MTL - Rebirth Of The General’s Granddaughter-Chapter 332 Wang Ye’s eccentric final warning

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The latest chapter of "The Gate of Rebirth"

Purple secluded to see him actually want to move his hands, lips hooked, and shouted again: "Wang Ye, such a **** without rules! You have to cover up, I will not pay attention to it!"

"Enough!" An Wang hurriedly stopped, and punched his eyes to the red-eyed Shangguan.

This punch should use a little effort, and the Shangguan fled back to the three or four parts before it was stable.

He didn't expect that the father who had never touched a finger to him would beat him for Mu Ziyou. After shocking, he hated and jealously. After standing still, he rushed to the past again.

The sneer of contempt in the purple heart, but pretending to be shocked and shouted: "Do you dare to defy the father's life! Do you still want to kill me?"

"Animals, don't give me a hand!" An Wang rushed to the fire, and once again felt that this son, he was spoiled, really unbearable, and he was not calm at all. Mu Ziyou has already moved the murderous machine, and she has no intention of doing it, just to let him see the true face of the Shangguan, and then force him to do it himself, let him feel bad, and let the Shangguan smack him, but he did not even look at it. Come out, I will not be reluctant to admire Mu Ziyou again and again, and then go on, Mu Ziyou is killing him, and he can't make him for himself.

Thinking of this, An Wang stunned his heart, and he fell to the ground with his feet. His face was as dark as a cloud, and shouted at the guards around him: "I still don't tie me up with the mad second master!"

Su Shi hasn’t reacted from the Shangguan’s violent violent violent temperament. It’s like he’s been smashed twice by An Wang. He’s angry and anxious, he’s almost bloody, and his heart beats like a drum, shortness of breath. When she slowed down, she heard that An Wang had given orders to the guards.

Of course, the guards did not dare to go forward and **** the Shangguan. Although he was not a son, he was the most loved son of Wang Ye. Wang Ye was in Yucheng, and he almost never said that Shangguan was a dye.

In the fake model, Su Shi was rushing to the front of the prince, tears pleading: "Wang, he is us... my son, do you have the heart? He is to protect me, for a while I was so eager to make a madness..."

"Protect you? What danger can you have? How can you be a slut? You will not do it. You have done something wrong, shouldn’t you apologize?!" An Wang yelled in anger and gave Su Shi Makes your eyes open, "Is you all spoiled him, no matter how you teach him, you still have it? Even his nephew dare to do it?"

Seeing An Wang, Su Shi finally understood his pains. Yes, Wang Ye must also be reluctant to leave, but the prince does not do this, Mu Ziyou will not let go of the child, maybe even the harder lord. The prince has been sung on all sides. From the end of the year, the ambassadors and some ministers have been arbitrarily smashing the princes, making the lord squandered. If Mu Qishuang is going to sue for this matter, it is estimated that those who have ulterior motives, I must desperately condemn the prince.

Besides, this time it is indeed too impulsive to leave the child; although he is venting himself and not letting himself be insulted, but the younger uncle is abusing the awkwardness, or a big man who is a big man, after all, it is not reasonable.

Su Shi thought of this, despite the grief and indignation in her heart, she still shed two lines of crocodile tears. "Wang Ye, this time it’s wrong to do it all, it’s not supposed to make people fall into the world, it’s not going to get rid of Yawan. The child, all this is the fault of the whole body. I am so eager to make such a sorrowful affair. Please ask the prince to punish him. Don’t blame the child. If you don’t do this, you won’t be angry. Going down, everything is wrong!"

When Wang Ye saw love and sadness, he couldn’t help. Although his face was gloomy, his pity in his eyes sold out his feelings for Su Shi.

This time, the purple secluded is really true. An Wang really loves Su Shi, and the eyes can't deceive people.

Purple sees An Wang, and immediately said: "Hey, I don't know where I offended you. You are dissatisfied with me. You can tell me directly. It is my fault. I will try my best to correct it. But how can you use it? Killing the fetus in Xu Wei Niang’s stomach, as a means of framing me? If such a thing is letting others know, it’s not you who laugh at it, but the prince, who will say that Wang Ye’s eyes are stunned, and the petting woman turns out to be a snake. The heart of the poisonous woman! Not that I said you, hey, because of you, the prince is constantly being criticized by the imperial concubine and reprimanded by the emperor. The prince is so fond of you and the second brother, for you to leave the mother and the son near Twenty years, how do you repay him? You are too selfish! To love someone is to pay, not to ask for it, you only think about yourself, this is not love, this is to make the prince become the laughing stock of the world!"

Every word of her is telling An Wang, how much selfishness, how poisonous you are, and how dangerous it is, you don't think about it at all. If you really want to love you, you won't be bothering you.

An Wang listened to her saying that she had some changes to Su Shi’s love and compassion. For the first time, she had a little doubt about the words and deeds of Su Shi’s mother and son.

Su Shi is hateful, and this woman is too odious! Even dare to provoke dissension.

She wanted to swear, but she also knew that her impression of An Wang would be even worse. Therefore, under the pressure of full of anger, ready to continue to plead.

However, she has not spoken before, and An Wang has waved her hand impatiently to stop her words. Looking at the face dissatisfied, the eyes with the fierce Shangguan divorced, the heart sighed and sighed, "Mei, you and the children are ready to prepare, or return to the city."

It seems that only Su Shi and Shangguan are separated from Yucheng, and they are not together with Shangguan Lingran and Mu Ziyou. Maybe the relationship will not be so arrogant.

His eyes with deep dissatisfaction and tiredness looked at the lazy and calm purple secluded, he saw that today's things, she is working on it, but all this is because Su Shi and Shangguan are not good at heart. Will be designed by Purple.

Moreover, the side that Shangguan was dyed in the excitement also shocked him! He said that countless times, Shangguan is not a hybrid, not the son of Wei Wang, but his son. The reason why he does not like him is because he was born by Wang Hao, and there is a mother who is so unruly, how can he Like the son she was born to?

However, the Shangguan Dyeing not only shouted the name of Shangguan Lingran, but did not have a little respect for this elder brother. Even with the scorpion of Mu Ziyou, he dared to insult and scorn, and even hated to kill it! So unsettled, sooner or later he will face the murder.

Has already torn the face, their mother and child's situation is dangerous, according to his observation of Mu Ziyou, Mu Ziyou will never let go of the two!

In the face of An Wang's astute calculations, Zi Xiao's faint smile, quietly standing like a sturdy wind in the wind, perseverance. She knew what Angwang was thinking at the moment, and knew that An Wang would not dare to attack her again, because Su Shi and Shangguan were all guilty of crimes, and the evidence was conclusive, and he was not allowed to cover it. Even if he couldn't bear to be inside, he had to give it to himself and give the Emperor and Empress Dowager an explanation. He must deal with it.

He doesn't care about himself and Shangguan Lingran, but he cares about the brother of Xuanwu Emperor and the Queen Mother.

After Su Shi heard the words of An Wang, he did not speak for a long time. After the shock on the face slowly receded, his eyes flickered. It’s just that she no longer dares to say anything more, and she is facing the Shangguan. “From the children, let’s go.”

This is going to go, I don’t know if I want to go out of the "purple air," or go back to Yucheng.

Shangguan’s two eyes are full of grievances. He is patient in order to wait for Su Shi’s pleading. However, if he sees Su Shi’s words and leaves, he can no longer control the yelling. “Father, how can you cover this woman? You Not hate..."

"Stop!" Su Shi was shocked. When she heard the Shangguan’s disinfection, her calm face was cracked again. She quickly turned and grabbed Shangguan’s dye, and biting her lip was a slap!

"Hey! The Shangguan was dyed and the whole person was stunned, like being stupid by the slap. For a while, he turned back and screamed at Su Shi.

To be honest, it is not so much that he is hurt, it is better to say that he never thought of it. One day, Su Shi, who loves him the most, will beat him. After the horror, the whole person jumped like a wild cat who was stepped on his tail. Mother, how are you..."

"You give me a mouthful!" Su Shi pointed at the Shangguan and dyed him, and interrupted him with a strong voice. "Today, you are very disrespectful of the long-handedness. Your father will punish you. It is right. Let us go back to the city. It should be! You dare to speak out loudly? You are not a filial son! I am so painful to you, teach you."

"Okay!" An Wang said with a smattering of the face: "The Shangguan is dyed. Is there my father in the bottom of your eyes? If you scream like this, I will tie you up and put it in prison, let alone look back. City, you don't want to go anywhere in the future!"

"Father, I am your most loved son! How can you treat me like this? In order to repeatedly offend your slut, you will shut me up. Did your previous love for me be fake? "Shangguan is smeared with sad faces.

Father is also good. The mother-in-law, who had never beaten him before, and smashed him, even screamed very little, but today the two of them even beat him, smashed him, and drove him back to Yucheng. How does this make him feel good?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Three more dedicated to the 031266 pro! A0 pro! Za19302 pro! I am a fashion old man! I don't know if there are any friends who haven't got a name. If there is, don't blame Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing is too hard to find, and his eyes are not good. Today, I work hard to code words and my head hurts. One-eyed dragon can't afford to hurt! Thank you, dear! Xiao Bing wishes you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! ╭(╯3╰)╮.
