MTL - Rebirth 2002: Nano Life-Chapter 18 upset

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It was strange that every time the aunt came, Xia Yi would be more sensitive and excited than usual. This time was no exception. On Saturday night, the night when Chen Yizhe went to Pengcheng, Xia Yi had a dream.

In the dream, in a very dark place, someone was chasing her behind her, she kept running, and suddenly, that person pounced on her, and she was so frightened that she struggled desperately.

"It's me!" At this time, that person revealed that it was Chen Yizhe.

"Teacher, I love you." Chen Yizhe said with a smile on his handsome face, and then Xia Yi felt that Chen Yizhe was hugging his body tightly.

After waking up, Xia Yi found that the whole night sanitary napkin was soaked through.

One day on Sunday, thinking about the absurd dream she had last night, Xia Yi was restless, and she was scolding herself for what was wrong. She dreamed of doing such a thing with a boy who was a little younger than her?

Then she reassured herself that it was just a dream, not real.

But if you think about it every day, you will have dreams at night, and Xia Yi denied herself again.

Anyway, she was changing between heaven and man all day, and she didn't know how to face Chen Yizhe.

It was already eight or nine o'clock in the evening when Chen Yizhe came back from Pengcheng.

After the experiment failed last night, today's Chen Yizhe turned his grief and anger into strength, went to the bookstore to buy a lot of books early in the morning, and then sent the books to the post. Then I went to Huaqiangbei to scavenge for more than 300 old CPUs. Chen Yizhe used these CPUs as raw materials and remade more than 100 Pentium 4s. The more than 100 Pentium 4s were the result of Chen Yizhe's work. Exhausted, although he earned more than 100,000 and 200,000 yuan as soon as he entered and exited, Chen Yizhe swore that he would do less physical work in the future.

When he got home, Chen Yizhe, who was a little hungry, decided to treat himself. He knocked on Xia Yi's door, "Mr. Xia, do you want shrimp porridge?"

At this time, Xia Yi, who had a ghost in his heart, dared to face Chen Yizhe, "No need, I'm full at night, you can eat it yourself."

So Chen Yizhe took out from the refrigerator five big live shrimps that he had bought at the seafood market early in the morning. Of course, they had become frozen dead shrimps. In addition to the sea shrimps, he also took out the fried shrimps. Dried cuttlefish and a small piece of fatty pork belly.

Wash the rice, soak it in water first, cut a few slices of ginger, cut off the head of the shrimp, cut the shrimp body in half vertically, slice the pork belly, and wash the dried cuttlefish with water.

Put some oil in a hot wok, cook the pork belly first, then fry the dried cuttlefish, and fry the dried cuttlefish until fragrant. Shredded ginger, pork belly and dried cuttlefish are put directly into the rice water to start cooking porridge.

Then add more oil to the pot, pour in the shrimp heads, fry the shrimp heads with red oil, put the shrimp heads and red oil into the porridge that is starting to boil, wait until the porridge water is a little red, add the shrimp body, two minutes After the fire is turned off, add coriander, add pepper, and a home-style casserole porridge is completed.

Xia Yi, who was listening to the kitchen in the room, slowly began to feel anxious to go to the toilet, but when she thought that she would see Chen Yizhe when she went out, she felt a little uneasy and uneasy in her heart.

Thinking about forbearance, she didn't expect that after nearly ten hours, Chen Yizhe still didn't go back to the room, and she couldn't help it at this time.

When she opened the door, she saw Chen Yizhe, who was drinking porridge and eating shrimp, and greeted her with a smile, holding the tail of the shrimp.

Xia Yi blushed and nodded, and hurried into the toilet.

Due to holding it down for too long, the sound of "huahua" was a bit loud. Xia Yi, who was sitting on the toilet, was very embarrassed at this time. What he thought was that Chen Yizhe outside must be able to hear it clearly.

I have lived here for a week, how could Chen Yizhe have never heard of it, especially after overclocking, I can still hear what I want to hear very clearly, but Chen Yizhe doesn't care much when he is outside, and in his opinion, the sound of beauties peeing Big is also cute.

The sound of the toilet flushing sounded, and then Xia Yi opened the door and walked back to the room with her head lowered. Who knew that one was absent-minded, the left foot was not raised, and the head of the slippers was not raised. He fell down 7, and then the whole person jumped forward a few steps and knelt on the floor.

Chen Yizhe was taken aback, he quickly stepped forward to help Xia Yi, and said, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "What's wrong with you? You look absent-minded."

"Are you scaping your feet?"

"Ah?" Xia Yi shook her head a few times before she realized, "It seems to be a little painful!" As soon as she said those words, she realized that she had lied.

At this moment, Xia Yi, who was trembling in her heart, pretended to bend over and wanted to touch her ankle. She tilted her body, but her plump buttocks and thighs were clinging to Chen Yizhe's legs. Chen Yizhe seemed to feel the heat coming from her body. .

"Let me help you back to your room first." Chen Yizhe asked.

"Yeah." Xia Yi nodded. Although she and Chen Yizhe had only known each other for a short week, this little boy held an increasingly important place in her heart. He was used to the breakfast he bought every day, and he was used to making it from time to time. , and a mature conversation with him. At this moment, she found that she seemed to really long for the warmth of this man.

Take Xia Yi back to the room and let her sit on the bed. This is the first time Chen Yizhe has entered Xia Yi's room. The layout is similar to his room, with a faint scent. Beside the wardrobe, a guitar is placed in a guitar bag and leaning against the closet. beside.

"Do you have any activating oil? Let me wipe it for you?" Chen Yizhe squatted down and took off the slippers of his summer clothes. He touched his right ankle, pressed it and asked, "Does it hurt?"

When Chen Yizhe touched Xiayi's foot, she couldn't help trembling.

"It hurts a little bit. You don't need to rub the oil, let it be natural, and you should be fine when you lie down in bed and rest." Xia Yi's eyes flickered a little.

"I'll rub it for you." Chen Yizhe said gently, "You lie down."

"I really don't need it." At this time, Xia Yi was as shy as a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl.

"Do you have foot odor?" Chen Yizhe asked her with a smile.

"Nonsense, do you smell foot odor?" Xia Yi's eyelashes trembled slightly, just like her heart.

Chen Yizhe brought the hand that touched her feet just now close to his nose and smelled it. UU Reading laughed, "It does smell a bit."

Xia Yi raised her right foot in embarrassment and pressed it towards Chen Yizhe's nose, "Stinky you!"

Xia Yi's ankles were white and greasy, and her jade feet were white and slender. Chen Yizhe couldn't help grabbing Xia Yi's feet, "Are you still moving? Don't move, I'll rub it for you."

This time, Xia Yi did not refuse any more. She obediently grabbed the edge of the bed with both hands, and put her right foot on her left foot. This time, she completely showed her graceful figure, her round **** were raised high, her thighs were plump and her calves were plump. upright. Although Chen Yizhe saw her when she was **, he was still attracted by Xia Yi's body and was stunned for several seconds.

Xia Yi said embarrassedly, "You haven't kneaded yet."

Although Xia Yi's feet were not as smooth and delicate as Lin Xiaolin's, they were better than most women's. Her feet were as white as jade, especially her five toes, which were crystal clear.

This was the first time that Xia Yi had been rubbed her feet. She could feel that Chen Yizhe was rubbing lightly and gently, and the hands seemed to have a kind of magic power. It was a little hot, and it started to tingle between the legs again.

"What am I doing?" Xia Yi was still a kind woman after all, and her sense of shame made her come back rationally, and she quickly pulled her feet away.

"What's wrong?" Chen Yizhe asked.

"I'm a little ticklish, so I don't need to press it anymore, and I don't feel the pain anymore." Xia Yi didn't dare to look directly into Chen Yizhe's eyes.

"Okay, then you lie down and rest first, and you can ask me if you have anything." After that, Chen Yizhe got up and walked out and closed the door gently.

Seeing the door closed, Xia Yi quickly covered her face with her hands, "Why are you so shameless?"

However, the distraught Xia Yi forgot that it was her left foot that she stabbed in the first place!