MTL - Rebirth 2002: Nano Life-Chapter 19 until the end of the world

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Many colleges and universities in China do not have any entertainment facilities, especially in places like small county towns. No school has a football field. After all, the maintenance of a single grass field in a football field is a relatively large expenditure. Therefore, basketball has become the largest competitive entertainment in the school, and it is also the most likely to attract the attention of girls.

During the school days, the most popular among girls were always tall and handsome boys on the basketball court with elegant skills in one hand.

As soon as Monday morning classes were over, the athletic committee took to the stage to announce the news of a basketball game on campus.

Since 1998, Lingshan Middle School has held an intramural basketball game every year after the freshmen are enrolled. This year, it has been held for four consecutive years.

From the perspective of school leaders, basketball games can make students understand the importance of teamwork, and can strengthen their bodies and reduce stress. However, this is only for the first and second year of senior high school. In order not to affect the stressful senior year of senior year, only two teams will be sent for the entire senior year.

There are a total of 26 teams participating in this competition, including 13 high school students, 11 high school students, and two high school students. The competition system is that the teams from the first and second grades of senior high school first draw lots in pairs for a single game, and the winners advance to the next round. After the first and second grades of senior high school are eliminated until only 6 teams remain, two teams from senior three and two will join.

The sports committee member's name is Zhong Kun. He is the tallest person in Chen Yizhe's class. He is 193cm tall. He is also the tallest person Chen Yizhe knew in his previous life. A member of the middle-level leadership of the Bank of China.

Zhong Kun stood on the podium, looked at the classmates under the stage and clapped his palms vigorously, "This competition is about the honor of the class, I hope everyone can participate actively and try to come back with a championship."

There are nine out of ten students in the class who can play basketball, but according to Chen Yizhe's observation in his previous life, there are not many who can play well, basically they are iron gods. And there is only one person over 180 in the entire class, Zhong Kun. With Chen Yizhe's height of almost 176cm, he can still be shortlisted in the top three in the class. It can be imagined that most of the boys in the class are not tall.

"Can I participate?" Lin Xiaoxiao raised his hands high and said excitedly.

Zhong Kun glanced at Lin Xiaoxiao and said helplessly, "Just be a cheerleader."

"It's boring, why can't I participate." Lin Xiaoxiao said gloomily.

Chen Yizhe looked at Lin Xiaoxiao's exquisite back and thought to himself, you are too dangerous, if you play, I don't know how many boys will foul on you.

"Okay, I read the names. I hope I can stay when school is over in the afternoon. Lai Siyuan, Liu Bo, Zhang Chunhua..." Zhong Kun read seven or eight names. Most of these people went to the basketball court after class. People, and Lai Siyuan is the only person in the class who is higher than Chen Yizhe.

"Finally, there is Chen Yizhe! If other students want to participate, they can volunteer to come to me to sign up." Zhong Kun finally read Chen Yizhe's name.

Chen Yizhe had expected this for a long time. In his last life, he was so thin that he was forcibly pulled closer to the squad based on his height. In this life, his physical condition was better. How could Zhong Kun let go of the third tallest boy in this class. Even with Zhong Kun, the tallest person in the school, the average height of the boys in Class 1 and 2 is still at the bottom of the school, which shows the poor conditions.

Chen Yizhe does not resist participating in basketball games. Although he was on the roster in his previous life, he was rarely sent to the court. The few times he played, he was only used as a defensive player to stick to the opponent's attacker. Of course, the result was obviously staring. not live.

When Chen Yizhe walked out of the classroom, the sound of the school radio music also sounded. The amazing thing is that Jay Chou's song was not played today, but a Japanese song.

Chen Yizhe knew the name of the song as soon as he heard the prelude. It came from the theme song of "Slam Dunk" "Until the End of the World", his favorite song in his last life. In elementary school, I would watch "Slam Dunk" and like Sakuragi Huadao, and then in middle school and even college, I would like the cool Rukawa Kaede. After graduating from college and working, I found that I slowly fell in love with the character Mitsui.

In "Slam Dunk", what others grow is ball skills, while what Mitsui matures is life, which is why Chen Yizhe likes Mitsui in the end. He went the wrong way and lost a lot of things, just as in the process of growing up, in reality People are also losing.

No one can stop the wheel of fate, erasing the glory of Mitsui, and Chen Yizhe, who re-watched "Slam Dunk" again after eating instant noodles, finally realized that the protagonist is always just another person, and he has never been It's not the center of the world, so you can't always get what you want...and this is life.

After lunch, when he returned to the dormitory, Xia Yi was already in the room. As soon as he remembered the situation last night, Chen Yizhe felt the cute side of Xia Yi. However, life is not a novel, not to mention their respective identities, only their age is like a The deep ditch lay in Xia Yi's heart, so that she did not dare to cross easily, and this was the reason why Chen Yizhe did not expose her last night.

Back in the room, he couldn't sense Ant-Man again, so he opened the lottery session, only to see that there was an extra gold ring in the lottery session, Chen Yizhe knew that Ant-Man should have come back in the morning.

I saw Ant-Man always go out and fool around, but Chen Yizhe, who suddenly opened his mind, gave it an order to pick it up when it encounters gold-structured substances underground in the wild. No, in just a few days, Chen Yizhe received more than a dozen pieces of gold, large and small, and I don't know how it was moved back. Anyway, Ant-Man's trajectory has become more and more mysterious, and Chen Yizhe doesn't care about it, just let it develop freely, maybe one day he can find the treasure hidden in the ground by the ancients.

As soon as the afternoon class ended, Zhong Kun led Chen Yizhe's group to the basketball court and said they would practice together. Lingshan Middle School didn't have half of the football field, but there were five basketball courts, but there were basically half-court bullfights.

It is said that it is a joint training, in fact, it is just three people who end up fighting bulls with others. High school students don't have any tactical cooperation. In Chen Yizhe's opinion, the best tactic is to let Zhong Kun stand in the three-second zone and then throw the ball to him. After all, Zhong Kun is tall and his skills are good. Such a simple tactic, all the way to the final.

In the final, they met a team from the second year of senior high school. The opposing team smartly fouled Zhong Kun and kept making small moves. In the end, the impetuous Zhong Kun lost the only game where he did not perform well.

In the next ten days, the prosperous basketball game in the school kicked off. Every day after school, the basketball court in the playground is always crowded with people. Boys watch the ball, girls watch people. Screaming so handsome.

The level of basketball games on high school campuses is definitely not high. After a game, you are constantly hitting the iron. If you can get 40 or 50 points, it is already a high score.

As in the previous life, under the leadership of Zhong Kun, the team successfully entered the final.

During this period, as a water dispenser guard, Chen Yizhe was unqualified. No matter how you don't play, you have to arouse the atmosphere by handing water and towels to the players, but Chen Yizhe has been sitting quietly. If he hadn't played occasionally, the rest of the class would have forgotten Chen Yizhe.

The basketball game in the school does not have four quarters like a regular game, but is divided into two halves, and the half is 20 minutes.

At the beginning of the final, the two teams continued to strike as usual, but Zhong Kun, who could usually score more than ten minutes at halftime, was constantly harassed by the opponent's personnel, resulting in a goal at halftime. Since the referee was also a sophomore in high school, the penalty in this game was a bit biased towards the opponent. When there were only three minutes left in the second half, Zhong Kun, who committed the sixth foul, was directly sent off by the referee.

At this time, the score was 32 to 19, and Chen Yizhe was behind. UU reading

The high point on the field was only Rice Yuan. As the third highest in the class, Chen Yizhe was finally sent to the field.

Because Zhong Kun was sent off, the opponent felt that they had the chance to win. Who knew that Chen Yizhe would take advantage of the relaxed state of the opponent's players and enter the overclocking state as soon as he received the ball. one cent.

The other party was stunned, and Chen Yizhe's morale, which was a little low, rose again, and the 2nd class who were watching on the sidelines even cried out excitedly.

"Chen Yizhe, shoot another."

"Chen Yizhe, you are so handsome."

"Chen Yizhe, you are too arrogant!"

Lin Xiaoxiao shouted frantically, "Chen Yizhe, I love you so much, let's get another one."

At this point, the opposing team's point guard dribbled the ball and shouted to his side, "Take your time, we are still ahead!" At this time, there is not much time left, as long as they run out slowly, they will win.

Chen Yizhe quickly pushed up and entered the "brain overclocking" again. The opponent he saw was always in slow motion. Although his eyes were looking at Chen Yizhe's left, his upper shoulder muscles were moving to Chen Yizhe's right. ball to the right.

Chen Yizhe made a quick judgment, his body flashed and panned, but a copy of his right hand broke the opponent's pass.

Then he dribbled the ball quickly towards the opponent's half court, and Chen Yizhe, who was completely in the dust, jumped up one step away from the three-point line. A series of information flashed through his brain. At this time, the horizontal distance between the basketball in his hand and the basket should be 7.13 meters. The height is 1.01 meters, and the angle is 66.8 degrees to the right...

Many years later, will the people in the class still remember the self who turned the tide? Chen Yizhe raised his hand, and then watched a perfect trajectory streak through the mid-air at dusk and fall into the basket. This is the end of the world.