MTL - President Daddy Super Awesome-Chapter 1941 Cooking together

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In the afternoon, the people in the office packed up and left. When Mumu left, he did not forget to smile and look at it. It seems that she is waiting for Ling Bo every day! Something was embarrassing. When the people in the office were finished, she looked at the direction of the office. Ling Sibai was still working inside.

Zhan Sijin reached out and called her mother and told her that she would go home after dinner tonight. The nature of her work also determined that she was not a commuter.

Chu Yan certainly understands her, she must eat well, don't be hungry.

After talking to her mother, Zhan Sijin saw that Ling Sibai stepped out of his office.

He saw the girl who was still waiting for him. The thin lips immediately evoked a smile, and the war thinks about the bag and says to him. "Let's go buy food!"

Ling Sibai gentlely said, "Okay."

The hand of Zhan Sijin was held by a man, and he went to the exit. He looked at him with a sigh of relief and looked at him nervously. "This will be discovered by others."

If it is only open in the forensic science department, if it is open to the whole building, she is still somewhat unacceptable.

Ling Sibai took her to the door, and the arm was taken over her waist, and then she released her hand. The two men walked side by side toward the direction of his car.

The war thinks that the heart is sweet, watching his back, in the afterglow of the setting sun, tall and straight, slender, thin, but gives a solid and powerful sense of security.

There was a stir in her heart. It turned out that the feeling of being alone is so happy! "Thinking."

Daddy, a sound of surprise calls.

I saw that Qin Fan was just about to get off work. He saw her and walked towards her.

"Qin Fange."

War Sijin smiled and said hello.

Qin Fan was in a whim, he was a little embarrassed, but he was looking forward to the war. "Is it good tonight?"

I want to invite you to dinner. ”

After thinking about it, I turned to look at Ling Sibai. Ling Sibai’s eyes looked deep. He didn’t help her refuse. He was waiting for her to refuse to get a man.

War Sijin is a simple and kind person. She refuses to do such things. She rarely does it. However, at this moment, she still refuses to smile. "Qin Fange, I have a date tonight, will you be next time?"

The courage of Qin Fan, at this moment, although some lost, but nodded, "OK, then the next appointment."

During the speech, Qin Fan also saw that the battle was on the car of Ling Sibai. He looked at them curiously. "Will you go home together?"

"We are on the way."

War thoughts smiled and replied.

Ling Sibai Chao Qin Fandao, "Let's go first."

Qin Fan looked at Ling Sibai's car and left, and there was an unspeakable taste inside. As a man, he knows more about the man's mind. The war thinks beautiful and cute. He likes it at a glance, which means she will also I was taken care of by men.

Does Ling Sibai also like Sijin?

Is he pursuing her?

Qin Fan thought of this, and his heart was a little depressed.

"Qin Fan is very good, I really hope that he can meet the person he likes."

War Sijin does not want to hurt anyone.

Ling Sibai heard that she refused to accept Qin Fan’s meal and apologized. His sword brow could not help but screw up a few points.

"You don't need to feel guilty. People need to know how to refuse in time, so they won't cause more harm. In the future, if you refuse, you must reject it completely."

There is another sentence, Ling Sibai did not say too intuitive.

For example, Qin Fan's approach, or the proximity of other men.

War Sijin felt that he was right. She nodded. "I will."

Arrived in a large shopping mall, the time was only around six o'clock, two people went down to the supermarket together, Ling Sibai pushed the cart, and War Sijin followed him and discussed what to buy.

Ling Sibai is more eye-catching and experienced in buying food. He does not lack materials at home, so he only needs to buy food.

War Sijin followed him and watched him pick the dishes. She was inexplicably handsome.

Daddy, War Sijin was shocked, only to see Ling Sibai's side, there is an aunt who is also picking vegetables, and this aunt is her neighbor, who recognizes her.

When the aunt looked at the aunt, she immediately hid in Ling Sibai's arms and climbed his shoulder. A small face was stuck on his chest, avoiding the aunt's attention.

Ling Sibai looked at the girl holding her arms in a slight sorrow, and her eyes flashed, so active?

Warsi Jin heard the footsteps of her side left, and she immediately poked out half of his head from his arms and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was not discovered.

"what happened?"

Ling Sibai looked down and asked.

"The aunt is my neighbor, I don't want her to find out, otherwise she will tell my parents."

After the war thinks about it, it is dark and distressed. The two communities are too close, and you can meet an acquaintance when you visit a supermarket.

Ling Sibai has a strong arm. "We bought it and went to checkout."

Zhan Sijin lowered his head and followed him to checkout. After finishing the account, he went straight to Lingsibai’s community.

War Sijin rushed to pick up a bag, and Ling Sibai was first mentioned in his hand, not letting her do it.

Going back to his home, the door was closed, and the heart of the battle was stunned. For the first time, she was so nervous with a man.

War Sijin is still an emotional white rabbit. For love, it is curious and fresh, and at the same time, it is also nervous.

Ling Sibai put down the bag and he said to her, "I am going to change clothes."

War thought Jin nodded, watching him step upstairs, she looked at his home, last time, did not appreciate it, now, she can appreciate it.

Probably close to this man, everything that belongs to him has become close.

War Sijin is in front of the floor window, watching the scenery in the distance, and hearing the footsteps behind her, she could not help but turn back.

I saw that Ling Sibai replaced a casual white t-shirt with casual trousers, a rich family's breath, inexplicably revealed.

The heartbeat of Zhan Sijin jumped again and again. She didn't know when she started to have an inexplicable affection for this man.

She remembered that when she returned his notebook, he was still in his arms! I don't know if he was at that time, would you blame her for being too rash?

"Interview with you, you see me for the first time, what impact on me!"

Zhan Sijin smiled at Mimi and walked toward him.

Ling Sibai's mind, thinking of seeing her for the first time, is in the elevator, she stared at the number of elevators up and down, pure and clean, with a fascinating charm.

"Stupid is a little cute."

Ling Sibai replied.

The thoughts of the battle thoughts are like flowers. "Then you honestly, seeing me for the first time, do you like me?"

Ling Sibai smiled at the lips, this girl is digging his mind?

He nodded and admitted, "Like."

After a few seconds of war thoughts, she was just joking. Did he even like it?

Is this the expression of her love at first sight?

Read An Extra's POV