MTL - Rebirth of Glory and Splendour-Chapter 100 staggered

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"My child pays respects to the father and greets the father." Wei Chongrong and Junhua both knelt down and said in unison.

Wei Zhao nodded slightly, took the tea from Junhua and took a sip, then let them get up, and one of them stuffed a big red envelope.

Huo Feifei saw that Jun Hua lowered his head slightly and hardly spoke, so he could not help asking Huo Qingyang in a low voice, "Daddy, brother Hua is so quiet today, is he shy?" There are also embarrassing times.

In the past two years, although Wei Chongrong is far away in Yizhou, Junhua has come to Qin Wangfu quite a few times. Huo Qingyang has seen him many times and found that he is calmer than usual today, but thinking about him and him. Wei Chongrong just got married, but Huo Qingyang didn't take it seriously. He just gently tugged at his daughter's ear and said with a voice transmission: "Feifei, don't talk nonsense, that's your sister-in-law..."

Huo Feifei raised his hand to cover his ears and whispered, "Brother Hua definitely doesn't want to hear me call him that."

Huo Qingyang has great skills. Although he was close at hand, Wei Chongrong and Jun Hua couldn't hear what he said to Huo Feifei. Instead, it was Huo Feifei's words. They heard it clearly, and Wei Chongrong clenched tightly when he heard the words. Jun Hua's hand turned his head and smiled at him.

Junhua is actually very clear that he is too silent to cause suspicion, but he is worried that if he opens his mouth, he will reveal his flaws faster. He just listens to what Wei Chongrong said, and he feels that it is not something he can do. , can only try to reduce the sense of existence.

However, Wei Chongrong's subsequent actions still made him feel relieved. It turned out that he knew his anxiety.

Wei Zhao also noticed Jun Hua's restraint, but he didn't think too much, and asked Wei Chongrong with his eyes if he was too much last night. Wei Chongrong couldn't deny it, and it was hard to admit it, so he could only smile and try to take Wei Zhao's thinking to a fork in the road.

Since he had to go to the palace to greet the queen mother later, Wei Zhao did not stay with Wei Chongrong and Junhua for a long time. After asking them a few words, he let them go back to his yard. Anyway, it will be a family in the future, waiting for Junhua to adapt. It's not too late to get together with your new identity.

Returning to the new house, seeing Wei Chongrong's long breath, Junhua blamed himself: "I did a terrible job, didn't I?" Not to mention Wei Zhao and Huo Qingyang, after a short period of time, it was Wei Chongrong's little sister , you can see that he is different.

Wei Chongrong smiled bitterly and said, "It's too hard for you to imitate the little monkey's temperament." To be honest, he was still a child when he came back, and he was still the kind that people didn't care about. There were some small changes in his temperament. It won't be noticed at all.

Junhua grew up being spoiled by others, and his personality is very outgoing. Someday if he is a little quieter, some people will suspect that he is not feeling well or is in a bad mood, but his previous life was in such an environment. How can you learn when you grow up.

Seeing the worried look on Wei Chongrong's face, Junhua said sadly: "A... Arong, I'm sorry, I really don't know how I got here, and I don't know where the little monkey went, otherwise I'll see you later. After Daddy, I can disappear right away..."

Although Wei Chongrong didn't say a word, he could see that the little monkey was in his eyes and heart. He didn't know if it was him, but he really envied him. Everything he dreamed of, he got it easily.

"Huaixi, don't say that..." Wei Chongrong wanted the little monkey to come back, which is true, but the little monkey is back, what should I do with Junhua now, will he disappear completely? Wei Chongrong is a little afraid After thinking about it, he didn't owe the little monkey anything, but he owed him.

The moment he drank the poisonous wine, he knew that he owed Junhua too much, and he might never repay it, or even have a chance to repay it.

Therefore, in this life, he will dote on Junhua like that, as long as it is something he has, he is willing to give it to him, no matter what.

After a long silence, Jun Hua Fang asked, "What kind of person is the Queen Mother? What do we need to pay attention to when we enter the palace?" Although everyone's surname is Jun, in Jun Hua's memory, Jun Feili died very early and he did not see him. I don't know much about his character.

Wei Chongrong raised his head and said indifferently: "The queen mother is happy and quiet. After the death of the royal uncle, he is often accompanied by poetry and books. I don't see him many times. Just abide by the etiquette." Jun Feili and Jun Hua have no contact. It’s too much. Entering the palace to be safe is just a step-by-step process.

Jun Hua thought for a while, and then asked, "How about your Majesty today, do we need to face the Holy Spirit?"

"Your Majesty doesn't like me very much. If it is not necessary, he will not take the initiative to summon me."

Jun Hua raised his eyebrows, seeming a little surprised, and then asked: "Where is my father, what kind of person is he?" Entering the palace is not a big problem, Jun Hua thought of returning to the door the day after, and he has completely loved Jun Hua. I have no impression, and I have no idea how to deal with him when I see him.

Wei Chongrong slightly organized the sequence of words and said slowly: "The Marquis of Zhaoyang is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. He usually takes care of you the most, but he is also the most indulgent. As long as you make up your mind, he will support you; the Prince of Changning treats you like a It's all right, I want wind for wind and rain for rain..."

"King Changning?!" Jun Hua was dumbfounded, completely unable to understand what Wei Chongrong said.

Wei Chongrong patted his head in hindsight, only to remember that Junhua didn't know his life experience at all. In the previous life, Jun Qing and Ji Xin both died early, and their relationship has never been made public. Moreover, Ji Xin died of witchcraft, and after his death, his family was raided and his title was confiscated. Even if Wei Su knew Jun Hua's life experience, it was impossible. Tell him, so in the fact that Junhua knows, his father is Junqing, and as for his mother, it is a woman without a name.

The time in the morning was too rushed. Apart from saying that Junqing was still alive, he spent the rest of the time talking about him and Wei Zhao. If Junhua saw Huo Qingyang and Huo Feifei showing suspicious expressions, he would not say anything. , would be suspicious.

"Yes, King Changning is also your father. You were born by the Marquis of Zhaoyang himself." Wei Chongrong came back to his senses and hurriedly made amends, "Before the emperor's grandfather died, he personally gave them marriage, but Zhaoyang Hou still maintains his title, you have a younger brother, the real name is Ji Hui, the nickname is Xiaohuzi, he is eleven years old this year, he is a good boy with a stable personality, although he was bullied by you since childhood, he still likes you very much..."

As if pouring beans into a bamboo tube, Wei Chongrong told Junhua everything he knew about Junqing and Ji Xin. Rebirth is so bizarre that they can't explain it to others, especially Junhua's two worlds' experiences are so different, Junqing and Ji Xin's thoughts are hard to estimate.

Jun Hua was stunned, with a mixture of surprise and sadness on his face.

He remembered the vow he once made in front of the Buddha. If everything could be repeated, he hoped that all the people he had loved would be safe and happy, even if he never existed in that world, it didn't matter.

It's just that his wish has never been fulfilled, so later, he asked no one, and he only relied on himself for everything.

Who would have thought that after he had given up his mind long ago, his wish in the past would be realized.

Father and father are alive and well, and their love is undiminished. They even added a younger brother to him. Wei Chongrong is no longer an outcast who is not recognized by the Wei royal family. Love his childhood sweetheart with all his heart.

The world would be perfect without him.


How is he going to leave, he has no idea how he got here.

Seeing Junhua's complexion changing, Wei Chongrong didn't say any more, just waiting for him to digest these things slowly.

Fortunately, it's all good, he doesn't have to worry, there is nothing Junhua can't accept.

During lunch, taking into account Junhua's current taste, Wei Chongrong instructed the kitchen staff to use less chili. Even so, Jun Hua was still shocked when he saw those red dishes, but like breakfast, those dishes tasted very good.

Seeing that two people's chopsticks would hardly stick into the same plate, Jun Hua asked curiously, "Have you been like this since you were young?" He remembered that in his previous life, he and Wei Chongrong ate together occasionally, and there was no such big difference. of.

"Almost, when the little monkey was a child, he wanted to eat it with sugar. The Marquis of Zhaoyang and the King of Changning had a lot of fights about this. He went to Yizhou at the age of seven. You know, Yizhou people like spicy food. It's almost time to do as the locals do..."

When Wei Chongrong recalled the past, his eyes revealed the doting that he hadn't even noticed, making Junhua feel complicated.

Soon after lunch, the two entered the palace to greet the queen mother. Just as Wei Chongrong said, Jun Feili is a person who is easy to get along with, and Jun Hua behaves in a moderate manner in front of him, which will not make people feel the slightest bit. wrong.

As for Wei Lan, he didn't take the initiative to come to the Empress Dowager's Cihe Hall, and he didn't order to summon them. Wei Chongrong naturally thought he didn't exist. After all, the empress dowager is an elder, and they should meet with each other, but Wei Lan is an equal. As far as family etiquette is concerned, there is no harm in seeing them.

After returning from the palace, Junhua said that he was tired and went back to the house to take a nap. Wei Chongrong didn't follow, but turned around and went to the study.

Little monkey, where are you? Wei Chongrong stood in front of the huge map and muttered.

It's just that he hasn't seen him for a day. He can't miss Jun Hua to such an extent, but the problem is, he doesn't know how long they will be separated.

One day, two days…

Or a year or two...

still forever...

Wei Chongrong really didn't dare to think about it.

Junhua slept until dark, and when he woke up, there was no one around. He jumped out of bed, pulled his shoes and ran to the study.

"Brother Rong!" The familiar tone made Wei Chongrong suddenly raise his head.

He slightly opened his lips and trembled: "Little monkey, is that you? Are you back?"

Junhua nodded vigorously, rushed over and hugged Wei Chongrong, pecked him on the lips, then stared at him with wide eyes, and asked after a long time, "Brother Rong, who is that person? Is he me? his previous life, but how did you know him..."

Wei Chongrong was stunned. Why would Junhua say that? Could it be that he knows everything about today's day?

Sure enough, Junhua immediately said: "What did he think, what he said, I saw it, heard it..."