MTL - Public Enemy-Chapter 388 cliche classic...

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creak creak creak —

The sound of twisting and deforming ironware continuously came from behind the very seductive curtain—very tempting for people to open it up and find out. [WWw.YZUU point m]

If it is in the case of the women's bathroom!

Chen Yi, who was holding the faucet that drained water into the bathtub, frowned and twitched unceasingly, and kept suppressing his anger. As expected, he should be careful in other people's home games.

"Hey! Mr. Chen Yi, it seems that your situation is very bad."

"You know I'm not good, so why don't you hurry up and leave, wait until I'm better... Damn! You try to take a step forward!"

Without further ado, Chen Yi took out a piece of clothing that was one size smaller from the item space and put it on his body directly. As Chen Yi let go of his hand, the deformed faucet spewed out several water arrows again, obviously It is a crack caused by twisting and deformation.

Chen Yi, who was almost drenched all over his head, pinched the faucet in the bathtub completely in a hurry, and now it finally stopped spraying water.

"Supreme Bishop, we really shouldn't do this." Kanzaki looked at the opaque curtain in front of him and heaved a sigh of relief. As for the reason why Chen Yi couldn't come out...

"Don't act like you didn't hear what I said!"

Kanzaki looked at Laura who stretched her hand towards the curtain and yelled loudly. This must be to deliberately provoke the youkai inside!

Just when Kanzaki was about to stop the supreme bishop's "extraordinary" move, someone took a step faster, and a strange giant sword with a saw blade that was nearly two meters high directly cut through the curtain in front of him. Facing her High Bishop's head with a split face...

"Wow quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack! Lao Zhi hates this kind of old witch who pretends to be tender! Go to hell!"

boom! !

The whole building shook. The strong wind not only swept through the entire bathroom, but even opened a hole in the ground under your feet, allowing you to see the room below. 【Leaf*Zi】【Yu*Yu】

"I'll go take a look." After hearing the noise, Wuhe immediately ran upstairs.

"Oh!? Wuhe, wait a minute." Niu Shen looked at the girl who wanted to run upstairs, and hurriedly blocked the way, "There seems to be a terrible 'vicious conflict' up there, we'd better wait... oh."

Looking at Wuhe who had already disappeared. Niu sighed deeply, "How about we go up too?"

"Why do you feel like you'll be silenced as soon as you go up? Don't go! Don't go!" The little Xiang Shao hurriedly shook his head.

"It seems that we really can't go. It must be no problem that our female Pope is also on it. After the news just now, it has calmed down." Shineng Isayama, who has just entered the old age, also agreed.

"Tch! If you don't go, I will." Tsushima, who is also a woman, glanced contemptuously at the many men in the Amakusa style, and also thought about running upstairs.

"Sister Agnes, wait a minute. It's not good for us to go up like this." Angelina, who looked a little weak with two golden braids, said, looking at Agnes who was running upstairs.

"Why are you in a daze, let's go up too." The tall cat-eyed nun Lucia directly pulled Angelina and ran upstairs. The other nuns are also a little ready to move.

"Aha! It's dangerous, it's dangerous." Standing at the door, Laura kept patting her towering **** with a frightened expression.

This bitch, keep her secrets hidden. Chen Yi calmly put away the chainsaw in his hand. The surprise attack that Kanzaki probably didn't expect was easily dodged by the other party just now. One of the freaks...

"You you you you you! How did you become like this!?" Because the curtain was destroyed, Kanzaki also saw Chen Yi's current appearance clearly, and his ponytail almost stood up in shock, "No Did you see something that ruined the Three Views!?"

"I was plotted by an old woman who pretended to be seventeen years old and had at least five digits behind it. There were only a lot more months!" Chen Yi raised his head and looked at the girl in front of him who had already surpassed his height, Following the opponent's movements, those huge chests oppressed Chen Yi's sight like two big mountains. [WWw.YZUU point m]

so big…

Although I've seen it many times before, but it's the first time to look at it from this angle... Chen Yi couldn't help but frowned, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

"Oh hehehehe! No wonder you are so angry." A perfect smile appeared on Laura's face. Looking at Chen Yi's current appearance, he went up and down a lot, "There is no trace of transformation magic, so that's how it is!"

Chen Yi looked at Laura's pensive look, and immediately his head was covered with black lines, what's with this expression of discovering bright spots! What do you want to express!

"So it should be Miss Chen!" Laura slapped her palm, and then made an embarrassed look, "Oh! I'm so sorry. I caught you here, it should be the women's dormitory, You don't mind, do you?"

Kanzaki's face also became weird when he heard Laura's words, Supreme Bishop, your eyesight is not so good that you can't even tell the other party's gender, right? Even if the other party has become... er, how should I put it, even she herself is a little envious, but what you said is stabbing someone's heart with a dagger.

The atmosphere of the scene immediately became depressing again.


It seemed to reflect this atmosphere, or it was a coincidence. With the strong wind just now, the faucet, which could not withstand the rain, finally burst, and the water splashed all over the bathroom.

"Hush—" Chen Yi whistled lightly, "Sure enough, black is the most correct choice for clothes, you bastards!"

As Chen Yi said, he shook the water stains on his body indifferently. The black clothes completely avoided the light-transmitting effect caused by soaking the clothes in water. As for Kanzaki and a certain supreme bishop, they were not so lucky. One is wearing a white cotton T-shirt and the other is wearing a pink dress. Coupled with the still falling water, Kanzaki's sea is easy to say, but the fabric of Lola's clothes is still a bit thick!

"By the way, does this count as blasphemy against the clergy?" Chen Yi looked at Kanzaki, and the other person's face flushed immediately, one hand was covering his chest, and the other hand had already grasped the sword in his hand, intending to live One of the only two witnesses here.

"Should I go to the stake?" Chen Yi looked at Laura at the door again, "I don't know why, I suddenly feel much better."

"Fire! Be sure to burn! You hateful monster who blasphemes the clergy!" The latter pointed at Chen Yi angrily, "Kanzaki catch him quickly, I will imprison him in the Iron Maiden!"

"Really?" Chen Yi glanced at Kanzaki very calmly, and the latter turned around immediately with a blushing face, leaving Chen Yi with a looming back, huh! Even with a bandage...

"Hey! In fact, in a certain situation, whether you wear clothes or not is almost the same in front of me..."


There was a series of falling sounds outside the door, and Wuhe in the front and a group of nuns in the back lay flat on the ground, because the water overflowing from the room made the passage outside also have a lot of water stains.

Due to the fact that the clothes of the nuns who fell on the ground would definitely be soaked, the nuns behind stopped when they saw this scene, and stared at the Amakusa-style men at the back with sharp eyes.

"You are not allowed to come up!"

The Amakusa-style men, who were actually at a disadvantage for a while, immediately retreated.

"What do you mean! Could it be that when I met you, my naked body was exposed to your lewd eyes all the time!? This is simply unforgivable!" Laura jumped up suddenly, almost Step directly into the hole that Chen Yi smashed just now and fall into the leaking room below

The nuns who were lying on the ground immediately looked at Chen Yi strangely, but without exception, they were all more vigilant.

"You big pervert who can transform!" Agnes, who had a deep hatred for Chen Yi, immediately yelled at Chen Yi, and seeing Chen Yi's gaze, she quickly shrank back as if she had encountered some scourge. to the back of the door frame.

"Hohohohohohoho! You bite me, bite me, the scene where the Supreme Bishop bites is really..." The complacent Chen Yi ignored the "Seven Heavens and Seven Knives" that was more than two meters long and pulled out in surprise. ** Maiden.

"Seven flashes!"


The large area of ​​damage caused the entire bathroom of the single room to be completely shattered. After the water pipe was completely cut off, the water flow, which was originally not too big, finally couldn't stand the vigorous toss again and again—it broke out!

The hot water soldiers that should have been mixed with cold water poured out in two ways. If it was just cold water, it would be fine, but when the hot water that could scald you to death gushed out, not only Laura's face changed Now, Kanzaki's complexion also changed, even the nuns outside the door widened by Kanzaki's seven flashes, they all screamed when they saw the water arrows that were counting to the billowing heat, and they all screamed. Squeeze behind, if it pours on me...

You can imagine the process of shedding chicken feathers when killing a Although this kind of analogy is a bit unkind, but it is kind to use the process of brushing pig hair with hot water after killing a pig...really !

"What happened up there?" Niu Shen listened to the screams from above, and felt like there was a cat's paw scratching and scratching in his heart. As for what to do? The pope's deputy is still tied tightly and thrown in the corner!

"Why is there water flowing down?" Xiang Shao looked from the stairs, "It can't be that the water pipe burst, in that case, the screaming..."

The men in the Amakusa style immediately thought of some clichéd classic images, two rough breaths gushed out from the nostrils of many men, and they all rushed upstairs to shout, 'I'm coming! '

Seeing the dozen or so nuns standing guard on the stairs, many men immediately became dejected, it was completely impossible! Even if you force your way up, maybe Amakusa-style women will turn against you immediately, and your side will definitely end up as the pope's proxy... (To be continued. If you like this work, welcome to the starting point ( an.) Vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)