MTL - President Daddy Super Awesome-Chapter 1940 Generously admit love

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At the dinner table, the face of Zhan Sijin has always been red like shrimp. Although everyone’s eyes are full of blessing smiles, this kind of open communication is still very embarrassing! It’s as if so many eyes are watching and watching, so that she unconsciously has some psychological pressure, and it is still very big.

When the brain was blank, some people gave her a dish in her bowl. "Good meal."

This sentence made the people here all linger in the heart for a few seconds. Is this sentence slightly blaming and pampered, really what Ling Ling said?

A person who was so cold before, once he talked about love, it turned out to be a madman who loves his girlfriend! War Sijin looked at him with a pair of shy eyes. "I have a dish."

"Simply, don't be embarrassed, the whites are good, you are together, it's a good match."

Ms. Na comforted her as an elder here. She is very happy for this young man.

Because she missed the love of her youth because of her career, now she only has a career in her eyes, but she does not want the same kind of medical experience, and will follow her path in the future.

Therefore, with the same forensic Ling Sibai, she will be very happy.

"Yeah! Sijin, I said so much before, you should never put it in your heart! In my heart, I hope you are with Ling Bo."

Wood is also a bit embarrassing at this time.

It turns out that the people who Ling Lao likes are not the high-ranking ladies they think, but the battles around them! "Nothing! We are just beginning to socialize... there is no chance to tell you."

War Sijin can't blame Mumu because it is the news that they have concealed together.

"Now we know, bless you."

Xiao Su smiles.

The atmosphere on the dining table became more pleasant. Ling Sibai didn't say anything, but his smile in his eyes was telling others that he was changing.

"I have a relationship with Sijin. You know it right now. Don't pass it outside. I don't want to hear any rumors."

Ling Sibai started, and finished, named two female assistants who loved gossip. "Especially, don't say that you missed your mouth."

"Yes, Ling Boda, we must keep it secret for you."

The two girls are guaranteed immediately.

War Shinjin’s inner sweetness is rising, he is protecting her! After dinner, other people consciously drove away. Zhan Sijin was sitting in Lingsibai’s passenger seat. She was in a good mood. She was not a person who liked to hide things. Now, everyone in the office is Know, she also relaxed.

"Go to my house to cook dinner tonight, go back to buy food early in the afternoon."

Ling Sibai said to her while driving.

War Sijin thought that he could cook with him tonight, and he couldn’t help but look forward to it. "Okay! But I have to declare in advance that I really can't cook."

"You are responsible for the fight!"

"This will I will."

War Sijin immediately became happy.

Back in the office, around three o'clock, Zhan Sijin was sorting out the report, and the office door was pushed open. Bai Lu walked in with the file in his hand and went straight to Ling Sibai's office.

When Mumu saw it, he immediately looked back at the battle, and whispered comfortably. "Thinking, don't worry, Bai Lu is just talking about work."

War Sijin is a bit funny, she certainly doesn't worry, she nods. "I know."

Bai Lu is indeed talking about some work, of course, she also hopes to be closer to Ling Sibai.

"Sie Bai, sign a word!"

On the face of Bai Lu, there was a touch of injury. "I heard that you have made a girlfriend. Is this really true?"

Ling Sibai took the report and signed his name in the signature column above. He did not answer the question of Bai Lu.

Bai Lu bit his red lip, and some asked not to be willing. "Can you tell me, is this true?"

"it is true!"

Ling Sibai looked up and didn't mind admitting.

Bai Lu’s face changed slightly, and the grievances in his eyes rushed for a few minutes. “I have been chasing you for so long, and I don’t see you moving towards me. What kind of girl can attract your attention?”

Bai Lu has been loved for too long and is unwilling.

"I will introduce you to you later."

Ling Sibai did not want to say that Bai Lu’s character is very strong. If she says it, she will definitely find trouble in the fight.

Ling Shibai does not want her to be disturbed by anyone.

"Is it better than me?"

Bailu was jealous and asked, she thought she was perfect, at least it was a beauty.

"In my eyes, it looks good, not the main reason for my choice, but the feeling."

Ling Sibai looked up and seriously returned to her, "Don't waste time on me, you should look at others."

The eyes of Bai Lu immediately turned red. "Love you, how do I fall in love with others?"

Do you know how important you are to me?

I can stand here because I knew that your dream was to be a forensic doctor, so I stood by your side, I can have everything today, and because of you. ”

Ling Sibai frowned. "I never hope you do this."

"Yes, this is my own choice, but can you turn a blind eye to my pains?"

"If you can, we are friends."

Ling Sibai looked at Bai Lu.

Bai Lu refused to say anything, "I don't want to be friends, I can't be a lover, then I will be a stranger! If you really have someone you like, I am willing to quit, and I am ready to transfer."

After that, Bai Lu wiped a tear from the corner of his eye, picked up the report, and pushed the door out.

Although she tried hard to pretend to be fine, but the eyes of the war thinks that her eyes are red, as if crying inside.

Mumu also found out that when Bailu left, she looked at the warfare. "What did Lingda say about hurting people?"

Do you want to check it out? ”

After thinking about it, I thought about it, but I got up and knocked on the office door of Ling Sibai.

"Come in."

Ling Sibai knew that it was her, and the voice was soft.

War Sijin pushed in and looked at him at the office. She asked with some curiosity. "When I saw Bai Lujie going out, it seemed like crying. You didn't quarrel! Are you because of me?"

Ling Sibai shook his head, put down the things in his hand, got up and walked to her side, staring at her. "Don't take everything wrong on your own body, I will feel bad."

She had a lot of pressure on this, although she did not do anything, she just liked him.

"I just advised her a few words, she figured it out, and will be transferred recently."

The war thinks that the heart is loose, if Bai Lu figured it out, she must be too attached to this relationship, which will affect her future.