MTL - Rebirth: Family Chaebol-Chapter 560 abnormal

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"Squad Leader Qin, why are you here?" Yuan Fangguo focused on Qin Yinru.

He had no other intentions, mainly because Lai Xiaojun, Zhang Xiaoyan and Wang Qiang lived in Jiangnan City, while Qin Yinru lived in Rongcheng City.

"I only came here in the afternoon, and I got together with Xiaoyan at night." Qin Yinru said with a smile, "When did you come here?"

"I am also in the afternoon." Yuan Fangguo said with a smile.

"Then why don't you contact us?" Lai Xiaojun asked.

"I have something to do today, and I was thinking of contacting everyone after I'm done. I didn't expect to be so lucky, and I actually ran into it. Where are you going?"

"We're going to send Yinru home, it's getting late, let's get together tomorrow night." Lai Xiaojun suggested.

Yuan Fangguo smiled and nodded, waving and watching them leave.

By the time we got back to the hotel, it was already past one o'clock in the morning.

Just now, he was still alive and well outside, but when he returned to the room, Yuan Fangguo felt lethargic. After a simple wash, he lay on the bed and fell asleep.

Fortunately, an alarm clock was set before going to bed, otherwise, he really might not be able to get up.

Just after washing up, Liu Shengyong called.

Liu Shengyong and the others have completely adapted to the night owl-like performances and feasting life, and after a few hours of rest, the whole person is full of vitality again.

"Brother, did you get up?"

"Just got up."

"I'll ask the driver to come and pick you up now. Let's have breakfast together and go to the scene after we're done."

"Okay, listen to your arrangement, brother." After speaking, Yuan Fangguo couldn't help yawning.

Liu Shengyong, who was on the opposite side of the phone, keenly captured this detail, he couldn't help laughing, and after saying "see you later", he hung up the phone.

The middle-aged Liu Shengyong has also become quite luxurious in his life, and he chose the best restaurant for breakfast.

After breakfast, a fleet of more than a dozen luxury cars, including Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Lexus, and Audi, drove towards the destination.

These luxury cars also attracted the attention of many passers-by along the way. Those who didn't know the inside story thought that a certain leader came to inspect the work.

Liu Shengyong looked at the surprised and envious eyes of passersby outside the window, and his heart couldn't help showing the pride of a successful man.

It is not easy for him to go from a state cadre with an iron rice bowl to a boss who is worth over 10 million. He even thought of waiting for him to retire one day, so he must publish an autobiography, or take a photo for himself. movie.

"Brother, our department store is the tallest building in the city, with a total height of 99 meters."

Yuan Fangguo nodded. In fact, he didn't know the specific use of this department store. Taking advantage of Liu Shengyong's initiative, he also asked curiously.

"Brother, what are your plans for such a high building?"

"The floors 1 to 4 are commercial, floors 5 to 7 are entertainment, floors 8 to 26 are residential, and floors 26 to 32 are hotels."

"What model does the business take?"

"I bought the store, and now 90% of it has been sold. The entertainment is mainly jointly opened by several of our shareholders. The residential building is also sold quite well, and it was sold out in less than 10 units. The hotel is also jointly opened by several of our shareholders."

"I can't believe that the purchasing power in our city is really not bad." Yuan Fangguo couldn't help sighing in his heart after listening to the rough data given by Liu Shengyong.

Liu Shengyong laughed and said, "Except for the remote location of our city in the province, other conditions are really good. If my brother is interested, you can go back to the city to invest."

"I have a chance to look at it again." Yuan Fangguo said.

"However, the business environment in Rongcheng is definitely better than that in our city." Liu Shengyong still yearns for the environment of the provincial capital. Almost all the resources in the province are gathered in the provincial capital. This is definitely an inconvenience for investors. Small temptation.

"In fact, each has its own advantages, and the competition in Rongcheng is also quite fierce."

"That's true. Right now, there are only a handful of powerful developers in Jiangnan City, and everyone is in a harmonious group on weekdays."

"I heard that if developers from other places want to come in, it depends on your face." Yuan Fangguo said with a smile.

His words are not made up, but have a real source.

Hearing this, Liu Shengyong couldn't help laughing, "I don't deny this, in our Jiangnan City site, why do other people come in when they want to come in, everyone is in business, and strong dragons can't overwhelm the local snakes, they must be aware of it. "

Yuan Fangguo's business sector has encountered such problems in the process of expanding its territory. The farthest thing is that the motorcycle business encountered difficulties from Liu Laoyao's group in Tonghe City, and the nearer one is the road surface hardening project. Sometimes the local snakes give them some trouble, which is really a tricky thing.

The two chatted for a while in the car. Since the breakfast place was too close to the department store, the team quickly arrived at the scene.

After arriving at the scene, Yuan Fangguo found that it was not an exaggeration to describe it as "firecrackers blared in unison, gongs and drums roared in the sky".

Auspicious and festive banners, huge balloons, a long red carpet, the military band and more than 20 hostesses in red cheongsams, this scene is really shocking.

There are still more than 20 minutes before the ribbon-cutting ceremony. With the arrival of various guests, Liu Shengyong and the others also began to receive these important guests.

Wang Dalong, the deputy mayor of Jiangnan City, arrived at the scene ten minutes before the ribbon cutting, and he was undoubtedly the most important person among these guests.

Yuan Fangguo glanced at Wang Dalong and felt that he had actually lost some weight in just over twenty days.

Because there were too many things on the scene, Liu Shengyong did not specifically introduce Deputy Mayor Wang to Yuan Fangguo. He did not introduce it until he accompanied Wang Dalong to toast at the luncheon at noon.

"Vice Mayor Wang, you should know this one."

Yuan Fangguo looked at Wang Dalong with a smile on his face.

Wang Dalong was a little He quickly recalled this person in his mind, but he had no impression at all.

"I know, I just can't remember it." After a while, he smiled awkwardly.

"Vice Mayor Wang, my name is Yuan Fangguo. We met in Rongcheng more than 20 days ago." Yuan Fangguo didn't mention it specifically. After all, it is not appropriate for a deputy mayor to attend a boss's private dinner.

The expression on Wang Dalong's face became even more dazed this time. After a while, he said "Oh" softly, and then raised his glass, "Happy National Day."

Yuan Fangguo lowered the cup intentionally, "Happy National Day, Deputy Mayor Wang."

This meal made Yuan Fangguo feel very nervous in his heart. The reason for the resentment was that Vice Mayor Wang behaved somewhat abnormally.

He remembered clearly that more than 20 days ago, at Wang Ping's banquet, Wang Ping specially introduced him, and the Deputy Mayor Wang even hooked up with him, welcoming him back to his hometown to invest.

But now, everything seems to have changed.