MTL - Rebirth Starts From 2006-Chapter 15 just in time

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After notifying the team to unload the goods to the newly rented stalls, Chen Yang also forgot everything, and decided to win or lose. The big deal is that if I dump the goods at 20 cents a catty, it should be no problem to get back the money.

What he doesn't know is that some wholesalers are already planning to cut prices because of the large quantities of his goods entering the market. If the price cuts are really too harsh, he won't be able to make back his money, and it's even a question of whether he can sell them. , after all, there are too many goods, who will come to buy him a newcomer,

Right now, it is really desperate, and I can only pray that it will rain!

This busy work lasted a whole day, and it was not until the evening that all the goods were loaded and taken away. The total weight of the weighed was 206 tons. After the owner Shen of the farm calculated a little loss, Chen Yang made up 1,000 tons. Yuan, then follow the last car back to the city.

Back at the market, it was already dark, and the lights in the market were brightly lit, and it felt brighter than during the day.

Chen Yang jumped out of the car and ran to the stalls to check immediately. He ran through both stalls, and it was not bad. The people who did the work were all veterans. There was a mat underneath, and the bags of cabbage were stacked in a criss-cross pattern. , the top is covered with a tarpaulin, and there is no problem with moisture and heat preservation. At the third stall, the last car that came over is unloading. Chen Yang looked at it, and it was the same as the previous one, and there was no problem.

It’s just that the floor mats and oilcloths that were always available at the stalls were not enough, and the shop owners of the three stalls also helped to find floor mats and tarpaulins from other places. Of course, these are all for money, and they will be sold together with the rent later. settlement.

Anyway, there are so many cabbages, the shop owner is not afraid that he will run away.

Cover the last piece of tarpaulin. There are security patrols in the market, so don’t worry about safety. Chen Yang and the team leader settled the final payment, and then went back with trembling legs.

He dragged his exhausted body back home, ate the meal left by his mother, took a simple bath, changed his clothes and lay down on the bed.

Although his body was very tired, Chen Yang couldn't sleep, and his mind was full of thoughts about when it would rain. The weather is hot now, and the cabbage cannot be stored for too long. for five days,

Calculated in this way, the sale will start in three days at the latest. If the hawker takes it back and sells it, it will have to be stored for a day or two. You can’t wait until it is about to rot before selling it. At that time, no one will buy it.

Counting the time, it was the 9th when I came, and today is the 13th. It has been five days. When will it rain? ? ?

Chen Yang tossed and turned on the bed in a state of distraught, coupled with the soreness in his body, he couldn't fall asleep no matter what, and finally sat up abruptly,

Forget it, since I can't fall asleep, let's go to Dad's stall, help with some work, and then go back to sleep.

When I went to the stall, my dad had already brought back all the goods and arranged them as usual, while my mother was about to start tallying the goods.

Seeing Chen Yang coming, Mother Chen first asked if he had eaten, while Father Chen frowned, and asked, "What are you doing outside all day long? Is there a job interview?"

For the past two days, Chen Yang was not at home during the day, and he didn't come to the stall at night. I really don't know what he is doing. If it wasn't about the money, Father Chen wouldn't worry about it. After all, what can happen to such a big man? The problem is that money is involved, and Father Chen is afraid that he will go astray.

"I've eaten." Chen Yang went back to his mother first, then he said to his father with a chuckle, "I'm still looking for it. I submitted my resume and waited for an answer. It's not that fast."

"Oh," Chen's father nodded, and asked again, "How are you preparing for the purchase of the stall? Where are you going to borrow the rest?"

Chen Yang pursed his lips, blinked and said, "Let's borrow it from a classmate first, and if it doesn't work, see if you can find vegetables and sell them,..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was abruptly interrupted by Father Chen, "Stop making those crooked ideas, do you really think the business is so easy to do? Last year your cousin was whimsical, and he worked with others to fry cabbage, but he lost all his money. What he lost was his own money, what about the money in your hand? It’s all the hard-earned money earned by your aunt and the others, what do you have to pay back if you lose?”

"It's okay to work."

Chen Yang replied with a hippie smile, before his father got angry, he quickly asked, "Dad, my cousin has been here for five or six years, so he should know a lot of regular customers, why can't he sell the goods after bringing them over? Even if you sell at a loss, you won't lose all your money, right?"

Father Chen choked back the words he was about to swear, paused for two seconds, and then said, "He was unlucky, there was a heavy rain in Guangzhou that time, and there were shortages everywhere, and the price suddenly tripled or four times, and some were expensive." The price of vegetables is ten times higher. Seeing this rare opportunity, he teamed up with someone to bring in two truckloads of goods from the north, but due to the heavy rain, some roads were blocked and blocked, and he was delayed for three or four days in northern Guangdong.

After finally waiting for the road to be cleared and bringing the vegetables back, all the goods bought by others also arrived. At that time, the market was full of hundreds of trucks of goods, piled up everywhere, so there were late cars that couldn’t get in. In this situation, the price of vegetables naturally plummeted, falling even lower than normal. The most pitiful thing is that he still couldn't sell them at such a low price. Most of the last two truckloads of goods were rotten. throw away,"

"Oh," said Father Chen with a long sigh, "At that time, there were too many rotten vegetables, and the garbage dump couldn't put them down. You have to find the car and throw it elsewhere, so if you have a way, don’t do this business, it’s too easy to get into trouble.”

Chen Yang opened his mouth wide, is his cousin so miserable? !

But having said that, the situation in my memory did not only happen this year, but often happened.

After thinking about it with his head down, Chen Yang asked again, "Then why don't you buy locally? There are also many farms in the local area, so buying locally won't be blocked, right?"

Father Chen looked at him like an idiot, "Don't talk in layman's terms if you don't understand, how expensive is the local product? Whoever comes here to buy goods is not careful, and can do things like selling ordinary cabbage as gold for free. How can there be so many of them?" People buy local food? Besides, your cousin’s regular customers basically buy cheap goods from other places, so who do you sell them to?”

Now Chen Yang stopped talking. Generally, people who come here to buy goods will find acquaintances to get goods. First, the price will not be inflated, and second, the quality can be trusted. This is also the reason why newcomers are not easy to mix here. Come here to do it. For business, even if there are acquaintances to lead, the first year is basically to lose money. As for making money, it will be at least two or three years later.

Unless, in the case of the continuous heavy rain that Chen Yang remembers, UU Reading can sell as long as it has the goods in hand, and sell them at a high price, so that it can make money.

However, Chen Yang looked up at the sky, when will it rain?

At this time, the owner of the stall next door came over again. He took off his undershirt, wiped the sweat off his face, put it on his shoulder, and said to Dad Chen, "This is a terrible weather, the weather forecast is every day." It is said that it is raining, but there is no sound of dry thunder, which is really crazy."

Father Chen immediately put on a smiling face, and said politely, "When the weather forecast is accurate a few times, you have to believe him, and that would be hell."

The man was about to speak when he suddenly felt his eyes light up. He was taken aback for a moment and turned his head to look outside. What happened just now?

"Huh, is it really a ghost?" Father Chen stood up abruptly, stretched out his palm to feel it, "It seemed to be lightning just now, but there was no wind."

Before the words fell, a loud bang was heard,

It really thundered!

As soon as Chen Yang heard this, he got up and ran outside. On the road outside, he saw people coming out of almost every stall, some talking to each other, some looking up at the sky,

Immediately afterwards, someone shouted, "It's windy, it's going to rain, the price is going to increase!"

"Is it really going to rain?"

When Chen's mother heard it, she ran out quickly, but her face was still a bit annoyed, "Oh, the goods were not sold out two days ago, so I took a lot of goods today, I didn't expect it to rain suddenly, alas, what a loss It’s a shame, it would have been better if I had downloaded it two days earlier.”

Chen Yang looked at his mother, then at his father who was walking out quickly without putting down the glass in his hand, then looked up at the sky, the corners of his mouth couldn't stop grinning to both sides,

It's not too late for the rain, it's just in time!

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