MTL - Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong-Chapter 36 Get it done!

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According to the instructions of the third brother in India, Shi Zhijian took the newly installed elevator in the hall and went straight to the fifth floor.

Not long after the building was renovated, the walls in the corridor were bright white, and there was a faint smell of paint on the nose.

Shi Zhijian walked along the corridor according to the building instructions, and soon came to Xu Shijian's general manager's office.

At the entrance of the office, a reception desk was set up, and a stylishly dressed girl was lying on the table dozing off boredly.

Hearing the footsteps, she raised her head alertly, looked at Shi Zhijian and said, "Sir, who are you looking for?"

Shi Zhijian smiled at her, "Since you are on the fifth floor, of course you are looking for Mr. Xu Shijian Xu!"

"What are you looking for with Mr. Xu? He is having a meeting in the office."

"My name is Shi Zhijian, and I'm Mr. Xu's friend! I have important business with him now. Please let me know."

The girl got up and looked out the window. It was still pouring rain outside. She could come here at this time. It seemed that the matter was really urgent.

Of course, another reason why girls think this way is that Shi Zhijian is handsome enough.

"Wait a moment." The girl walked to the door of the conference room, knocked gently on the door, then pushed the door open a crack and said a few words inside.

After a while, the girl turned around and said to Shi Zhijian, "Mr. Xu said you can go in now."

"Thank you!" Shi Zhijian smiled at the girl again.

As soon as he walked to the door of the conference room, Shi Zhijian heard a scolding from inside: "Take all these documents and redo them! I have said that, I have to pay attention to every detail, don't think I'm not staring at you, You can be lazy!"

Shi Zhijian knocked on the door, then pushed open the door and entered.


In the conference room, the floor was strewn with documents, and Xu Shijian, the eldest young master of the Xu Group, was standing at the chairman's table, with his suit on, his hands on his hips, and he was throwing his temper at the two subordinates in a terrifying manner.

Seeing Shi Zhijian come in, Xu Shijian just glanced contemptuously, and then pointed at the noses of his two subordinates: "Now go down and redo it for me! Immediately, immediately! GO-----!"

The two subordinates no longer hesitated, hurriedly picked up the documents scattered on the ground, and ran away.

After the two subordinates left, Xu Shijian called out, "Judy, bring in two cups of coffee!" He pointed to the chair next to him, and said to Shi Zhijian, "Please take a seat!"

Shi Zhijian sat down on the chair.

Xu Shijian picked up the lighter on the table and lit a Dunhill cigarette, pinched his eyebrows with his fingers, and then rested his elbow on the arm of the chair, Shi Zhijian said, "I'm sorry, I made you see a joke. By the way, who are you? coming?"

"My name is Shi Zhijian, a friend of the three young masters."

"Oh yes, you are my third brother's friend. I have seen you at the dock." Xu Shijian took a breath and exhaled a smoke ring, "Then what are you doing with me?"

Shi Zhijian took out a check of 500,000 yuan from his arms, "This is 500,000 yuan, Hong Yihai's deposit for participating in the bidding!"

Xu Shijian was stunned for a moment, then looked down at the shining diamond watch on his wrist.

"The time is just right! It's interesting! But I'm very curious, why did you send money here?" Xu Shijian looked at Shi Zhijian with a playful look in his eyes.

Shi Zhijian smiled and said, "Because Secretary Wei doesn't accept checks, I have to send them to you in person!"

Xu Shijian smiled, pressing his finger on the check and knocking on the table, "The check is also money, or a promissory note from Standard Chartered Bank, why not accept it? By the way, is this money yours? I heard that Mr. Zhang from Hong Yihai is very stingy. Yes, don't say 500,000 yuan, even if it is 50,000 yuan, I don't want to take it out!"

Xu Shijian knew about Hong Yihai before the design bidding. In his eyes, people like Zhang Jiuding are losers eliminated by the times! Even if you don't dare to take out 500,000 to fight, what qualifications do you have to guard the pier? !

Shi Zhijian nodded, and was about to explain when the girl at the reception knocked on the door, and then came in with two cups of coffee on a tray.

Xu Shijian pointed to Shi Zhijian's side, "Give the guests first!"

The girl put a cup of coffee in front of Shi Zhijian and Xu Shijian, then went out with the tray, took a step back, and closed the door.

After Xu Shijian waited for the girls to go out, he pointed to the coffee in front of Shi Zhijian and said, "Drink coffee! I brought it here specially from Italy. You are a friend of the Three Young Masters, so you can drink it!" His tone was affectionate on the surface, but arrogant in reality.

Just as Shi Zhijian was about to speak, Xu Shijian flicked the soot again, "You haven't answered me yet, what is your relationship with Hong Yihai? Why are you helping them pay this huge deposit?"

From the beginning to the end, Xu Shijian was in control of the audience with a questioning tone.

Shi Zhijian was in no hurry, picked up the coffee and took a slow sip, closing his eyes slightly, as if he was tasting it slowly.

Xu Shijian waited for him to answer, but Shi Zhijian blew on the coffee slowly, took another sip, and tasted it again.

Xu Shijian laughed, crushed the cigarette in his hand into the ashtray and said, "Mr. Shi, you know that my time is precious and I am impatient!"

Shi Zhijian put down the coffee and looked at Xu Shijian with both eyes: "The 500,000 yuan is indeed mine, and Hong Yihai can't get the money, so I can help. There shouldn't be any problem, right?"

Xu Shijian raised his eyebrows, "No! The money is yours, you can spend it how you want!"

"Then it's okay for me to give you the money myself, right?"

"No, you are my third brother's friend. It won't hurt if I meet you during my busy schedule!"

"Then let me ask you a favor. After taking the 500,000 yuan, I will continue to contract the wharf to Hong Yihai. Is there any problem?"

Xu Shijian smiled, stood up, put his hands on the table and looked down at Shi Zhijian: "What do you think? You are just my third brother friend, why do I want to give you face? The pier is mine, I will give it to whoever I want. !"

"Young Master, do you want to think about it again?" Shi Zhijian was not overwhelmed by Xu Shijian's aura.

Xu Shijian laughed: "Consider? Then give me a reason to consider it!"

Shi Zhijian was not in a hurry, took out a stack of photos from his arms, and threw it in front of Xu Shijian: "Is this a reason?" After speaking, he picked up the coffee and tasted it again, without looking at Xu Shijian's reaction at all.

Xu Shijian looked down at the photo. At first, it was nothing. He thought that Shi Zhijian was playing tricks, but his expression changed immediately. He hurriedly picked up one photo and looked at it carefully, and then picked up the others to check carefully.

"Are you threatening me?" Xu Shijian stared at Shi Zhijian.

"Wrong, I'm here to make friends with you!" Shi Zhijian put down his coffee and stood up. His eyes were usually Xu Shijian, and his tone seemed sincere.

"Young Master, it's because you are a good eldest brother of the Third Young Master that I sent the photo so late! If the content of this photo leaks out, you should know better than me what impact it will have on Xu's Shipping! "

After a pause, Shi Zhijian controlled the speed of his speech: "Everyone knows that you are working hard for the company, and it is a good proof that you are still in a meeting so late! The three young masters also often say that you are a diligent person, and many times you want to have a reunion dinner. Impossible!"

"People like you, I admire so much! But the tree is so big with dead branches, and the shipping company is so big, there will inevitably be some black sheep. I don't think you know about the smuggling that Zengguan has, if you know, you will definitely Prevent!"

"But now that things have happened, as a friend of the Third Young Master, I can't just stand by and pretend that nothing happened! This matter can be deceived for a while, but it can't be deceived forever! Besides, this move by the former manager is very destructive to your shipping company. Stop it, there will inevitably be troubles!"

"After thinking about it, I felt that I had to do something. Originally, I planned to send this photo to the head office of Ming Pao, No. 18, Ka Yip Street, Chai Wan!"

"If you don't tell me, you may not know, I and Mr. Cha, the president of Ming Pao, are close friends. He is currently preparing a martial arts novel called "The Lu Ding Ji". The details have not been announced yet, and only I know about this. If you don't believe it, You can go and ask!"

Shi Zhijian ran the train with his mouth full, and the speed was extremely fast.

"Mr. Zha likes to write editorial reviews the most, and his writing is sharp, you should know this very well! I originally wanted to give him the photos and let him help your company eradicate the black sheep, but after thinking about it carefully, I feel that the domestic shame cannot be exaggerated! You are also a good elder brother of the Three Young Masters, I think you will handle this matter well, so I came here in the rain late at night to open up my heart and have a long talk with you!"

"If my actions really offend you and make you misunderstood, please forgive me, Mr. Xu!" Shi Zhijian gave Xu Shijian a hug, both his tone and attitude were full of sincerity.

Xu Shijian didn't know which of Shi Zhijian's words was true and which was false, which words should be believed and which words should not be believed. .

Seeing Xu Shijian's expression being difficult to choose, Shi Zhijian sighed and said, "You seem to want to kill your relatives righteously, I understand!"

As he spoke, Shi Zhijian reached out to pick up the photo that had just been thrown on the table.

"Wait!" Xu Shijian reached out his hand to stop him, "Ajian, since you are a friend of the third brother, you are also my friend! Everything is negotiable!"

Shi Zhijian laughed, his hands broke free and he held Xu Shijian's hand in turn: "Well said! I also like a friend like you the most! Love and righteousness are the most important things!"


When Shi Zhijian came out of the shipping building again, the storm outside had stopped for a while.

At this moment, there are pedestrians on the wet road again.

The peddler who sold the fine rye carried the burden and shouted loudly about the business, and the shoe-shining boy also put up the air and started the first sale of the night.

There are also those beautiful women, who flirt with those street salty and wet men.

The patrolling policeman who had disappeared just now appeared out of nowhere, brandishing batons, shouting at disobedient pedestrians, and scolding: "Go on your street! Hit your lungs! Can't walk with eyes? "

Shi Zhijian stood at the door of the building and took a deep breath.

Because at this moment, the darkness in front of his eyes is all people.

They are all from Hong Yihai!

Headed by Da Daxiong, Chen Jinlong, and Chen Jinhu, and next to him are the coolies who were pulling the rickshaw to carry Shi Zhijian, Sweet Potato Chang, Duan Zaisheng, Da Tou Cheng, Shao Yajian and others!

Everyone looked at Shi Zhijian nervously, not even breathing, waiting for him to speak.

Shi Zhijian lowered his head and held a match to light a cigarette, then raised his head and exhaled smoke from his mouth: "Fix it!"
