MTL - Rebirth of the Supreme Celestial Being-Chapter 21 Fleas?

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"Very good, this is the attitude." For the anger of Abai, Yu Xuan said with satisfaction: "In addition, if the next time I let you find that you are yelling at me in front of Ah, be careful that I have married your brother's skin."

Abai: "..."

tyrant! Get out of the way! Devil! It’s too cruel to say a word, it’s too fierce!

In the belly, Abai was screaming and expressing his dissatisfaction in his mouth, and was suddenly stuffed into an entrance.

Abai was shocked and thought that the big devil head fed it with the intestine poison. When he just wanted to spit it out, he felt the warm flu from the demon.

The whole body is like being immersed in a warm and melted cotton, so comfortable that the monsters can't wait to lie on the ground and roll.

This is a big medicinal herb that can stabilize the meridians and demon dan after eating the monsters. It is called the enchanting fruit. Although it does not make the magic beast's skill increase, it can make them feel comfortable, and The body foundation is stronger, and the demon is nourished. Even if you eat too much, there will be no side effects.

For the monsters, this kind of demon fruit can be called their favorite medicine, and even some monsters are deceived by human monks by a demon fruit.

Abai quickly absorbed this top-class enchanting fruit, and it spit his tongue and screamed at the whisper of Xuan Xuan.

Yu Xuanzhi seems to have been put on the ground by Abai, who has bought it himself.

"Big Brother, the carriage is ready, we can set off... Hey?" When he saw the door, he saw the little tiger cub who had made a roll at the foot of Xuan Xuan.

晏天痕: "..."

When Abai saw the owner, he immediately put away the stupid look and stood up with a serious expression.

Abai and 晏 痕 痕 痕 大 大 大 大 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

One of Xuan Xuan’s sleeves put Abai in the air and went to the side.

Abai fell on the ground with a head, and looked up and looked around.

晏天痕 asked: "What happened to it?"

Xuan Xuan smiled and smiled at Abai, and took the scorpion mark to go outside. He said: "There are only fleas on the body, and it wants to jump down."

“Flea?” said the plaque: “How can there be such a thing? Abai has always been very clean!”

"Maybe it was dirty things on the mountain after yesterday, and you don't want to hold it today," said Xuan Xuanzhi.

晏天痕 sympathetically looked at the 嗷呜嗷呜 but did not refute Abai, nodded and said: "Abai, you take a shower today, catch the worms on your body."

Abai dare not dare to say, I wanted to dismantle the lie of Yu Xuanzhi, but think about it carefully, in order to have more delicious demon fruits in the future, it can only admit that he is a flea with a tear. The beast is temporarily away from the warm embrace of the owner.

晏天痕 drove the carriage, and the car was sitting on the Xuanzhi and Abai, all the way to the door of the house.

On this road, people constantly cast a variety of eyes on the carriages that are incompatible with the atmosphere of the family. Most of these gaze are scornful and disgusting. After all, in the family, it is all the troubles. The monster, who will use this kind of beast contemporary step?

It was still converging, but soon people began to whisper.

"The person sitting on the top, shouldn't it be Yu Xuanzhi?"

"Yeah, that's the genius of Xuanzhi who is the most likely to break through the yellow-level realm before the age of twenty in the history of the family! It is said that he was still at the Budokan yesterday, and he was almost a refining one. The warrior is almost killed!"

"It’s really a dead man, I don’t know why the owner didn’t drive him out of the house and cut off the relationship.”

"Yeah, the family doesn't care for the idlers. In order to treat him, I don't know how many panacea I have thrown away. It is a waste of resources!"
