MTL - Rebirth: Fight For Life-Chapter 625 The bearer beside the great saint

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  Chapter 625 The bearer beside the great sage

   The members of the "Wenfa Center" were quickly invited to Shuhai.

When the    people arrive, the chain reaction has already manifested.

   Following Ami’s Black Monday is the global Black Tuesday.

   Lehman Brothers went bankrupt, not just a company going down. As an investment banking giant that has survived for more than 150 years, it has operations in more than 40 countries and more than 7,000 entities.

   What's more, it represents an important force in the existing global financial system.

   Although it hasn't happened yet, Gu Song knows that other investment banks have also been involved.

   Don’t look at the fact that Morgan Stanley has more than 100 billion liquidity in their hands, but their business models are similar. The turmoil swept over, and this liquidity could not withstand the run on the tide.

   In just one week, the five major investment banks will be wiped out.

  It goes without saying that Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs changed from investment banks to holding banks, Merrill Lynch was acquired, and Bear Stearns was acquired.

   And the huge storm will continue to hit Aramco's largest insurance company, a behemoth with total assets exceeding 1 trillion.

  In the small conference room, the directors were discussing at a high pace, looking excited.

   This is a rare case that is happening. Scholars like to have this kind of research object.

   Of course, what we are discussing now is the subsequent impact and how much it will explode.

   How should China respond? There are already some plans.

   So what will Ami look like?

  Gu Song remembered a report, saying that if you want to describe it more intuitively, the calculation of that study is very simple and clear. Because of the crisis, Ami lost $70,000 in income per capita.

   What is the population of Ami?

   This number is really terrifying.

   Just as everyone was discussing, Bao Jiaqi finally came.

  The meeting room fell silent, and everyone looked at Bao Jiaqi, waiting for him to speak.

"IndyMac went bankrupt in July, and now Lehman Brothers goes bankrupt, the systemic risks of this crisis have emerged. Although our markets and financial systems are relatively independent, how should we respond, which set of plans to use, and what to do next? Adjustments, and I hope everyone can speak freely and provide us with some reference.”

   Bao Jiaqi didn't say anything extraneous, and after sitting down, he quickly got to the point.

  Gu Song did not speak.

  Economy, international relations, and finance are still up to the bigwigs to analyze.

  Gu Song is here, just to remind them that when considering the plan, they can notice that the manufacturing level of China is now different.

  In the midst of a great crisis, there are naturally great opportunities.

   In the original crisis, Huaguo invested a huge amount of money to stimulate domestic demand mainly through infrastructure construction to achieve economic recovery and growth.

   This cannot be said to be wrong. After all, at that time, in addition to this low-tech extensive growth, it was really difficult to have a better or more subtle way.

   But now, Gu Song's existence is to tell them that there are at least some fields with technical content. Funds are invested in these areas, and the future development structure will be better.

   So much money, divided into a small share, invested in the chip manufacturing, precision instrument manufacturing, new material, electronic manufacturing and other industrial fields that Gu Songye has cultivated, and the products produced are in the international market!

   Besides, when the foreign financial industry was hit hard, it was the period when their production capacity was stagnant or even shrinking.

   Of course, we still have to invest in infrastructure. Don’t exaggerate the proportions, and don’t basically flow into the system.

So when Bao Jiaqi looked towards Gu Song, he said, "I agree with stimulating domestic demand. If demand erupts in such a huge domestic market, it will indeed have a unique advantage. However, if funds are channeled through land and The report of the harvest of cheap labor is too large, and it will definitely crowd out the resources and opportunities for the development of the manufacturing industry.”

   "I wonder if we can learn from the way of the big fund in 2003 and expand the scale of support in competitive industries."

  He stopped talking when he said that.

   More than two years ago, Bao Jiaqi had chatted with him and knew what Gu Song meant.

   I just didn’t expect that more than two years later, when the change really came, he has indeed achieved a competitive and even leading level in the world in these industrial fields.

  Now, around these fields, there are also quantum computers and electric vehicles that are being kept secret, all of which are industries with huge imagination.

  Wuhu has stimulated a large-scale industrial chain because of a puzzle mobile phone?

  Protecting the family is a bit difficult, but looking at it now, I feel that the money is not enough. It is possible to issue additional currency, but risks must be controlled.

What    is most afraid of is the investment of such a huge amount of money, which was originally intended to deal with the crisis, but in the end it gave birth to other bubbles.

  In the conference room of the hub sea, the discussion has been going on...


   The level of Gu Song's involvement is already very high, so high that ordinary people, if they are not investing in stocks or something, will not be able to perceive what just happened.

   Although Jian Yushu knew what Gu Song was busy with, it had nothing to do with him.

   Right now, he is only busy with the implementation of the "lunar exploration satellite" that will be launched in November.

   This time, there is a key point.

   The key point is not the technical content. But after the great success of Gu Song in the disaster relief of Xichuan, all parties are now very keen on the technology of the Flint Group.

   This time, the launch was not on Flint Island, but entrusted to the Aerospace Science and Technology Group.

   After all, to go to the moon, the requirements for rocket thrust are higher. The current Candle Dragon No. 1 was not originally designed for such a task.

   It is impossible to make the false appearance of failure like that test shot every time.

   Therefore, Jian Yushu's important task is to keep an eye on this "moon exploration satellite" during the entire docking with Ye Heng so as not to be deeply detected.

  As Party A, this right should be guaranteed.

   Ye Ziheng said to him speechlessly: "Do you want to be so exaggerated? Your people can't wait to stare at 3 shifts. You have made me more and more curious, what is in this satellite?"

   "Commercial secrets! Our bosses are all think tanks hired by the elders. They are devoted to the development of the country's civilization every day. I can't care about paying attention to this side in person. Naturally, I have to do my best."

After Jian Yushu finished speaking, he put a smile on his shoulder and said, "Don't blame me for not reminding you, if you do something out of curiosity and damage the satellite and delay the launch, that's your responsibility. More than 100 million yuan Woolen cloth!"

   Ye Ziheng gritted his teeth and grinned: "I know you have some new technologies of your own, what are you showing off!"

   Jian Yushu smiled and said nothing.

  It is good to have this now, and Flint Aerospace will not be arbitrarily manipulated.

  Gu Song is like a needle over there, so his plan on his side has to be executed well.

  Besides Sun Dasheng, there must be a burden, right?

   In fact, even if it is Jian Yushu, he does not know what is in that satellite.

  The things are provided by Gu Song, he is only responsible for one thing: transport the satellites to the launch site, keep an eye on them, don't let them disassemble or anything, and just launch them according to the orbit data.

   So Jian Yushu brought Zhao Hongtao's people and "lived" here.

   Although Ye Ziheng understands it very well now, it is still very troublesome after all.

   Jian Yushu's heart flew to Flint Island again.

   From 2006 to now, a lot of money has been poured into it, and it has been invested for more than two years.

   If we wait until next year, everything should be fine.

  Next year...The launch plan of Flint Space will be very intensive.

   Jian Yushu felt that when the launch was over, she would settle the matter with Ling Chuner.

  Otherwise, after next year, I feel like I have no time...

   (end of this chapter)