MTL - Raising a Fox Spirit in My Home-Chapter 898 The mountains and rivers meet, rubbing shoulders and running west

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Ziyuan and Zhou Qin are determined to go to Longhushan and his party. Although Qi Hongling is a child of Zhengyijiao, he was actually bullied a bit, so she heard that they both went to Longhushan and feared that the world would not be chaotic. Said: "Well, I will go with you."

Lin Biao’s theory of qualifications is not as good as the three, plus the idea that she had made before, and where to dare to say anything, just watching the three of them, they said: “Can Can't take me with me?"

Aster looked at Lin Biao, her brow was wrinkled. She thought that this time she would go to Zhengyi, maybe there would be some conflicts, and Lin Biaoxiu was too low. If she had a conflict, she and Zhou Qin might both It’s hard to protect itself, let alone take care of Lin Biao.

Aster is about to talk, but Zhou Qin, who is on the side, rushed and said: "Aster, let Lin Biao go, she has a special status, and maybe there is a miracle."

Aster in the heart, looked at the blonde Lin Biao, this slowly nodded: "Well, don't go over, don't talk nonsense, Dragon and Tiger Mountain is no better than other places, in case of any extravagant things." We may not be able to keep you."

Lin Biao mentioned that the heart of the blind man was put down. It was very serious: "Well, I just want to make a little effort. I also want Master to come back soon."

Speaking of Li Yundong, Aster and Zhou Qin couldn't help but look at each other, and they couldn't help but ask themselves innumerable times: Where did Li Yundong and Su Shi go?

All of them were practicing people, and they didn't stay much. They rushed to Longhushan overnight, and when they arrived at Longhushan, it was already early in the morning.

Lin Biao was flying in the air with the asters, and looked at the wonders of this mountain and water green, but I saw that there was green water at the foot of the mountain, and the mountain peaked, turning like a small mountain, like a love scene, crossing the beach White, the pool is green, or softly vocal, or meditation, like a lady of Lingxiu Jingjing; but next to the green water is the ninety-nine peaks and twenty-four rocks, these peaks take the water to the soft, throughout the ninety The masculine of Kowloon, from a distance, looks at it from a distance, and sees the ground as if it is holding a group of dragons and tigers. It is really imposing, tigers and dragons, you can take a closer look, but see a gloomy mountain in this lush forest. The green, full of spirituality, it is her practice of rookie at first glance, I also feel that I look a lot more, my eyes have become more comfortable, more breath a reiki, and my body is also much more comfortable.

Lin Biao, this is the first time I came to this spiritual show. I couldn’t help but be shocked by this wonderful scene. I couldn’t help but whispered and exclaimed: "A beautiful place, a place full of wonders, it is incredible!"

She turned her head and said to Asters: "I have been to many countries, but only China has such a magical beauty. I now finally understand why only China has Taoist practitioners like you, but other countries do not!"

These words say that even if she is in a heavy mood, she can't help but smile. She is quite proud to say: "The Chinese mainland Lingshan Xiushui is everywhere, but wherever there is a green water Danshan, there are two Buddhist temples. Such a place is full of aura, the essence of the heavens and the earth, the wonders of the sun and the moon. There are four distinct characteristics, no suffering from the hot and cold seasons of the four seasons, such a place of practice, there is no such thing to want to come abroad."

Zhou Qin was born in the official family. He has been abroad many times since childhood. There have been many tourist attractions around the world. Some of the natural wonders that the world has praised, she has been to most of them, but now think about the asters, she I can't help but nod my head and say: "Yes, if you talk about a place alone, you can compare it with Longhushan. In fact, there are foreign countries, but like China, so many Lingshan houses are concentrated in one country. But it is unique. I think if our country is full of white hair, or there are grasslands everywhere, I am afraid that there will not be such a magical Taoist martial art?"

Lin Biao whispered: "God loves China and hopes that the practitioners of this spiritual show can help us find Master."

Zhou Qin sighed: "I hope so."

Aster nodded and said: "Let's go on, don't lose the number of gifts, be laughed at."

At this time, several of them fell together. When they first came to the ground of Longhushan, they met two Taoist priests wearing robes. Both of them were holding a dust, seemingly chanting along the mountain, but actually patrolling the police. One of them is not someone else, it is Zhang Liufang who looks pretty.

Asahi came forward, and the first ritual: "No amount of life, two friends, please stay."

Zhang Liufang turned to look at it, but he saw four beautiful women standing behind him. In addition to Lin Biao, she looked at her eyes, and the other three people all knew her. Zhang Liufang was shocked and immediately returned to court. Some of the cautious Said: "It turned out to be a real person in Aster, it is really rude, I don't know how the Amethysts will come here?"

Zhang Liufang accidentally made a big mistake. As a result, Li Sen was expelled from the division and was also punished. However, her punishment was ordered by Zhang Tianshi to be punished by Zhang Kongyun, but now Zhang Kongyun is retreating, she is actually not receiving any The punishment, but Zhang Liufang’s heart was not willing to go, he offered to follow the brothers and sisters to visit the mountains.

She did not expect that she had just met a pedestrian in Shion as soon as she patrolled the mountain.

Aster knows that Zhang Liufang is very fond of their group in Zhengyijiao. She relaxed a little in her heart and said: "We have something important to ask to see Zhang Tianshida real person."

Zhang Liufang said: "You want to see the head of the church? He is retreating, I am afraid that you have to run away."

Shion whispered: "We only have a few words to ask the teacher, and we will leave if we ask, don't bother him to come out."

Zhang Liufang hesitated, turning his head to the male priest next to him: "Senior, what should I do?"

At this time, the priest was struggling to make a great jump in his heart, and his head was almost empty. When there was any idea, he did not dare to carry it. Some people said in a panic: "Little sister, you are the master."

Zhang Liufang's face is strange: "It's weird... How can you let my little sister take the idea of ​​this brother? No, I don't take the idea, or else something goes wrong, and I have to blame me, I Finally, a younger brother has been driven out of the division. If something goes wrong, what should I do if I am driven out of the division?"

Ziyuan smiled a little, no longer asked her, turned to the male Taoist brother and said: "This friend, can you help me with a message?"

The power of beauty is endless, not to mention the fairy. This male Taoist priest had seen the asters in the successor ceremony of Longhushan. It has already fallen in love at first sight, and it is a dream. They all came out from the eyes of the blind, and together with Zhou Qin, Qi Hongling and Lin Biao, the three beautiful women were next to each other. It was really beautiful, and he could not lift his eyelids.

The younger brother hurriedly answered: "Well, Shiodao friends, three friends, please come with me..." He turned and went to the mountains.

Zhang Liufang looked a little bit stunned at the side, his heart: Hey, not you, people want you to convey a message, you simply led directly? Isn’t it so easy to see it?

According to the etiquette, the Taoist priest should first report, and after obtaining permission, he officially led Ziyuan and others to go to the mountain to meet Zhang Tianshi. Ziyuan did not expect the Taoist to directly lead them up. He hesitated a moment and Zhou Qin immediately shouted: Hesitate? Go with it, time is waiting for people!"

Asters think of this, the heart is a cross, and the step is followed.

Although Zhang Liufang felt that there was something wrong with it, but before she evaded her responsibility, she couldn’t blame herself for her blame, and she was happy to follow it.

Zhang Liufang had seen asters, Zhou Qin and Yan Hongling before, so I only looked at them a few times and then cast their eyes on Lin Biao. Because of Li Sen’s relationship, she is not like many Chinese practitioners, foreign practitioners have With great prejudice and prejudice, she is very fond of these blond practitioners.

Zhang Liufang came to Lin Biao, she had visited Li Yundong, and she saw Lin Biao standing next to Li Yundong, so she smiled and said: "Hello, I seem to have seen you, are you an invincible Li?"

Li Yundong has become the world's first master. Every word and deed has the spirit and temperament of a generation of masters. On weekdays, the subtle influence affects the people around him. Therefore, Lin Biao also consciously cannot lose Master's face, plus she is big. Family origins, words and demeanor are quite impressive, and now the first ceremonial ceremony, said: "The teacher is Li Yundong."

Zhang Liufang was very fluent in her Chinese language. She was better than the big nose Li Sen. She touched the scene and couldn’t help but sigh and said, "Hey, your Chinese is really good, more stupid than mine. The younger brother is much better, but unfortunately, he has already been expelled from the division. Otherwise, if you meet him, there must be something to say, maybe it is a fellow."

Where did Lin Biao know about Li Sen’s experience, she smiled and politely followed her words: “I don’t know the name of the teacher’s younger brother? Where is it? Maybe we are really fellow.”

Zhang Liufang said faintly: "He, he is Li Sen, the wood inside the name is really much. If it is not the five elements, why would you take such a name?"

Lin Biao just said a casual, but did not expect to ask a word that shocked her.

Lin Biao suddenly felt a shock, could not help but stretched out his hands, grabbed Zhang Liufang, lost his voice: "What do you say? Li Sen? John? Where is he?"

Zhang Liufang looked at Lin Biao with a slap in the face, but she didn't think that the blond, behaved and polite beauty was so rude, she yelled: "You hurt me!"

Although Lin Biao has no mana, she is also the body of the reinvention of Ling Dan. The strength can be very large. Under this rude force, it is almost impossible to pinch Zhang Liufang’s two jade-like arms to a blue.

Lin Biao immediately let go of his hand and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I am so excited. Your younger brother is Li Sen? He is tall? The hair is golden and rolled? Looks like five big three thick?"

Lin Biao described Li Sen's appearance in detail. Every time he said one, Zhang Liufang nodded. The surprised expression on his face was even heavier: "Do you know big wood? You are really fellow with him. ?"

At this time, Zhou Qin also turned around and said: "Zhang Liufang is a real person. How do you know John... Ah, no, is Li Sen?"

Zhang Liufang smiled at her and said, "You can call me Zhang Liufang. I am not a real person. I can't do it. I can do it badly, oh..."

She said that Zhou Qin thought of Su Shi, she smiled and smiled at Zhang Liufang. At this time, Zhang Liufang would discover how Li Sen was, how to bring him back, and then he went through the things under the Zhengyi teaching and said it again.

Aster has been listening carefully to the ear. When she heard the last, she realized that she had some understanding. When she first took over the ceremony, there was someone who screamed in the crowd, as if she was helping herself, then she was At the tip of the lang, but did not pay attention, but did not expect that person is Li Sen.

At this time, Shion couldn’t help but turn around and asked: "What about Li Sen now?"

Lin Biao is even more anxious to ask: "Yes, what about others?"

Zhang Liufang said sighingly about what happened later. She sighed softly and said, "I blame me... If it weren't for me, how could so many things happen?"

At this time, asters and Zhou Qin looked at each other, they realized that why the nine-day gods did not kill the mysterious fox, but it was because of the coincidence of Li Sen and Zhang Liufang, and finally let the secret Xuanhu escaped from birth...

Li Sen was also expelled from Zhengyi, and eventually failed to meet Lin Biao.

The two men felt awkward at this moment, secretly shaking their heads, and Aster whispered: "The mountains and rivers meet, rub shoulders and run west. This is a fellow, why not reunite? Lin Biao, you don't have to worry about him, I believe Li Sen will have His own creation, you now know his whereabouts, and will definitely meet again in the future."

Lin Biao sighed and said: "I hope so."

Asters did not expect that their pedestrians were originally looking for Li Yundong’s whereabouts, but they accidentally knew the whereabouts of Li Sen. It was really unintentional, and she secretly sighed anxiously: Li Sen’s whereabouts are known. Where is Li Yundong’s whereabouts?

======================================================================================================== It hurts, I will fight for another chapter...