MTL - Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me-Chapter 7 Kraunpith: I didn't go to the wrong set, right?

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   In order to find a set of clothes to cover the body, the demon tree demon turned a lot of equipment that had been stripped off before eating people.

   Players must-have space props—the infinite backpack, but it also dropped, which is really nice. But this is not true to its name. The load that a backpack can hold is only 500kg. After counting, there are actually five infinite backpacks in addition to the equipment on the body.

   After trying out the equipment of the two of them, the tree demon searched one by one in the backpacks, and then, a little angry—

   "Isn't it, these two dead men's equipment "burst out" (including the items in the space backpack) does not have a piece of clothing that I can equip?!"

According to the rules of "Yggdrasil", there is no designated class to equip the equipment corresponding to the class. Now the main class of the tree demon is the priest, and the two dead are the knight and the shield guard, so the equipment is almost completely unsuitable. The place.

   Generally speaking, according to the laws of physics, the equipment will not fall as long as it is put on, but now forcibly pressing the equipment on the body is like pressing the magnets at the same level. Only then I feel that the rules of the game are somewhat in the way.

   It is amazing that the equipment of the two swords is completely okay. Let's study this later. What is needed now is clothes! In the end, only boots, gloves and all kinds of rings, jewelry, infinite backpacks, and small satchels can be worn, but these don't cover the body.

   "Forget it, I have to test my skills anyway." The tree demon looked a bit self-defeating and covered his face.

   "Excuse me, do you need me to help you make clothes out of leaves?" This time Penny Kaoru took the initiative to ask.

   "Wait a minute, I'm going to try to use the plants that my skills summon—[Create Monster II] to activate, [Create Monster II] to activate, and [Create Monster II] to activate."

"Wow, it's so big, can such a terrible plant really be used as a material for clothes?!" Penny Kaoru, who is less than 20, was directly emitted by a three-body level 60 plant-type mimicry that was summoned continuously. The breath was frightened.

"The mimetic monster in "Yggdrasil" is not a strange monster. It can change into various forms according to the environment, and even the form of props and organs can lure others into being fooled. Then it can be done in the form of equipment. Also, wear Ms. Nixun, "big big," told me to be really super-twisted, can you change it?"

   "But...sir, you haven't told me neither the race name nor the individual name." Penny Kaoru felt aggrieved, but she did not dare to ask in front of the absolute high.

   "...Ah, this is my fault." But when Penny Kaoru said, the embarrassing thing is naturally the newly born tree demon.

   But, what is it called? My memory of my previous life is so incomplete, how come I don’t even have an impression of my name and gender? However, did you live your own life in the previous life? This smoothness is probably because I am too lazy to choose. I only need an adult to set it up, and I only need to spend my brain on how to complete the task. This way, there is still a little extra time to do what I like.

   So, why do you want to create something so troublesome and unaccustomed to yourself? Isn’t it enough to be honest and practical with what others have set? Anyway, the right of name and portrait between different worlds will not be interoperable, otherwise, how can the same body in different time and space be embarrassed?

   "I can't think of how to direct the mimicry to turn into clothes, then launch the tenth-level magic [ModifyMemory]... Wow, ah, dangerous, and consume MP so fast... This is a test, a test!"

   For the first time, the change from the tenth-level magic to the mimicry was almost out of control, but in reality, it took less than half a minute.

The tree demon halves the red and blue with the star-striped dress and pantyhose, and puts a purple hat with stars on his head to cover the small flowers on his head, so that he can be seen. It's a fairy monster, probably you won't be able to recognize it as a tree demon without using high-level detection magic, because the general detection magic will be invalidated due to poor level and special skill resistance.

   "Penny Kaoru, when you communicate with those people, do you classify existences like me into what?"

   "...It is said that multiple evil monsters do appear on the mainland, and they are said to be the'devil god' by the people of the mainland."

"Then, although I haven't done anything yet, let's just consider it like this, that is, I am the strongest goblin monster that has brought disasters?" The tree demon "hula" turned around and did it like a show. With a cute expression, in the previous life, this will only be regarded as a secondary disease or mental illness. Only in another world can I dare to let myself go—

   "Then please remember, the goblin from hell—Crow..."

I originally intended to say Clownpiece, the **** fairy of Gensokyo, but I thought that the world of automatic translation of this language would not be translated into "clown" as it is. UU read Just make a fool of yourself.

However, this hesitation is enough: "Clau...Clo^wnpiece·Lampas (Clo^wnpiece·Lampas), um, very good, not bad. Too long, you can be kind if you want to show respect It would be nice to call it "Pix"."

  If Penny Kaoru thought it was Crow Embassy, ​​Crow Embassy planned to insist that it was a tongue bite in the first half. I hope that the reason why others call "Peace" is naturally that the word Clown means clown, so as long as the second half is no problem.

Unexpectedly, Petunia Kaoru paid attention to this aspect, and started to pray in front of her face: "Sure enough... Is Lord Clown Pith Rampads a vicious existence? God, I gave in and surrendered. Is it right?"

   "Hey, what's your reaction?" Crown Pith was speechless at his reaction to the performance, and she lowered her head and pulled her "American flag" costume, "It's so cute."

   "Such a terrible dress is said to be cute! As expected, you are..."

Penny Kaoru’s words that Crowen Pess don’t want to hear anymore, it’s time to explain herself: “Forget it, I remember the aesthetics of this world seems to be crooked at first, after all, even the “Sage King” is so cute. Hamsters are all said to be brutal monsters."

What Cronnpis doesn’t know is that red, blue (purple) and white are recognized as poisonous colors in the forest race. Many poisonous monsters and plants also have a mixture of these colors. When they encounter it, there are elimination and avoidance. There are two options, and in the green and earth-colored jungle, as a fairy-type monster that is physically weak, using such a high-contrast color to show itself is a mockery of other people's attention, isn't it?

(to be continued)