MTL - Rebirth: Degenerate Slave Abuses Tyrant-Chapter 407 General who has not been on the battlefield

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Luo Wei’s words in the sand field made Long Xiang blush, but he could not speak to refute Luo Wei.

“I haven’t been to the battlefield?” Long Hao has never thought about this problem. The children’s minds are not many. When they are busy, they ask Luo Weidao: “What about the six emperors?”

"What am I?"

"Is the Six Emperor uncle on the battlefield?"

Luo Wei pretended to think about it and said, "Is it supposed to be on?"

Of course, Luo Wei has been on the battlefield, Sangha City, Wushuangcheng, Tianshuiyuan, this person who has never practiced martial arts, and the battlefields he has witnessed in this life have more than one battle. Long Xiang suddenly felt that he was self-confident. "Do you think this is what I want?!" He rushed to Luo Weidao.

"Zhao Fu," said Zhao Fudao, who stood next to Luo Wei’s life. "You go to the Great Hall to play first."

Zhao Fu is busy coming up to take the dragon to the side.

"Six emperors," Long Hao refused to leave.

"Hey, hey," Luo Wei touched the face of the little emperor again. "The six emperors have something to say to your five emperors, and the deaf children will go and wait for a while, huh?"

"Okay," Long Yu was reluctant in his heart. What could he not hear? It’s just Luo Wei’s words. Long Hao refused to refuse. He took a small mouth and followed Zhao Fu to play.

After Long Yao left, Long Xiang said to Luo Wei: "I don't want to go to the battlefield, no one is allowed to go!"

Luo Wei said: "Your life is good, how can someone else have such a good life?"

"What do you mean by this?"

"The Emperor can't bear you, and now you can't bear you," Rowe said. "You are also good this way. You are also a general. Even though you haven't played in the battlefield, you can count your dreams. Isn't it?"

"I said it!" Long Xiang looked at the sneer on Luo Wei's face, and he was angry. He always knew that this person looked down on him. "I don't want to go, no one is going to let me go! You think I want to be here." Are you waiting?"

"Yu prince is a younger brother," said Luo Wei. "You don't have to go to the battlefield. You really want to fight, let your majesty give you one."

Long Xiang clenched his fist. "In your eyes, I am a person who is greedy for others' battles?"

"No, don't let people think that you are a great general," Rowe said coldly. "I don't know who is cheating. The old man in this palace hasn't died yet. The people who read your jokes are mostly, you. Still use me to tell you?"

"You," Long Xiang said angrily: "Why do you say this to me?!"

"Why?" Rovi's eyes sneaked up and down to see Long Xiang. "Just as I have seen a pile of dead people, I have made a little effort for me in the big week. Yu Wang, you are born with a good life. You have to enjoy this life, you don't want to install this for the country, for whom?"

Long Xiang was almost smoked by Luo Wei, but his heart was still feeling that Luo Wei did not mistake him.

"You will teach the Great Hall well," Rowe patted the handrails of the steps, and the eunuchs who were carrying them were lifted and lifted up. In the mouth, they said to Long Xiang: "So you can do great work." Piece."

When he saw that Luo Wei had said that he had nothing to do, Long Xiang reached out and grabbed the handrail on one side of the step. He said to Luo Wei: "You can tell me clearly."

Rowe said: "What do you want me to say?"

Long Xiang glared at Luo Wei, and his hand was not loose.

"The battle of Nanxun is about to open," said Rovi. "If you are really unwilling, go and fight, this is the only chance for you to be famous."

Long Xiang loosed his hand. "How do you know?"

"Your Majesty has discussed with me," Rowe said. "Why, he didn't talk to you? He really is protecting your brother. We are going." After the words were finished, Luo Wei was satisfied. Lift the eunuch.

Long Xiang looked at Luo Wei and his party and walked in front of themselves. He went to the end of this road and turned to the left. It was the road to Changming Temple. This person, Long Xiang was suspicious in his heart, really able to Who is his emperor who is talking about politics?

"Five Emperors?" Long Hao ran to the front of Long Xiang. The little prince saw Long Xiang Tieqing's face and asked with some fear: "Are you quarreling with the Six Emperors?"

"Do you like to be with your six emperors?" Long Xiang did not know, from what time, Long Hao has been so good with Luo Wei.

"The six emperors are very good," Long said.

There was a sigh of relief in Long Xiang’s heart, and he felt that he was about to be killed. The contempt from Luo Wei made him unbearable. "I sent my nephew to the emperor's grandmother," Long Xiang pulled up the dragon's little hand and said: "The five emperors think that there is still something to do, and they will not accompany them today."

"Oh," Long Haoqiao nodded. He was not a person who couldn't look at his face. The five emperors must be angry. It seems that he was up to the six emperors. Long Hao suddenly felt that his six emperors should be the most powerful people in the world. The father and the emperor listened to his words, and the five emperors were also bullied by him. The six emperors were really too powerful.

"Let's go," if Long Xiang knows what Long Yao thinks at this time, he will definitely be on the spot.

Rowe's steps went to the front yard of the Changming Hall, and he saw the stage in front of the temple. The fifteen people stood side by side on the ground.

"Wang Ye," saw Luo Wei coming over, and the grand **** of Changming Temple ran to the front of Luo Wei.

"Your Majesty is in the temple to discuss politics?" Luo Wei asked on the steps.

"Yes," said the eunuch: "Yu Shang is discussing politics with the adults."

"Go help me all the time," said Luo Weidao. "I said that I have something to ask to see."

The big **** promised Luo Wei in his mouth and turned and ran to the hall. If anyone else came, he would dare to sneak, Luo Wei came, and then borrowed a few courage, he did not dare to neglect, Futun can still lie on the bed today.

"Help me get up," Luo Wei thought he got up from the step, tried it, didn't stand up, and he was next to Zhao Fudao.

Zhao Fu sees Wei Tai doctor, Wang Ye, can you get up?

Wei Tai medical rushed Zhao Fu nodded, and Zhao Fu two people, one station at a time, Luo Wei from the step on the support.

Luo Wei was supported by Wei Tai and Zhao Fu, and walked to the side of the 15th generation of the dragon.

"Wang Ye," when the fifteen people in Luo Wei spoke to the great eunuch, they knew that Rovi had arrived. It was not like that when he was afraid of it, five people saw Luo Wei walked beside them. When he was busy, he called Luo Wei.

"Nothing," Rowe whispered to the five people: "I am there, don't worry."

"Wang Ye," Long Ten wants to speak.

"It's not good to talk here," Luo Wei Chong Long shook his head and said: "I have counted in my heart, nothing."

"Have the truth," Wei Taiji also whispered to the dragon and fifteen people at this time: "The sons are coming, can you let you suffer, the body of the martial arts, are you afraid of it?"

"You also say a few words," Luo Wei took a look at Wei Taiyi. This person is good everywhere, and this mouth is a headache.

The new article of An Jijun, "Evil Man Bao Ju Ji", the **** laughter of the Tianlei dog crossing the male country, you can go and see.