MTL - Quest Master of Konoha-Chapter 24 1 Shame before the snow

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New week, new task.

Yakumo got up as usual, but his spirit was a little sluggish. After trying the power of Four-Star Renju a few times yesterday, he couldn't sleep at all. As a Konoha person for many years, he can analyze that the power of Four-Star Renju is stronger than A-level tolerance. technique.

Maybe it's not as powerful as most A-level ninjutsu, but it is definitely slightly stronger than A-level ninjutsu in terms of single lethality.

Before the morning run, Yakumo called up a weekly task interface.

"Shame Before a Snow"

Defeat Hiratani Hara in Tuesday's test!

Quest reward: 0.5 constitution, 150 gold coins.

Yakumo immediately figured out the whole story. At the beginning, Hiratani seemed to have robbed him of one of his homework. In order to temporarily hide his strength, he chose not to resist.

Now... he has been practicing with Kakashi for about two months, and it seems that a little bit of strength is fine...

Then... a little revenge.

The one who wins the test can challenge the higher ranked team. This is one of the rules of the first-year test, and it is reasonable for Yakumo to challenge Hiragu Yuanchu.

Tuesday, followed.

In the afternoon test in the classroom, under the unwilling eyes of Xiaoyuan Jiantai, Yakumo threw him away very easily. During this time, everyone in the class saw Yakumo's progress. Of course, everyone thought Yakumo had such progress. It's Kakashi's fault.

After the two had signed the seal of reconciliation, Jiantai Xiaoyuan turned and left the training platform, but Yakumo didn't move.

He first bowed respectfully to Keisuke Shimizu and pointed at Hiratani Hara, who was laughing in the audience.

"Teacher, I want to challenge Hiratani Yuanchu."

Keisuke Shimizu was stunned for a moment, then replied immediately.


"Iyakumo challenged Hiratani Yuanchu, qualifying."

There is no additional reward for ranking within the class, but it will determine the teammates and leading ninjas assigned after graduation. That is to say... the higher the ranking, the easier it is to have a good future...

Of course, most of them are cannon fodder... But cannon fodder is also a ninja with a dream. Everyone wants to have a stronger leader teacher, and then become a slightly stronger cannon fodder.

In the ranking challenge, the students at the bottom immediately became energetic. This challenge is the power of Yakumo. The rankings of the two who win will be replaced. If they lose, they will lose the power to challenge for the next two months, and a little bit ridicule from classmates.

"Is he crazy? Hiratani Yuanchu is the well-deserved number one among civilian ninjas!" Someone whispered.

"Perhaps you just want to die?" Someone was sneering.

Facing everyone's puzzlement, Yakumo's eyes were calm, and he slowly adjusted the turbulent blood in his body.

At first, Pinggu's face became gloomy, his eyes flashed fiercely, and his muscles gradually vibrated rhythmically, which was a sign of the rapid flow of chakra.

In order to prevent cats and dogs from casually challenging me in the future, this time I must defeat Yakumo by means of thunder... he thought to himself.

Hiraguhara walked to the training ground step by step, seemingly calm and calm, thinking to himself how to hit Yakumo again. Although it is unlikely that he will be killed, there is no problem in letting him lie down for a few days.

"The knot, the seal of opposition." Keisuke Shimizu said.

The two got married.

"When you lie in bed for a while in the future, you will regret today's stupid decision countless times." Hiragu Yuanchu said with a wicked smile.

"Are you going to be ruthless?" Yakumo asked very curiously, secretly mobilizing one-third of the chakra in his body to run fast.

"Of course... Are you afraid?"

"...This way I won't feel guilty."

"Guilty?" Pinggu Yuanchu asked slightly suspiciously.

"Feel sorry."

With a bang, the inside of the body entered the chakra possession mode, and the originally peaceful chakra suddenly became violent, and at the same time, Yakumo's legs exerted strength.

Layers of air waves spread around, and there was no Yakumo's shadow on the spot, and he rushed towards Pinggu Yuanchu like a swift cheetah.

"How is that possible, **** it!"

When Yakumo moved, a look of shock appeared on everyone's faces. This should not be the strength of that cowardly and timid person.

Especially Hiratani Hara, who was fighting against him, he blocked Yakumo's first punch with his arm, but the severe pain was stimulating his brain.

"What a lot of strength." Pinggu Yuanchu groaned in pain. At this moment, he put away the contempt in his heart, and Chakra instantly completed the possession.

"still have a chance."

What followed was a straight punch like raindrops. For a while, Hiratani could only passively defend, and he used his strength to escape backwards, but Yakumo quickly stuck and didn't give him a chance to breathe at all.

"Damn it!" Hiragu Yuanchu resisted three punches, suddenly raised his leg and kicked Yakumo's abdomen, the pain made him look a little crazy.

Yakumo withdrew half of his body, avoided Hiratani's full-strength kick, and immediately progressed to stick and did not give Hiratani a chance to adjust his breathing.

Immediately after, a series of straight punches slammed down, and Hiratani was completely suppressed... Failure seemed to have become an inevitable outcome.

"Huhuhu..." Yakumo panted slightly, it turned out to be hitting someone with his fist... It was really cool.

Yakumo turned slightly to the side, and at the last moment he charged up and delivered a powerful elbow to Pinggu Yuanchu's With a bang, Pinggu Yuanchu was knocked into the air, fell heavily on the ground, and completely escaped. Training Course.

"The battle is over, the winner is Yakumo Jing!"

Silence, everyone looked at Yakumo's thin body with inconceivable eyes. The sudden outbreak surprised everyone, but they still didn't think that Hiragu would lose at first.

But Yakumo's ranking was always at the bottom. It was this inconspicuous person who suddenly broke out, bucking the trend and defeating the civilian number one with thunderous means.

At this moment, Yakumo has undoubtedly become the center of the training ground, although his face is pale at this moment, and he looks like he has exhausted chakra.

However, he still defeated Hiragu Yuanchu in a solid way and came to the top of the civilian ninja, and the higher rankings were divided up by the major ninja tribes.

On the other side, Hiratani Yuanchu, who fell on the training ground, completely became a foil. Even his usual younger brother didn't step forward to help him. The power he carefully built was destroyed by Yakumo in front of everyone.

"Cough cough."

Hiragu Yuanchu spit out a mouthful of blood. Although Yakumo's last elbow was fierce, it did not make him lose his ability to move. He struggled to get up and looked at the figure in the center of the training ground. His eyes flashed with anger and unwillingness.

But he could only stagger back to his seat, like a bereaved dog who lost his territory, Yakumo shook his head and slowly walked down from the training ground. Although his face was pale, his steps were steady.

The classmates on both sides made room for him subconsciously, Yakumo felt fear in their eyes, Mori Masako in the second row showed a smile.

In her heart, Yakumo was supposed to be like this, using her fists to make those who looked down on him and mocked him...

All shut up! !
