MTL - Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil-Chapter 82 8.24

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After several people reached a consensus, they gathered the players to announce the decision.

"Because of some special reasons, we decided to cut the number of shots taken by Romeo. That is to say, you still have 30 chances. He only has five times. If you can't get wonderful hard in these five times. As the photo falls to the last one, the program team will unconditionally remove him."

Bonnie’s voice just fell, and the players cheered in the middle. Emily asked her hand. “Did the judges make this decision because Romeo used non-incompetent competition in the game? If so It should be retired instead of giving five more chances. The decision itself is unfair."

Gustav's cold eyes glanced at her, and Bonnie looked at her sternly. She said, "I can guarantee my personality and life. Romeo did not use anything in the game." The means of inflow, the program group and the judges did not open the back door for him. He can go to the present and rely on his own strength. Some people think that it is fair to make such a decision, but in my opinion, It’s a crime to use a despicable means to kill a talented, radiant future star. Our society has fallen to the point where it can’t accommodate talented people, which makes me feel very sad!”

She removed the gaze on Emily and slowly looked at other players and continued. "If you win the game, you should not be proud, but you should be ashamed because you are not relying on your own strength. Instead, they take advantage of others. Just like a sound person and a lame person sprinting, even if they first reach the end, they are not cheering but ridiculous! This is a serious violation of the principle of fair play."

She said that she was forced to hold the boy into her arms and sighed. "Romeo, it is not my intention to make such a decision, but I believe that you will be able to stick to the end. I love you!"

"Thank you." Zhou Yunxuan hugged her back and found a real smile in her eyes.

Gustav can't communicate more with the teenager, not even a hug. He can only try to stay away from him and no longer give people an excuse to attack him. He put his hands in his trouser pockets, seemingly indifferent, but the fists creaked.

Ivan also went up to embrace the boy, followed by a male player who was getting better with Romeo. Other players stood in the red spot.

They were too embarrassed by Bonnie’s words. Others don't know, but the people they participate in understand that Romeo does not use any competitive means of incompetence. He can rely on his own powerful strength. When he entered the shooting state, the overbearing charm of perseverance made people irresistible.

Even with only five shots left, he can take great photos. So if you lose to him this time, they will be mocked by all the audience, and the scene will be even more embarrassing.

Some of the people who had just gloated in the disaster had not laughed at all.

After Bonnie left, she posted the video on the official website. The words that she supported Romeo were recognized by many people. The excellence of Romeo is obvious to all. If he is given the opportunity, he will be able to climb to the radiant peak. Because some people’s despicable jealousy will kill such a talented young man. Is this so-called fairness? It’s ridiculous!

The winds of the public opinion began to tilt toward Romeo, and the number of fans who did not have any damage was doubled. The public is often more willing to sympathize with the weak. Although Romeo is not a weak person, anyone can see that he has been treated unfairly.

The voices of the ABC executives who made the decision went to eat on the Internet, and some people actually sent a group of stools to the ABC headquarters.

Gustav eventually responded to the matter on his personal homepage. He didn't have a long and cumbersome explanation to appease the fans. He simply wrote that the darkness of the human heart made me feel disappointed.

Everyone can see that he is condemning the suppression of Romeo by fans. When life is alive, who is not a few particularly good friends or people who are particularly admired? What is the big deal? Why use such despicable means to hurt each other?

Romeo fans have been a little less angry with him, and his fans are beginning to panic and realize that their behavior may be too much. The guiding role of the idol was strong, and the retreat of the turmoil suddenly subsided. The program group received a lot of apology letters from the audience.

However, the resolution has not been repaid, Romeo still only has five shooting opportunities, and the filming process is broadcast live, no longer giving anyone the opportunity to question. Since the delivery time was only 50 minutes, Bonnie removed the challenge and turned it to the difficulty of hard-shot shooting.

This is live broadcast, which means that your every move will immediately see the audience, if you are out of the big ugly, the program group can not cover you by editing. This makes the players nervous and sweating.

Gustav no longer works as a photographer or even in the studio, and Bonnie stands alone on the open field, facing the players with stiff expressions.

"The original filming was a collaboration between two players to select clothing, styling and shooting venues for each other. But you know that Romeo has only five shots, which is very bad for his partner, so I changed. Shooting themes..."

"No, just shoot in the way of two people. I am working with Romeo." Ivan suddenly raised his hand and said.

The cameramen pointed the camera at her, and the audience in front of the TV was instantly provoked.

Bonnie knew that she would face many unexpected challenges if she changed to a live broadcast, but she did not expect that the first person to challenge her would be Ivan. But she foresaw that the next situation was that she was happy to see it.

Ivan grabbed the shoulders of his girlfriend and said with a blank expression. "Five shots are enough. How far can Romeo go? I also follow how far. If he is eliminated because of those shit, I don't want to stay. In such a program."

Girl, you speak really directly! Bonnie, who proposed the **** resolution, felt her face burning hot, although her original intention was to keep Romeo.

The audience praised Ivan's straightforwardness and loyalty, and then ridiculed the fans of ABC and Gustav. These two people are now particularly tempted on the Internet, and the popularity of Gustav has also dropped.

No one knows, but Gustav is not frustrated, but he is happy to see it. He can't wait for everyone to support Romeo. As for his fans, sorry, he doesn't care about their thoughts now. He wants to live for himself.

Bonnie coughed up and confirmed again, "Are you thinking about it? Five shots, no more."

"There is nothing to consider, I am only willing to partner with Romeo." Ivan pouted.

Zhou Yunxi chuckled and gave Ivan a solid hug.

"Well, let's shoot according to the original plan. Have you seen the graffiti wall? There are three styles of graffiti. After you have a good team, come to me to draw lots, choose clothing and style according to the graffiti style drawn. Then stand in front of the graffiti wall to take pictures. Who can perfectly integrate the graffiti wall with himself, who is the TOP1 of this issue."

The contestants turned their heads and looked back. They found that there was a huge graffiti wall in the studio. The wall was divided into three pieces by paint. The piece was a fairy tale style, depicting colorful mushrooms and Alice in the fairyland. A variety of cute animals that look very dreamy.

One side is the abstract style, and all kinds of gorgeous colors meet together, giving people a feeling of mess, violent, blood.

The last side is the simplest, almost no style, just divided into two colors of black and white, the left side is black and the right side is white, and the middle is connected with the huge English word freedom combined with black and white.

The players decided to look at them and they had their own plans.

Bonnie took out a small bag and let the two or two standing players send a representative to draw the ball. Emily's group got a fairy-tale graffiti, and she smiled happily. It seemed that she chose the wall she was satisfied with.

Zhou Yunyi introduced Ivan to the lottery, and it didn't matter to him. Maybe others will think that the five shots are pitiful, but it is enough for him. His brain's computing power is no less than 007. Just look at the field and give the best shooting plan. The details can be narrowed down to the position of a hair. How to shoot five photos, what effect is more clear than the photographer knows.

Ivan got a black and white wall. She felt too monotonous, not very good at playing, turned back and shrugged her shoulders.

"It's okay, I can shoot." Zhou Yun grabbed her shoulder and tried to tamper with her red hair.

The two came to the clothing room, Zhou Yunyi did not look much, directly picked two sets of simple suits, a set of pure black, a set of pure white, white suit with black shirt, black suit with white shirt, tie color The same as the suit, the opposite of the shirt.

Ivan's heart is wider than the Pacific Ocean. When she picks up her clothes, she takes out the PSP and plays the game. Is it good to ask a question from time to time? The other two groups of players were dissatisfied because of their opinions. Emily's personality is very strong, and she must cooperate with her unconditionally, which leads to the escalation of the quarrel between the two.

Bonnie quickly took the staff and ran to solve the problem. This wonderful scene made the audience look good and refined. When they return to God, or when the other two players return to God, Ivan and Zhou Yunxi have already done it. Good shape standing in front of the graffiti wall ready to shoot.

Zhou Yunyi asked the stylist to dye Ivan's red hair into black. His own hair is white and does not need to be treated.

Ivan’s facial features were hardened again, and the eyebrows were thick and black and slightly picking up. It looked very evil. Her own character is very free and easy, or it can not be overwhelmed, and then put on a pure black suit and tie, go to the white wall and stand, it is a beautiful and handsome eye.

And Romeo's beauty is not devastating, just like the pure white suit he wears, clean and pleasing to the eye. He leaned against the black wall, his hands in his trouser pockets, his legs overlapping and lazy, the slightly squatting hem and the half-open half-closed eyelids brought a little careless feeling.

Ivan also leaned back against the wall with his hands and hands, but his expression was sharp and cruel to the laziness and sloppiness. The same standing position revealed a powerful atmosphere.

The two stood in a clear black and white world, strangely blending each other's breath, the picture looks very delicate, pure and elegant.

"One hit must be!" The photographer quickly slammed the shutter and shouted excitedly. The so-called minimalism is extremely beautiful, this is the eternal theme of fashion.

The audience in front of the TV has been fascinated by the two. They were the first to visually see the state of Romeo shooting. He almost didn't even have to think about it. When the photographer just slammed the shutter, he had already put on the next move, so it was natural and casual.

The two slowly approached, one 183 cm, one 180 cm, standing together and almost no height difference, their heads were very close, whispered something, Ivan put his arm on Romeo's shoulder, revealing splendid The smile, Romeo is only slightly curved the blue eyes, but the natural glory of the glutinous brilliance is equally exciting.

The two are warm, one calm, one like the sun, one like the moon, the two semicircles like the yin and the yang under the black and white, are indispensable existence.

"Perfect! You are the perfect partner I have ever seen! Love you!" The photographer yelled as he slammed the shutter.

The two naturally converted the shape, and the photographer rubbed the shutter and rubbed the shutter. It took less than a minute for the five photos to be taken.

"I finally know why Gustav's guy appreciates Romeo. I know, he is the darling of the camera. It is amazing to shoot from any angle. I was excited when I was shooting him. Boiling, I don’t want to stop. I want to invite him to be my exclusive model, and I can’t let him be taken away by Gustav!”

The photographer turned back and praised the cameraman who was shooting with him. He clicked on the computer and showed the five photos he had just taken to the audience. The thrilling feeling of white and black, just blending with softness, ice and fire immediately shocked everyone's eyes.

The photographer’s reputation in the film circle is more important than Gustav. He understood Gustav's obsession with Romeo as the creator's obsession with Muse. He wonderfully guided the direction of public opinion, making Gustav fans who demanded the retirement of Romeo more embarrassing.

God, we made a huge mistake, and we let idols lose the source of inspiration. Maybe he will not shoot again from now on! I am afraid now! A fan holding his head and crying in front of the TV.

There are more people who are more worried than her. Romeo used the actual action to slap all those who thought he was cheating. Thirty shots, forget it, he only needs five, no, in fact, as long as one, you can take other players out of several streets.

The audience remembered this. It seems that every time Romeo gets the TOP1 hard photo is the first shape he just put out. Every time it is a hit, it will win in one fell swoop, and his strength is too strong!

The wonderful performance of the two people made the other two players feel pressure. They began to doubt their choices, thinking about whether to change a suit and change a look. Their hands and feet are stiff and sturdy, so that photographers are often mad at jumping feet, have to go forward to correct their posture several times, and remind them where the lights are.

"God, the feeling of shooting them and the feeling of shooting Romeo is the difference between **** and heaven. Gustav, poor Gustav, no wonder he always squints when shooting others." The photographer chattered The complaints, and the audience in front of the TV once again understood Gustav's mood, and clearly recognized the huge gap between other players and Romeo.

Romeo relies on cheating before going to today? Sliding the world!

The filming is finally over, and the program immediately posted the photos of the players online for everyone to rate. In the past, they will pick the best one. This time, in order to show the fairness and transparency of the competition, all the photos are posted.

Romeo and Ivan have only five poor ones, and the other two have thirty. But this time it is not the quantity, but the quality. The audience is arrogant about Romeo and Ivan, and they are disgusted by the other two groups.

There is no doubt that TOP1 is still Romeo and Ivan. The other two groups were convinced and convinced. Previously, they felt that the decision of the program group to cut the number of Romeo shots could not be better. Now consider whether to plead for Romeo. At least Romeo will not appear to be too ugly after returning to normal shooting.

"I don't care about public unfairness. I only know that people will have mistakes. Five chances, if he is in a bad state, he doesn't catch it once? I think it's good." Emily dismissed it in one sentence. The thoughts of everyone also made the audience hate her.

Hey woman, why are you still not being eliminated? Everyone collectively gave her a zero point to let her get out of the way!

This message has been praised by many people, they are fed up with the psychologically dark Emily. Of course, some self-interests think she is very individual and she is very good.

The male player who was eliminated this time was a partner of Emily and was launched by Emily to bear the poison of the judges. When he stepped down, he hugged everyone, but refused Emily, which made her face red.

As the recording is changed to live broadcast, the living conditions of the players in the villa will not appear in the current program, but will be uniformly edited into a tidbit in the week before the finals, which means that the originally scheduled three-week end of the game has become Around the time, the players had more than a week of rest.

"Children, see who I brought." Bonnie clap, and some people came in at the door. Ivan screamed and ran to a middle-aged woman, her mother. The other two players also met their loved ones, except Romeo and Emily.

Emily breathed a sigh of relief, she didn't want to see her mother, she was afraid that she couldn't help but pick up the vase and smash her head. Zhou Yunyi knew that Romeo's aunt could not come. He found evidence on the Internet that the other United lawyer had misappropriated the Romeo heritage and submitted it anonymously to the police, who is still in jail.

He walked alone to the corner and opened the brain on his wrist. He has already found out who the netizens had forced him to retire before, and prepared a grand ‘gifts’. The evidence of these financial frauds is enough to make him ruined and put on the floor. However, he was surprised to find that the other person was currently living in the ICU ward because of excessive drug use. According to news reports, the doctor also detected HIV in his blood.

How could it be so coincidental? His mind slid quickly past Gustav's gentle and modest face, and the man was really cold-hearted. He smiled softly. He clicked the send button and didn't mind pushing the man into a more desperate abyss.

"Romeo, are you okay?" Bonnie talked with several parents and saw the teenager hiding in the corner and playing with his watch. The back was very lonely.

"I am fine." Zhou Yunyi looked up and smiled.

"Dear, your aunt is too busy to work and can't come to see you. She wants you to take care of yourself and say that I miss you." Bonnie didn't tell the boy the truth, worried that it would affect his game mood.

"Well, I know." Zhou Yunxiao nodded, and he was very grateful to Bonnie for taking care of him.

The players followed their family members one after another. They wanted to have a good restaurant to eat for a meal. The fees were reimbursed by the program team, provided they allowed the program group to take pictures of their party and broadcast them. This sale is very cost-effective.

Ivan originally wanted to invite Romeo and found that Bonnie had already made an appointment with him, so he left with confidence.

As a moderator, Bonnie is obliged to take care of the two players who have placed the order. She packed a French restaurant and exchanged ideas with them while eating a luxurious dinner.

Zhou Yunqi and Emily had long torn their faces. At this time, they would not pretend to be friendly. The cameraman took the picture of the two opposing (Emili, Romeo silent) and left.

"Romeo, the previous things made you wronged. Are you still angry?" Bonnie asked tentatively.

This little thing is not put in the heart by Zhou Yunyi. He knows what kind of emotion Gustav has for him. He will not accept him, but he will not hate him for it. Love is the most precious thing in the world. Even if this love is not what you want, you can simply reject it, but you can't break it with a disgusting attitude.

"No, I am not angry. On the contrary, I am very grateful to Mr. Acheson for his appreciation." He slowly shook his head.

Emily's glimmer of light, the heart of the road to reduce the number of photos is really related to Mr. Acheson, but specifically because of what? She would like to buy an entertainment weekly newspaper to read, but Bonnie looked at it and had no chance at all. Maybe she could ask other players after she went back, and their family members must know.

She is absent-mindedly cutting the steak, and from time to time looks at the opposite boy with a hostile look.

Zhou Yunxuan asked the hostess for a red wine glass and stared at Bonnie with her big eyes. "Bonnie, can I drink some red wine? Just a little, the cameraman has gone, no one will know."

Bonnie is a little embarrassed. The teenager is still three months old and can't drink alcohol, but he started stealing at the age of fifteen. Shouldn't it matter?

She slowly explored the red wine bottle, but a big hand stretched out from the top of Romeo's head and took the wine away, seriously denying, "No, only drink milk."

Emily was in a hurry. She finally saw Mr. Acheson again, a man who could decide her fate.