MTL - Rebirth Into A Wolf: I Can See My Evolution Paths-Chapter 209 late night training

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Restarting the wolf life: I can see the evolutionary route Chapter 209 late night training

I have to say that Xu Lin has never been harsh on the treatment of the four wolves of Su Ming, and has always arranged them at the highest level, even where they temporarily live.

Following the pace of the young researchers, what caught Su Ming's eyes was an extremely spacious room.

The walls on the four sides are decorated with warm-toned tan yellow, which will not look too bright or too gloomy.

On the ceiling, there are hidden headlights, which can not only ensure the sufficient light source in the room, but also leave the maximum space.

Four large and soft sofas are located in the four corners of the room, ensuring absolute privacy while giving each member enough independent space.

Xu Lin knew about Su Ming's character, so he didn't add too many other items, and only kept this comfortable and spacious room.

After leading Su Ming and waiting for the wolf to enter, the young researcher said with a trembling tone, as if he was still a little afraid of coming into contact with the giant wolf.

"Lord Wolf King, do you have any special requirements for the evening meal? Our base has a variety of meat products, such as beef, pork, duck, chicken, duck, goose, venison, etc. Only can provide you with it.”

Su Ming shook his head slowly, he didn't care about it, just let the other party make arrangements.

After getting the reply from the wolf king, the young researcher did not leave, but continued.

"Okay, I understand. If you have any special requests, feel free to ask me, and we will try our best to solve them."

After speaking, the young staff member was about to leave, but saw the wolf king in front of him watching him, as if he had something to tell him.



Su Ming let out a wolf roar, raised his wolf claw and pointed to the ceiling above, trying to inform the other party that his four wolves needed to be bathed in moonlight at night.

Unfortunately, the researcher opposite is neither Chen Tian nor Lin Zeming, so it is naturally difficult to understand the body language of the giant wolf.

"Do you want to change the brightness of the headlights?"

The other party overinterpreted Su Ming's thoughts. In his mind, wolves don't seem to like scenes that are too bright.

Su Ming shook his head helplessly, denying his words.

It seems that language still needs to be used to communicate after all.

He looked at the smooth floor below, and immediately raised the wolf's claws, about to wither.

At this time, the researcher on the side noticed the intention of the giant wolf, and hurriedly reminded: "Your Excellency! Your Excellency! I have a writing pad."

After handing the small writing pad to the wolf king, the researcher wiped the cold sweat from the top of his head.

It's very risky, and I almost let His Excellency the Wolf King destroy the floor. If it is true, my salary will definitely be deducted by the person in charge.

Taking the panel, Su Ming placed it in front of him, and under the curious gaze of the other wolves, he wrote a string of words.

The researcher in front of him also had a surprised look on his face at this moment. Although he had heard about the intelligence of this white-haired wolf king for a long time, he would still be shocked when he actually saw it, as if he was watching a An incredible thing in general.

[Our wolf pack needs to go out to bathe in the moonlight at night, can we make arrangements? 】

Putting his right hand and rubbing his chin, the young researcher said slowly: "Bathing in the moonlight? Well... I will try my best to arrange it for you, please wait a moment."

After saying that, he nodded towards Su Ming, then walked away quickly and gently closed the door for the wolves.

Under the leadership of Su Ming, the four wolves began to familiarize themselves with the environment in the room and decided on their respective habitats.

Su Yi and Su Hui each chose two sofas on the left and right, lying on top, and rested comfortably.

Ling Ze took his own sofa, came to Su Ming's side, lay down beside his spouse intimately, and enjoyed this rare leisure time.

As for the leader, Su Ming, he was already sitting on the sofa in the center, silently thinking about the future development of the wolf pack.

First of all, improving the strength of all companions is the main goal in the future. Only with strong combat power can we have the possibility to gain a firm foothold in this world and have the right to speak with human beings.

Secondly, it is to develop the territory of the ethnic group. After the strength of the four wolves has reached the king and evolved into a higher-level species again, Su Ming intends to lead the ethnic group to return to the reserve.

With the full development, the scope of their wolf pack territory was previously put on hold due to various reasons such as the insufficient number of elite ranks, the wolf father's injury and other reasons.

But now, it has long been different from past and present. With the combat power of the king's rank, it is enough to dominate the entire reserve. Su Ming is confident that there will be no creatures that can stop the rise of their wolves.

"I Have a Scroll of Ghosts and Gods"

To this end, when it was able to identify two secondary goals

First, it is necessary to speed up the progress of the rest of the members, and the action on Bai Zeshan must also be put on the progress.

Secondly, Su Yi's [Land of Extreme Shadows] and Ling's [Land of Frost Frost] may ask Xu Lin again.

After sorting out all his thoughts, Su Ming opened his eyes and planned to discuss with Xu Lin tomorrow morning about the other two locations.

At this moment, there was also a knock on the door, accompanied by the voice of the young staff member.

"Winter, winter, winter."

"Lord Wolf King, the meal has been brought to you."

Su Ming got up, tapped an area on the wall, and then an aperture lit up, and the door opened automatically.

The young staff walked in with a few colleagues, carrying stacks of huge dinner plates.

"Your Excellency, this is a slightly grilled steak, I hope it suits your appetite."

The steak on the plate, although the surface is browned, still seeps blood-red juice inside, smelling its bursts of aroma, it looks quite tempting.

Su Ming slowly opened the wolf's mouth, grabbed the whole piece of steak, broke out an amazing bite force, and instantly tore into pieces of meat and swallowed it into his throat.

Um! As expected of a human cooking method, it is indeed quite delicious.

It not only retains the original tenderness and juiciness of the meat, but also adds a little spice to enrich the overall taste and texture.

Su Ming didn't hesitate for a moment, and ate a big chunk of it on the dinner plate, enjoying the meal.

The situation of the other three wolves was similar to that of Su Ming, even worse, almost burying their heads inside the dinner plate.

Watching the eating action of the giant wolves, the staff members were shocked and relieved a lot.

Fortunately, the taste of the food can meet the appetites of these gentlemen, he couldn't help thinking in his heart.

Waiting, the members of the wolf pack devoured a large amount of meat steaks, and they said just now, in advance of what Su Ming had ordered.

"Your Excellency, regarding the matter of bathing in the moonlight that you explained earlier, after I communicated with the person in charge, he has agreed to your request. In the evening, special personnel will come and lead you to the elevator platform."


Su Ming responded, expressing understanding.

Afterwards, the staff stopped disturbing the rest of the wolves too much, packed up the dishes below, said goodbye to Su Ming, and turned away with a few colleagues.

Seeing the figures of the few people walking away, Su Ming couldn't help thinking about Xu Lin's intentions. He could take the risk of exposure and let Su Ming's four wolves walk out of the base to carry out additional actions. It can be said that he attaches great importance to the wolves. Willing.

At the same time, this is not just a simple gesture, there is also a small thought, Xu Lin may want to get the reason why the wolves are so powerful.

Su Ming smiled slightly. If this is the case, I am afraid that he will be disappointed, because this is only one of the daily training items. The reason why the four wolves can advance so quickly is still relying on the help of the technology panel.


After a full meal, Su Ming and the four wolves did not wait too long, and there was another knock on the door.

As the door opened, a man in a gray uniform walked into the room and greeted Su Ming with a smile.

"Lord Wolf King, I'm Chen Mo. I'm responsible for leading you and your companions to the elevator platform. Please come here."

The other party raised his hand to give way to the position in front. Su Ming didn't show much courtesy, let out a wolf roar, and walked forward with the other three wolves.

Under the leadership of the other party, the four wolves came to the airport where they had been many times before.

Even in the middle of the night, this is still the most lively place. Dozens of maintenance personnel gathered together to discuss the repair plan of a certain helicopter, and there were also a few pilots on the other side who were getting down from the top of the plane. day tasks.

Xu Lin specially prepared a small lift for Su Ming and the four wolves, which could reduce the risk of exposure.

The man named Chen Mo opened the door of the elevator platform for the four wolves ahead of time and signaled them to walk in.

After waiting for all the members to come forward, he walked in, closed the door, and pulled the manual device next to him.


With the appearance of the sound below, the entire lift platform began to climb gradually, and the iron wall at the top also split, revealing the bright starry sky outside.

The bright moonlight shone on this towering mountain peak, and no one would have imagined that the interior would be a huge research base even from the outside.

Looking for an area with a wide field of vision, Su Ming led the three wolves to lie down quietly, feeling the night wind blowing and the moonlight above his head.

In the corner of Su Ming's vision, he caught a glimpse of Chen Mo's figure. The other party was standing in a far away area. Watching the movements of the wolves, he would take out his smartphone from time to time and tap it lightly, as if Recording certain situations, or chatting with someone.

However, these are irrelevant in Su Ming's view. Even if they observe closely, the other party can't get useful information from it. degree.

The refreshing feeling in the body gradually subsided, and the familiar fiery feeling continued to pour out. Su Ming knew that the strengthening stage had come, so he closed his eyes, stopped paying attention to Chen Mo's movements, and calmed down to immerse himself in the practice at night.


Time passed rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, it reached the second half of the night. The moon hanging high in the sky was slowly withdrawing its silver-white moonlight.

The burning sensation and tearing sensation in Su Ming's body gradually weakened until it disappeared, and a sense of relief flooded into his heart, repairing the injury caused by the strengthening.

Opening his eyes, Su Ming stood up and looked around. Su Hui and Su Yi were still immersed in reinforcement and had not yet fully woken up, while Ling had entered the recovery stage, lying on the ground gasping for breath.

In Su Ming's peripheral vision, Chen Tian, ​​who was in charge of leading and monitoring them, remained in place, without moving half a minute, like a robot, performing his own tasks.

Thinking about it, if the other party doesn't have special concentration, he can't take on such a task, and he can't be selected by Xu Lin.

Looking at Su Ming coming from afar, Chen Mo put down the cell phone he was typing, put it in his pocket, and said with a smile.

"Your Excellency, is the event over?"

Hearing this, Su Ming nodded immediately, indicating that the other party had guessed correctly.

"Well, I can understand your actions, Your Excellency. After all, it is a good thing to bathe in the moonlight occasionally."

Chen Mo said with a smile, then walked past Su Ming to the lift platform disguised as a lawn.

Staring at the back of the other party's departure, Su Ming thought of a possibility that this person is a power user.


【Name】: Chen Mo

[species]: superhuman

[Rank]: Ordinary seventh

【Strength】: 19.7/25

[Agility]: 18.4/25

[Superpower]: Polar Shadow I (C) 79%

[Ultra Shadow]: C-level superpowers, with average potential, can eventually grow to king-level combat power.

Now it is the first stage of the polar shadow. The holder can fully stimulate the kinetic energy of the body through the energy potential energy in the body, and burst out at a speed that is about three times faster than the enemy, one step faster than the enemy, and attack the opponent.

Su Ming's guess was This person is a power user, and being able to send a power user to monitor them is enough to see Xu Lin's cautiousness.

If you can't see why, you can also use the similarity between power users and alienated creatures to detect some wonderful things, and the other party was able to speak like that before, it must be the benefit of moonlight.

It's just that Su Ming didn't think that human beings have been studying mutations for so long, and they haven't even discovered the effect of absorbing energy gain under the moonlight?

While he was thinking about it, the three wolves behind Su Yi, Su Hui, and Ling were also fully strengthened, opened their eyes, and walked to the elevator platform.

After waiting for Chen Mo to close the door and press the hidden operation button, the team returned to the base again.

At this moment, it was late at night, and even the extremely busy base was quiet every day. Except for a few researchers working on the night shift, and the patrolling security figures, there was no one left.

Chen Mo sent the four wolves to the front of the door, nodded slightly, then turned and left, presumably to report to Xu Lin.

Instead of staying in place, Su Ming pressed the button outside the door, opened the door, led the four wolves into it, and rested.


The next day, early in the morning.

Even if there is no sunlight, the four wolves' long-term biological clock allows them to wake up on time.

Quickly getting up, drowsiness aside, Su Ming started warm-up exercises, soothing the body that was a little stiff from sleep.

At this moment, the door was knocked, and a voice belonging to Chen Tian came from outside.

"Lord Wolf King, you are on the hot search!

