MTL - Pretending To Be a Holy Place, I Was Signed For a Thousand Years-Chapter 16 I also want to ride a pet

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   Chapter 16 I also want to ride a pet

  The next day, Lingshu View.

   "Senior Brother! Senior Brother! I have ninth levels of Qi cultivation!"

   Early in the morning, the spring slapped on Zhang Ming's door excitedly, causing him to get up with sleepy eyes.

   What is there to show off on the ninth floor of nourishing Qi, Zhang Ming can't wait to press him into the water tank in the backyard.

   "Senior Brother! Thanks to your Condensing Origin Pill, it really has a magical effect, and my Beast Mastery Art has also broken through to the third level! Uh...Senior Brother, is this pill still available?"

   Qingquan blinked his eyes in anticipation.

   Zhang Ming was speechless, he was waiting for him here.

   This Beast Mastery is the practice determination of the Heavenly Book of Beast Masters. There are thirteen levels in total, and it is easy to get started and difficult to get started. Qingquan can enter the third floor overnight, and he does have some talent.

   But this guy is still gluttonous, I don’t know if the beasts of the imperial envoy will be grilled by him in the future.

  Thinking about that picture makes me feel.

   He touched his pocket, took out the Ningyuan Pill that he just got yesterday, and said, "Well, there is one more. But, Junior Brother, can you not knock on my door in the morning?"

  Qingquan happily took it, patted his chest and assured: "Senior brother, don't worry! I promise in the name of Huahua that I will never knock on the door in the future!"

   He turned around and ran away, leaving a sentence: "Senior brother, after the morning class, I will go to the mountains to catch a white crane as a mount!"

   Zhang Ming shook his head and ignored him. This guy is just learning to master beasts when he is in high spirits.

   However, Hua Hua, with her eyes hanging on her white forehead, was lying in the courtyard, and when she heard Qingquan's words, she couldn't help but complain: "Am I uncomfortable riding, it really is a new generation of new favorites replacing old favorites."

   "Master Qinghui, I cooked porridge in the morning, and my sister picked the winter jujube. Do you think it's time to use fast?"

  Zhanhong respectfully asked for instructions.

   After washing up, Zhang Ming said oddly, "It's so early today? Let's go, let's go to Zhaitang for dinner." Their early rise and diligence made them lazy.

   But, as the boss, what happened to lying flat?


   I am Jobs, State Administration of Taxation, Zhang Ming.

  Zhanhong asked nervously: "Daoist Qing Hui, I cooked porridge in a large pot. Can the rest... be distributed to the teachers, brothers and sisters of the Qiongyu Sword Sect?"

  Lu Xueqing also looked at Zhang Ming expectantly.

  Qiongyu Sword Sect's people were suppressed on the mountain, only their lips could move, and they had not eaten for a day and a night.

  Zhang Ming pondered: "You all know this, the Lingshu Temple is not rich, it's a bit difficult to feed 300 people, you can make up the porridge money to Qingquan."

  It was only at this time that he realized that three hundred mouths were waiting to be fed. Why did he keep them at that time?

  The poor Taoist temple made things worse.

  Zhanhong and Lu Xueqing were overjoyed: "Thank you, Daoist Master!"

   They saluted Zhang Ming and thanked Zhang Ming, and together they filled the porridge and the winter jujube, and walked out of the gate.

   "Master, eat something!"

  Lu Xueqing came to the disheveled Su Ying, took out a winter jujube and fed it to her mouth, persuading her.

  Zhanhong followed behind and silently handed over the porridge.

  Suying raised her chapped lips, stared at the two of them resentfully, and rebuked: "Traitor, I Suying...Even if I die, I won't eat your porridge or dates!"

   Her cultivation base was destroyed, and her injuries were not healed. At this time, her physique was worse than ordinary people, and her stomach was uncomfortably hungry.

   However, when she saw Lu Xueqing and Zhan Hong dressed in neat clothes, she felt mad with jealousy at the thought of her ugliness, scorched black, and disheveled hair.

   "It was these two little **** who colluded with the stinky Taoist priests in the Lingshu Temple, so they set up the formation in advance, set up traps, and wiped out our Qiongyu Sword Sect!"

  Suying's consciousness has become a little blurry, and she has gradually become mad, and all the responsibilities are counted on the two of them.

  People are like this. When they are unlucky and helpless, they always blame others and do not know themselves.

   "Yes, it must be like this, it is like this!"

  Suying became angrier the more she thought about it, and the more she thought about it, the more maddened she became. She suddenly opened her mouth and spat out "Bah" on the faces of the two of them.

  Lu Xueqing and Zhan Hong were caught off guard, feeling the wetness on their faces, and sadness came from them: "Master..."

   "Don't call me Master! Get off—"

  Su Ying twisted her body and shouted angrily.

  Lu Xueqing wiped the saliva from her face, put the porridge and dates in front of her, and said, "Master, the food is here. If you are hungry, call me over."

   She and Zhan Hong looked at each other and walked down the mountain road. There are also three hundred teachers and disciples there.

  Suying squinted to see them go away, her eyes swept over the food on the ground, she was disgusted at first, then she felt thirsty after spitting, and hungrier after shouting.

  Hey, I really want to drink the porridge on the ground.

   A group of teachers and disciples saw them coming and shouted, "Brother!" "Sister!" "Nephew!" "Sister" "I'm so hungry, give me some!" "It's delicious!"

   Lu Xueqing and Zhan Hong showed joy on their faces, and hurriedly said: "Don't worry, come one by one, there are all!"

   They couldn't move and were fed by two people.

   "Hey, if I can be fed by Senior Sister Xueqing once in my life, even if I die here today, it will be worth it!"

   "I don't care whether Senior Brother Zhan was expelled from his school, or whether he lost his power. From now on, he will be my only one. If anyone bullies him or humiliates him, don't blame Xiaomei's sword for not having long eyes!"

   "If possible, I would like to kneel here!"


  The teachers looked at these heartless disciples, their chests throbbing with anger, but when they saw Lu Xueqing and Zhanhong approaching, they quickly showed a kind smile.


   Zhang Ming stood on the steps of the Sanqing Hall and sensed the movement outside the gate with the help of the power of the Taiqing Talisman. He couldn't help but sigh: "It turns out that people's moods can change."

   If there is no change, it means that the mountains and rivers are not exhausted.

   If you still have persistence after going through the mountains and rivers, it means you are not mortal.

  A hero subdues others all his life.

  The saint surrenders himself all his life.

   Either of the two.

   By the way, "Submit the Qiongyu Sword Sect" in the quest prompt, is it to make yourself a hero?

   Zhang Ming shook his head.

   He admits that he is only a mortal, with appetites, lustful thoughts, greed and hatred, but this is true, and this is the pleasure of mortals.

   When one day I no longer need these, but only need peace of mind, maybe it will be enlightenment.

   This may be the meaning of monasticism.

The    system can only make you brainless and powerful. Only by self-realization, self-awareness, and continuous practice can you enlighten yourself, become a high-level and interesting person, and even educate all living beings.

   "It's better to be a mortal..."

   Zhang Ming let out a long laugh and walked along the trail behind the mountain to the depths of the sea of ​​​​clouds, thinking that all this is nonsense, or is Qingquan right, grab a white crane and come back to play?

   No, how can Daomen be called playing? This is called cultivating with the pet, and ascending to the Immortal Gate together.

   The monster eater in the lock demon tower turned over, and circles of silver-white light bloomed on his body, and it took a long time to stop. The demonic energy here is so strong that it has successfully evolved into the ultimate body.

   I believe that it will not be long before you can be promoted to Spirit Gu.

   I don’t know if there is still evolution behind Spirit Gu?

   Zhang Ming withdrew his gaze.

   He waved to the full moon well, and Da Hei immediately sensed it through the beast-controlling ring and the beast-fighting mark, jumped out of the cliff, grabbed the branches and rippling, and fell in front of him.

   "Go, let's grab the mount too!"

   One person and one beast stepped into the sea of ​​​​clouds along the continuous mountains.

   Zhang Ming was greedy: "I also want to ride a pet beast."

   "Help, can the white snake ride?"

   "Da Hei: "I just want a monthly pass. ""

   Sorry, the transitional plot between the two chapters of water will be exciting later



   (end of this chapter)