MTL - Rebirth of an Abandoned Woman-Chapter 253 Lanxiang is gone

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"Or what to do!" Sang said with a smile: "The silver money in their hands is not to be brought back! Can you still hardly grab it? I, I try to think of it!"

When Feng Feng smiled and said: "Your second uncle is really a bit of a vision, and he is taking valuable goods, but he does not know what price he sold. The big treasurer took the booklet for me to see, estimate it, probably It’s worth more than 8,000 yuan and two silvers. I don’t have to worry about it, I have managed to manage the end of the tube, and I’m out of this money! What are we going to do with each other!”

Mulberry listened and was shocked, annoyed and annoyed. She originally thought that it was at most a thousand and two hundred. I didn't expect it to be nearly two thousand. He was really welcome, and he didn't know what to rely on!

"I really don't have so much money in my hand, this is what I love you!" Mulberry could not help but smile.

When Shi Fengju saw that she didn't have a point with her, she had two points to like. The wife's thing is naturally his thing, and he is treated with the righteousness!

"婉娘, I have to repay. You accept my feelings, you have to give me a good return." Shi Fengju said that his eyes were burning, and one hand holding her waist could not help but move.

At this time, Mulberry had a mood to make trouble with him. He was so tempted by his heart that he couldn’t help but move, holding his swimming hand tightly and yelling at him: "Where I have this mood, you Don't make trouble."

“婉娘!” When Feng Feng smiled and said: “Why must I say something that is irrelevant and I am in a bad mood? I miss the bold move of my house before I left home. How can I not see it now!”

Listening to him at this time, he mentioned that he had to counterattack him on that day. The face of Mulberry was even hotter, and he smiled biting his lips. "What are you talking about!"

When Feng Feng laughed, "How can I talk nonsense? I really want to think about it! When I think of that day, I really regret it, I regret it too much!"

Mulberry couldn't listen to him again, and he refused to look up and smirk on his shoulder.

When Feng Feng held her gently patted her back, she was dumb and whispered softly: "Hey, let's have a baby, okay?"

The mulberry body was slightly stiff and gently nodded and said a "good" word.

Sang Pingliang and the rouge left Qingzhou the next day, and the money that was lost was filled up. The matter quickly passed without a trace.

Mulberry still asks for Wang in front of Wang every day. Wang’s treatment with her is no different, but Mulberry obviously feels that she is alienated from her. From time to time, I will also encounter Gu Fangzi, and the smiles and nod to each other will pass.

If the former sang is still full of confidence and hopes that one day can really be accepted by Wang, then she is totally without this heart. A daughter-in-law is a daughter-in-law, even if there are thousands of good things, as long as there is a bit of a mistake, it is a catastrophe. She simply relaxed her heart and thought about it again. Instead of trying hard to do that useless work, it is better to hurry up with the importance of the child. As long as the family gave birth to a long house, and the maiden brother made a backing, no one wants to give her any more.

The fact that Sang Pingliang seems to have set off a big storm, but at the time of the treatment of Fengju, it turned silent and silent. Gu Fangzi originally thought that Shi Feng’s anger would go to Peony Yuan to reprimand herself. She even said what Feng Feng would say, and how she should answer it repeatedly.

But left and right, etc., Feng Feng has never stepped into the Peony Court. Sometimes she deliberately appeared on the road he must pass, or met him in front of Wang, and the phoenix did not show much. It seems that the incident never happened, or that he did not expect that thing to be related to her.

But Gu Fangzi didn't think so. She believed that there was her shadow everywhere. When Feng Xianju could not have noticed, he did not care. What did he want to do?

Three days after I was upset, this morning, Lan Xiang went to the kitchen to give her breakfast, but it was a little girl in the kitchen to send breakfast back, saying that Lan Xiang’s sister had temporarily left, and she was sent to her in the kitchen.

Gu Fangzi rewarded dozens of copper plates of Xiaotoutou and sent them away. Although the heart did not say anything about Lanxiang, he did not care about it, but he did not pay attention to it.

Until near noon, Lan Xiang has not returned, Gu Fangzi faintly feels wrong. The fate of the Peony Garden made the girl and the woman to inquire.

Gu Fangzi did not dream of dreaming, the news that the woman brought back is: Lanxiang is gone!

"The Li Niangzi who assigned the slaves of the inner court to the school and the slaves of the middle school and the 18-year-old who had no matching people were all pulled out to marry. Several young people who had been promoted on several Zhuangzi’s villages just happened to be married, and everyone was It took me to match it. The Lanxiang girl was also taken away. It is said that it will be added to the vacancy in these two days..."

"Hey!" A crackling sound, Gu Fangzi smashed the tea bowl in his hand and got up and ran towards the main courtyard.

Lan Xiang was so silent that he was taken away!

At this moment, Gu Fangzi knew that Lan Xiang had multiple weights in her heart! She has been waiting for her for so many years, and she will disappear when she says no! Who is it, how to do things so absolutely?

Gu Fangzi did not think about it and buckled it on the head of Mulberry. She rushed into the main courtyard and slammed into the side of Wang’s side and cried at her: "Aunt! Aunt asked you to help me, you help me." Let's go!"

Wang was shocked by her actions and was busy pulling her arm: "What's wrong? What happened? You don't worry, let's talk slowly!" Saying busy Xiuchun, beauty and others helped her stand up.

Gu Fangzi turned and refused, lifted the pretty face full of tears, and glared at Wang's clothes as if to save the straw: "Aunt, aunt! Lanxiang is gone! Lanxiang was taken away! I am around This kind of gimmick, we have been together for so many years, the servant's feelings can not bear to give up, ask my aunt to help me save her!"

“Lanxiang?” Wang’s stunned, busy asking: “Who is so bold? I dare to take Lanxiang forcibly!”

Gu Fangzi shook her head just to cry, and intermittently said what happened in the morning and the inscription in the yard.

Wang’s anger trembled and said: “I’m aware of the old gimmicks in the middle of the house. I didn’t expect Li Niang’s courage to dare, even the big girl around you dare to take it away, against her. It!"

Wang is angry and is about to tell people to pass on Li Niangzi. Gu Fangzi has pulled her clothes and said with tears: "Auntie, I am afraid that it is useless to ask Li Niangzi! Li Niangzi is nothing but a man, she Where is this big courage!"

Wang's brow was picked, and he became more angry. He shot on the coffee table and got up and said: "Go, go to Ningyuan!"

Li Niangzi does not dare, naturally there are other people who dare! In addition to the mulberry, Wang can't think of a second person in this house who dares to do this kind of thing.

A group of people murdered to Ningyuan, Sangwu just finished the day-to-day affairs of the government, but there was not much meeting. In the hands of a cup of tea, I didn’t drink two. I saw the little girl rushing in and rushing in: "The big lady is here!"

Mulberry is busy with Li Wei, Liu Bu, and Xing Zhi.

Wang has never been to Ningyuan. At least she has never been to her since she married. The usual message is to send a hoe, and the top thing is Jiang Yan. This is the first time she has come over.

There is a bad feeling in the heart of Mulberry.

Gu Fangzi, who saw tears in her eyes and red eyes around her, made her heart jump more vigorously.

"Mother! Whatever you ask for a pass, you will pass it, you will work hard!" Mulberry was busy with the smile and wanted to help Wang.

"Hey!" Wang's cold face was unceremonious to open the hands of the mulberry, and he kept walking straight inside, cold and iced: "You are the master of the family, I can't stand you!"

Everyone was shocked, and Jiang Yan, Xiu Chun and others who followed came to look calm and seem to have seen nothing. Ning Yuan’s size and size were not discolored. The mulberry was greatly surprised, and was shocked and shy at the moment. I don’t know what happened, and Wang was so angry.

"Grandma, go ahead! I want to decide what is wrong, you should not worry, don't be angry, Grandma asks what you explained, do you know? Or, it is cheaper for outsiders." Li Wei saw a red burst of white on the face of Mulberry, and hugged her to help her whisper.

"Well, thank you for your mention, I know." Mulberry was warm in his heart and was busy with it.

Li Wei called to call Liu Bu, and told him: "You personally go to tell me a glimpse, find a proper person and hurry to ask the young master to come back!"

"Hey!" Liu Ye nodded quickly and flew away.

When the sang entered the house, Wang had already sat on the door. Gu Fangzi and Jiang Yan stood behind her, and Xiu Chun and others waited for the service, and the big hall was silent.

The mulberry only brought Li Wei and Xing Zhi into the house, and the rest of the hoes were all silent.

"Mother... I don’t know what happened to my mother today?" Mulberry went up to knees and blessed her body.

"You ask me? First ask you what good things you have done!" Wang sighed: "Yu Niang, your mother's second uncle has passed, and nothing happened. Do you agree with it?" ”

Mulberry is busy: "Mother, you are not a large number of adults, and you are grateful! Naturally recognized!"

"Is it?" Wang sneered: "In this case, why did you turn your head and wait for an opportunity to retaliate? Fang said to me before, for fear that because of this, you will be suspicious that she has done things, for fear of making you unhappy, I patted my chest and promised to her. I said that my mother-in-law has always been wise, and her heart is broad-minded. It is not a confusing one. Let her rest assured! I didn’t expect it, you really did it! You didn't say what to do, only when you really threw it away, who knows that you have plans! Lan Xiang served as a child from childhood, her friendship is not as simple as the master servant, you force it Lan Xiang took away, this is not clearly the arm of the broken Fang? She is such a person who agrees, why do you have to do this!"