MTL - Professional Accomplishment Of A White Lotus-Chapter 94

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After listening to Mo Zeyu's words, Gu Huaisheng was silent for a long time. He suddenly thought about what Luo Ran was crying. He asked:

"Did she recognize you?"


The study was quiet for a long time, and Gu Huaisheng's deep voice sounded:

"I will not give up."

The two said something later, others did not know, but when Mo Er saw Gu Ye came out, his look was not good, and Er Ye was silent in the study.

The ballroom gradually quieted down, the guests left, and the girls dancing and singing also left. Mo Er suddenly knocked on the door of the study:

"Second Lord."

"What's wrong?" Mo Zeyu didn't look up and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Miss Luo asked me to ask, would you go?" Mo Er didn't really understand what Luo Ran meant, but he just came to pass a message.

Mo Zeyu was listening to his words, breathing slightly, his eyes suddenly darkened, and finally he said:

"Let her sleep earlier."

Mo Er nodded and left.

After Mo Er left, Mo Zeyu leaned on the sofa and squeezed his eyebrows with a headache. He could follow her for everything, but it wasn't.

The study door was quietly opened, and Mo Zeyu frowned slightly. He thought it was Mo Er coming in and asked, "What did she say?"

However, it was not Mo Er who answered him. Luo Ran's calm voice came: "You want to know, why don't you go and see for yourself?"

Mo Zeyu's eyebrows tightened tighter, and he turned to look at Luo Ran standing at the door, his expression gradually calming down:

"Aran, go back."

Luo Ran walked towards him as if he hadn't heard it. Mo Zeyu could not help but frowned again. She seemed to have just taken a bath and changed her clothes. She changed into a red cheongsam, her perm was rolled up, and she painted a detailed The makeup was so beautiful that she couldn't match it. The closer she approached, the more she seemed to be able to smell a delicate fragrance.

She sat next to Mo Zeyu, her legs bent and leaned against Mo Zeyu's legs. Mo Zeyu stopped talking after she sat down.

Luo Ran looked at him calmly: "Do you know I like you?"

The calmness on Mo Zeyu's face was no longer. He looked at the different Luo Ran in front of his eyes and the crying and laughing girl in his memory, and said huskyly:


How could I not know? He knew when she got on the rickshaw and cried her head and red eyes.

Luo Ran narrowed his eyes, as if to tell him, and to others: "You promised to come to me, so I've been waiting for you."

"When my mother was alive, I asked her, when will you come? She always said, it's coming soon."

"Later, I learned that you would not come."

"Father ... he wants to sell me. After all, I have a good-looking face, and he happens to be short of money. I thought, since it is going to sell, then go back to Jiangcheng, at least I might meet you."

Her voice was not heavy, and it seemed that what she said had nothing to do with herself. Mo Zeyu's back seemed to bend slightly at a moment. He closed his eyes, his face seemed a little bit painful, and he felt a little guilty.

He said, "Sorry."

He owed her, he should have said it.

Luo Ran lip smiled, and Rong Jiaoyan was just a moment, she looked up at him again, and continued:

"I thought, I always want to ask you, why did you break your promise?"

Mo Zeyu looked at her, but simply repeated, "I'm sorry."

Luo Ran shook his head: "After I entered the ballroom, I heard that the person behind the ballroom was Mo Erye."

"I asked them, which Mo Erye?"

"They told me it was Mo Ye, Mo Zeyu."

Luo Ran said here, sighed lowly, Mo Zeyu instantly realized that the next words were the focus, and sure enough:

"Jiangcheng Mo's house, Mo Zeyu, who else? Only my brother Yu when I was young."

"At that moment, I knew that I would definitely meet you again, but I also knew that the question I wanted to ask was unnecessary."

As soon as Mo Zeyu's expression changed, she saw Luo Ran turning her head to look at him. She shed tears in her eyes and ran straight into his eyes, saying word by word:

"Because, you forgot."

"You forgot me, Brother Yu."

Mo Zeyu's body was stiff. He looked at the woman who just rolled down tears in front of him. He wanted to tear up a smile and deny it, but he couldn't do it because he knew that what she said was true.

She was really waiting for him.

But he forgot her.

Obviously it is an agreement between two people, but only one is fulfilling it.

Obviously she was a child at the time, holding his hand, the soft and coquettish little girl, how can the memory be so good, a record is ten years.

In fact, Mo Zeyu was also dissatisfied with himself. Since he forgot, why not forget it completely? Just recognize it on one side, why have you forgotten so many years?

Wiping the tears gently for her belly, Mo Zeyu sighed, from childhood to age, this has been the case, he never saw her crying, who can make her cry with such a person.

She choked and asked, "Are you disgusting me?"

Mo Zeyu shook his head, how could he betray her?

She suddenly wailed in her hands and cried, as if that summer, she was crying out of breath, just waiting for him for an answer.

It was like so many years of depression, and all the worries in my heart burst into tears.

Luo Ran seemed to see that little girl ran to the door and waited every day. When it was dark, she dropped her head into the yard, pulled the woman's sleeve, and cried, asking:

"My dear, when will Brother Yu come to me?"

She also seemed to see the little girl suddenly become taciturn after the woman died and stopped waiting at the door every day.

She also seemed to see the little girl grow up like a wicker branch, and the man she called to her father looked at her more and more wrongly.

There was that small room, a small space, and the tall man approached her gradually, tearing open her favorite clothes, she struggled and cried, but all to no avail.

At the end of the tearing pain, she saw the buttons crumbling on the ground, and there seemed to be a layer of light in the oblique sunlight outside, but she felt so cold, obviously it was summer, why did she not feel a trace of warmth .

Her struggle was getting smaller and her eyes were getting darker, but she still didn't forget to murmur in her mouth:

"... Brother Yu ... Brother Yu ..."

The last time she saw it was another summer. There was a man lying in the small room. He was undressed and there was a woman. She was wearing a red cheongsam. She looked at the door and gradually closed her eyes. The bed flowed under the chair the woman was sitting on.

In the end, she only wanted one answer:

Brother Yu, would you dislike me?

Mo Zeyu trembled and held her in his arms. He didn't know why, but suddenly felt a pain in his heart. The feeling was like ... she shouldn't have appeared again.

Mo Zeyu was suddenly flustered in her heart, holding her tightly in her arms, listening to her crying, and he suddenly regretted how it was so easy for the person to die.

Luo Ran's crying gradually reduced, she wiped away her tears, withdrew from his embrace, stood up under his eyes, her voice gradually flattened:

"I just want to tell you something."

"I'm just a little obsessed. Brother Yu who told me that year, why didn't he come to marry me?"

She turned around, wearing that red cheongsam, and walked step by step outward, but her words continued, and she seemed to choke again:

"Mo Zeyu, you don't count!"

She hadn't left the study room and was suddenly held by him. The man hugged her tightly and lost her former grace. He didn't say a word or say sorry. He lowered his head and kissed her lips, anxiously. They were gentle, with deep emotions, and seemed to crush them.

He unlocked the buttons on her body and kissed off the tears that rolled down her face. He pressed her on the sofa because he took care of her and remembered to be gentle. He was very light and caring. It's pity, it's even more lingering.

He kissed her eagerly, as if to make sure she was still the same, she was still crying, crying so that Mo Zeyu was distressed, but somehow he did not stop her, but let her keep crying, he kissed lovingly Every corner of her body finally said in her ear:

"Aran, don't cry."

"I want it for you, don't cry."


That night, Mo Zeyu held Luo Ran out of the study, ignoring the stunned Mo Er. He gently put her on the bed and turned to leave.

She was held tightly by one hand, and she buried her head in the pillow, only a hoarse voice sounded:

"Where are you going?"

All the words were swallowed. Mo Zeyu helped her to quilt the quilt and opened her lips. "I'll go and pour you a glass of water."

She let go of his hand, he approached with a cup of herbal tea, sat up holding her, leaned in his arms, fed her the cup of herbal tea, and he stroked her hair, his voice still gentle:


She closed her eyes slowly, and her breathing became calm and slow. Mo Zeyu put her down, but sat by her bed, sleepless all night, as if depicting her eyebrows and faces.

As the sky faded, as if a ray of light was shining into the room, he stood up silently and turned to leave.

Mo Er outside the house asked him:

"Second Lord, Miss Luo is still in the ballroom ..."

It was self-evident that he had not finished speaking.

Mo Zeyu shook his head. Mo Er thought it was unnecessary, but he heard him say:

"Follow her."

Mo Er was surprised. He seemed to hear that Er Ye's voice was a little different from the past.

Gu Huaisheng's arrival was quick, and he came again the next afternoon. The ballroom was not yet open. Mo Zeyu was not in the ballroom. He was actually very busy.

Gu Huaisheng also seemed to be sleepless all night, but still calm. This time he came, still looking for Luo Ran. To his surprise, he had been reluctant to see his Luo Ran.

Luo Ran came downstairs very quickly. She was wearing a black dress, very fashionable and beautiful. A large black round hat was placed diagonally on her head. The black gauze covered her half of the cheek. Just like when he saw her for the first time, with a distance in his laughter, but extremely embarrassing, she said:

"I heard that a new batch of dresses is coming to the department store. Gu Ye accompany me to go shopping?"

Gu Huaisheng showed a smile on his face, sincerely, and said:

"it is good."

The author has something to say: It's so difficult, I finally finished the identity and experience of Luo Ran in the original text.

It's not easy to sleep with a male lord logically

Do n’t worry, hehe