MTL - Rebirth to a Military Marriage: Good Morning Chief-Chapter 2520 Nursery and Yan Yaohui 21

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"If you still have a little shame, if you have a face, just get out of your house. Is it so cool to spend money on other people's homes? Are the country people like you, so like? Are others cheap and grab someone else's stuff?"

The nursery face is first red, then white.

Qi Minlan does not say that Miao Wei, Miao Wei himself has such an idea, but Qi Minlan really said this, Miao Wei also said: "Who I spend money, who is home, what is the relationship with you? Do you ask me what kind of body person, tell me these words, let me roll? I grab someone else's things, who am I robbing?"

The words have been said so ugly, but always have to be clear?

Qi Minlan lifted his chin: "You don't want to face it, then I won't leave you a face. I am Zhai Yaohui's fiancee, and the people of the family have already identified me. You live in my fiancé's house, I see Of course you are not pleasing to the eye. Warn you, if you don’t leave now, wait for me to marry Yan Yaohui, I will drive you away."

It’s really cheap to take advantage of it. I’ve already said so clearly, and dare to play with her.

"I heard no, Yan Yaohui is our family's blue. Do you know what your behavior is? You are called the destroyer of feelings. Our country is now monogamous, you are willing to give people a small, National laws don't allow it. Also, people like the family don't even think about it!"

It’s quite unpleasant to see the basket in the nursery.

She listened to Min Lan, and the other parents were gone. The words were learned slowly after coming out with the family.

Such a woman can't compare with her. The woman who has been far away from her has actually lived in her family, and she has a relationship with Yan Yaohui. The woman from this country is lucky.

The nursery shook her fist, and in some words, she could refute it, but the rebuttal did not work.

Some things, she can do it, but not enough ability to do it.

Growing up in the hands of Miao Erzhen, in fact, Miao Wei has heard much more than this.

But I don't know why, Miao Wei feels that the words and attitudes of the two girls in front of her are hurting than the second one: "Is it finished?"

"Tell it out." Qi Minlan, "So, when are you going to roll?"

She really really didn't want to see the little girl in the country again, shameless things.

Miao sighed with a sigh of relief: "Sorry, I haven't learned to roll, I won't roll. You said that you are the fiancee's fiancee, but I have lived in my family for almost a year, and the family has never told me. I have your existence. You don't know it, my uncle likes me very much. If I don't agree, I don't know if I have a fiancee."

"And, you want to chase me away, then I am waiting for you to marry my brother, become the wife of the big brother and the uncle's daughter-in-law, I am waiting to be driven by you."

After that, the nursery wants to go.

"Don't go!" The basket stopped the nursery. "I said how shameless this person is, we all say so clearly, Min Lan has left you a face. If you want to face this face again, Don't blame us for being welcome!"

Miao looked at the basket: "How are you going to treat me? You don't all know, I am from the country? I don't really have anything else, but I have strength. Are you sure you want to fight with me? Also, Your surname is right. Miss Qi, you have to fight with me today, it doesn't matter. But Uncle Uncle is very concerned about me, I must tell this uncle Uncle. OK, do you want to fight? ”

The basket is crazy: "We are so many people, you are one, can we be afraid of you?"

"That is, tell her so much, waste time, fight directly. Just hit it!"

Qi Minlan stopped the basket: "Wait..."

In the case of Miao Wei, Qi Min Lan did not put it in her heart. There is a saying that she has to pay attention to it: "Miao Miao, everyone is an adult. This is after you and me, you can solve it." Tell the elders, are you only three years old this year? Have you played this one?"

Miao Wei: "I don't think it's just a matter between you and me. And I think it's necessary for me to tell Uncle Uncle this thing. Besides, you are the fiancee's fiancee, I am Not afraid to say, what are you afraid of?"

"Minlan?" The basket was very depressed by Qi Minlan. "You have seen it. The people from the country, there is nothing, the skin is very thick. It is useless to tell her, we... ”

"Let's go." Qi Minlan's face was blue.

Today, Qi Minlan thought about it. If the nursery would roll on her own, how much money Miao Wei spent in her family during the year, she did not care about it.

She will throw the money and give it to her.

But if the nursery wants to know the current affairs, then it will be until the time of the nursery.

Who knows, this little girl from the country read a book, recognized a few words, and learned to use her brains.

Miao Wei said that to complain, Qi Minlan really can't do it to Miao, who asked Miao Wei not to follow the routine she had originally wanted.

She thought before, the nursery had been drinking white for a year, a little self-respect, and the nursery should find a way to not add other troubles to the family.

When she hit the nursery, the nursery would have to endure, and told the family that she had accidentally bumped into it.

Qi Minlan hasn't played yet. Miao Wei first said that he will definitely complain. How does Qi Minlan fight?

Do not say how old think, Qi Minlan knows that once this matter is known to her grandmother, her grandmother will not like her as much as before.

There is also Yao Yaohui, who can not like this kind of unreasonable, chaotic people.

"Minlan?" The basket can't believe what he heard. "Minlan, are you wrong?"

They waited for so long, and finally they blocked the people, and they didn’t do anything. Don’t say that they packed up people, and they didn’t pick up the tricks.

Just gone? Do they still have to face?

"Okay, don't say anything, let's go. I will find another way to deal with her." If you don't want to go, unless she really doesn't want to swear by Yao, I decided to give Yan Yaohui to the nursery school.

Qi Minlan said this, the basket is not reconciled and there is no way, only to leave behind Qi Minlan.

Miao Yu breathed a sigh of relief, she played so many people alone, it is indeed beaten.

The people of the family often tell the nursery that if they are bullied or have something to do, they must tell them.

Today, when she encountered this, Miao Wei felt that she should mention it.