MTL - Rebirth Into A Wolf: I Can See My Evolution Paths-Chapter 261 Su Ming's plan

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, the fastest update to restart the wolf life: I can see the latest chapter of the evolutionary route!

Standing quietly aside, Su Ming listened carefully to the other party's experience and gained a new understanding of this unknown high-level creature.

Previously, the image of Mohu could only be barely formed, but through Zheng Tianxing's description, it has gradually become a lot clearer.

The monkey creature is about four to five meters tall, with a fairly robust physique and unknown ability.

The rank of the opponent should be much higher than that of Su Ming. It is initially expected to be at the peak of the king, or at the beginning of the extraordinary.

Tank artillery alone can hardly hurt him. From this point of view, the defense of this high-level creature is far better than Su Ming.

At least he couldn't do it to such an extent. In the face of human artillery fire, Su Ming was not able to block it unscathed.

Although the wolves and humans are in an ally relationship, if possible, Su Ming does not want to face this powerful creature as much as possible.

Judging from the current strength of the four wolves, the chances of being able to defeat the opponent are relatively small. These types of creatures are far more powerful than the alienated monitor lizards encountered in the last volcano, and it is very difficult to deal with.

Thinking of the news that Zhangjia City has not contacted the capital, and it is very likely that it has fallen, Su Ming is even less confident to fight this high-level creature. Without the reinforcement of human technology weapons, the winning rate of the wolves will be reduced a little again.

Taking back the thoughts in his mind, Su Ming looked at the humans in front of him again.

After understanding the ins and outs of the whole incident, he also had a new plan. He raised his wolf claws again and wrote words in the soil.

【Are there any other survivors in the village? 】

Looking at the other party's question, Zheng Tianxing shook his head and denied: "No, Your Excellency, if it weren't for that terrifying existence, ordering this group of beasts to imprison us, as a reserve of meat, no one might survive at all."

Su Ming nodded, the result was the same as he expected.

The leader of the monkey group, the high-level monkey creature, has probably regarded this village as part of his own territory, so he left several subordinates, while taking care of the territory, while keeping some species in captivity as them Alternate food for the tribe.

In any case, in the current situation, it is not a wise choice to stay here.

After waiting for the main force of the monkey group in front to completely solve Zhangjia City, they will return to this village again.

At that time, even with the strength of the wolves, it will take a lot of effort to escape smoothly.

Thinking so, Su Ming continued to write.

[Human, what do you think about the current situation? 】

Zheng Tianxing pondered for a while and replied immediately.

"Your Excellency, I don't think the situation is optimistic. Just because you don't know that Zhangjia City was attacked, the opponent's offensive may be much faster than we thought. According to the regulations of the legion, we should lead the surviving residents and return to the city as soon as possible. In Zhangjia City, return to the team and deal with the villagers' problems."

"However, let's not mention that our company is already alive and dead, and whether there are still troops in Zhangjia City remains to be discussed. The best option is to leave the village as soon as possible, rush to the nearest city, and spread the news together. , let them prepare in advance, and Beijing is our current best destination."

Su Ming showed a thoughtful look. This human has good eyesight, knowing that it is not advisable to go back and die.

【good! Your overall situation is very good. If you want to expel high-level monkey creatures, you must gather most of the scientific and technological power of mankind, and go back and tell you that it is indeed the best decision. 】

"Then what do you mean?"

Zheng Tianxing couldn't help asking.

[Both of you, hurry up and lead this group of survivors away. You must pass this news back to the capital area as quickly as possible. I believe that with Xu Lin's character, he will be able to respond quickly. 】

"Understood, Your Excellency, then do you want to follow us? Or do you have other plans?"

Zheng Tianxing originally had this idea. Even if the wolf king didn't bring it up, he planned to lead the villagers to retreat first.

[Our ethnic group has other things to do, so naturally we cannot follow you back. 】

"I see."

After being recovered by the wolf king, Zheng Tianxing got up slightly and was about to lead a few villagers to walk out of the fence area first.

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

"Your Excellency the Wolf King."

When Zheng Tianxing heard the words, he looked back and saw that it was Captain Yan who had bowed his head and mourned.

"Your Excellency, do you guys plan to enter Zhangjia City?"

Different from Zheng Tianxing, the man named Yan Ze was still worried about the safety of his family, and he was not willing to retreat and leave.

Su Ming shook his head slightly, denying the other party's guess.

[Humans, you should understand that the danger of entering the city, other alienated creatures are still easy to say, but in the face of that high-level monkey lord, it is difficult for even our wolves to escape. 】

After receiving the reply from the wolf king, Yan Ze was not discouraged.

Having watched the previous battles of the giant wolves, he understood that the strength of these giant wolves can be said that as long as the giant monkey king does not move, no alienated creature will be their opponent.

"No, Your Excellency Wolf King, you can even go to the edge of Zhangjia City. I pray that you can take me for a ride."

Su Ming stared at the young man indifferently.

[You are courting death, human beings, if there are not enough troops, once discovered by the monkey group, the consequences will be disastrous. 】

Zheng Tianxing on the side, after hearing the words of his boss, also hurriedly dissuaded him.

"Yeah, Captain Yan, entering Zhangjia City now is no different from seeking death. I know your feelings, but now we should bring the information back to the capital."

Looking at the worried comrades beside him, Yan Ze was silent for a moment, and finally responded with a wry smile.

"Deputy company commander, of course I know the importance of this information, but... I can't just leave my family alone."

Saying that, he pulled out a worn-out photo from his pocket, which was a group photo of their family of three.

Touching the photo in his hand, Yan Ze said slowly: "My wife is pregnant with a second child this year, and she is about to give birth. The child is very sensible. In order to make her mother work less, she learned to cook and take a bath by herself. Independence, we don't need to worry about it at all, I can't leave them, not to mention that they are still waiting for my rescue when their life and death are unknown. I'm sorry, Lieutenant Zheng, I can't just leave you... "

Hearing about the other party's family situation, Zheng Tianxing was obviously not able to persuade him again. He sighed and shook his head helplessly.

"Hey...Captain, take care of you."

He knew that even if the wolves didn't want the other party to follow him, his company commander would still go there alone. This trip would be bad luck, and it would be difficult to see each other again in the future.

"You too, be sure to send the information back to the capital."

Putting away the photo in his hand, Captain Yan looked in the direction of the wolf king with a serious expression, and said seriously.


There are more than 1,000 words, and I will finish it soon.

Captain Yan lowered his head and muttered to himself.

He remembered that there was a distance of three or four hundred kilometers between the capital and Zhangjia City. With ordinary people's footsteps, it would take two to three days to arrive at least, but the giant wolf in front of him could walk through it in one day. , their speed is not unpleasant, almost comparable to high-speed trains.

Second Lieutenant Yan's eyes once again showed a feeling of astonishment. The situation of these four giant wolves seemed to have broken his original world view one after another, making him aware of the power of powerful creatures in this world.

It should be said that it is worthy of being a giant wolf that can solve the monkey group in an instant, and its speed is not inferior.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, the captain hurriedly faced the wolf king and asked.

"Your Excellency Wolf King, has the capital received any news from our Zhangjia City?"

Su Ming shook his head and denied the other party's question.

[No, at least until I wait for the wolves to leave, there is no other action in the capital base, and the person in charge Xu even has spare time to come to say goodbye to us. 】

The wolf king's answer made the light of hope in Captain Yan's eyes go out again.

"'s impossible..."

He lost his voice and muttered to himself. The earlier battle made him realize the strong potential energy possessed by the lord of the monkey group. If there were no reinforcements from the capital, Zhangjiacheng might be difficult to drive away the opponent.

There is no doubt that it is an existence comparable to [White Dragon] and [Magic Ape]. Even if his strength is not as good, he is definitely at the peak of C rank.

The scientific and technological means in the hands of human beings have rarely been able to damage them. It is necessary to dispatch a large number of superpowers, as well as a number of military weapons such as fighter planes and tanks, in order to disperse such powerful creatures.

Zhangjia City obviously does not have this level of military strength, so it needs the support of the neighboring city capital.

But when Captain Yan got the answer from the wolf king, he felt that something was wrong. The overall strength of Zhangjia City was enough to last for two to three days, but at this moment, the capital had not received any news from Zhangjia City at all. The news can only show that the city has the possibility of falling.

Thinking of his relatives and friends far away in the city, the determined captain couldn't help lowering his head, clenching his fists, and his expression became painful.

Looking at the situation of the captain in front of him, Su Ming did not continue to ask, the other party needed some time to adjust his emotions.

He turned to look at the short-haired youth on the other side, raised his wolf claws, and continued to write.

[You two shouldn't be villagers here, right? 】

Compared to Captain Yan, the short-haired young man did not appear to be so distressed. He was from other provinces, and his relatives were in other places, so naturally he did not need to worry about the comfort of his family.

Nodding earnestly, he responded to Su Ming's question.

"Yes, Your Excellency Wolf King, my name is Zheng Tianxing, I am from Zhangjiacheng Corps, I am the deputy company commander of the second company, and the title is lieutenant. The one who talked to you earlier was our company commander, Captain Yan Ze, and he is also One of the superpowers in the company."

Through the youth in front of him, Su Ming can be considered to have officially learned the information of the two legionaries.

What surprised him was that there was still a power user here. Originally, he had not sensed any breath from this person, and it seemed that he was seriously injured.

After getting the answer he wanted, Su Ming continued to ask.

[Tell me the ins and outs of what happened here. 】


The warrior named Zheng Tianxing spoke slowly after thinking for a while.

"About two days ago, Qingkou Village, where we were stationed, was attacked by an alienated creature. Unlike the past, the scale of this time was far from what was previously possible. At least nearly a hundred alienated creatures emerged from the forest. Out, as if organized, charging straight into the village, making us caught off guard here."

"If it's just a coalition of D-level creatures and E-level creatures, our garrisoned forces can still block and repel them successfully, but this is not the case. Behind this group of alienated creatures, there are still A huge figure, it is the main reason for our defeat."

Hearing that the other party started talking about the high-level creature, Su Ming couldn't help but get serious and grasp the other party's information in advance, which would be beneficial to his next actions.

"It is difficult for me to describe the image of this existence correctly. It has a similar appearance to a group of monkeys, but it is far beyond the group of monkeys in terms of physique. Even the D-level Tibetan monkeys cannot compare with it. It is said that it can be four to five meters high, like a small building."

"This super-giant monkey creature holds a crystal-clear white bone in his hand. I don't know what it was deprived of, but its hardness is quite The missiles that can withstand our tanks are also It can be unscathed, and no cracks appear. In contrast, its strength is almost comparable to its size. We dispatched at least 30 soldiers, as well as two power users and a tank. All the above three types of troops are It's in the opponent's hands, and the price it pays is that the fur on the hand is torn apart."

"As you know, the situation on the battlefield is always changing rapidly, and the stalemate situation could be maintained at first, but after the other party joined, we showed a decadent situation. After paying at least a hundred casualties, Wang Ying Chang had to choose to retreat to ensure that the news could get back to the city and protect the lives of the villagers."

"Our second company was responsible for covering the retreat of our comrades and giving priority to the villagers to leave. Originally, this plan can be said to be relatively perfect, and the number of casualties can be minimized. Unfortunately, we all miscalculated the super giant monkey. creature-like combat power."

"It seems to have the ability to overwhelm mountains. It can crush dozens of our soldiers to death with a random blow. All resistance is futile in front of it. I don't know the final result. After paying all the soldiers' lives, there is still no

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