MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 2315 Primary school counts conquer the world

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Chapter 2315 Primary School Counts Conquer the World

"I don't agree. I have a little money in my hand. I have a house in a woman's house, and I am going to give you a wild man?"

Mrs. Tang took the lead in opposing it.

Cloud paintings are cold-faced and look at the old lady seriously. "Mother, you are ignoring me. If you are an elder, I will not care about you, but Jianqing is a martyr. I must be obedient to him. You are so jealous of me. It is to smear the remains of the martyrs! If they are heard, they will come to the top!"

"Lin Zhiqing said yes, this kind of words can not be said indiscriminately." Director Zhang of the commune took a sip of tea.

Mrs. Tang obviously knows how to be good, and dare not say this kind of mixed words.

Daxie Bai Xiumei said: "Let's say the ugly words to the front, after building the house, if you keep guarding the building, then the house will live with the baby, if you can't keep going, whether you take it or not With the baby to go, the house has to be left to the mother."

"Yes." Cloud painting nodded.

Chen Fushan also followed the nod. The old concept of rural people is like this. Widows can go, but things can't be taken away, and the house is not.

Tang liberated the ash from the rod of tobacco and refilled the tobacco from the bags under his eyes. "This is where the bricks come from, and now there is money to buy bricks. You have to build three rooms. This money is also Not enough, would you like to build an adobe house first?"

"No, just build a brick house." Cloud painting said.

Director Liu of the county transportation team said, "Brick thing, I will come to you to think of a solution. It happens that the transportation team has to build a family building. It is enough for you to use two bricks."

The bricks of this year are really hard to buy, and the private ones can hardly buy them.

Rural houses are also made of adobe, which is yellow mud and wheat straw. Use a four-box as a mold to compact the yellow mud in the mold, break it into four squares, and dry it, which is the adobe.

Most of the village is covered with this adobe, and the rainy wall is easily washed away and needs to be repaired frequently.

The advantage is that it doesn't cost anything. Yellow mud and wheat straw are all things that don't cost money. It costs a little labor. When a lot of people are idle, they take off a little adobe and dry it for use.

Cloud painting does not want to repair the house after heavy rain, and is determined to build brick houses.

"The wood of the beam, the hills are going to cut a few roots, when the village is taking care of the remains of the martyrs." Chen Fushan said.

"Don't, Fushan Uncle, I know that you are taking care of me, but this is what other villagers in the village think about? The village everyone has taken care of us, this wood I want, but I buy." Cloud painting said.

Chen Fushan nodded. "Lin Zhiqing is enlightened and high. You can buy it with the team."

The villagers who joined the crowd outside nodded and said they were satisfied.

This is the case in the village. If you are exposed to others, you will suffer. Your family is dead, and you have no labor. But others will suffer from it. People are hard to eat, who has extra compassion?

Cloud painting really wants the free tree in the village. The villagers must have opinions in private. In the future, Chen Fushan’s book is not hard to do anything, and the cloud painting itself is not straight.

“Even if there is brick and wood, what about tiles?” Tang Jianguo said, “Waco is not good to buy.”

The secretary of the commune, Zhang Shuji, smiled. "This is also a coincidence. The commune originally removed some old tiles. It is also a collective property. I can’t say it to you. It’s called the public society to calculate the discount. I want to buy it. It's a bit difficult."

"That's a good relationship! Thank you very much, Secretary Zhang!" Cloud painting immediately laughed. "Leaders care about our orphans and widows, I really don't know what to say."

"Let's build a house when you are idle, workers don't need money, as long as the rice is made, but the money is brick and wood. If you count down, you have to build three halls. Thousands of blocks don’t necessarily live, they say that the stoves and the huts are made of adobe, plus the tube rice... I’m afraid...”

Chen Fushan frowned and said, "You can't finish the house, you just live."

Chen Ying pushed Tang Jianbing.

The two men looked at each other and Tang Jianbing said: "If the three younger brothers don't want the houses in the old yard, the more than one hundred yuan we have divided, and our food will be added to the three younger siblings."


Others haven’t heard anything yet, and Bai Xiumei’s first mouth is open. “This is a slap in the face, and the oldest family’s house is not the old house. It should be given to...I am giving you a mother!”

Cloud painting laughed. "Da, this house is given to me. I don't want it. If you want to go with the second brother, you can change it into money and food. I just need it. If you want to give money, the house gives You are also."

Bai Xiumei rolled his eyes. "Which money is for you, I don't know filial piety at all."

The face of the cloud painting is faint, and I look at the second child, Tang Jianbing. "Two brothers, you are willing to give me the money and food for the house, but you have just separated, you are not good, just owe me first, etc. Give me a head back and give it to me."

"Which line, you are now building a house that lacks money and lacks food. It is time to use it." Tang Jianbing said, "Let's do it, let's think of another way."

"What do you think? You can't let your family starve to death. Listen to me, go back and wait for the family to be generous and give it to me. Now, I still have money." Cloud painting said.

Mrs. Tang immediately jumped up. "Do you still have money? I know that you are a little sly... you don't filial money to hide money, hand it over!"

Lao Tang Tang Jianguo also said, "Yes, three younger siblings, you are wrong. You haven't separated yet. Everyone's money and food should be paid to the public. You can hide the money and hide the grain."

Bai Xiumei is also helping the side. "You can't make people poke the backbone of the three younger brothers. If you haven't separated yet, you can hide your own vault. This can't be done."

Cloud painting laughs: "The big brother said that the big brother said that it is really impossible to hide the small treasury. If Jianqing is 16 years old, he will be a temporary worker. The salary is 28 yuan a month, 336 a year, Jianqing 20 years old marry me. 4 years before the marriage, the salary was 1344 yuan, and I gave it to my mother. After I got married, Jianqing also turned into a formal job. The salary rose to 39, and the year was 468 yuan. In the year and three months, the salary is 2,925 yuan, plus the previous 1,344 yuan, the total salary is 4,269 yuan, which is not the welfare of the leaders of the transportation team.

The cloud picture is smiling and his eyes are light. "Building this 4,269 yuan salary, according to our rural common sense, even if there is no separation, as long as it is married, the wages of Jianqing should be given half of the public, to the small family. Leave half. If the 1344 before marriage is handed over to the public, then the 2,925 yuan after his marriage should be given to the public, leaving half of our family. That is, we must leave it to our small family 1462. 5 yuan, Jianqing married me, I was given 5 yuan a month, this 6 years gave me 315 dollars, deducted 315, the public should also give me 1147. 5 yuan."

The cloud painting is completely oral, and it has not been written in advance, so it is clear and clear.

The rules are clear, the data is clear and well-founded.

With this hand, people have already been stunned.

Although it is just a simple mathematics, it is not an easy task to calculate it completely without thinking.

The people present were shocked.

"Which is so much!" Mrs. Tang first exclaimed.

Tang liberation is an accountant, and the wall is arbitrarily counted. The secretary of the commune took the abacus and counted it. While counting on the king’s paper, it was a good time. He only looked up: "Lin Zhiqing’s score is not difference."

Director Liu of the transportation team was amazed again and again. "Lin Zhiqing can really be hidden, we can all look down on you."

Cloud painted and laughed, "This is nothing, it is simple arithmetic."

At a time when literacy has not yet been completed, this hand is certainly not simple. The ordinary addition, subtraction, multiplication and multiplication can be calculated, but it is not easy to calculate it so quickly.

The cultural level of the national citizenship will not be upgraded in quality and quantity until the nine-year compulsory education is fully popularized. Now, there are still many illiterates.

Cloud painting looks at Chen Fushan. "Fukuyama Uncle, do you think that I am talking about this principle? The wages before marriage are all handed over to the public. This is all right. It should be. But the salary after marriage should be small. Half of the family half?"

Chen Fushan nodded. "It is true. When it is reasonable to say that when you are not separated, everyone is earning a job. If you eat and drink, you can count it together. Jianqing does not earn a job. If he uses money to pay for work, even if he It is calculated according to the work of the highest labor force in our village. Tang is 2,600 work points per year, and 2 points for one work, and only 52. ​​If it is so fine, it will pay 52 yuan for the family one year. It is already equivalent to the work of the most laborious work in the village. In only 6 years, only 312 pieces were used."

Cloud painting laughs, "Fushan book, can not be counted, no matter how it is separated, Jianqing is not at home all the year round, and the family is also working hard inside and outside, this salary should be half of the public."

Chen Fushan nodded. "Lin Zhiqing is a high consciousness."

Yun Huadao said: "Yu Niang, this 1147 pieces are zero and 5 hairs. You can give me an integer of one thousand pieces. The rest is even my filial piety. I can also build this house and I can also set it up. Furniture is awkward, and when you build a house, you can also have a few meals for everyone."

"I have no money! I have no money!"

Mrs. Tang is dying.

This is counted, and I have to let her pick up a thousand more!

"I want to ask me to save money, but I don't have any doors." Mrs. Tang began to pour.

Tang’s liberated tobacco rods began to shake.

I have to pull out a thousand pieces.

This thousand pieces are enough to cover the house.

Chen Fushan looked at the liberation of the Tang Dynasty. "Emancipation, this thousand pieces should be people's Lin Zhiqing. People bring two children, but they also need to support the two children. This person can't stop the road."

"I don't have money, I just don't have money. I don't believe you can still smash me. I have the ability to cut me with a knife. It's yours to hack my money!" The old lady cried with a scorpion. "Let's take a look." The black heart and the intestines are going to kill the mother-in-law."

(End of this chapter)