MTL - Raising a Bun with a Daily Life System-Chapter 4 Get out of trouble

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Hearing this, Yuanxi snorted, not so bad, what he came to think!

He quietly moved a place, this angle just to see the picture of their contact.

It is a three-dimensional holographic image. Two scums stand in front, and on the opposite side of the screen is a man in a silver uniform.

The style of the uniform is simple and atmospheric, and the lines outlined by the body are excellent. His hair color is pure gold, and the skin is almost white without blood. The five senses are handsome, but the green eyes are like snakes. Through the screen, you can feel the unscrupulous and dangerous meaning.

When I saw such a person, Yuanxi’s heart was stunned first. This is probably the federal official called Fengqi. Just like this, he felt that this is definitely not a good person.

Compared to the anger of Bazi, another gangster seemed to be calmer, but the black eyes were slightly flickering. Obviously, he did not expect Fengqi to be so embarrassed.

He reluctantly let the voice calmly say: "Currently, Colonel Feng, our request is very simple. We only need to open the port passage. When we leave, we will immediately put more than 50 people."

On the screen, the mouth of the mouth is hooked, and the smile is explicit and malicious: "I said it, hand over the things you took, I will consider leaving your life."

The gangster with a lower voice also ignited: "Do you really regard the life of the ship's fifty-four federal citizens as nothing? Or do you think we dare not kill them?"

After he said that he had dangerous eyes, but the face of the screen was not fluctuating, but he shook his fingers and said: "My patience is limited, and I don't have much time for you."

He really didn't care so much. The gangsters were reluctant to ask: "If more than 50 people are dead, do you think your official position can still be saved? If we expose your image, you think you will have What is the end?"

The handsome man on the screen blinked, and the more laughter he made, he said: "Do you think I will give you this opportunity?"

When he said this, the gangster’s face changed. He looked down and looked more and more ugly, and there was no limit to his pet.

Feng Wei said, "Okay, don't want to give it to me, you will take it to **** together."

When he said this, Bazi was in a hurry. He said loudly: "You can't, you don't dare. If this happens in your jurisdiction, you will definitely not be able to take it."

That Feng Wei was unmoved, and finally left them with a big smile, and then forcibly cut off the conversation with them.

Yuanxi watched the whole journey, and while he was smashing the scum, he licked the two **** gangsters. How can these three dregs not come together to die, and to live is to harm the people!

The rescue is gone, and I don’t know what plans the two gangsters have.

At this time, the starship swayed fiercely, and the sharp alarm sounds of the bursts of sounds sounded one after another, and the scum of Fengqi actually began to attack like this!

The two gangsters also panicked. They quickly moved to the starship's main control room and shouted loudly: "Get off, give me a quick takeoff!"

Under such circumstances, forcibly taking off is tantamount to finding death, but being forced by weapons, the controller has to launch the starship's power system.

The two gangsters suddenly ran towards the right rear of the spaceship. The movement in Yuanxi also followed the past. The place seemed to be the powerhouse of the starship. I saw that the one named Bazi took out one on the speeding car. A long tube with the thickness of chopsticks. At that time, it was this thing that allowed them to come inside the starship in an instant. Do they still have a move?

Naba seems to want to push the pipe into the energy trough as last time, but another gangster stopped him: "We can no longer waste energy. Since more than 50 people can't take it to the federal government, it is already waste. Go and dispose of it."

When the voice just fell, the two men turned around again. Yuanxi was shocked and knew that he could not wait any longer. He could not let them kill. He touched the weapon that resembled the remote control that had been hidden in his arms. This was the weapon that the dead Li’s deputy had dropped, and he was brave enough to catch up.

Although the two gangsters have weapons and are higher than him. However, during this period of observation, Yuanxi has discovered that the physical fitness of these two people is actually very general. It is entirely supported by weapons. If it is able to seize the opportunity, Yuanxi is very confident that he can bring down the two of them.

Yuanxi took a deep breath. He had no father and no mother since he was a child. He grew up and climbed up. He said nothing else. He was practicing in the streets and lanes in order not to be bullied. Others dare not say, run. It’s awkward.

He ran fast, and he rushed to the cabin before the two gangsters. The passengers in the cabin had rioted because of the gangster’s sudden departure. They wanted to escape, but now the starship is already in the air, and it’s out. Don't go. And because there is no order, it is a mess.

At the moment, Yuanxi has no time to appease them. He quickly ambushes where the gangsters are about to appear.

Yuanxi looked calmly, and had to hit it all at once. Only one person killed him first, and the other one was sure to fight against it.

Yuanxi held his breath, ignoring the screams around him, and the crying of the screams. He only locked all the spirits on the two gangsters. He did not use this weapon, nor did he know the range, but now In the case of him, he can only minimize the chance of failure, that is, when the gangster approaches him.

The gangsters ran to the cabin, and all their attention was drawn to the chaos in the cabin, and they began to suppress the weapons.

It's now! Yuanxi pointed at the bazi near him, pressed hard, and a white light flashed in front of him, hit!

Ba Zi’s face was full of horror and incredible. He didn’t know who he was in the end.

Yuanxi forced the discomfort in his heart and quickly locked another gangster. The death of Bazi shocked him. Yuanxi knew that this is a perfect opportunity. This person is the most fearful time in his heart, as long as he can grasp it. , I can certainly solve the full text reading of his product!

Therefore, Yuanxi did not hesitate, the weapons were launched, and the white light reappeared.

But the gangster is not an ordinary person, his psychological quality is extremely high, especially for the dangerous consciousness, his ability is obviously higher than that of the Pakistani. If Yuanxi first hit him, then Yuanxi will be defeated.

Also lost the Yuanxi's careful observation on this road, knowing that Bazi's character is very irritating, so he first chose to attack him.

At the crucial moment, the gangster activated the defense system at the wrist, and his body was covered with a faint blue light. Although he did not escape the attack of Yuanxi, he directly absorbed the impact of the weapon and was unharmed.

Losing the opportunity, Yuanxi knew that there would be no effect in releasing the gun again. He quickly changed to a place to hide, just to avoid the attack launched by the gangsters.

Now in this situation, the gangster has a protective cover. His rash attack will definitely have no effect, and he will expose himself. What should he do? Yuanxi blinked his eyes and instantly counted his heart.

He aimed at the weapons in the hands of the gangsters! If the weapon is destroyed, the gangster is like a beast that has lost his teeth. It is much easier to kill him.

However, there is still a problem. It is not difficult to aim at a person, but it is very difficult to aim at the weapon. Yuanxi has not received any training. Although his eyes are very good, can he grasp it under such circumstances? ?

A big bean sweat slipped from his forehead, saying that it is impossible to be nervous. He is just an ordinary person. When he came to this strange world, he encountered so many things. His mentality was slightly weaker and he had already collapsed. He can still insist on this, nothing more than to live!

Yes, he wants to live, can't die, and there are more than 50 lives on this ship. Although they don't know each other, they are all people, they all represent a family, and parents have sons.

Thinking of the tragic death of his parents and his lonely life, he does not want to have such a tragedy born.

Yuanxi, he silently said to himself, you can.

He took a deep breath and ignored all the sounds around him. He could only see the weapon. Although the gangster was shooting around in the madness, he only had the silvery, rectangular, deep-mouthed weapon.

The starship was attacked again, the hull swayed violently, and the gangsters finally panicked and he was afraid! Yuanxi licked his mouth, just at this moment, he pulled the weapon!

The white light flashed, followed by a fierce blast.

Didn't want to have such an accident, Yuanxi aimed, the weapons in the hands of the gangsters were destroyed, and unexpectedly broke out a huge flow of energy, so that the color of the light blue shield on the gangsters became lighter, leaving only A thin layer.

Can not miss this opportunity, Yuanxi continuously pulled the trigger, a white light shot. But the gangster was not vegetarian in the end, he quickly ducked and moved to the place where the bazi died.

Yuanxi knew that he was going to rob the Pakistani weapon and he could not let him succeed! Yuanxi is no longer hidden, raising the attack speed of the weapon to the highest level, and must kill him.

At the last moment, when the gangsters were about to touch the key moment of the weapon, a middle-aged woman suddenly appeared, and she robbed the weapon that fell on the ground.

It turned out that the onlookers found their battle and boldly reached out to support.

Yuanxi was moved, but at that time the gangster made a sigh, and rushed to the woman with his bare hand, and forced her neck to force him to death.

A middle-aged man roared and seemed to be the woman's husband. He just had to rush, and Yuanxi suddenly stopped him. Yuanxi did not explain, just picked up the weapon and pointed at the gangster. His eyes were not stunned, and the trigger was pulled, and the white light flew, hitting the middle!

The author has something to say: There is still one more today (^u^)ノ~yo