MTL - Rebirth of the Flying Era-Chapter 1083 New Oriental

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  Chapter 1083 New Oriental

  Hearing what Du Fei said, Dad Zhu's expression became serious.

   said in a deep voice: "Do you think Indira will launch a large-scale war in the near future? How sure are you?"

  Du Fei was silent for a few seconds, met Dad Zhu's eyes, and said firmly: "It should be just a year or two, I'm 80% sure."

  Papa Zhu's expression was gloomy, and he didn't ask Du Fei's basis for his judgment.

   It's not important to discuss that stuff.

  Even if Du Fei puts out all the truths, if he finds flaws in them, can he deny the conclusion?

   Now the important thing is not to analyze the reasons, but to make judgments and decisions.

  Papa Zhu thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay, I know about it."

  While this matter is very important, it is not urgent.

   There is no need to come up with a decision immediately, Dad Zhu only needs to find an opportunity to report it, and then let the comrades on the intelligence front pay attention, and finally make a judgment.

  Even if he trusts Du Fei again, Du Fei's attitude can only be used as a reference and cannot affect his judgment.

  Du Fei also understood very well, so he didn't continue talking about this matter, and instead mentioned: "By the way, Dad, I have one more thing I want to discuss with you."

   Zhu's father said "hmm": "You said~"

  Du Fei coughed lightly and said, "Dad, I want to move the special training class out of Sijiazhuang and set up an independent school."

   Zhu's father was slightly surprised, but he was not in a hurry to express his opinion, and waited for Du Fei to speak down.

  Du Feidao: "Because of the needs of the Orientals, a special training class was temporarily set up. Later, there were several Nanyang families. Judging from the results, the effect is very good."

  Papa Zhu frowned and said, "Since the effect is good, why change it?"

  Du Fei said: "It's because the effect is so good!"

  Papa Zhu instantly understood that Du Fei was afraid of teaching his apprentices to starve to death.

  Although Dad Zhu didn't think this would happen, Du Fei couldn't be wrong to plan ahead.

   asked: "Then what are you going to do?"

Du Fei said: "Dad, I think the model of the special training class is an expedient measure in Sijiazhuang itself. In fact, from the beginning, no matter whether it is Dongyang or Nanyang, what they want is qualified soldiers, but what we give They are the seedlings of middle- and lower-level officers. Not to mention wasting resources, they are prone to problems."

  Papa Zhu nodded silently.

  Du Fei continued: "So, I plan to set up a new training institution under the fire equipment company. I have already thought of the name, and it will be called 'New Oriental Fire Academy'."

  "New Oriental?" Zhu's father clicked his tongue: "The name is not bad."

Du Fei hehe said: "You also think it's good~ I think so, New Oriental Academy still has to rely on the Sijiazhuang Military Academy at the beginning, it's best to come directly to a group of instructors, in addition to basic infantry training, the most important thing is to teach, How to use and service technical equipment."

   Speaking of this, Du Fei's mouth became dry, and he took a sip of tea: "For example, small ones, such as mortars, rocket launchers, etc..."

  Actually, the rocket launcher is relatively simple, but it is a technical job to shoot the mortar. If you don't know how to use it, a mortar in your hand is worse than a fire stick.

Du Fei added: "There are also tanks, armored vehicles, how to drive, simple maintenance, tactical cooperation, etc. can be taught. With our current technical level, for a long time to come, the customers who sell to foreign countries will be relatively low-end. Small countries or local armed forces, supporting training schools are very important..."

   After hearing this, Dad Zhu nodded: "Yes, the idea is very good, so where do you want to put this New Oriental Academy?"

  Du Fei had already thought about it: "Dad, I want to move back to the capital. Those instructors who are willing to change jobs, as long as they are willing to follow, they will be directly given the capital's household registration and cadre treatment."

  Papa Zhu smiled and said, "You have a good plan."

  Du Fei scratched his head and said: "I can't do anything about it, my grass-roots team, if there is no benefit, no one is willing to follow."

   Zhu's father thought for a while and said, "I'll ask you about this matter later, I guess it's not a big problem."

  Du Fei quickly said: "Dad, I can thank you~"

  Papa Zhu smiled and said, "Your boy, is there anything else?"

   After Du Fei finished his business, he didn't wait any longer.

  As for the matter of New Oriental College, there is no rush for the time being.

   Then, half a month passed quickly.

  The weather in mid-October is a bit bleak.

  This morning, Du Fei was in a pretty good mood.

  Yesterday afternoon, Du Fei received a call.

  The eight Dongfeng-1 missiles that I had agreed with Nie Shuai before finally arrived.

   These missiles were previously in storage.

   In the past half a month, after the unblocking, a very careful reorganization was carried out.

   Nie Shuai even pointed at these missiles in exchange for money, and he did not dare to be sloppy in maintenance.

  It would be bad if Ka Dazuo saw the flaw.

   And according to Du Fei's request, the words 'DF-2' were sprayed in white on the dark green body.

  Du Fei took a car and drove for more than two hours to a heavily guarded military camp.

  Take out the ID outside the door, and wait for the guard to call in to confirm before putting the car in.

  As soon as he entered the gate, Du Fei saw the goal of his trip.

   I saw eight towing trucks parked side by side in the barracks compound.

  The missiles wrapped in brand-new canvas were dragged behind the truck, which looked like an old cucumber with green paint.

  At this time, a few people came out from the office building next to them. Lei Lifeng walked over.

  Here led by a tall soldier, with a smile on his face, he warmly shook hands with Du Fei: "Hello, Comrade Du Fei, my name is Man Shusheng, the person in charge here, thank you, thank you!"

  Du Fei understood what he was thanking.

  Man Shusheng should have been ordered by Nie Shuai to know the situation of these missiles.

  Du Fei smiled and said: "You are welcome, we are all serving the people."

  Man Shusheng echoed: "You are so right!"

   Du Fei looked at the missile.

  Man Shusheng immediately took out a notebook and handed it to Du Fei: "This is the maintenance manual, which includes the state of the missile and the parts used for maintenance..."

   Du Fei took it, opened it and looked at it.

   Sure enough, the records are very detailed, eight missiles, eight records.

  Du Fei didn't look carefully, he couldn't understand anyway.

   Simply waved his hand and asked someone to transport these missiles back to the fire equipment company's warehouse.

   It is still the warehouse where the machine tools were stored before.

  However, the size of these eight missiles is too big. They are still more than 20 meters long when they are placed flat and the trailer is removed.

   One warehouse couldn't be put down at all, so Du Fei ordered the warehouse next door to come over in advance, and then he was able to put it down.

   After another procedure, after Du Fei signed, the eight Dongfeng missiles were officially handed over to him.

  Because it is in the urban area and it is such a huge monster, Du Fei is not worried about losing it.

  And the current missile is just an empty shell, neither warhead installed nor fuel filled.

   Both Dongfeng-1 and Dongfeng-2 are liquid fuels.

  Because the fuel itself is highly corrosive and unstable.

  No fuel is usually added, only before launch.

   After thinking about it, Du Fei simply asked Hasim to come over.

   These days Hasim has been worried, afraid that something might go wrong with Du Fei.

   Ka Dazuo has given him a death order, and he must take those eight missiles back.

  Received the call and immediately drove over by car.

   With a "creak", the car stopped on the main road in front of the warehouse.

  Hasim got off the car and saw Du Fei standing in front of the warehouse at a glance.

  He immediately walked over quickly and asked in a low voice: "Du, you called me here suddenly, what's the matter?"

  Du Fei smiled and turned around and went in through the small door on the warehouse door.

  Hasim's heart moved, he vaguely guessed the reason, and immediately followed.

  There are dormer windows on the top of the warehouse, and it is not completely dark in broad daylight.

  As soon as Hasim entered, he saw the missiles parked side by side. His heart beat faster, and he opened his mouth wide and said, "Hey! Du, you really have one!"

  Du Fei waited for him to get excited, and said with a smile: "There are four more in the next door, a total of eight! How about it, I will do what I said, enough to equip a missile regiment."

  Hasim picks a big brother, he is very happy now, even if Du Fei points to the **** and says it is fragrant, he has to go and smell it, and then shout "sweet"!

  Hasim patted his chest and said, "Du, don't worry! One piece is 20 million US dollars, and eight pieces are 160 million dollars. The money has already been prepared and can be transferred at any time."

  Du Fei was not in a hurry, but smiled and waved his hands: "No hurry, no hurry~"

  Hasim was taken aback, frowned and said, "Did the price change?"

   For this kind of "scorpion papa only one share" business, Hasim has long been aware of the low price.

  So as soon as Du Fei said that he was not in a hurry, he immediately thought of this.

Du Fei shook his head: "Hey~ Where are you going? Our flower growers are the most trustworthy. Since it was agreed at the beginning, 20 million a piece, I will give you 20 million. Taking advantage of the fire to rob and raise the price, it is those greedy European and American talents. trick."

   Hasim was full of surprise. He guessed wrong?

  Du Fei smiled and asked, "What are you going to do with these missiles after you buy them back? Put them on the green square for people to visit?"

   Hasim was taken aback for a moment, and then he came to his senses.

   What the hell, few people in the country have seen this kind of surface-to-surface missile, let alone fiddled with it.

  Du Fei said again: "How to maintain, how to maintain, how to arrange, how to fight and be on duty..."

   With a series of questions, Hasim became even more blind.

   It’s not that he can’t think of these problems, it’s just that these problems are not his turn to worry about.

  It is enough for him to buy the missile back.

  But when Du Fei said this, he obviously didn't intend to do so.

  Hashim asked: "Then you mean..."

  Du Fei said: "It's very simple. You send people here to learn these first. I have experts who will teach you. I guarantee that you can shoot missiles after you buy them."

   Hasim's eyes lit up, he didn't expect this kind of service.

  Du Fei showed a meaningful smile.

  He raised his hand and patted Hasim on the shoulder, and continued: "My friend, let me tell you something. Originally, we didn't have these services. It was you who were neither humble nor overbearing, fought hard according to reason, and didn't give up a single step, and finally won it."

  Hasim understood, and immediately burst out laughing.

  (end of this chapter)