MTL - Raising a Fox Spirit in My Home-Chapter 899 Jump out of the three realms, not in the five elements

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Shion and others inadvertently learned about Li Sen’s whereabouts. Although Lin Biao had the heart to find Li Sen and let him return to Li Yundong, but now that Li Yundong’s own whereabouts are unknown, she did not dare to go as an apprentice. Open, you can only press this mind first.

Asahi followed the male Taoist priest to the front of the Zhengyi Tianshi, when Zou Ping, who was on duty outside, saw their group of people at a glance, and suddenly she was surprised that she had already had a deeper prejudice against Aster and others. However, it was a big shock to suddenly see a few of them in the heart of the city.

It is said that today is not the same as the past, if the former Aster came to Longhushan, then it came, and there was no big fuss, but now Aster is a child of the inner chamber of the Zhengyi, and he began to practice in the womb, and he is a hero. The master of robbery, but also the successor of the Linggong School, whether it is qualifications, seniority or strength, she is a big master who can go anywhere with the heads of the Chinese factions!

Zhou Qin is also a master of thunder robbery. She is also an invincible master of the mountain. He will certainly be an earth-shattering master in the future.

The two of them came together, and the weight was heavy. As you can imagine, it was the Zhengyi and did not dare to take a nap. In this way, the two masters of the thunderbolt will appear in front of the Heavenly Masters without warning. If they are hostile, the consequences are really unimaginable.

Zou Ping was first polite and reserved with Shion and Zhou Qin and others, and then glanced at Zhang Liufang and the Taoist priests on the road, pulling them both aside and whispering: "What are you doing?" What kind of identity are they now, can they be put up like this? What are they doing?"

Zhang Liufang lowered his head and didn't talk, but his eyes turned and turned, and he took the eyes of his eyes and went to the next brother. This brother also knew that he had done something wrong. He said with a hard scalp: "I brought it up. I see that Aster is not an outsider, she wants to see the head, so..."

Zouping whispered: "Do you also know that she is called Shi Zizhen? If it is not an outsider, why don't you call her Aster Shijie? She wants to see the head and see? Do you think we are a vegetable market here? I want to come here?"

Zhang Liufang whispered: "Master sister, don't you have to say this? I listen to the real people in Aoyuan saying that there is a very urgent matter."

Zou Ping frowned and frowned. He was going to continue to teach Zhang Liufang, but he saw a voice coming from the side: "What?" Zhang Ling heard the movement and came over.

Zhang Ling glanced at Ziyuan and Zhou Qin and so on. It was also a surprise. When she stepped forward, she gave a look to Zou Ping and told her to handle these things. She said that she would like to pay a visit to asters and Zhou Qin, Yan Hongling and Lin Biao. : "Infinite life and happiness, and met again, Aster Real. What about Li Zhenren? Should he be busy dealing with the sealed mysterious fox?"

Shion slightly reveals a little uneasiness, and she also politely said: "I don't want to be a real fire, we don't ask for it this time, it's for this matter."

Zhang Ling looked at her strangely, and even said: "Sure enough, nothing happened to the Three Treasure Hall, what happened?"

Aster sighed a little and said the matter before and after. Afterwards, even after Ying Ying’s sigh, he bowed down to the position of Zhang Tianshi’s retreat. He said: “We thought about it and thought that today’s practitioners only have Zhang Tianshi’s most People admire, can be called the ancient and modern, Lida, China and the West, on the two thousand years of knowledge, the next eight hundred years, will be able to answer our doubts. I think this matter is of great importance, not only related to Li Yundong and Su Shi’s personal Safety is more related to the whereabouts of Tianji Xuanhu. I also hope that Zhang Tianshi will not look at the Buddha face and help us to do this!"

When Aoyuan was succeeded in the ceremony, he was pressured and forced to fight. He never asked for mercy, but not to mention bowing his knees. But at this time, she was full of worship, but she was kneeling on the ground, and others could not help but sigh. Point out.

Zhou Qin, who was on the side, saw her worshiping. Although she was somewhat reluctant in her heart, but for her own master, she went down with them. They both squatted, and Hong Hongling and Lin Biao had 10,000 reluctances. I can only go down with it.

The four of them squatted on the ground, whispering, and Zhang Ling’s heart-wrenching people couldn’t help but shake their heads. She secretly sighed: Ziyuan couldn’t think of her teacher’s, it’s a kind of love. Li Yundong does these things.

Zhang Ling has a good face. She thinks that if she changed herself to Aster, she decided not to do such a thing. She felt secretly in her heart and was about to speak, but she heard a gentle voice coming: "No. Look at the Buddha face? Shion, when did you change your faith in Buddhism?"

This sentence implies a smile, which sounds not only does not feel abrupt, but also the intention of closeness.

Asa suddenly raised his head and quickly asked: "Tianshi master, you promised to help us?"

The speed of the asters on the stick is really amazing. Zhang Tianshi couldn’t help but laughed: "Do you still recognize me as the head? You are the one who wants to be the head, so speak Is it wrong?"

Shion whispered: "Aster has always been a disciple under the teachings of Zhengyi. The Linggong School is also a branch of Zhengyijiao. Everyone is the same, and where is it wrong?"

Zhou Qin listened to Ziyuan and Zhang Tianshi on the sidelines. She was deeply thoughtful. Knowing that Zhang Tianshi’s status is naturally impossible to open her mouth. He said that it is equivalent to letting Ziyuan successfully take over the Ling Palace in the next succession ceremony. The position of the door, and did not negate the previous words, so she immediately followed the words of Aster: "Zhang Tianshi, the so-called helper is to help others, the secret machine is the public enemy of our practice, I think Zhang Tianshi must not sit and watch Ignore it?"

Zhang Tianshi smiled and said: "You little doll, don't use words to run against me. You give me such a high hat, can I still deny it?"

Asters and Zhou Qin and others were overjoyed, they looked up and looked at the direction of Zhang Tianshi’s voice.

Zhang Tianshi said: "Aster, take your two magic weapons out and see."

Aster did not hesitate, immediately took out the magic weapon, put it in front of him, and said: "Please also ask the head of the heavenly master!"

Several of them widened their eyes and saw that Zhang Tianshi did not see the figure. Only a flash of blue light flashed through the glass mirror in the sky. After a while, the glass mirror floated slowly above the purple gold jade plate.

On the purple gold Luoyu plate, a purple light beam suddenly appeared on the back of the glass mirror. In the instant, the mirror on the glass mirror appeared one after another. These pictures are the historical pictures recorded by the mirror. From the very beginning, Li Zhichang created this magic weapon, and then Li Zhichang and the Ba Si Ba fighting law debate, and then went to Ba Si Ba to face the spiritual mirror practice, to understand the mystery of time and space, and then to the spiritual mirror of the heirs of the dynasties.

The people around the mirror saw the picture on the mirror flashing fast, like the fast lens of the movie. At this time, the picture became a confession between Aster and Li Yundong, and then went to Ziyuan to help Li Yundong resist the catastrophe. Destroyed the glazed mirror of the sky, and for a moment the crowd was silent, and the look of the asters turned into some inexplicable and complicated.

Zhang Ling is even more guilty, my heart: No wonder how Zifang was not willing to say how the magic weapon was damaged when he took over the ceremony. Was it for Li Yundong? It seems that the rumors about the two of them are not groundless.

Shion Rao is calm and calm, and at this time, some ears are red, but they are hard to spread to the cheeks.

Fortunately, however, the picture soon came to Li Yundong and other people and the mysterious fox fight, followed by the Tianji Xuanhu was thrown into the Zijin Luoyu plate by the celestial glass mirror, and soon the souls of Li Yundong and Su Shi were processed in the same way. The investment is in the purple gold jade plate.

At this time, Ziyuan and Zhou Qin and others were wide-eyed and looked very real. Whether it was Tianji Xuanhu, Li Yundong and Su Shi, they were all about to be thrown into the Zijin Luoyu plate, the whole body of this purple gold jade plate. Immediately, there was a glimmer of blue light, and this light and the glare of the glass mirror immediately provoked a ripple, and the surrounding air seemed to be broken, and Tianji Xuanhu, Li Yundong and Su Shi’s figure disappeared at this moment.

After Shion and Zhou Qin read it, they looked at each other and looked at each other. They felt as if they understood something, but they couldn’t say anything.

Asters said helplessly: "Tianshi master, the disciples have already finished reading, please also express."

Zhang Tianshi smiled and said: "I don't understand after reading it? Li Zhenren and this little fox demon have now jumped out of the Three Realms, not in the Five Elements!"

Most of this sentence refers to the fact that the practitioner has already ascended into a fairy. The asters are shocked and can't help but tremble: "Ah? Are they immortal? No, no?"

Zhou Qin was even cold and shocked: "Impossible, Master will not leave us like this! This is impossible!"

Zhang Tianshi smiled and said: "I have said that they are immortal? I just said: They jumped out of the three realms, not in the five elements. As for what this sentence means, you have to figure it out yourself. It!"

Zhou Qin couldn't help but ask: "Tianshi, Zhang Tianshi, you explain it clearly! We don't understand!"

Zhang Tianshi laughed and said: "The secret can not be leaked, and more said that it will be condemned by the heavens, and there is no life and happiness!" After that, there was no more sound coming.

Zhou Qin Qisheng said: "Hey, what does this mean in the end?"

A side of Zou Ping glanced at her and said: "Zhou Zhenren, pay attention to your tone and words, who are you talking to?"

Zhou Qin was furious and subconsciously wanted to go back, but thinking about what he had asked for, he had to swallow this breath, and he frowned and thought.

Aster was stunned on the ground, and her helpless appearance made Zhang Ling look at it and couldn’t help but sigh and whispered: "Aster is really human, you should get up first, the head has already given you The answer, the rest will require you to explore and explore."

Shion gradually came back to the gods. She got up and got a large piece of gray stain on her knees. She was also unaware of her purity, but she went with Zhou Qin, Yan Hongling and Lin Biao. .

Zhang Ling watched their group of people go down the mountain and couldn't help but came to Xianxia Cave and asked: "What is the meaning of your words in the younger brother? You know that Li Yundong did not go where they went?"

After a while, Zhang Tianshi said with a long time: "Know how, don't know how?"

Zhang Ling said: "Oh, this is related to dealing with the big things of the mysterious fox, if you know, just tell them, I am worried!"

Zhang Tianshi smiled and said: "I just said that the Aster has just said that I have known for two thousand years, but if it is more than two thousand years, I don't know if I want to, so I have to find it myself."

Zhang Lingyiyi, some crying and laughing said: "No, younger brother, how old are you, but also the temper of a child?"

Zhang Tianshi was undecided, smiled slightly and said: "Everything is reported, causality comes out of the mouth. Heaven and earth are difficult to self-quantify, the true law is realized from the middle. Wushou Shoufu, Shimei, please come back."

Although Zhang Ling is also a minor practitioner who is not a low-level practitioner, she only feels confused when she listens to this. She said, "Hey, what does this mean for more than two thousand years? Hey, you know that you don't know." ?"

But no matter what she said, Zhang Tianshi never said more, only she left alone to ponder: What does this sentence mean? My master, I know... I don’t know.