MTL - Rebirth of the Film Emperor’s Beloved Wife-~ 115 Do you know far?

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The second game of the auction, different from the first game, is the opposite. The second auction auctions things in the dark, like arms, drugs, and population. Anyway, as long as it is on the general underworld. The things that are sold and sold can be found here. Of course, they can be used as auction items here, and they are not generally available for the underworld.

The auction rules for the second auction were the same as those for the first game. They were also traded in cash. The auction price of all auction items was more than one million dollars, and the auctioneer changed for a hotter chick. As soon as the eye was thrown, it attracted countless wolves.

"...The second auction began. Now the first auction item is auctioned. A group of military weapons that were eliminated from a certain army six months ago, including pistols, submachine guns, rifles, sniper rifles... starting price of 8 million US dollars The price increase must not be less than 200,000 US dollars each time..."

Qin listened to the introduction sound on the stage, and then looked at Su Yanyi and the indifferent expression of many members of the dark group. Suddenly, he felt that the reality was more magical than filming.

Arms are always the favorite of the underworld. The arms are rushed to the $16 million in an extremely fast price, which is doubled and still rising. This shows that it is popular. The degree is gone.

"You are not interested in this?" Qin looked at Su Yanyi's indifferent look, and some curiously asked, he thought that since the Su family was a dark force, it naturally needs these, and now the auction seems to be Very gunman's things, why not see Yan Yi and buy it? Is it because you have your own purchase channel?

In the mind of Qin, he thought of smuggling and arms tycoons. There is also a series of trading activities organized by the International Arms. It is an interesting picture and can even be made into a movie.

Who knows that his question has just been asked, and everyone who has heard, including Su Yanyi, is looking at him with a very weird look. You don’t know if you ask this question?

"You don't know? Sujia has his own military factory. You need to do it yourself." Su Yanyi also seriously thought about it when he asked him. When he thought about talking to his brother's father, did he have no? Have you said these things?

This time Qin’s silent expression is really a bit surprised, military factory? Can that really be something privately owned? It turns out that private jet tankers are really nothing. The real local tyrants should have private military factories!

“Can these be manufactured in the factory?” Qin said that he was not sure about it. The things he pointed out were naturally the munitions auctioned on the stage. It can also be said to be various types of firearms and ammunition.

"Of course." Su Yanyi said with great certainty that a military factory that cannot be made with guns and ammunition is better known as a toy factory.

"Can you make something else?" Qin is even more curious. As a man, the love of weapons is also very normal. When training at the base, he likes shooting training. Now he hears that the Su family actually has a military factory. I really want to see it, it obviously means more than watching an animal fight!

"Of course!" Otherwise how could it be called a military factory! Su Yanyi felt that this man was a bit too arrogant, but when he saw the man's gleaming eyes, he suddenly became more and more cheerful. This man originally liked this!

Su Yanyi suddenly thought of the contents of the next gift, maybe she can give the gun to this man by hand!

"If you want to go, I will take you to see it after I leave here the day after tomorrow." Anyway, honeymoon, Father and Kang Zhong should not mind if she will extend the time, it will be fun, she I don't want to be a workaholic like I used to.

"Does it affect the work?" Qin knows how busy Su Yanyi is. Before they came here, Kang Zhong’s eyes were a little sad.

"Nothing, there is Kang Zhong."

"... well, let's go and see." Kang Zhong, you have to hold on!

In the conversation between the two, the first weapons were auctioned out and finally priced at more than $18 million, but this is actually just an appetizer.

In the next auction, guns and ammunition are really nothing compared to it, because not only firearms, but also tanks, fighters, cannons, etc. are being auctioned out, and some are eliminated in a certain country. Some of them are newly developed by a certain country. At the end of the auction, there is even a semi-retired aircraft carrier, which makes Qin’s first come, and it’s an eye-opener. It’s really no big deal in the world.

"This aircraft carrier has come out to auction, really does not matter?" Qin asked a little uncertain.

"Do you think that these things are sold out?" Su Yanyi looked at Qin silently, if asked in a deep sense.

Qin thought for a moment, his eyes flashed, and he immediately understood the meaning of Su Yanyi, saying: "Do you mean the country itself?"

"Of course, you must know that the world's largest arms smugglers are supported by the state behind the scenes. Otherwise, it is possible to get so many weapons and equipment." This incident is almost a secret between the big names.

"Also." Qin still understands this truth now. Any force that wants to grow bigger needs the support of the state!

Thinking of this, Qin looked calm and suddenly thought of a certain question and asked: "What about the Warrens family?"

"Oh, they are behind the ruling party, wrong. It should be said that behind the ruling party is the Warrens family. For so many years, the president of the m state, which is still supported by the Warrens family, has no double digits." Su Yan The secrets of these underground worlds were not hidden, and Qin knew them, and these things were known to me at a very young age.

"That..." Qin was reluctant to ask a question, but he just stopped talking about a word, and seemed to think that there was something that should not be asked.

Su Yanyi has been paying attention to Qin’s lonely face. The things in these dark worlds are bound to be a lot of surprises for people like Qin, but she has always been paying attention to Qin’s feelings. When I had some explanations and instructions at the appropriate time, and now I saw the face of Qin, she seemed to understand the question that Qin wanted to ask.

"You want to ask us how the Su family?" Su Yanyi helped Qin to tell his unspoken words.

"It's convenient to say, I just suddenly thought of it." Qin has some curiosity, but it is not necessary to know that he knows that this kind of thing should be extremely secretive.

Su Yanyi did not speak this time, but instead of Qin than to a "nine" gesture, then Qin knows it, and sure enough, each country's situation and history have the same.

At the end of the auction, there will be occasional rumors, but most of them are divided up by the guests present. Most people can say that this is a worthwhile trip, and all of Su Yanyi’s party is Nothing was bought. They were originally the biggest sellers in the underground world. The things they auctioned out had a part of the Su family, but those were arranged by the big brother and father. Su Yanyi did not ask.

After the auction ended that evening, Su Yanyi and his party went to the casino. The casino on the feast was magnificent and luxurious. Although the guests on the boat were diverted by other entertainment venues, most of them gathered here. Three or three of the two gathered together to play.

Su Yanyi also let the dark group of people go free to stroll, and very generous to say that she lost her, of course, this is actually in the body of the father.

The dark group left four members to stay with Su Yanyi. The rest of the people seem to be playing, but they are also distributed in the distance between the two, while playing and warning, Su Yanyi and Qin The dripping water that is still protected is not leaking.

"What do you want to play?" This is the first time that two people have been playing together in a casino. Su Yanyi is not quite sure about Qin’s favorite preferences.

At this time, Su Yanyi felt that the two people had a lot of things to do together because they really had a lot of things that they had never done.

"With you." Qin has never played a few times before, but there is no special fascination and preference, just entertainment.

Perhaps also in this feast, I saw the so-called corner of the dark world. Violence and blood, depravity and luxury are the most authentic humanity and the most decadent humanity. Qin feels that he seems to be more and more calm.

Qin Silent and Su Yanyi are the kind that exist as long as they stand there, which is enough to attract the sight of all people. The indifference has a noble momentum, which is something that people can’t ignore, so these two people have already appeared. Many people noticed that when the two finally sat on a gambling-sized table, the table was noticed.

Not far away, there are two men who hold the wine glasses and sway and say something insignificant: "Look at the chick, really **** beautiful!"

"That's not a normal chick. I saw the guy in Cory, but I didn't know which family is the big lady." Another person said thoughtfully, but his eyes were also staring straight. Su Yan clothes are not released.

These two men are foreigners. They seem to be familiar with Corey. When they look at their age, they feel like the so-called Black II or the Black Three generations.

"Curry is accompanying? Then we ask Cory who is this chick." The wretched man immediately took out the phone and went to find Corrie. After two people talked a few words, the wretched man’s face changed. Then, watching Su Yanyi's eyes are carefully received back.

"What's the matter, which is the daughter's money?" Another person asked, his eyes still staring at Su Yanyi, apparently very interested in Su Yanyi, but did not wait for the wretched man to answer, then used to play The tone said: "Still, which young lover?"

The women who can come here are nothing more than these three identities, the young lady, the woman of the powerful, or the strong woman who owns the power.

"Don't talk about it, it's the Su family, don't look at it, be careful to be troubled." The wretched man's voice has been lowered by a number of tones, and the tone is a bit nervous.

The violent rabbit was playing blackjack not far from the two, just heard the conversation between the two, and at the beginning it was a little annoyed, but now there is only pride and disdain.

Pride is because the Su family is already strong, and the disdain is naturally a change of the two men, no man!

In fact, similar arguments are found throughout the casino, but not everyone has this kind of vision and connections. It is rare to know that Su Yanyi’s identity is so few that he will come to the door without long eyes.

Su Yanyi is really beautiful, with a few words of vulgarity to describe it, that is, the Ming fangs, the Fangze no increase, the magnificent appearance, the brilliance, and her most attention is not the appearance, but the kind The momentum, cold and the noble taste of the high arrogance, let many men look at it, can't wait for a conquest*!

Therefore, there are one or two men who think that they have an advantage over Qin, and they appear in front of Su Yanyi. This person obviously regards Su Yanyi as a vassal of Qin, which may be in the eyes of many men. It is also said that, after all, most women who can come here are like this.

"This beautiful Miss Oriental is good at night. I don't know if I have the honor to invite you to have a drink." The lame Chinese is very weird, but the man who pretended to be a gentleman was even more disgusting.

"You will never have this honor." Su Yanyi said unceremoniously, the chips in his hand are still in a small place, and he did not look at the man.

The man naturally has a kind of neglected unwillingness, his eyes flashing, and he is staring at him with a cold face.

"Why, the gold master is here, so I am sorry to talk to me? Beautiful lady, you have to understand that this world man is always more suitable for you." This man is obviously not a gentleman, not a word I have already exposed that bad mind.

In fact, there are really few gentlemen who can board this boat. This is Qin Qinran and Su Yanyi. Maybe it is no exception.

This is the first time that Su Yanyi heard someone say that Qin is her gold lord. It feels that it is not insulted, but it is very interesting, but the fun is interesting. It does not mean that she will let go of this wretched. the man.

Su Yanyi waved his hand and gestured to a dark group to control the person, but before he even waited for a group of people to move, Qin went straight to the man and poured all the wine in his hand into the man's head. On the other hand, the man who became a gentleman instantly became a wandering chicken, and the wine dripped down the silk, and many people around him laughed.

The rules on the feast are very simple, that is, the weak meat, as long as you have enough power and strength, then you have enough power here, the Warrens family can never stipulate that the feast is not allowed to fight anything, so Every year, because of personal grievances, there are a few or dozens of people, so many people who are familiar with the rules of the feast know that this is a lively experience.

Su Yanyi saw the movement of Qin, the scorpion did not play, and the interesting turn turned, but also showed a look of watching the drama, she is angry with the man, some look forward to it, oh, or also Can it be said that it is jealous?

"You, **** it! You are provoking me, I, I am going to throw you into the sea, you guys are idiots, but you are going to kill him!" The man who had been dumped his head was mad. The red eyes will have to throw their fists, but when they saw the cold eyes of Qin, they were scared and shouted, and they waved their hands and let the four bodyguards on the side rushed up.

When the four bodyguards rushed up, the members of the dark group also came over. The bodyguards did not move immediately. Even if the strength could not be compared, the number of people always knew how much. The man who seduce Su Yanyi had some complaints about his own intentions. He just looked at the beautiful women and didn’t even see so many bodyguards together, otherwise he would definitely find more people!

Even now, at this time, the son who had been poured out of his head did not figure out the situation and still felt that he had an advantage.

"Don't think that you are a lot of people. Do you know who I am? Now I will apologize to me at the end, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!" The son of the boy is threatened by the haze, but he is actually smart and does not continue. Hands-on, the hero does not eat before the loss, they are now few people.

Qin’s reaction was very simple and rude. He went out with one leg. He now understands that it is useless to reason with these people here. Strength is the best way to solve problems.

The son of the son was kicked silly by this foot, and it seems that he did not even think that he was smashed! How could he be embarrassed? These people know who he is!

"You, you dare to hit me, I am Fei Tie Thiers, I am the heir to the family of the Thiers, you..." Tills replied reflexively, in fact he drank a lot of wine, The brain is also a little unclear, but the people who come out of the mix are not the kind of eyeless and lacking IQ. At this time, Thiers suddenly calmed down and stopped yelling, but in a cold tone. Continue to say: "Who are you, what identity?"

The Thiers family is a certain underground force in Europe. It is very famous. It is a private family. It also has a family history of hundreds of years. It can be said that it is a presence in Europe, so it will make Fei Yi lose his vigilance. The arrogant touch of a big nail like Su Yanyi, of course, he still does not know that he is touching a big nail, but only in the degree of suspicion, but he also thought at this time, if these people are not as good as him, he I will definitely kill these people a little bit!

The weak meat is a jungle rule, so bullying and hardening may also be a human instinct.

"Do you know what to do?" Qin looked at the man who was protected by the bodyguard in a cold and indifferent manner. No matter who the man is, but dare to insult him in front of him, it is absolutely impossible!

In fact, Qin is already restrained. He does not want to cause any trouble, but if it is trouble to take the initiative to provoke him, don't blame him for being unkind!

"You! Do you dare to report the name, even if I recognize the plant today, I have to know who the enemy is?" Fei Yi is still swearing, he is also a good face, although knowing this time is not appropriate Hands-on, but it’s okay to say something, of course, he actually thinks so.

Qin was suddenly aware of the haze of Feynman's eyes. He looked at Fei Yan's eyes and added a bit of killing. He may not have mixed the gangsters and never killed anyone, but this does not mean that he will not swear. If you do this, any threats that may exist, he will try to kill in the cradle!

"Why, do you want to take revenge?" Su Yanyi opened his mouth coldly at this time, watching Fei Yan's eyes like watching the dead.

Su Yanyi may not know what Qin is thinking about, but her thoughts at this time are the same as those of Qin. If she smashes the enemy, it should be as early as possible. Is it really waiting for the enemy? Retaliation?

The eyes of Qin and Su Yanyi are too cold, so Fei Fei has a very horrible feeling. If he wants revenge, he swallows it back. He feels that if he really said this at this time, maybe he really wants to stay. On the feast for a lifetime!

"Speak, don't you want to take revenge? At this time, I can't even dare to scream?" Su Yanyi's plain tone was with a chill.

Fei Wei is now riding a tiger, but he doesn't want to lose face. He has some fear in his heart, but he doesn't really think that these people can ignore the family behind him, thinking that if he delays the time, let his father come here. Now, he has just let the bodyguards start the contact device.

Fei Wei came with his father, his father went to the auction, and he went to the casino to play. Now the auction is over, Fei Xi’s father, Rodihua Tier, is estimated to be coming soon.

"My father is coming. If you don't want to get into trouble, you should be polite to me." At the same time as Fei Yan spoke, his arm was slowly moving, and then he reached into the jacket of the suit. The action was like taking it. The look of the gun.

"You'd better not move." And just in the moment when Fei Yi was about to hold the gun, a slender figure appeared behind Fei Yi, and then Fei Yi was now capped by the gun!

The four bodyguards were shocked and they were about to pull the guns at the same time, but at the same time, the other people in the dark group had already taken the guns to the five people, and the cockroaches behind Fei’s cockroaches also opened coldly. Speaking: "If you don't want to die, let them get better."

"Let's put down the gun!" Fei Yan naturally didn't want to die. He immediately ordered four bodyguards. Although the four bodyguards didn't want to, they didn't dare to make fun of their lives. They could only put the gun on the ground.

At this time, the crowds who watched the lively were all smart and far away. They all found the cover shelter, but they didn’t leave immediately. The people who came here are all used to this scene, especially in the case. Knowing that the gun was pointed at the heirs of the Thiers family, few people were willing to leave.

In fact, Su Yanyi is really not the kind of deceitful person, and does not want to make a life because of such a small thing, but to teach this fee is a good thing.

"Tied up." Su Yanyi gave a command, the tiger immediately took out the rope and tied his hands and feet.

"What are you going to do, my father is really coming, you don't really want to make things big, the Thiers family is not a good bully." Fei Yan did not dare to resist, but did not want to be tied Go, God knows how these people want to bully him!

"Whoever wants to bully me in the family of the Tiers family, I also ask if I promised not to agree." In order to respond to the blame, Fei Digang just finished, Rodihua Thiers appeared behind the crowd, next to him. Also followed by six bodyguards, seeing the scene in the field, have already lifted the guns.

The dark group of people reacted very quickly. When those people came over, they had already separated the two people. Su Yanyi was the first time to show Luo Dihua. This man had seen her in the information given by her grandfather. At a glance, he recognized it, and Qin suddenly moved his body slightly, blocking himself in the middle of the two parties, trying to let Su Yanyi leave the shooting range of the other party. He did not want any accidents.

"Rodihua Thiers, have you come to apologize for your son?" Su Yanyi asked with impetuousness, she was still sitting in her seat, holding a glass of wine in her hand, gently shaking, that A calm and calm feeling makes many people feel very surprised.

"Who are you?" Luo Dihua is not angry. It is obvious that the seat is a big one. He has more than the city's own son, and he is more calm. He can easily take a shot from a dark group of people. Judging from the position of aiming, these people are definitely not ordinary people. Of course, the most important thing is the calm and calm temperament of Su Yanyi and Qin Lianran. It makes people know that they are not ordinary people.

"Su Yanyi." At this time, Su Yanyi also reported his name, and she never thought about hiding this.

"Surname Su? Z people? Su Yanmo is who you are?" Su Yanyi's name is still somewhat strange, but it can also quickly remind people of something, like the name of Su Yanmo.

Compared with Su Yanyi, the existence of Su Yanmo is a well-known thing in the underground world. Many people even call it a small prince in the underground world. Some people call him a big brother in the mercenary world. His reputation is only loud. The public idol is still, of course, the two people are in a different world, and the fan base is different.

"My big brother." The name of the big brother is really better than his own name. After seeing the other party's answer, she became more dignified. Su Yanyi thought of it secretly.

At this time, it’s not just Luo Dihua who has changed his face, but also Fei Yi and many people around him who have heard this. Those who can win the feast are countless figures in the underground world. No one does not know Su Yanmo!


