MTL - Public Enemy-Chapter 30 damn potion...

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Location: On a piece of open space in front of the gate of the Eternal Pavilion in the Lost Bamboo Forest in Fantasy Township...

On a raised soil bag, a stone tablet was erected in front of the bag, and a small incense burner was placed in front of the stone tablet...

After one hand broke through the ground, Chen Yi crawled out of the dirt bag.

"Ah! It finally came out, it suffocated me." He spat out a mouthful of dirt, "Lord God, has it really been eight hundred years? I feel like I just slept all night."

[To be precise, the host has been asleep for 814 years]

I go! It's a miracle that I didn't starve to death. Chen Yi looked at the earth pits, stone tablets, and the half of the incense still burning on the censer. He always felt so weird, as if he was sacrificed alive?

"Oh? Ah! Didn't you die? Why did you come back to life suddenly?" A girl with black hair and rabbit ears ran out of the bamboo forest and looked at Chen Yi in surprise.

...What am I alive again, I'm not dead at all, okay?

"It's really alive, and it still has body temperature." Regardless of the feelings of the person involved, the girl with rabbit ears kept groping for Chen Yi.

Do you think this is dead!


After eight hundred years of deep sleep, Chen Yi's +15 super novice outfit could no longer stand the test, and the top was pulled lightly by the rabbit-eared girl, and he was completely sacrificed...

! Shocked, Chen Yi looked at the rabbit-eared girl and wanted to pull the clothes underneath again. Taking advantage of his height, he grabbed the collar of the rabbit-eared girl's back and threw the rabbit-eared girl far away.

Just kidding, if you let it go down, it will be completely gone, okay, luckily it wasn't the pants that started to tear.

"It hurts..." the rabbit-eared girl let out a soft cry, and began to run into the house, "You wait for me."

Calling someone? Taking advantage of this moment, Chen Yi quickly took out a piece of ordinary clothes from the inventory and changed into it.

"Do you want some water?" A female voice came from behind Chen Yi.

"Thank you..." After receiving a bowl of 'water' passed from behind, Chen Yi poured it into his mouth, wait! Why should I drink water? And is it the smell of water? As soon as Chen Yi thought of this, he immediately felt dizzy...

When Chen Yi woke up again, he found that he was tied to a wooden plank. The rope was tied very tightly. It seemed that it was specially made, and he couldn't break free...

After Chen Yi woke up, the originally dim environment immediately brightened up. Apart from Chen Yi who was tied up, there were also medicinal materials, various tools, medicinal test tubes and medicinal bottles piled up all around...

It seems to be locked in a bad place. With the sound of the door opening, a woman wearing a blue nurse hat and a girl with long black hair in a wide skirt walked in. Well, the girl with rabbit ears also walked in. behind.

As soon as she entered the room, the girl with rabbit ears looked angrily, and unceremoniously kicked Chen Yi's leg.

"Hey, Yonglin, he is the monster buried in front of our house, really, didn't Yonglin say he was hopeless at the beginning, why is he alive now? Back then I put a lot of incense on it... "

What the black, long straight girl said made Chen Yi's head full of black lines, I really disappointed you that I didn't die.

"I'm also very curious about this. I really can't think of any way to save him except using Penglai's medicine."

Bayi Yonglin looked at Chen Yi with interest, "Your body is completely in a state of collapse, and your strength has been exhausted to the extreme due to extreme overdraft. In that situation, I didn't expect that not only did you not die, but after a long period of sleep, Not only the strength has been fully recovered, but it has also been greatly improved, I am very curious."

Chen Yi looked at Baiyi Yonglin's eyes gradually became fanatical, and his heart was also in a state of turmoil, you probably want to dissect me...

"I really want to dissect you and study it..."

Chen Yi immediately became annoyed, ya ya, he was cheated by the main **** for eight hundred years, and now he just woke up, you want to dissect me, Chen Yi who was **** immediately began to curse

"I#¥%#%¥#@¥#【Wow—】You million-year-old woman, #@#¥【音音】…"

The girl with black hair and rabbit ears on one side looked at Chen Yi who was scolding, and quietly said to the girl with long black hair on the other side: "Master, Master Yonglin seems to be angry..."

Bayi Yonglin turned to look at the black-haired rabbit-eared girl with a slight smile on her face, which made the black-haired rabbit-eared girl tremble: "God, how could I be angry, you must be wrong... "


Protruding blood vessels appeared on Bayi Yonglin's head, her smile remained undiminished but became brighter, and she looked at Chen Yi with a cold light, which made Chen Yi pause, and then started cursing again.

"Although you can't be dissected for research because of an old monster, it's still possible to do some medicine experiments..."

The scolding stopped abruptly, huh? Drug experiment?

"In order to reward your courage, I decided to give you the honor to try my latest potion."

Chen Yi's face immediately turned green, and the black long straight girl at the side immediately lit up when she heard Bayi Yonglin's words.

"Need help? Eirin."

...Horai Mountain Kaguya, I remember you, be careful with your future figures...

"Hui Ye wants to help, pry me out of his mouth later, I don't think he will cooperate obediently."

Penglai Shan Huiye, who had no idea that Chen Yi had missed him, took the prying tool from Baiyi Yonglin with joy on his face, and a demonic smile appeared on his beautiful face...

At this time, looking at the potion that Baiyi Yonglin had already prepared, and Hui Ye who was about to pry open Chen Yi's mouth with a crowbar, Chen Yi's face had already turned black...

"Hui Ye, it's ready." Yayi Yonglin held a transparent test tube in her hand, and the test tube contained a pitch-black potion that was constantly bubbling. Wouldn't this potion kill you if you drank it...

Oh~! Chen Yi, whose mouth was pried open, watched in horror as Baiyi Yonglin poured the strange potion into his mouth.

...the medicine didn't work? After a while, Chen Yi found that the potion he drank seemed to be of no use other than the taste was a little bit mixed?

Obviously, Yayi Yonglin also discovered the problem: "Strange? How could the potion be useless? When Inaba was doing experiments before..."

"Ah!" Emperor Inaba on the side immediately screamed, "I said why the rabbits suddenly disappeared and then suddenly appeared. It turns out that Master Eirin is you..."

Emperor Inaba's voice was immediately 'watched' by Yayi Yonglin.

"Could it be that Inaba often did experiments in the past, which led to errors in the preparation of medicines? It shouldn't be?" Yayi Yonglin said, and she had already made another bottle of medicine in her hand, which was still black. Outside the bubble, there are still bursts of black smoke...

Kaguya on the side seemed to be unable to stand it anymore, "Yonglin, this, is it really okay?"

Chen Yi admitted that he was moved.

"In case he is killed directly, won't Inaba be used for experiments again?"

Chen Yi trampled his emotions to death...

"Don't worry, Kaguya, the medicine I made will never be life-threatening, at most it has some side effects."

Chen Yi, who was given another bottle of potion, was still fine.

"Yonglin, is this medicine okay? Why didn't he respond?"

"This...maybe the amount is not enough, just a few more bottles..."

As Chen Yi drank the strange potion continuously, the effect of the potion began to show. Chen Yi felt that his physical strength was continuously strengthened, his muscles swelled up and his spirit became excited at the same time.


The rope that bound Chen Yi was snapped, and Chen Yi, who was freed, punched Bayi Yonglin without hesitation.


The huge fist due to muscle swelling was easily blocked by a slender arm, but the items in the room were robbed, and the turbulent flow generated by the collision between the fist and the arm smashed everything in the room to pieces.

Kaguya and Inaba had already run out when they saw that something was wrong.

Seeing the massive damage to the things in the house, Yayi Yonglin's face immediately darkened.

"The strength is not small, but you are still far behind!"

Chen Yi, who was extremely excited, didn't care about the words of Bayi Yonglin, and now he really wanted to use the extra strength in his body.


Kaguya, who was already outside the Eternal Pavilion, looked at the big hole in the house and didn't care. Anyway, the Eternal Pavilion blessed with the power of Eternity will soon return to its original state.

"Yonglin, what kind of medicine did you make this time?" Kaguya asked Yayi Yonglin who had already come out of the house.

"It's just a potion that strengthens the physical strength. UU Reading" Bayi Yonglin looked at Chen Yi who had turned into a hulk in the bamboo forest and said, "Although the strength has increased, but Mentally... write it down first, and improve slowly later.”

Emperor Inaba looked at Chen Yi, who was a temporary guest in the demolition office, with tears on his face, "Master... it's not good to leave him alone."

Bamboo shavings were flying all over the sky, and Kaguya said to Emperor Inaba: "Hey, hey, it doesn't matter, anyway, with the blessing of eternal power here, it won't be long before it will return to its original state.

...Looking at Chen Yi who was showing great power, Emperor Inaba shrank his neck, but she didn't have the guts to go up and stop Chen Yi.

Woo, remember for me...

The bamboo forest around Chenyi was flattened at a speed visible to the naked eye. At this time, Chenyi perfectly carried out the profound meaning that no grass grew in the place where the demolition office passed.

In the distance, a girl with long black hair and straight hair was watching, a girl with teary eyes and black hair with rabbit ears, and a woman with long silver hair who recorded various information...

The bamboo forest was quickly flattened, and the countless rabbits in the bamboo forest avoided the devil's muscular man who was wreaking havoc, so as not to harm the fish in the pond.

After a while, Chen Yi quickly flattened like a deflated balloon, and Chen Yi who fell on the ground quickly began to recover his physical strength.

Looking at the silent Bayi Yonglin in the distance, Chen Yi, who has returned to normal, immediately prepared to escape. Although the lost bamboo forest will make outsiders get lost, for Chen Yi who has a sense of fluctuation, there is no such thing as getting lost. kind of concept.

withdraw! Chen Yi flew up and ran out of the Lost Bamboo Forest.

"Although I will let you leave, I am reluctant to part with you as the experimental subject for a while, why don't you stay here for a while? Consider it the price of destroying the bamboo forest." Bayi Yonglin's voice came from behind Chen Yi.