MTL - Quest Master of Konoha-~ 16th Month Limited

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Nearly 8:00, the lights in the cloud house were still bright. He sat in front of the mirror and began to fine-tune his face.

Remove the redness and add some paleness.

Remove the edges and corners and add some thinness.

The sharpness in his eyes disappeared, and a little cowardice was added.

This ninjutsu is like pinching your face in an online game. Maybe this ninjutsu wasn't so magical at first, but some wonderful changes have occurred due to the intervention of the panel.

After thinking about it, Yakumo added some black eye circles under the eye bags, and set a limit of two-thirds of the chakra to seal. Finally, he looked at the many calluses in his hands due to sword training, and decided to hide eight percent. Ten calluses.

Yakumo got up and checked his lower body, and finally controlled the bulging muscles slightly. He seemed to have become the timid and weak boy from a month ago.

Actually, there is no need to be so cautious, but every time he thinks of Keisuke Shimizu's sharp eyes like a falcon, he feels a cold light on his back.

With the flow of chakra in the body into a huge and complex sealing barrier, the changes in the design appear on the body surface. Yakumo can easily break the seal only by mobilizing the chakra, and it will take another cost to reapply it. 100 gold coins.

After looking in the mirror for a few minutes again, Yakumo climbed into bed contentedly and prepared to go to bed. He didn't change his appearance too much, but made some adjustments in his temperament.

On Tuesday, June 29th, several people met again, and looked at Yakumo Mori Masako, whose temperament had changed drastically, and nodded knowingly.

This is a familiar yet unfamiliar feeling.

Although others thought Yakumo was a little strange, they couldn't tell the kind of change. After all, Rin Yuanye's eyes were on Kakashi, and Obito's eyes were on Rin Yuanye. Yakumo was a little transparent who didn't get noticed.

On that day, he was still practicing swordsmanship. Due to the damage to the ninja sword, Yakumo bought another high-quality ninja sword at the ninja tool store with tears in his eyes, but he still had savings... 2.8 million taels.

A pleasant three-day vacation passed by quickly.

July 1st, Thursday.

Yakumo opened the task panel as usual, but the entire interface was occupied by the text that suddenly popped up.

〖Monthly Limit〗

There is no penalty for mission failure!

The quest rewards are super rich!

An opportunity not to be missed, not to be missed.

The fonts are displayed in a colorful, colorful and dreamy way, just like the huge neon light display in the shopping mall in the previous life, full of eye-catching gimmicks.

Yakumo begins to get excited...

The blood is gradually boiling... Come on.

"accept! 』

A task master who is not afraid of all challenges.

"Blood nourishes the growth of the strong. 』

Quest requirements: Kill the mist ninja spy!

Quest reward: 3 free attribute points, 1000 gold coins.

Bonus: Master Breakthrough Scroll.

Item description: Consummation is the end of the art, and the master gives himself a new understanding on the end, so that all aspects of the art can be improved terribly. After use, the skills of consummation proficiency can be upgraded to the master level!

"Good stuff."

"Yakumo's heart suddenly became hot."

and many more…

Yakumo suddenly calmed down, no wonder...

There is no punishment for mission failure, and no one is left...

How can you be punished?

Yakumo deeply understands the urine nature of the task panel. Since he has released this task, it means that he doesn't even need to look for it... This mist ninja spy will be sent to him on his own initiative... Until then, he will never die!

"It's a long way to go..."

The first thing Yakumo did after his morning run was to make up for the quicklime he had consumed last time. A normal pedestrian walking on the road seemed to have the words Mistin spy on his face... His current state is a bit like Scared bird.

In the morning, the teacher was giving a lecture on the podium, but Yakumo was planning how the mist ninja spy would appear. According to the urine task interface, the mortal task would not be released.

There are two possibilities for a spy's strength, one is that it does not exceed the Chunin, and the other is that the Shangnin is injured... In the former, he only needs to be cautious and may not have the strength to fight in a battle, while the latter is to be wary of the enemy's desperate fight before he dies.

In the afternoon practice class, Yakumo approached Kakashi, who was practicing swordsmanship, and pulled him to a secret corner.

"I need you to do me a favor." Yakumo said directly, he needed some necessary things to prepare for the possible arrival of the mist ninja spy next.

"What do you need?" Kakashi asked.

"The corpse-dissolving water, the trace-removing powder, the poison that seals the throat with blood... These things are a bit dangerous... Forget it... As long as the first two are needed... Anbu-level high-end goods."

These two kinds of things can also be bought in the ninja shop, but they are just civilian versions... That is, the effect is not purely and will leave clues. Of course, these are the information he obtained from Mori Yazi... Only Anbu has the best quality. Good corpse water and trace removal powder.

"If you're in a hurry, I'll go home and pick it up later. If you're not in a hurry, I'll bring it to school tomorrow." Kakashi answered without hesitation without asking why Yakumo wanted these things.

"Of course not in a hurry, I want these things just for self-defense..." Yakumo laughed, the stone in his heart finally fell, he was afraid Kakashi would ask...

The next day, Kakashi delivered the things Yakumo needed on time in the morning, and Yakumo was pleasantly surprised to find that Kakashi brought an entire supply package of Anbu.

It includes three detonating talismans, corpse-dissolving water, track-removing powder, camouflaged blood pack, hemostatic spray, blood-replenishing pills, fixed bandages, special military ration pills, two poisonous needles to dissolve chakra, and antidote, such a sufficient supply Let Yakumo have the confidence to face the mist ninja spy.

"Love, love!"

In the next few days, Yakumo returned to his daily training, and added some gold coins to the water bombs.

The battle in the Forest of Death made him understand that without the blessing of the Thunder-type Chakra, the blessing of Hatake's Secret Code is far inferior to the simple and crude water bomb ninjutsu.

July 5th. UU Reading

Go through a whole month.

Looking at the brand-new panel, Yakumo couldn't help but feel a little bit of pride. Such a gorgeous breakthrough could not be separated from his efforts.

〖Personal Panel〗

Name: Well Yakumo

Age: 7

Constitution: 8.2 (stamina, resistance, recovery)

Strength: 6.7 (load, attack, etc.)

Agility: 7.9 (neural response, running.)

Intelligence: 7.5 (learning ability, mental resistance)

Chakra: 11.4 (30 points promoted to Chunin)

Gold Coins: 0

If it weren't for his daily sleepless nights, he would never have gotten such a big improvement in his various post-reading and class notes.

Even in order to do the task, he almost became the ration of the black and white giant bear. If Mori Yazi threw so many kunai with detonating talismans in time, maybe he would have been burned by a bear now...

After school, a few people came to the training ground to start a day of training. Maybe it was because of self-awakening, maybe because of the influence of Yakumo and Kakashi, or maybe because they didn't want to be the tail of the crane... Uchiha Obito has also begun to work hard in recent days. 's practice.

In a flash, the night became dark, and everyone set foot on the way home.

"Don't go that way? It's a bit dark." Yakumo and Mori Masako had a disagreement on the way home.

"It's too late today, I need to go home before my parents get home, I can't let my dad find out that I'm still out so late..." Mori Yazi looked a little nervous, she was afraid of her dad, Yakumo knew that of.

In the end, Yakumo had to follow Mori Masako to the dark alley. After all, he couldn't come up with a strong reason for refusing, and he didn't believe that he would be unlucky enough to walk a night walk and meet a mist ninja spy!
