MTL - Pretend To Be a Good Person In the World of Conan-Chapter 468 “?”“?”“?”

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Akai Shuichi didn't know why he wanted to catch a cat.

But he really felt there was something wrong with the cat.

The attack that came from behind that day was too coincidental, and he remembered that before he passed out, it seemed that the cat was rushing towards the driver's seat, as if he was going to drive...

Although Shuuichi Akai has not studied animals much, he has heard that some animals have an IQ equivalent to a child of a few years old. If they are properly trained, they may really be able to cooperate with their owners to behave aggressively.

Combined with what happened that day, Shuichi Akai guessed that the cat and Keren were together.

After discovering that Cologne and Belmod were communicating, the FBI tried to track him, but they always lost track of him all of a sudden—the line of sight shifted a little, or even a blink of an eye, and the person was gone.

Even if he kept staring without blinking, as long as Coron passed an obstacle, such as a slightly thicker tree, the person watching would see him walking past the end of the tree, and then never came out, like disappeared into the tree.

This kind of thing happened so many times that the stalker would inevitably have a tingling scalp, and the supernatural stories of the island countries began to flash through their minds.

As soon as Akai Xiu found that the tracking process was not going well, he tried it himself, but it was unsuccessful.

After the bus incident, Shuuichi Akai extracted the video footage taken by his previous colleagues while tracking, and found that once or twice, the screen captured a fleeting cat shadow.

Putting these pieces of information together and thinking... Akai Shuichi almost suspected that Keren was a cat, and when he slipped away, he slipped away by becoming a cat.

But soon he dismissed this ridiculous idea - let's not talk about how people become cats. On the bus, Keren and the cat appeared at the same time.

It's impossible to have twins who can become cats. That's too much bullshit.

Akai Shuichi didn't think further down the line.

After the bus incident, what he could be sure of was that Keren must have something to do with this cat, otherwise, how could he have brought it with him even on missions.

Akai Shuichi originally thought that when he found the cat, there must be clues.

However, after taking the cat and taking a closer look, he found that standing in front of him at this time was just an ordinary elementary school student and an ordinary female high school student. doesn't seem to have anything to do with the organization at all.

Could it be true just a coincidence?

Speaking of which, it seems that the elementary school student also took the bus that day, but he was not taken away and thrown away, but was left in the car, waiting for the police to pick him up.

Also, in the past, the videos of cats that were captured during tracking were actually very blurry. If you want to stare at a person with strong anti-tracking ability, of course, it is impossible to get too close, or to show the camera directly.

So the cat shadow in the video... it may also be another black cat.

Thinking of this, another possibility gradually emerged in Akai Shuichi's mind:

The cat on the bus was brought by this little boy.

I was hit by an anesthesia gun at the time, simply because of bad luck.

The cat ran towards the driver, startled by the sudden sound of gunfire...

The two situations have their own reasons, and it is difficult for Akai Xiuyi to determine for a while.

After he pondered, he looked away from the cat who had been raising his head, as if he wanted to stay away from him, and turned to Maurilan, who had been staring at him, as if he wanted to kick him out of the world, and asked calmly: "Have you ever seen a guy with curly hair and a black mask? He always wears a black hoodie."

"?" Mao Lilan was startled.

Not that she was stumped by the question—as soon as she heard this, she knew who "Akai Shinji" was asking.

She was just curious, wasn't that person Akai's friend? We also went on a business trip together, why did Akai suddenly ask such a question?

Could it be that Akai had an accidental amnesia?

Or did his teammates suddenly disappear?

...whatever the reason, what does this have to do with innocent little black? Why rob someone else's cat?

Maurilan was full of question marks.

Conan is also very surprised, but the reason for his surprise is slightly different from that of Maurilan - he can hear "Akai Shinji" this time, and the voice of that person is different from the last time.

Conan uses a voice changer a lot and is very sensitive to this.

He immediately realized that the person this time might not be the "Akai Shinji" who appeared with "Bourbon". Among the two Akai Shinji, one must have changed his face.

Judging from the voice, the current Akai's voice is very natural, but the former "Akai Shinji" is a bit pressing... Is this the real thing?

Why does Shinji Akai use someone else's face?

In addition, I used to think that the reason why Akai Shinji was a member of the organization was because he and "Bourbon" appeared at the same time. Judging from the explosion in the sky, Bourbon was obviously a member of the organization, so Conan thought " Akai Shinji" is also a member of the organization.

But now, if Bourbon is a black cat, then Akai Shinji may actually be with the black cat, and it has nothing to do with the organization...

The three of them looked at each other, each with a mess in their minds.

Shiraishi observed it secretly, and found that there was a hidden doubt in Hide Akai's eyes, and he didn't put on any protective posture that could prevent the cat from suddenly turning into a human and raiding him." Guessing that the fbi did not make anti-scientific reasoning, he immediately rest assured.

It then turned to look at Mao Lilan, and politely reminded her not to forget to find someone for a cat.

When Mao Lilan was watched like this, he really recovered.

Akai Shuichi's "seen" statement is actually a bit ambiguous. What he wanted to ask in his heart was whether Maolilan knew there was such a person.

But Mao Lilan thought that Akai was looking for someone because of her previous experience and asked if she had any clues.

"Sorry, I haven't seen him." Maurilan replied naturally, she really didn't know where the young man with curly hair was, "Please return the cat to me."

Conan secretly breathed a sigh of relief beside him.

He was originally worried that if Mao Lilan didn't answered truthfully, the two might attract the attention of this suspicious man.

But now it seems... Xiaolan is also very witty! Sure enough, he has a sympathy with himself.

Akai Shuichi smelled murderous intent from Maurilan's last sentence.

Although he wasn't afraid, he didn't want to fight a little **** the street.

Akai Shuichi handed the cat back again. Of course, he didn't forget to secretly put a transmitter on the cat. Fortunately, the cat's hair was long and black. It was the same color as the transmitter's shell. Conspicuous.

Holding the cat that was lost and found, Mao Lilan walked two steps with Conan, suddenly remembered something, and asked a little puzzled: "Does FBI also have a disability recruitment index?"

"...Ah?" Conan didn't understand what this had to do with FBI.

Looking at Mao Lilan's line of sight and seeing that she was looking at Shuichi Akai, Conan asked suspiciously, "Do you think he is FBI? Why do you say that?"