MTL - Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man-Chapter 2512 Get some gas

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In fact, in the recent period, the cooperation between Liu Jianming and Ma Huyue is actually very substantial, and the cooperative relationship between them is also very close, and they cooperate very well with each other.

If the two companies can be merged, then their relationship will be closer, and even many operations can be done easily.

Including what Chen Jianghai said before about selling members combined with legendary game props.

If the two companies can merge, it is definitely the effect of one plus one greater than two.

"Games? Are we going to run games like President Liu?"

Ma Huyue asked curiously.

"Yes, in the future Internet market, the game industry will occupy an absolute proportion of the majority, so your main focus should be on this aspect."

Chen Jianghai nodded and said.

"Of course, I'm not telling you to give up the software oicq. This is your foundational cornerstone and the source of your traffic. The users you master through your real-time communication software tool will promote the development of the game industry. At the same time, it can also bring you a good income.”

"This is my preliminary suggestion to you. If you can really complete this step, then at least in this era of the Internet, you have every chance to occupy the first place!"

Hearing this, Ma Huyue and Liu Jianming looked at each other.

They obviously have this feeling too. In fact, the cooperation between the two of them is very good at present. If they are combined, they may be able to create greater benefits.

"Mr. Chen, we understand what you mean."

Ma Huyue and Liu Jianming said one after another.

"Wait, Mr. Chen, are you asking Mr. Liu and Xiaoma to merge the company?"

Yue Hongsheng asked curiously.

"That's what it means, because the two of them are doing very well in themselves, so they must be combined with each other in this regard, and the combined company has more potential for development."

"Penguin will take the game road in the future, and can use the advantages of their software to help the game industry quickly accumulate users, and these users can bring great profits to Penguin."

Chen Jianghai said with a smile, he actually wanted to say that for a long time.

"It turns out that, but Mr. Liu, you only have one game now, just this one game... will it be a little too little."

Yue Hongsheng raised this question very keenly.

A game company can't survive for many years just by relying on this game.

"Yeah, we only have the game Legend now, but we will continue to introduce it in the future. I have been eyeing a good game recently. If we can win it successfully, then our game status in China should be even better. further."

Liu Jianming said with a smile.

"Actually, have you ever thought about developing it yourself?"

Chen Jianghai said at this time, and his words attracted everyone's attention.

"What? Develop it yourself?"

Liu Jianming was stunned for a moment, and looked at Chen Jianghai with some confusion.

"Mr. Chen, it's not impossible to develop games by yourself. In fact, there are many excellent game studios in our country. The games they developed are also well received in the market. However, developing games is actually a very time-consuming and expensive process A waste of money."

"We have considered this project internally before, but it was soon passed."

Liu Jianming spread his hands. In fact, he had reported this matter to Chen Jianghai. Didn't Chen Jianghai read his report?

Chen Jianghai smiled. He did see a report submitted by Liu Jianming before starting a game company through Luo Hao, and that report mainly discussed the possibility of developing games by himself.

It's just whether that report rejected the idea in the first place and then stated why it couldn't be done.

But Chen Jianghai never backed down because of difficulties. The Penguin Company in the previous life actually took the path of agency games. They represented a lot of games and successfully accumulated extremely strong capital through these games.

But even if Penguin makes a lot of money, there will always be a certain gap in the hearts of some people.

Huaxia, can't they develop their own excellent games?

Of course not, the reason for unwillingness to develop and unable to develop is that the investment is large, time-consuming, and the return is too low. These are the reasons why Penguin is afraid.

It's just that the penguins in this life are backed by the Qiuhai Group, and they don't need to worry about money.

The only thing to worry about is time.

How long will it take to develop a game that belongs to Huaxia.

"According to the existing model, generally speaking, we are looking for games from Korea or island countries to come and represent them. This method is not impossible, but for me, I still hope to see games developed by ourselves."

Chen Jianghai smiled, his remarks were actually helpless to the status quo.

After all, in order to make money, perhaps Penguin should adopt this agency model, not to mention that Penguin is just a start-up company, which has not been established for a long time.

It's a bit harsh to have them force their own game now.

"I understand Mr. Chen."

Sloppy thought for a while, and his gaze towards Chen Jianghai seemed very firm.

Since Chen Jianghai hopes to make domestic games, he will also develop in this direction.

It's just that for the current sloppy Huyue, these may still be far away, but people always have a goal.

"By the way, in fact, the game is only one aspect of it. If you want to become bigger and stronger in this Internet age, your own technical level also needs to be improved."

"I may not know more about the Internet than you. You have to study the future direction of the Internet and some specific content, so these things need to be played by you."

Chen Jianghai looked at Ma Huyue solemnly and said.

The Penguin Group in the previous life was not just a game company, they covered many aspects.

Penguins can become a national-level behemoth. If they just rely on games, it would be too nonsense. The development of penguins in previous lives has penetrated into all aspects of people's lives.

As long as you use the Internet, you can't escape the Penguin series.

As for these aspects, Chen Jianghai has not yet made detailed plans with Ma Huyue. After all, Penguin is still just a start-up company.

"Okay Mr. Chen, I understand!"

Ma Huyue said very firmly.

"I'm here today, and I'm just here to cheer you on. Don't put too much pressure on you. If you need anything in the future, you can contact President Yue more."

Chen Jianghai said to Ma Huyue and Liu Jianming, and Yue Hongsheng also smiled and told them a few words.