MTL - Rebirth Starts From 2006-Chapter 21 Banana Lychee

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Chen Yang noticed that there was only one elevator in this office building, and the place near the outer wall of the elevator room was the stairwell. Considering that there are only six floors here, one elevator is enough.

The elevator opened quickly. The two entered the elevator and went up to the third floor. After exiting the elevator room, turn left and walk along the corridor. At the westernmost end of the building, Manager Wu opened the door with a key and asked with a smile, "Just now Forgot to ask, what's your name, sir?"

Chen Yang is looking at the surrounding environment. The corridor is directly close to the outer wall, and the outside scene can be seen through the window. Inside is a row of offices to the south. This small office is on the far side, and further inside there are It's a stairwell, and there's an elevator!

Hearing Manager Wu's words, Chen Yang smiled and said, "My surname is Chen."

"So it's Mr. Chen." Manager Wu pushed open the door, and then stood to one side, "Mr. Chen, come, please come inside."

Chen Yang went in first without hesitation, the whole office was very transparent at a glance,

The area of ​​about fifty square meters is divided into two parts by a glass wall pasted with frosted paper. The outer hall is slightly larger, accounting for about three-fifths of the area. The light is not bad, it is very bright without turning on the light,

Continue to go inside, and there is an independent office with a row of closed aluminum alloy glass windows embedded in the outer wall. There are two rows of parking lots below. Outside the high courtyard wall is another place, a village house in a village in the city.

There was nothing to see, so he closed the window again.

Now the office is empty, without any office furniture, but it is cleaned fairly well, and looking at the walls, it seems to be a bit new. It seems that this building has not been built for a few years.

Manager Wu kept following him two or three meters away, and when he was almost finished, he asked with a smile, "Mr. Chen, how do you feel?"

Chen Yang pursed his lips, neither said yes nor no, but asked, "How is the rent calculated?"

Manager Wu held up **** and said, "The minimum rent is one year, one thousand and five months, two deposits and three payments, that is, quarterly payments."

Just as Chen Yang was about to bargain, he was blocked by Manager Wu.

"Boss Chen, this price is determined by our boss. You can also go outside to inquire about it. Maybe there are cheaper ones than ours. However, under the same environment, ours is definitely the most reasonable price, and our house registration quota is very low. Leave it blank, if you register as a company, there is no problem at all."

Those who inquire or not are empty talk. Those who want to rent will naturally rent, and those who don't want to rent will not inquire. Who has the time to compare the truth.

Chen Yang silently calculated, 60 square meters and 1,500 square meters a month is almost 251 square meters. This area is in a relatively high position. You must know that you can rent a three-bedroom and two living room in a community not far away. , and only seven or eight hundred, which is twice as expensive.

However, it is not very popular to calculate by square meter, and the real estate market has just emerged, especially for office real estate. Sometimes the price and rent of real estate with the same standard in the same area are quite different, and the market is chaotic. It basically depends on whether the two parties can negotiate. , it may be more standardized in the city center, but not here.

Chen Yang thought about it, and decided to rent it. The main reason is that time is too tight, he doesn't have so much free time to waste, and he can afford it for one thousand and five months. Besides, he will not rent here for a long time. If it is a year Still here in the end, I can shoot myself to death.

Since there was nothing to discuss, Chen Yang didn't bother to waste his saliva and agreed to the price directly.

After signing the contract and paying the deposit and rent, Chen Yang took the key and left in a hurry. There are still many things to be busy, so he can't be wasted here.

After renting the office, Chen Yang immediately contacted the agency with the rental contract.

There should not be too many people relying on this market for food. Apart from real estate agencies, there are not a few small companies that handle bookkeeping and business licenses. Chen Yang quickly found an agency company.

"Boss Chen, have you decided on the name of your company?"

Chen Yang immediately said the name that had been circling in his mind for more than 20 years, "Banana Lychee, Guangzhou Banana Lychee Technology Co., Ltd."

In his previous life, he thought about starting a business, but he needed money and no capital, and no connections. Occasionally he came up with one or two ideas that he thought were better, and went to venture capitalists with a business plan copied from an online template. Being thrown into the trash can by someone, starting a company naturally became a dream in the mirror. Now that I have lived my life again, I finally have the opportunity to turn this name into reality.

As for why you took this name, is there a problem with loving fruit?

"Banana lychees?"

The agent who is both the boss and the employee looked at him in surprise, smiled and said, "This name is quite special, what about the business scope?"

Chen Yang also blurted out, "Except for the projects that need to be franchised, I will register everything else!"

I don't even know what I will do in the future, you ask me about the scope of my business? Of course I want it all!

The agent was surprised again, he had been in this business for seven or eight years, and it was the first time he heard such a request, but the customer is God, as long as he is willing to pay and it is not illegal, he can negotiate anything, so he wrote it down in his notebook .

The next step is to sign the contract and go through the formalities. Chen Yang hastily signed more than a dozen documents, such as power of attorney, company articles of association, shareholder agreement, appointment and removal agreement, a lot of things,

It is not yet possible to set up a sole proprietorship company these days, so Chen Yang dug out the ID cards of his parents from his father's room, and gave his father the identity of a shareholder, and his mother is a supervisor and the person in charge of finance. I am the legal representative and the general manager of the company. As for the shareholding ratio, Chen Yang is 99%, Dad is 1%, and the registered capital is 1.08 million, of which 50% is offset by fixed assets. The remaining half was paid by the agency company across the bridge, and Chen Yang paid an extra 2,000 yuan for the bridge toll.

Well, three stalls, he said it was worth 540,000, so it was worth 540,000! Who has an opinion? !

If you think about it, it’s better for future generations. Open a company with a registered capital of tens of millions, and you don’t need to pay it. It’s really suitable for pretending.

When the formalities are completed, the day is over again.

The next day, Chen Yang still couldn't be free. The office was rented, but it was still empty, so he wanted to buy the office furniture. UU Reading www.uukanshu. Com, computer, copier, and telephone are indispensable. If you have a telephone and a computer, you must have a telephone line and broadband. There is no intermediary to find these things, and he can only busy himself.

On Monday, July 24, 2006, Chen Yang was sitting on the boss chair in the office, looking at the three real estate certificates on the table, as well as several company certificates and bank account opening certificates, feeling very comfortable.

It's not easy. From the 9th to Guangzhou, after half a month of worrying and busy work, I finally got off to a fairly good start, but I can't be proud, and I can't neglect the next thing to do.

After adjusting his mentality, Chen Yang took out a brown Luwei leather briefcase from the cabinet, put everything in the bag,

Then he walked to the glass wall and arranged his clothes with the clear reflection,

The upper body is a light yellow Boss business casual shirt, and the lower half is tucked into the trousers. The trousers are a pair of light khaki business casual trousers. On the feet are a pair of brown business leather shoes, with a pair of flat gold color-changing glasses. A plum blossom watch, carefully trimmed short inches, this attire directly raised Chen Yang's age by at least five years, and also added a bit of extravagance to the handsome Chen Yangping who is 1.83 meters tall.

Of course, the price is not cheap, nearly 20,000 oceans, the most expensive of which is the pony belt wrapped around the waist, the price of 8,000 is still a 50% discount, even if the buckle is gold-plated, he still thinks it is too expensive. Expensive, it is still a luxury to make money.

I took out the Noah 8800 gold mobile phone that I just bought from my trousers pocket. It was popular in business circles all over the country as soon as it was launched last year. I was just about to check the time when I saw the watch on my wrist. Well, I need to get used to using a watch to tell the time in the future. !

Chen Yang stuffed the mobile phone into the briefcase with a calm expression, picked up the bag and walked out vigorously.