MTL - Qizi-Chapter 45 Volatility

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The hurricane had a habit of waking up all the time, but he just sat up and remembered that there was another dangerous period that only relied on him to maintain his sleep. Sure enough, when he turned back, the person on the bed had already squinted. Woke up, the face was written everywhere and didn't sleep enough.

He thinks of the book, the amount of sleep required by the child in a special period is 1.5 times of the usual time. Insufficient sleep is the biggest cause of mental damage. It can not fall asleep when the Lord is not around, and it conflicts with his daily routine. Saliva hypnosis is easy to use, but the duration is too short.

The hurricane is seriously considering how to solve this contradiction. Ling Xiao, like no such thing, jumped out of bed and quickly seized the bathroom. When he came out again, he was already full of energy and was just as awake.

Seeing his energetic appearance, the hurricane felt that he might think too much. After he also packed up and stopped, there was no shadow in the dormitory.

His first subconscious reaction was to use the idea to find, but soon remembered the exchange conditions of the two days the previous day, and quietly collected the idea back.

The hurricane didn't see Ling Xiao in the cafeteria, so he came to the playground. It was really not what he expected. The one who ran out early in the morning, jogging on the empty track, he didn't want to go up and put people up. Intercepted.

"what are you doing?"

Ling Xiao didn't know what he was getting him anymore. "Run in the morning."

"Doctor Yao said, you are on vacation now."

"Can't exercise on vacation? I have to apply to the military academy. Of course, I have to start preparing now. My competitors are strong-powered partners. How can we compare them with hard work?"

"Are you forgetting that you fainted a few days ago?"

"I was sleepy and hungry. I didn't have physical strength. Now I have enough to sleep. What can't I run?" Ling Xiao didn't understand why the hurricane was so serious, just like the people who left him in the past few days are not like him.

"Training can wait until the dangerous period has passed. The book says that this time period needs a full rest, otherwise your mental condition will be affected. When you have finished eating, you will go back quickly," the hurricane said.

"My rest last night was enough," Ling Xiao said unhappyly. "I am not a pig when I am full."

"Are you going back?"


After Ling Xiao finished the two words, his fingertips were awkward. In the past few days, he has understood that this is a harbinger of the arrival of the commander. He wants to speak, but the tongue is not under control. He can only use his eyes to anger. The hurricane of the anti-Ir.

The power of the hurricane only stopped when the head was stopped, the air solidified between the two, and the time passed by, the common trenches that had just been built were on the verge of collapse, and the fragile agreement would be torn as long as it moved forward. Smash.

Just when Ling Xiao thought that he would be forced to return to the dormitory, the mental control that had just surged retreats without any traces. His limbs finally returned to freedom. At the crucial moment, the hurricane did not take that step. Deeply relieved, the arrogant atmosphere was eased.

The hurricane took a step to the side. "You run."

Ling Xiao did not expect this time to be his initiative to compromise, the letter will suspiciously resume jogging, the hurricane after he ran a certain distance, keep the same speed to follow, not before or after.

Ling Xiao’s morning run was not at all comfortable. The hurricane was behind him. He could feel that the other’s surveillance eyes had always fallen on him. He was watched for a long time, and even his feet began to disorder.

In the end, Ling Xiao finally stopped, and he had not reached half of his established goal. The hurricane did not use the power of the lord. The use of eyes and follow-up tactics made Ling Xiao defeated, which really filled him. Frustration.

"You can't run, you don't have to follow," Ling Xiao impatiently.

"Where are you going next?" The hurricane asked not slowly.

"Train..." Ling Xiaogang just finished a word and watched the reaction of the hurricane. He knew that going to the training hall must have been ruined. Even if the hurricane did not stop him, as long as he sat facelessly, he would not be able to go out for a long time. Will automatically admit defeat.

Forget it, Ling Xiao feels that he has been possessed by the sacred god. He knew that he would not propose anything to him. Once the hurricane establishes its goal, it will resolutely carry it through to the end. It seems that if you do not care for yourself in the past few days, 嬴The wind is not going to give up.

So he consciously swallowed the words behind him and asked, "Where are you going?"


Ling Xiao was so eager to see the hurricane, if it was not an accident, he did not know that the hurricane was such a good person to study, but think about it, he learned the system operation in order to check the information in the computer that had been eliminated. So, it seems that there is nothing strange about it.

"I will go too," he said, and he regretted it. The impression the library gave him was boring, but the hurricane seemed to be very satisfied with the answer, so that he could do his own thing and monitor the ridge. Let him mess around.

Ling Xiao’s face and the hurricane came to the library. The book borrowed before the hurricane did not finish reading. However, in the process of watching, there was a new doubt. So I went to the social science bookshelf, and I was bored in the college. The screen display area played a touch screen.

Every student who was short-selling left a file in the database. Ling Xiaokai opened their session. A familiar photo was presented in front of him. Because he was enrolled on the same day, he was next to the hurricane. Look at each other, look down, I will be enrolled two months later than they are. The time for admission to Pingzong is the latest. His photos are different from others, and the black frame on the periphery is particularly eye-catching in rows of photos. .

Ling Xiao’s heart sank, shut down this page, randomly selected for a session, and I saw two photos circled by black frames. It seems that the principal said that it is true, no matter how to avoid it, tragedy will always happen.

He couldn't think of one thing, and went to the social sciences to find a hurricane. "Do you remember the history of annihilation?"

"Remember, what?"

"Which year did it happen?"

The hurricane answered very quickly, "3926."

After Ling Xiao got the answer, he didn't see the figure. The hurricane didn't know what other ghosts he was doing, so he went to the past to find out.

If the age of the incident is 3926, then the time for the students to enter the school must be at least 10 years, and Ling Xiao will go down one year and finally find a page that is completely different from other years. Ten black and white photos that were framed were juxtaposed in a row, and they were shocked at first glance.

"This is...?" The hurricane probably guessed the meaning of the black box, but he didn't understand what it was.

“Photographs of the students who annihilated the event,” although there are specific sacrifice figures in the history class, the degree of touch on the photos and the numbers is quite different.

"It turned out that only a little more than half of the people survived, that is almost..." Ling Xiao’s eyes flickered, and his hands continued to drag down. “All the cards that lost in the adult ceremony are dead...”

With this terrible conclusion, he was in a cold heart.

"Wait a minute," the hurricane suddenly held his hand.

In fact, without the hurricane, Ling Xiao also stopped because he saw a photo in the survivor. When he first saw the person above, he had a strange feeling.

"" Ling Xiao whispered the name. "The person who wakes up with me in an energy warehouse is so smart."

The hurricane's hand remained motionless, and even Ling Xiao felt strange. When he turned his head, he saw the hurricane's eyes staring at the people in the photo, and there was an indescribable sorrow in his expression.

Ling Xiao looked at it, and it was so strong that he thought that he would not be affected by anyone, and he would have such a sad expression. His grief is different, there is no tears, no frowning, under the calm appearance, it is deeply and deeply hidden. Ling Xiao is not so much seen, but rather feels, perhaps the heart of the deed and the deed. In the same way, the other party’s emotions poured in and out, and the hurricane infused into the soul of his body, responding to the fluctuations of the original master, and disrupting Ling’s emotions.

I don't know how long it took, the hurricane finally came out of the abnormal state, only to realize that his hand was still in the hands of Ling Xiao, two people slept in a bed, kissed, made love, but both It's not as embarrassing as this inadvertent action. The hurricane retracted his hand, and Ling Xiao also quickly retracted. The two heads each turned to one side, looking for an excuse to excuse themselves.

"I was shocked by the death toll," the hurricane took the lead.

"Me too," Ling Xiao seconds.

“It’s no wonder that the college is ringing every year.”


A few words of no nutrition, knowing that this is not what you think, or that you use this way to cover up the past.

"I will go back to the dormitory first," Ling Xiao didn't want to stay any longer. The library was not suitable for him.

This time the hurricane did not stop again, "Well."

Ling Xiao almost escaped from the library to the dormitory. After thinking about it, it was because the picture was too depressed, and half of the students died. Perhaps the library would leave a shadow in his heart.

When the mood was calmed down, the physical strength consumed in the morning exercise began to collect debts from him. Ling Xiao grabbed the book of this hurricane and sat down. He was sleepy without looking at a few lines.

When the hurricane opened the door, I saw Ling Xiao leaning against the bed. He held the theory book of the big head in his hand. At first glance, he didn’t turn over the page. His eyes almost closed, his head swaying, suddenly When I squatted, I lifted it up and then swayed.

The hurricane sat next to him and put the borrowed new book to the left hand side. This voice probably alerted Ling Xiao. He struggled to open the eyelids and the hurricane figure appeared in sight.

Then I saw him slamming his right hand to the side without saying a word, as if he had received some kind of instruction, Ling Xiao immediately fell asleep and fell asleep, almost falling asleep at the moment of the hurricane. The speed of falling asleep is even scary even in the hurricane. Now it is just noon, what makes this person sleepy.

Ling Xiao sleeps for two hours. When he wakes up, the hurricane is still reading a book. He knows that he can't leave because of himself. Ling Xiao's expression is awkward.

"Is it still morning exercise?" The hurricane saw him woke up and sneered at him.

Ling Xiao is not stupid.

"There are only three days left, let's be honest."

"Suffocated," Ling Xiao protested.

"It’s boring to watch TV."

The hurricane started the TV signal, and the screen was just playing an important news.

"... Recently, the National Archaeological Team discovered two huge stone statues near the Great Rift Valley in the Southern Hemisphere. The stone figures are a man and a woman. Because of their age, their faces are seriously damaged. Archaeologists have used computers to perform virtual restorations. Experts have analyzed these two. The statue of the statue is probably the ancestor of the heavenly man described in the historical literature..."

Ling Xiao began to look languid. After the image was restored, the line of sight never left the screen, and finally climbed closer to watch it.

"What are you doing?" The hurricane felt that this person couldn't even watch TV for a while.

"This person, this person I know," Ling Xiao pointed at the man, a name hanging on his lips, I can't remember.

"That is the ancients, can you recognize it?" The hurricane did not believe.

"Star, star," Ling Xiao remembered, "Star House!"

Yes, it is him. Although the image is an adult man, the appearance of the five senses is exactly the same as that of the newborn students I have seen before. It is the same person of different ages.

"Star House?" The hurricane frowned at this completely strange name.

"Star House!"

The star building sat sweating and drunk.

"You're fine," Yueyue's voice was a little worried. "You just paused for a long time."

Star House waved his hand and could only speak for a long time.

"Although technically able to achieve the passage of time, as long as you leave this time too far, there is a feeling that the soul is torn."

"If you still don't want to be yourself, trying to change the time of the network to reach another dimension of the time period, it sounds impossible."

Star House shook his head. "When I first developed this technology, I could only send myself back to the past minute. After several years of hard work, I can go back a few years ago. I believe that as long as I persist, sooner or later, I will Will go back to the past, change history and rejuvenate your nation."

Moonshadow smiled awkwardly. "I only have one person left in my family. What is the significance of revival?"

"No, I can," said the Star Tower, and I want to continue to say that there is a connection signal to apply for access.

He agreed that after the signal was connected, the too bright projection appeared in the room.

"I have a good news to inform you," he said, always straight to the point. "The blood type you need, we have matched successfully."

The eyes of the star building are gradually brightening.

Too Yin started the instrument around me, and a transparent bust suddenly appeared in the air.

"He is the one you are looking for, the only person on the planet that matches the moon shadow gene."

Star Tower stood up and walked over step by step, eyes brighter and brighter, "Is he?"