MTL - Raising A Golden Crow In Secret-Chapter 19 spark of fire

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Hai Wangyan, who was caught on the spot, was a lot more honest.

Under Du Yu's efforts to change the subject, the three of them jointly trained monster pets in this dilapidated teaching building.

Obviously, demon pets know how to deal with demon breath better than demon masters, even if these little guys are still young.

The three demon pets also took turns to compete, using them as targets for each other, experimenting with the defensive power of the demon breath shirt, and feeling the uncomfortable feeling of being invaded by the demon breath.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to end up in rotation, Neptune Yan regrouped and made another effort!

She probed carefully, taking every step and infiltrating.

Here is a post with Li Mengnan, and there with Lin Shiyi, giving Du Yu a public relations lesson!

That is called a rain and dew, both sides.

It didn't take long for the Asura Arena to be full of joy!

At least on the surface, the two girls' emotions are stable and their smiles are pretty, which makes Du Yu look silly!

In life, is there such an option?

Having said that, Li Mengnan also has the potential to be a grudge.

At dinner time, Li Mengnan went to buy Xiaoyan a bowl of high-end demon pet rations.

What can be done?

When choosing to forgive her...

"嘤~" At the dining table, Xiao Yan, who was enjoying the food, looked up at Du Yu, who was across the table, with a smile in her beautiful fox eyes.

Du Yu silently lowered his head and continued to eat.

He had a hunch that if Xiaoyan acted like a spoiled brat with Li Mengnan again, not to mention the rations for demon pets, even Du Yu's rations could be covered by Li Mengnan...

This is Du Yu's second day in the training base, which is full and interesting.

The only embarrassing thing was that he and his roommate Lin Shihang didn't speak when he went back to the dormitory to sleep after training at night.

In the small dormitory, the two teenagers looked like blind men! You can't see the big living people who are sleeping together.

Anyway, Du Yu didn't get out of bed all night, and had been cultivating the fire demon breath with Xiao Fenyang and Xiaoyan in his body.

Fortunately, the training will end tomorrow, so you don't need to see the superior face of "Three Sun Tzu" anymore...


The next morning.

After breakfast, Du Yu organized the students to line up in the slightly muddy playground.

Today's Gong Cheng is even more fierce. With his hands behind his back, he paces back and forth in front of the team: "In two days, you have mastered everything you should learn in the stage of the demon warrior."

As he spoke, he suddenly turned around and walked into the team.

For a while, the students, who had been silent for a while, were trembling with fear, for fear that Old Demon Gong would be furious, and he would throw a stick like he did with Du Yu yesterday...

"You have learned the demon contract and activated the novice demon soldier.

You trained demon pets to learn the lowest bronze level demon skills, and you also learned to release demon breath and make demon breath battle robes. "

"Tomorrow is the day you will be assessed by the Demon Spirit Academy. On the last day of this training, you will take a crucial course."

Gong Cheng's subwoofer came from behind everyone: "Summon your demon pets, then take me as the center point, with a radius of ten meters, and stand in a circle."

The students looked at each other. Although they didn't know what Gong Cheng was going to do, they immediately moved.

Gong Cheng looked around, looked at the cute pets in the arms of the children, and slowly said a sentence: "The last lesson, be beaten."

The students are nervous!

Come, come, finally come!

Old Demon Gong finally couldn't bear his tyrannical temperament and was about to attack the students!

There was a sneer on Gong Cheng's face, and the terrifying scar squeezed and squeezed: "I know, you are very angry with me. I also understand that there are a lot of monster fighting professions in the world, and there is no need to fight at all. kill kill."

While speaking, Gong Cheng raised his right hand.

A burst of fire elements were quietly put together, and the big hand grabbed it out of thin air and pulled out a fire stick.

Condense the demon breath, summon elemental demon soldiers!

Finally, Du Yu could see clearly what the "shadow" that attacked him yesterday was.

"But who put you on my bus?" Gong Cheng turned the flaming stick in his hand, "I reminded you, go and sit on a school bus.

Now give you 10 seconds to put on the robe of the demon breath! "

"Huh?" Xiao Yan in her arms clearly felt a dangerous aura.

"Monster breath shirt, Xiaoyan, the one we've been training for yesterday afternoon." Du Yu hurriedly spoke, quickly releasing layers of fire attribute demon breath, covering his body.

After 10 seconds, Gong Cheng raised his right hand high, held the center of the fire stick, and turned his wrist violently.


After the stick shadow passed, a circle of visible flames spread out.


"Crack, click..."

In an instant, the sound of the shattering of the Demon Breath robes came from the students! One after another, one after another!

"Uh." Du Yu frowned slightly, this Old Demon Gong's method is really exquisite!

Gong Cheng must have deliberately adjusted the output intensity, but only smashed the students' demon breath robes... Wait!

Not right!

Du Yu looked around and found that the faces of his classmates were extremely ugly.

Obviously, the students are suffering from the demon breath that has entered their bodies and the shock damage.

Du Yu's heart moved, and he hurriedly pretended, frowning even deeper.

Of course, he also suffered shock damage, but there are very few demon breaths that invaded his body, so there is no need to look so ugly!

Beginning, minor, major, peak, every small rank is a hurdle that needs to be broken through.

Du Yu, who is already a demon master Xiaocheng, has more demon breath in his body and is more pure. The battle robe of demon breath that he has put together will naturally have stronger defense!

And Gong Cheng's output standard is obviously based on the defensive strength of Yuyao Chucheng.


Be sure to stand firm and stand till the end!

Du Yuqiang suppressed the joy in his heart, he needed the title of an outstanding student, and he needed that custom demon soldier very much!

Gong Cheng's voice came again: "After 10 seconds, continue."

"Xiaoyan, are you alright." Du Yu rubbed the little guy in his arms and comforted in a soft voice, "Bear the pain for a while and continue to release the demon breath, but don't use your flesh to pick it up."

"嘤~" Xiaoyan hummed, a pair of golden-brown foxes with watery eyes, such a pitiful little appearance made Du Yu look numb.


Can you really blame King Zhou when you meet such a master who brings disaster to the country and the people?


After 10 seconds, another ring of fire spread.

"Crack! Kick..."


"It hurts." There were a few complaints, but everyone was very cowardly and didn't dare to speak loudly.

Gong Cheng: "One more thing, today's training is likely to be related to tomorrow's assessment. After 10 seconds, continue."

Du Yu looked at Xiaoyan who was hit again in his arms. He was so distressed that he turned around and planned to protect her once and give her more time to adjust her demon breath.


In an instant, a stick figure slashed down!

It wasn't a circle, but a line of fire that went straight to Du Yu's back.


The Huo Yaoxi battle robe was shattered neatly and neatly, and Du Yu was grinning again.

Gong Cheng had a dark face: "You're smart, right?"

Old Demon Gong's expression is fierce, and his words are even fiercer, but his hands are extremely measured, and the output intensity is exactly the same as the previous few times.

Du Yu shivered and turned around, quickly reuniting the battle robes of the Demon Breath.

Seeing this scene, the other students didn't dare to think so carefully.

For other students, the interval between fire rings is 10 seconds, but for Du's only 5 seconds!


There was another circle of flames, and there was another sound of shattering shirts and gasping for air.

"If you can't hold it, then quit!" Gong Cheng's voice became severe, "Go and adjust your state before training. Or just go back to the dormitory, I didn't ask you to be here!

After 10 seconds, continue! "

"嘤~" Xiaoyan whimpered softly. She was still young, so she was obviously not used to such masochistic special training.

When we were training with Feng Wuwu and Rose Flower Spirit yesterday, everyone was very merciful.

Du Yu held Xiaoyan in front of her face, with her forehead pressed against her little head: "Hold on, Xiaoyan, this is a rare opportunity to grow.

If you really can't stand it, just tell me and I'll take you back into the body, okay? "

Xiaoyan looked at Du Yu's bright eyes and rubbed his forehead aggrievedly.

Others wanted to retreat, so they also retreated. Just as Gong Cheng said, not all monster fighting professions have to fight and kill, but Du Yu can't!

In this last training session, Du Yu has already missed a class, this time he must get good grades, there is no way out.


Another circle of flames spread out. After this time, some students really left the stage. And a full retreat is a full 8!

At home, they are all children who are held in the hands of their parents as treasures. Maybe they really can't stand such abuse.

Du Yu quickly reassembled the battle robe, and wrapped Xiaoyan in his arms with both arms, his lips lightly imprinted on her furry little head, protecting her to the greatest extent possible.

Gong Cheng saw this scene, but he didn't punish Du Yu anymore.

Forcing their own potential time and time again, and getting familiar with the taste of being hit again and again, many students reunited with the Demon Breath robes faster and adjusted more quickly.

Gong Cheng observed it very carefully, and obviously realized that the training had achieved initial results.

"Humph." Old Demon Gong snorted coldly, "The interval is adjusted to 7 seconds!"

In a word, the faces of the children who just got used to it suddenly changed.

"One day, you will thank me." Gong Cheng weighed the fire stick in his hand, raised his head high, flipped his wrist again, and made a circle of stick figures, "Maybe it will be tomorrow."


Du Yu lowered his head and hugged Xiaoyan tighter.

Xiao Yan, who was well protected in his arms, felt Du Yu's actions to protect himself with all his strength, and looked at the face that was close at hand...

"Du Yu Du Yu." Xiao Fenyang's soft words suddenly came out of his mind.

"What's the matter, Xiao Fenyang?"

"Xiaoyan loves you so much."


"She seems to want, um... I help her."


Du Yu only felt a wave of heat hit his nostrils, and as the Demon Breath shirt shattered, he staggered and took a step back.

"Slip off again? There really is your squad leader Du. UU reading" Gong Cheng's face was terrifyingly dark, "I feel that there is no pressure, the interval of 7 seconds is too long, right?

Very good, now adjust the interval to 5 seconds! "


"Don't, Teacher Gong..."

"Give a way to survive, Teacher Gong."

With complaints all over the place, Gong Cheng sneered and looked at Du Yu: "How about it, Squad Leader Du, does this suit you?"

A pair of eyes full of hostility and resentment all looked at Du Yu, even his friends Li Mengnan and Lin Shiyi were no exception.

Not to mention Wei Feng, Lin Shihang and others, those eyes wished to execute Du Yu on the spot!

Du Yu knew that since it was a foregone conclusion to the end, there was no need to be the target of public criticism, let alone risk exposure.

After all, tomorrow's assessment is the most important thing. No matter what the assessment content is, you shouldn't let your competitors prepare in advance!


Du Yu shook his head again and again: "No, don't hurry any more."

Gong Cheng, however, pretended to be behind his ears: "What? Hurry up?"

Du Yu: ? ? ?

Oh, I really don't care, but if you are quicker...

No matter how fast you are, you will become a shaker!

Did you use the pretense of special training to practice flower skills?


Another circle of flames struck, and Old Demon Gong turned around!

"Woo~!" It was very abrupt, Xiaoyan, who was being protected by Du Yu in her arms, suddenly raised her head and let out a fox cry.

In Du Yu's arms, on the soft big tail, tufts of fiery red fluff slowly spread, constantly infiltrating the surroundings.

Like a spark of fire, it has the potential to start a prairie fire!