MTL - Rebirth 2002: Nano Life-Chapter 17 A trip to Pengcheng

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The next day, when he woke up early in the morning, Chen Yizhe found that Ant-Man did not know where he had gone, and had already left the range he could sense. However, Chen Yizhe was not worried about it. On the contrary, he was worried that it would hurt people and scare people, so he gave it an order last night to hide it as much as possible and not to hurt humans.

Ant-Man is lively and jumping everywhere, but Turtle Xiaolong, who stayed in the fish tank for one night, died. It seems that Chen Yizhe had a hunch when he named it Turtle Xiaolong, but it turned out that Turtle Xiaolong could not escape the fate of dying young. .

Chen Yizhe took back the nanoworms on Gui Xiaolong's body, and then checked it. From the information on Gui Xiaolong's body, he could tell that Gui Xiaolong was starved to death.

Chen Yizhe called the experiment he did with Gui Xiaolong and himself last night as "brain overclocking", which was taken from a later foreign science fiction movie.

In fact, just thinking about it, Chen Yizhe couldn't last a few minutes when he "overclocked his brain" last night, not to mention the turtle Xiaolong who "overclocked his brain" all night. The problem, and it may be because the nanoworm can't control the bottom-level brain of the turtle dragon, and the nanoworm did not send any signal to Chen Yizhe when he died of starvation.

In the next few days, Chen Yizhe continued to experiment with "brain overclocking". He found that he could only last for about 12 minutes at most. After each turn on, he would experience dizziness for an hour, and then his body wanted to vomit. symptom. Every time he "overclocks his brain", Chen Yizhe will find that he seems to have become a clairvoyant, and his nose can smell the smell from a distance of one or two hundred meters. This does not mean that his facial features have evolved, but the information received by the facial features enters the brain. It will be dug deeper and more carefully, and this super-fast parallel processing of information changes will make Chen Yizhe feel that time is slowing down. And there were times when "brain overclocking", Chen Yizhe also received some electronic signals, and all kinds of video and sound were played in a mess.

Chen Yizhe also tried to "overclock the brain", and at the same time, he also started the nanoworm transformation, which led to a further shortening of the overclocking. However, after overclocking, the structure of the microscopic three-dimensional structure and the precise control of the nanoworm were extremely precise.

The slowness of "brain overclocking" made Chen Yizhe feel that the real time was in a hurry, and it soon came to the weekend.

In the first few days of school, Xia Yi was still quite busy. After dinner, she basically stayed in her room to prepare things for lessons. Chen Yizhe had few opportunities to chat with her. Originally, Chen Yizhe was looking forward to a trip to Pengcheng with Xia Yi on the weekend. Unexpectedly, on Friday night, Xia Yi said that she was not feeling well and could not go.

Xia Yi didn't lie, she was indeed unwell, because Chen Yizhe could smell a **** smell when overclocking, and Aunt Xia Yi had already come on Thursday night.

Early on Saturday morning, Chen Yizhe got into the car at 7 am alone, but Xia Yi got up in the morning and cooked a large pot of pork liver and lean meat porridge for Chen Yizhe to drink. This porridge warmed his heart. , A woman specially cooked porridge for you. Chen Yizhe didn't believe that she didn't have a good impression of you, but thinking about his own age and her age, he felt that it was extremely difficult to further transform this good feeling.

It was said that the car was at 7 o'clock. In order to receive more guests, the driver waited until 8 o'clock to drive, which was a waste of Chen Yizhe's life. Of course, this is not the point. The problem is that the car is seriously overloaded, the corridors in the car are filled with small stools, and then the crying of the child, the smell of sweat, and the athlete's foot are mixed together, which is really annoying. If it weren't for Chen Yizhe's current age of under 18, and he couldn't get his driver's license, Chen Yizhe really wanted to buy a car.

The distance from Fengba to Pengcheng is only more than 180 kilometers. If you drive fast in future generations, it will only take two hours to reach the center of Pengcheng. However, the highway conditions are not bad these days. After all, there are not many people with private cars. The freeway will not be abused badly. It took less than two hours for the car to enter the area of ​​Pengcheng. However, even more than ten years later, it was still being repaired and excavated outside Pengcheng Pass, let alone 2002.

Watching the minibus ride through potholes like a roller coaster, it is hard for Chen Yizhe to imagine that this is Pengcheng, which has been reformed for more than 20 years. Most of the houses along the road are peasant houses with six or seven floors. In a few years, when real estate takes off, these houses will be bought by real estate developers and then knocked down. High-rise buildings will be built continuously. Blow up, until the bubble finally comes, and the real economy will not work.

The car quickly arrived at Buji Pass.

In this year's Buji Pass, if you don't have a border pass, ID card and other documents, or have no documents, you have to get off the bus and go to the verification hall for verification.

The bus stop came out of the lobby. Looking at the stop sign, Chen Yizhe directly got on a bus and went to Huaqiangbei.

The bus bound for Huaqiangbei passed through the east gate. When Chen Yizhe looked out the window, there were people everywhere near Maoye Department Store.

When the vehicle drove away from the platform, Chen Yizhe also saw a commotion from the crowd, only to see that the crowded crowd on the sidewalk suddenly spread out to both sides, and saw a bloodstained man in his twenties running in front, three behind him. Four young gangsters were chasing him with knives.

Chen Yizhe remembered what a Pengcheng colleague said in his previous life. This colleague was from Pengcheng. He was blackmailed many times in elementary and middle school. In high school, his father gave him a Nokia mobile phone on his birthday, and then he went directly to the main road. He was robbed by a motorcycle gang. You must know that this colleague is about the same age as Chen Yizhe, which means that the robbery was only one or two years old.

At this time, Pengcheng was still a little chaotic. It seemed that he still had to pay attention. Chen Yizhe was vigilant in his heart.

When he got off the bus in Huaqiangbei, Chen Yizhe first went to the hotel to reserve a room, and then went to the Huaqiangbei Electronics Market. At this time, Huaqiangbei has not undergone major renovations. At this time, the Huaqiangbei electronics market is huge and the whole market is full of traffic. .

SEG Plaza is mainly composed of components, and there are shops on the tenth floor, and there are countless business offices on it. Huaqiang Electronic World, Huaqiang Plaza, a veritable electronic world, is full of various accessories, digital supplies, and computer devices. Yuanwang Digital City and other mobile phone cities, specializing in mobile phones and mobile phone accessories, all kinds of fancy innovation. Hundreds of thousands of merchants, large and small, gathered here, but Chen Yizhe thought that the prosperity of Huaqiangbei was due to its reason. Moreover, although Yuanwang and other mobile phone cities have begun to rise, computers and computer-related industries are still the main focus of Huaqiangbei.

Chen Yizhe was walking on the road, and he saw someone soliciting customers along the way.

"Handsome guy, do you want a computer?"

"Invoice, invoice!"

Chen Yizhe first went to Yuanwang Market to buy a Nokia 8310, and spent about a thousand yuan to buy a black and white screen phone that can only make calls and send messages. UU Reading

After buying the mobile phone, Chen Yizhe went to Huaqiang Electronics World again. Originally, he just wanted to buy an LCD display and some components, but he didn't expect to see a laptop that Apple just launched last year - APPLE PowerBook G4Ti.

The 15.2-inch widescreen, 99.9% pure titanium shell, and a one-inch body thickness seem to be nothing today, but you must know that this thickness will be the world's thinnest product of the same level until it is discontinued a few years later. And it's hard to imagine that such a thin machine has an 8Cell battery and dual fans. In addition, it is the first machine to use a widescreen and Slotin optical drive, and it is also the first notebook to use titanium.

Chen Yizhe was immediately attracted to this laptop, and without saying a word, he went to the bank to withdraw money and pocketed the computer.

After eating, back to the hotel, Chen Yizhe entered his own experimental world again.

Ant-Man and his own overclocking experiments made Chen Yizhe determine that nanoworms can act on biological brains, or even replace the brains. If they act on mobile phones or computers, and attach nanoworms to soc or cpu, what will happen What kind of situation?

However, the result was very disappointing to Chen Yizhe. Both Nokia mobile phones and Apple computers have not changed after adding nanoworms. Chen Yizhe can feel that nanoworms are like dead objects on mobile phones or computers. Lively.

Why does this happen? Is it because biological brain neurons are carbon-based and computers are silicon-based? Chen Yizhe was puzzled.

Chen Yizhe thought that he could use nanoworms to create a silicon-based life.