Bai Yang is observing the life habits of the people here, his every move is also being observed by others.

In a tree house, near the window, the old man with a white beard and the old man in a green robe sat facing each other, a jar of wine and a bowl of unknown beans, watching the poplar while drinking.

"Where did this young man come from?"

The old Tochigi frowned slightly, and asked Aspen who looked down and stopped to observe anything.

"I asked, Huzi they happened to meet in the jungle, the origin is unknown, but looking at him, there is no attempt at us," said the old man with a white beard.

"Why is he so sure that he will not try to us?"

"Haha, Mr. Mu, you think too much. What do you think he can take care of our mountain people? Just say the kind of sugar he gave us. Even in the city, there are not a lot of big people who can afford it. Its value is enough to exchange for our entire village, what can you say he can try for us? "

The old wooden man was speechless, the kind of crystal candy, crystal clear, they are unheard of, never seen before, can not imagine who can enjoy such a delicious, and the other party shot a lot, such a generous handwriting, they also here There is really nothing worthy of being ridiculed.

However, the old man, the old man, the old man, and the old man always suspected that the poplar appeared strange.

"Oh, you just think too much. I have my own scale. According to my observations, this later life is estimated to be the junior of a large family in a distant place. We came away from home and ran away. There is only good and no harm to us." .

"I hope so ..."

The old Tochigi was tangled and could not argue.

I know nothing about being observed by the poplar, or he is being observed all the time, and the villagers here are curious to see wherever he goes.

Even if he knows, it doesn't matter. He didn't do anything unseen, and he was afraid you would observe?

After walking around the village for a few hours, he quietly passed. He has an intuitive understanding of the people's life here. Although he has not been exposed to the outside world of this world, according to his own analysis, he understands this. The village evaluation is only four words:

Poverty and backwardness!

Food is basically only roasted meat and fruit, or it is risky to get it in the jungle. This is not what poverty is. You do n’t even need chopsticks to eat. Even the seasoning for food is only salt. Is this not backward and what is it?

After a lap, the sense of freshness passed, returned to the room, and told the girl who could not leave behind him to rest by hand, and closed the door after sending the other person away.

Yan Baiyang was pretty sure that the people here didn't have anything like a surveillance camera, and flashed back to the earth in the room.

Within a minute after I returned, his cell phone kept beeping. When he saw that his dad actually made more than ten calls, he also had an unknown phone call and a text message.

I thought that something had happened. Aspen immediately called his father's phone. Here it was around eight in the morning.

"Hey, dad, what's the matter with me?"

"What the **** are you doing, you will play and disappear for the first day when you move out?"

After listening to my dad still having the energy to complain about his poplar, he was relieved and calmly said, "Is n’t I texting you yesterday, I went to work on the first day, went out to eat with colleagues, drank some wine, and fell asleep when I came back, yes What's the matter with me, dad? "

Bai Jianjun complained again, then changed his tone with a little embarrassed tone, "Cough, stinky boy, what, what kind of wine do you still have?"

"What"? Aspen did not respond.

"The kind of‘ monkey wine ’you gave your mom to prepare for your test the night before, do you still have it?”

Jian Baijun raised his voice.

"What do you mean?" Aspen still didn't turn around.

Bai Jianjun organized the language and continued to say, "That's right, don't you say that the wine is the monkey wine that your classmates in the country get occasionally, I gave it as soon as I was curious ...".

"and then"?

"What, then, let me tell you directly. The wine is very good. I drank it comfortably. Everyone is younger than a teenager. Cough ... What do the children ask so much, that is, the wine was drunk by me, gone. If you want to test, you have to send it back again! "

Tong Baiyang didn't care about what he called a child after he graduated from college. He suddenly asked with a cold sweat: "Daddy, how can you drink that thing casually, is your old man okay?"

He won't forget that he drank a bowl of nasal blood and it was unconscious, and his father drank it in case there is a good 歹 he will regret it!

"What can be done, okay, you can tell me if you still have it"

"Yes, you are uncle, I still have something here, are you at home? I'll send it over here, yeah, Mom, isn't she working yet? Let her wait ...".

I heard that Poplar was relieved when my father was okay, and hung up the phone before Bai Jianjun answered.

My dad likes to drink a little wine. This problem can't be solved, and the unchecked things dare to drink poplar.

I scratched my head and wanted to find something to repack and send back, but I couldn't find the container. I went out to ride a motorcycle to the supermarket and bought a bottle of mineral water. Then I reacted and bought the washing supplies.

I went back to the villa. I couldn't drink a half bottle of mineral water. I poured it out and filled a bottle from the wine jar.

After I got home, my parents were having breakfast.

After that, I took out the turquoise bottled mineral water bottle and found the last water bottle. It really was empty. I poured it in and gave it to Zhen Guoping. "Mom, this is to help with the test. You ca n’t give it to your dad. Drink it, I don't have much there. "

"You do n’t know what kind of character your father is, it ’s not good to hear the monkey wine, the day before yesterday, you took me asleep and drunk." Zhen Guoping betrayed Bai Jianjun.

Aspen "..."

Give all the rest to the mother, Bai Yang warned: "Mom, this thing has not been tested, I don't know if it can be drunk, you have to look at it, at least you have to come out and give it to the father, And try to drink as little as possible, if I drink something good, I will cry without tears ... ".

"Stink boy, I don't know how good things can't be greedy"? Bai Jianjun didn't have a good airway beside him, but he didn't remove the mineral water bottle containing the liquor in a pair of eyes.

Zhen Zhen Guoping raised the mineral water bottle in Yang's hand at Bai Jianjun, and took away and turned away to go to work.

"唉 ...? 唉 ...! 唉 ..."

When I saw Zhen Guoping taking it away, Bai Jianjun opened his mouth and sighed. It was a complete frustration.

"Daddy, dear father, it's all for you. What you don't understand can't be eaten indiscriminately." Bai Yang looked at Bai Jianjun silently.

Bai Jianjun gave Bai Yang a glance, then his expression changed, and he frowned and said, "Shit, you honestly tell me, how much inventory do you have?"

"What do you want?" Aspen's neck narrowed. UU Reading Books

Bai Jianjun leaned on the sofa, raised his chin and said, "Say, boy, how much do you want?"

Bai Yang Yangtian sighed, this is really not a question of money, tangled: "You look at it ..."

杨 When Yang was talking, Bai Yang wondered. The situation was not right. When talking to Mao himself and his dad, he could not do without the word money? There must be something wrong ...

"Come to you next time, stinky boy, don't blame your father and me for greedy cups, that stuff is really a good thing. Drinking such a little bit of people seems to be a teenager. Last night I ... you know a fart ".

He said as Bai Jianjun slaps his head in the back of Poplar and slaps him away.

I left a look of aggressive poplar.

"What's wrong with me? You didn't say I didn't know anything, OK?"

Shaking his head and pulling out his mobile phone to open the text message, which was sent to him by the Marble Pavilion auction house. If he is interested, he can participate in their autumn auction to see his ginseng auction in person. If confirmed, someone will send him an invitation And another missed call was made by Marlboro.

Bai Yang directly returned three words without time, and then a text message came over, but his father beat him for 10,000 yuan to supply the ‘monkey wine’ from him for a long time ...

After finishing things, he returned to the rented villa, and then he returned to the village ‘that’.

If you want to learn a brand new language from the beginning, and without the teacher's correct instruction, the best way is to live in such a language atmosphere. Bai Yang feels that most of the next time I will probably be in this village. Here ...

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