MTL - Rebirth: The Return of the Great-Chapter 878 funny

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The power of the scroll burst out completely, and the water at the bottom of the pool was suddenly lifted up by the shock, and instantly flew to the sky.

The water pressure here was huge just now, but in a blink of an eye, it was empty without a drop of water, and all flew into the stars.

How terrifying!

The five red-haired men all opened their mouths wide, their eyes sluggish, like an idiot.

Zhou Shuheng, who had the same expression as them, was also shocked.

The red-haired man responded quickly, and immediately said to Agama, "We lost that golden scroll too!"

"Yes, yes!" The remaining four nodded at the same time.

"Don't listen to them!" Zhou Shuheng also hurriedly shouted, he was really afraid that Xiao Rong'er, the master and the servant, would be too naive and kind, so he believed the nonsense of these people.

"It's ours!" The five red-haired men raised their voices.

Agama couldn't help being troubled, and said, "Who should Ben Wang believe?"

"Little Master?" He looked at Xiao Rong'er.

The advancement of this key plot is naturally up to the little master to decide.

Xiao Rong'er bit her finger and thought for a while, then said, "Since they say it's theirs, then give it back to them! Daddy said, you can't take things that are not yours, or you will be punished!"

"Little Master said yes." Agama nodded, and then said to the five red-haired men, "Since it's yours, I'll give it back to you—but if it's not yours, but it's yours, then it's yours. Condemned!"

How could the five red-haired men care about the scourge of God and not the scourge of God, and how could the will of the Great Dao be so idle to care about such trivial matters!

They all nodded their heads: "It's ours, ours."

"Don't give it! Don't give it!" Zhou Shuheng shouted hoarsely.

With a flick of Agama's paw, the last golden scroll was thrown out.

The old man hurriedly caught it again, holding the two scrolls in his hands. He was so satisfied that he couldn't help laughing, and the four red-haired men also laughed.

Fortunately, I met this little girl and this stupid dog today, otherwise it wouldn't end well.

It's fine now.

"Little girl, for your stupidity, we can give you a happy death!" The old man held the golden scroll with a proud look on his face.

The power of the silver scrolls is so great, and the golden ones are obviously stronger.

Xiao Rong'er's pretty face changed greatly, and she said angrily, "We kindly returned the things you lost, but you actually want to use them against us?"

What a naive question!

The five red-haired men all sneered: "So you are so stupid and naive!"

The old man was slapped with a slap by Xiao Rong'er, and his face was gone. Naturally, he hated this little girl to the core. He said that he wanted to leave the whole body, but he opened the scroll without hesitation and turned towards Xiao Rong'er. lost the past.

Compared with the power of the previous silver scrolls, this is enough to make the second-order immortals smashed to pieces.


The scroll was thrown out, but after the external force disappeared, it fell directly to the ground, and there was no attack at all.

what's the situation?

The five red-haired men were dumbfounded, this was not right.

"You lied, this scroll really isn't yours!" Xiao Rong'er suddenly laughed.

The five red-haired men reacted no matter how stupid they were, it was the little girl who was playing tricks on them!

"Elder Brother, this scroll was manipulated by them!"

"With our own!"

The old man nodded as well. The gold and silver scrolls were given to them by the dog demon, so they could naturally do something, but the one left in his hand was given by the master, how do you do it?

Nearly third-order attacks are played, and see how you die!

"Dare to play with us, hmph, you are all dead!" He opened the scroll and threw it towards Xiao Rong'er.

"Wang!" Agama called out, and the golden scroll on the ground floated up out of thin air, opened, and banged, shooting out a dazzling golden beam of light.

Pfft, as soon as the scroll in the old man's hand was thrown into the air, it was penetrated by this beam of light, and it fell down weakly. How could he attack any more.

The five red-haired men did not know how many times they were dumbfounded, and they were finished.

Agama's body trembled, magnified a few hundred times, and the momentum burst out, making the five red-haired men suffocate.

They were stunned, they didn't expect this dog to be so strong!

Their master may be more than that.

It turns out that people have been playing tricks on them, but they thought the little girl and the dog were stupid and naive.

"You lied, and the consequences have long been warned!" Agama opened his mouth and swallowed the five red-haired men directly.

Zhou Shuheng was stunned, unable to recover for a long time.

It turns out that this dog is so strong!

"Xiao Wang, he is injured, can you cure him?" Xiao Rong'er asked Agama.

"It's a small matter." Agama said with a smile, he is strong to the seventh rank, and it is only a matter of time to remove this mere second-level rank fire-element avenue injury.

He just waved his paw, and all the wounds on Zhou Shuheng's body were gone, leaving no trace.

Zhou Shuheng is like a dream, the injury that has plagued him for a long time is so good?

"Xiao Wang, let's go." Xiao Rong'er beckoned and left with Agama.

Zhou Shuheng's heart moved, and he wanted to follow, but saw Agama turned around and glared at him, so fierce that he stopped immediately and did not dare to chase anymore.

Seeing that Xiao Rong'er was good at talking, he wanted to ask Xiao Rong'er for help to solve a big trouble for the Zhou family, but Agama seemed to see through his thoughts and gave him a direct warning, which made his mind go blank and had no other thoughts. .

Forget it, people have already done him a big favor, and he can't be too greedy.

Now that his injuries are gone, he can go to the talented eldest son of the main clan, and hand over the Tianyi Art to him.

He rose directly into the sky and wanted to rush to another nearby life star, because this star was so backward that there was not even a cross-star teleportation array.


Xiao Rong'er hummed a song and played around, and when she was bored, she went back to find her parents.

Ye Yan didn't have to ask her what she had done. Under the shroud of her own world, she knew every move of her beloved daughter.

They stayed on this life star for a while before moving away.

More than ten days later, they came to a new life star, and the first force here, Sangumen, is holding a competition for young disciples. In addition to the disciples of this sect, others are also welcome to participate, and the prizes are quite good. for rich.

However, only first-order immortals can participate, because this is for training newcomers.

"Daddy, Rong'er is going to play too!" Little Rong'er was very excited.

Ye Yan, as a fangirl, how could he refuse his daughter's request?

"Okay." He agreed immediately. (To be continued)