MTL - Rebirth In The Novel: Indulging The Female Side Character-Chapter 247

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When Ye Chu fell asleep, Lu Huai walked out of Ye Gongguan.

The night was very deep, the darkness invaded, and the darkness of his body, his figure straight and straight.

Lu Huai took a step and walked into the dark.

The corner of the street lit up, and the dim light poured down, illuminating the ground.

The light stretched his figure, reflected on the ground, deep and shallow.

A car was parked on the corner of the street, and Lu Huai went straight.

Going to the front of the car, Lu Huai opened the door and got on the bus.

Sitting in the car, Zhou adjutant, he is waiting here, ready to send Lu Huai to the train station.

The car started and headed for the train station.

The car ran smoothly, and the secluded scenery swiftly passed, and the beach sank in the silent darkness.

Lu Huai’s figure is silent and his thoughts are floating.

This time he is going to Hanyang to investigate Dong Hongchang and Ji Manqing.

The truth has slowly surfaced, and as soon as you get closer, you will discover hidden secrets.

This trip is too dangerous, he will not take Ye Chu to go, he will leave after the night after Ye Chu fell asleep.

When Ye Chu discovered that he had left Shanghai at that time.

Lu Huai's eye is dark and unclear.

The moonlight fell quietly, half of his body was hidden in the sinking, half of it sinking in the light and shadow, and the temperament was cold and cold.

The car stopped and Lu Huai got off the bus.

He walked slowly into the train station, and the darkness fell and spread at the train station.

This time I went to Hanyang, in order to avoid the horror of the grass, Lu Huai has done a good job, but also used a false identity.

Going to the platform, the platform is empty, the shadows are small, and the sound is slight.

The long whistle sounded, scattered in the air, Lu Huai took the train.

The dark rails stretched forward, as if you couldn't see the end. The train started and the thunder sounded.

The train was very quiet, Lu Huai sat in the carriage and closed his eyes.

The night passed quietly, and the train galloped away from the distance, hidden in the darkness.

The next day.

When I arrived in Hanyang, it was dusk.

Lu Huai got off the train and a black car was waiting outside.

Lu Huai and Zhou adjutant got on the bus and the car started.

Lu Huai has a house in Hanyang, and the car parked at the entrance of the house.

He went straight in.

Lu Huai’s men know that today’s three are coming. They have been waiting at the door and are ready to report the situation.

Lu Huai went into the study and looked at the people: "Is there a suspicious person near Dong Hongchang?"

If Ji Manqing and Dong Hongchang have a relationship, either she is the outside room of Dong Hongchang, or she is the director of Dong Hongchang.

Lu Huai let his men start from these two aspects to investigate Ji Manqing.

Your men: "We have investigated all the private houses under the name of Dong Hongchang and have not found any suspicious women."

Dong Hongchang has many private houses in Hubei Province. They are hiding around the house and find that there are very few people coming in and out.

Lu Huai nodded: "Continue."

It seems that Ji Manqing may not be the outer room of Dong Hongchang, but it does not rule out that Dong Hongchang is cautious and does not place Ji Manqing in the house.

Lu Huai asked: "Is there any problem with the female government officials who are in contact with Dong Hongchang?"

Dong Hongchang is the governor of the three provinces. The governor's office is in Wuhan. Dong Hongchang works in the government. In the work, he will inevitably encounter government officials.

It is said that Ji Manqing is in contact with Dong Hongchang through this.

Shaking his head: "There is no middle-aged woman among the officials who are in contact with him."

Most of the talks with Dong Hongchang are male officials, and he rarely contacts female officials.

Moreover, the three women who asked them to look for are near middle age.

None of the female officials working in the government meets this requirement.

Lu Huai brows slightly wrinkled, and suddenly asked: "Where does Dong Hongchang often go?"

If Ji Manqing has no relationship with Dong Hongchang at work, then Dong Hongchang is meeting her in his spare time.

The man replied: "He often goes to the military, the government and the equestrian club."

Lu Huai sharply caught a point and asked: "Equestrian club? Dong Hongchang often goes there?"

He faintly felt that something was wrong.

Nodded by his men: "Dong Hongchang seems to like riding horses. When he is free, he often goes there."

Lu Huai asked again: "Have you checked the boss of the equestrian club?"

If Ji Manqing is related to the equestrian club, then Dong Hongchang went there to meet her.

Your men: "The boss is a man."

Lu Huai thought for a while, on the surface, Ji Manqing seems to have nothing to do with the equestrian club.

However, Lu Huai always feels that the equestrian club is not that simple.

Lu Huai looked up and said: "I gave you a photo before, did the woman on the photo find it?"

If Ji Manqing colluded with Dong Hongchang, she is now very likely to be in Wuhan.

Lu Huai let the hand go down to investigate, where is Ji Manqing now.

His men: "I traced her traces in the last few days."

The woman’s action was secret, and there seemed to be someone protecting her. They followed for a long time before they discovered her.

The man suddenly remembered something: "On that day, when Dong Hongchang went to the equestrian club, his look was a little different."

His posture is not as comfortable as before, as if he were going to do something.

After Dong Hongchang left the equestrian club, they were afraid of revealing their whereabouts and they did not follow up.

Lu Huai: "Continue."

That day at the Equestrian Club, maybe something happened.

Your men: "After the departure of Dong Hongchang, the woman went to the equestrian club."

Lu Huai’s eyes are tight: “Why did Ji Manqing go there?”

That equestrian club really has problems.

The man nodded: "And the woman knows the boss of the club, they look very familiar."

Lu Huai’s thoughts are heavy. It seems that the equestrian club is the contact point between Dong Hongchang and Ji Manqing, while the boss is the connector.

On weekdays, Dong Hongchang privately met with Ji Manqing through the cover of the club.

Your men: "After the woman left, we followed and found her home."

Lu Huai opening: "Staring there."

Ji Manqing will definitely go to see Dong Hongchang, as long as he continues to stare at her, they will find their relationship.

Also, she and Dong Hongchang have joined forces and do not know what is going on behind them.

However, Lu Huai knows that, in any case, their purpose must be related to the East China region, and the intention is not good.

After leaving his hand, Lu Huai sat there with a cold eye.

Ji Manqing.

Thinking of her vicious behavior, Lu Huai's face is extremely cold, even more bleak than the bleak winter.

Since Ji Manqing appeared again, they also found her whereabouts.

In this way, it is necessary for him to meet her.



After being drunk by Lu Huai that night, Ye Chu slept until the evening of the next day, and she woke up.

Ye Chu made a long dream.

The dream was filled with the smell of spirits, which was groggy.

Lu Huai stood not far from her, his back gradually went away.

She tried to catch Lu Huai's hand, but found that she lost strength.

And the wine like the tide poured into the gaps in the room, drowning the entire room.

The spirits wrapped her body like a transparent bond.

Blocking them both...

Ye Chu suddenly opened his eyes.

Some cold air hit her nose and was a little clear.

It was raining yesterday, and the air in the room was slightly damp, with a damp and cold atmosphere.

Ye Chu’s consciousness gradually became clear, but her head was still sinking.

Her body was lying on the bed, but it felt heavy and seemed to be being dragged down.

Ye Chu got up, his throat was thirsty, as if he was burning.

She blinked and her eyes became clear.

Soon, there was a voice coming around.

"Miss Miss, are you awake?"

Ye Chu slightly frowned, she recognized this voice.

That person was the former Bai Huaan inserted in the white house of Ye Gongguan. Before, if they had something, they would let her send a letter.

Bai Hao handed a glass of water to Ye Chu’s mouth, as if she had already been ready.

Ye Chu drank the water.

The warm water flowed through the throat, barely alleviating the feeling of thirst.

Ye Chu opened his mouth: "He let you come?"

Bai Hao nodded: "Three less said, the second lady drank the wine, let me take care of you."

Ye Chu looked up and looked out the window.

The afterglow of the setting sun fell into the room, it was already dusk.

She narrowed her eyes and thought about it.

If Lu Huai drunk her last night, she immediately left, and he must have left Shanghai now.

Today is the weekend, she must go to school tomorrow.

Ye Chu knows that he has been a good time.

What is Lu Huai going to do?

Ye Chu looked at Bai Yu: "Where did he go?"

Bai Hao shook his head: "I don't know, but the three have said it, and he will soon send a message back."

Ye Chu was silent, and her eyebrows were a bit heavy.

Bai Yan added another sentence: "Three little let the second Miss do not worry."

Ye Chu’s lips clenched and covered her hands.

Lu Huai went so fast, and designed to make her coma, do not want to take her in the past...

Ye Chu can only be sure that it is a matter of necessity and danger.

As for his refusal to say goodbye.

After one night, her gas had already disappeared more than half, but she sighed.

Ye Chu has no way to stay in Shanghai and other news.


The next day, Ye Chu’s head was no longer hurting.

She went to a school.

There are two exact things in the school.

First, she will go to Beiping to attend an academic conference with her classmates. Second, the French Jesuits want to change the Xinli Middle School into a church school.

A while back, Ye Chu has been preparing for the academic conference.

The train tickets have already been bought, and they will leave Shanghai the day after tomorrow.

The French Jesuits were responsible for the Chinese member Mo Qinghan of the Administrative Committee of the Board of Directors.

These days, Ye Chu did not see him in the school.

It is said that Mo Qinghan left Shanghai and went out to the outside, so the church school was temporarily delayed.

The people at Xinli Middle School are also relieved.

In the afternoon, under the faint skylight, the sunset light gradually dispersed.

The school was put out of school, and Ye Chu was sitting in the car of Ye Gongguan.

She had a train ticket in her hand, and the faint light reflected the words above.

From Shanghai to Peiping, the departure time is the day after noon.

Ye Chu took the train ticket and looked out the window, his eyes wide.

I just don't know if Lu Huai will send a message before the departure.

The black car stopped and Ye Chu put away his thoughts.

After she picked up her look, she got out of the car, her face was not obvious, and she walked into Ye Gongguan.

Night falls.

Ye Gongguan is shrouded in a rich night, and the silence is terrible.

Ye Chu sat in the room and was silent.

At this time, the door knocked: "Miss."

Ye Chu recognized this as a white voice: "Come in."

The door opened and the white scorpion came in. She had a letter in her hand.

Bai Hao handed the letter to Ye Chu and whispered: "Miss Er, this is a letter from three to you."

Ye Chu looked at the past and his eyes were moving.

She snorted, took the letter and placed it on the table.

The daylight left and the door was closed.

Ye Chu broke the envelope and his eyes fell on the letter. Ye Chu lowered his head and looked at it seriously.

The light fell and illuminated the paper.

There are only a few words in the letter.

"When you opened this letter, I have already arrived in Hanyang..."

Ye Chu took the letter's hand and tightened her point. Her eyes continued to move down.

Lu Huai mentioned that he went to Hanyang to investigate Dong Hongchang and Ji Manqing.

The last sentence of the letter is that he will come back soon and let her not worry.

Putting the letter on the table, Ye Chu took back his sight.

The night is silent, and Ye Chu’s thoughts are heavy.

She understood why Lu Huai did not take her to Hanyang.

Ji Manqing and Dong Hongchang have collusion, so if I go to Ji Manqing, she must have Dong Hongchang around her.

The last time Ji Manqing and Dai Heng met at the Nanguo Restaurant, Dai Heng was arrested, and Ji Manqing escaped.

Her men will fight to protect her, indicating that her identity is extremely important.

Ji Manqing’s behavior was hidden and he was extremely careful. She and Lu Huai went to investigate the matter and it was easy to catch a stun.

Ye Chu continued to think about it. A few years ago, Ji Manqing did such a thing to the aunt, and his mind was extremely vicious.

This person is very heart-wrenching, Lu Huaiding does not want to contact her.

Moreover, Ji Manqing is looking for Dai Heng to induce Su Mingzhe to smoke a large cigarette, which is to seek revenge on the Su family.

Although I don't know what is going on between her and Su's family, her intentions are very vicious.

They even can't know what she thinks about Ye Family.

Lu Huaiding is worried that if Ji Manqing sees himself, he does not know what to do.

Lu Huai was considered in all aspects, so he did not say goodbye. After she found out, he was already in Hanyang.

Ye Chu’s heart gradually calmed down.

He is in Hanyang, and she will soon leave Shanghai and go to Beiping.

Although this trip is difficult, she knows that he will definitely come back safely.

Ye Chuluo reached out and picked up the lighter at the table.

She gently pressed and the fire slammed.

The letter was moved above the fire.

The flames spread on plain white paper and burned her thoughts.

Tiny light jumps.

Into the deep and quiet night.