MTL - Rebirth to a Military Marriage: Good Morning Chief-Chapter 2518 Nursery and Yan Yaohui 19

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Grandma said that as long as the nursery becomes her daughter-in-law, she will be very good and very good at the nursery, very very good.

Miao Wei is born without parents, it does not matter, Laojiao and her will be as good as the father and mother, and double the compensation of the nursery.

"A lot of things, a lot of money." Miao Wei voice is small, especially embarrassed to say. Because the money spent, not all she earned, she spent all her money.

"Not much, not much at all."

How many things are in the nursery's hands, and my grandmother can see at a glance that it is worth a few dollars, so where is it worth more: "But Miao Miao, that's it, is it enough?" She thought, Buy less.

My grandmother looked at Yan Yaohui, Miao Miao was brought out by Yao Hui, and Miao Miao did not buy enough, and it was Yao Hui’s responsibility.

It became a special back-pot object of the nursery, and Yao Yaohui had no temper. After all, this was not caused by the nursery. His parents had to do this. It is difficult to find out, can he still find his own parents to settle accounts?

"Enough, enough."

The nursery who never crossed the new clothes today not only has a new set of clothes, but also a big piece of cloth to continue to make new clothes.

Three sets of new clothes!

Even if it is Miao Lanlan, it is impossible to have three sets of new clothes at one time.

I did not expect that one day, she could have been better than Miao Lanlan.

Grandmother grabbed the nursery's hand: "If it is not enough, you have to tell the aunt, don't you feel wrong? Do you know if your father saved the father twice? My house was destroyed early." The family is good for you, it should be, you don't think too much, don't have any burden. Children, I know that you are a good boy, you suffer."

The nursery sucked her nose and prevented herself from reacting too much. She just shook her head in a sullen mood.

Whatever is bitter, she does not care, I feel okay.

The only thing she minds and keeps on her mind is that she has never seen her father or mother, nor what they look like.

I am afraid that in this life, she does not have this opportunity.

Even if the technique of photography existed decades ago, Miao and Miao had the opportunity to take pictures to see the conditions of Miao.

Knowing that this regret can never be remedied, Miao Wei will not mention it any more. It is just to add trouble to himself and others: "Auntie, does your family have a sewing machine?"

"Yes, I will take you there." Grandma stood up and took the nursery to see the sewing machine. "I want to make my own clothes?"

"Yeah." Miao nodded.

"Is it useful? Do you want to teach you?"

Miao shook her head: "There is a sister in the village, she taught me, I will."

"Well, then you use it slowly, you have to touch something that you don't understand. You look for me or the helper at home, remember?"


The seaming machine is a valuable thing. In the countryside, the nursery rarely has a chance to touch it.

At this moment, I saw the seaming machine, and the nursery eyes were very bright, and I was eager to try.

Unfortunately, when the nursery really wants to start, she is dumbfounded.

How to step on the seaming machine, how to sew the cloth together, she will, but how to cut the cloth, she will not.

Miao did not cut cloth to make new clothes for himself. It was just a matter of cooking. Miao Eryi was worried about the miao dying things, and he was afraid of what the nursery would do on the cloth. So, at this time, Miao Erzhen was always Don't let the nursery help.

It’s easy to cut a piece of cloth, she can come by herself, lest the sorrowful star steal her cloth.

This practice of Miao Erzhen will make the nursery only sew, she will not cut.

Thinking of her grandmother just said to herself, the nursery hesitated, and then quietly went to find the "scorpion" to help.

The nanny of the family had long been told by the old man that he could never offend the nursery. The family had already treated the nursery as a family.

Don't look at the girl from a country in the country, the status of her 18 streets.

The babysitter did not say anything, and the hands and feet were used to cut the cloth for the nursery.

At this time, many people are used to cutting a piece of cloth or let the master help.

Doing it yourself is undoubtedly the most cost-effective, so many people have the ability to tailor.

After the nanny took a few sizes for the nursery, the thorns stabbed a few times, and the materials of the two sets of clothes were all cut, and there was not much waste.

"Thank you, below, I, I will get it myself."

The nanny nodded, no more questions, leaving the room to the nursery, and he continued to work.

The nursery is happily making new clothes for herself. The family of three is talking about the nursery in the study room: "Yao Hui, you have already understood all the situations. You are not a person without conscience. How do you want to have a seedling, you have a few in your heart."

Hearing the grandmother's tone is so serious, Yan Yaohui can't smile: "Isn't it good for her?"

"I want you to be better, do you understand what I mean?" What a good tube is used, very good, can you still have Miao Miao parents? Very good, can you still have a happy, happy childhood?

Nothing can be!

"Yao Hui, everything you have and what you have now is due to the sacrifice of Miao and the hardships of Miao Miao. To be a man, you still have to touch your own conscience." It should be their mother and son.

"Mom, do you need to say so seriously?"

"Required!" He took the old table. "You explain it to me now. Do you want to swear by the girl? I tell you, I don't agree, even if it is not a seedling, it is definitely not a family." That Qi Minlan. Your mother is soft, and only gave birth to a son, stupidly treating Qi Minlan as a prostitute. The girl who is a family has too many minds and a lot of ambitions. It is not for you. Together, I am mad at your mother."

I don’t know if I’m old, even if Zhai Yaohui didn’t have Qi Minlan at the end, their two old days are not bad. It’s difficult for Miao to have a nightmare called Qi Minlan and lingering.

Listening to the old saying this, Grandma seems to be interested in helping Qi Minlan to argue two sentences.

She knows that Shi Lao Na is not very good, but Qi Min Lan is a very good girl, but she looks at the grown up child.

It’s just that the old man has never liked it. Although Grandma feels that Qi Minlan is not so bad, compared with Qi Minlan, Grandma’s grandmother is always more trusting.

After a contradiction, my grandmother simply shut up and did not insist on her original thoughts.

No way, she doesn't think Qi Minlan is a bad one, but she agrees that Miao is a good girl.