MTL - Reborn As a System-Chapter 98 The source world (eight)

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The source world (eight)

Shi Qing stayed in the armed bag specially prepared for him in Qin Mo, and he has been concentrating on it.

I will see what I have heard in my heart, for fear of what I will miss.

When he is so nervous, he can't even have a distraction.

He couldn't keep up with Qin Mo's thinking and didn't know his plan, but he knew one thing and absolutely matched it.

What is needed is also a strong tacit understanding.

Therefore, when Qin Moshang deputed to rely on Ao Xuan and backhand attacked Xia Xun, and then surpassed everyone’s imagination to use Xia Xun to add to his guardian enchantment to resist Akasaka, he was not surprised or confused. .

What he remembers is the last sentence, swallowing Xia Xun!

As for how to do it, he did not need to think about it. Qin Mo put him out and guided him to absorb the white light group that gradually got rid of Xia Xun's body.

This is no stranger, Shi Qing has seen in ‘dream’.

The two light groups that kept colliding and not relying on each other finally locked up the light group of Shi Qing.

At this moment, the light group is much weaker than before, and it is still very dazzling, but it has lost its original fierce momentum.

Shi Qing knows that this is the best time and must not be missed!

He imitated the scene of the dream, quickly shrouded the light group, and encountered a strong rebound when he first touched it, but he was psychologically prepared and immediately strengthened his strength to resist the strong invasion.

This process is not rapid, and Aztec returned from the initial surprise, watching the movements of Qin Mo, already know that he was also played.

The anger was rising in a straight line, and he pointed all the fire to the Qin desert.

Newcomer, too naive!

Xia Xun is dead, you are just an ant! It’s a breeze to crush you!

Without a nonsense, he launched the ultimate spell and vowed to kill Qin.

The Qin Mo moved quickly, and a series of attacks rushed out, with a huge power to subvert the sky, and together with the red Xuan.

His strength is very strong, but it is still very difficult to kill Akiko.

However, what he has to do now is to delay the time!

Shi Qing tried his best to suppress the light group. Although Xia Xun was on the verge of death, he took control of this force for too long. The level of familiarity was not comparable to that of Shi Qing. At this moment, they are not only the strength of figuration, but more. It is the spiritual power of each other.

Xia Xun didn't want to die. This willingness to survive made his mental power burst, almost overwhelming the body's embarrassment, and detached from the **, the mental power is purely beyond imagination.

This is not what Shiqing can compare.

But at the moment, Shiqing knows that he must not lose!

The state of the Qin desert, he saw clearly, the power of Akasaka is almost invincible in the world, and lost the guardian enchantment of Xia Xun, the attack suffered by Qin Mo is completely dependent on itself. At present, there is still no defeat, but it is only because Akagi is fascinated by anger, and with the light enemy, there is no real power.

If it is a long delay, wait until the red sect reacts, it will be a bad thing.

Shi Qing did not dare to think more, continue to exert pressure, Xia Xun is already a half-hanger, he can not kill him, you do not have to mix!

Strong self-confidence breeds the vigorous growth of spiritual strength. Shiqing has an advantage in this respect. Coupled with the physical strength of the little panda, it is implicitly enhanced. After a long time of running-in, he has fully adapted. There is a cute beast, the attachment to the partner is powerful and incalculable!

It is not easy for Qin Mo to pull them from the complete weakness to this point, and pin their last hopes on him. He must not let him down! Can't live up to him!

Qin desert believes in him! He has to trust him!

The spirit is growing wildly, and the violent violent fluctuations even have a figurative ripple, like a thick wave, rolling over and wrapping the prey. He finally succeeded, completely suppressing Xia Xun!

At this time, because of his vigorous growth of spiritual power, he was stimulated to Aztec, and Akasaka suddenly awakened, quickly calmed down, and his eyes blinded by anger suddenly sharpened.

He looked at Qin Mo, his eyes were full of fierceness, and he almost made a road!

Never mind it again!

Red and red eyes are red, accumulating all the strength of the body, aiming at the Qin desert, vowing to hit the middle, completely killing it!

Power is brewing, weapons are arguing, powerful forces make the whole space start to distort, faint, fierce roar!

Akagi is staring at the Qin desert, and it is bound to win.

This blow, no one in this world can hide, no one can afford it.

Qin Mo, you can't do it!

And Qin Mo did not dodge, and even did not move, he put away the offensive, arms in the palm, like suddenly pulled out the beast of the teeth, quietly waiting.

A thousand miles, a line of life and death.

The little panda jumped up like a small bullet and slammed into the arms of the Qin desert. The next moment, the translucent white mans slammed up, like an inflated white balloon, and the egg-shaped guardian enchantment At the last critical moment, I got up and kept both of them in it.

The deadly blow of Akasaka hit the barrier, and the strong collision distorted the space and shattered the dimension, like a giant beast with a mouth open, completely smashing the space that was isolated.

The poachers and law-seekers who were originally guarded have finally seen it, and they have also suffered a torrent of power.

Countless people were turned over, some instantly turned into ashes, and some barely escaped with superb ability, but they were also seriously injured.

A few dozen miles, because of this violent impact, was moved to the ground.

The only one standing in the center is only two people.

Two people facing each other.

Akasaka was full of surprises.

Qin Mo smiled, he felt the heat in his arms, small, but surprisingly heart-warming.

At the moment, the little thing made a soft voice, the tone was very light, but the words were extremely reliable: "Qin Mo, I will protect you!"

With the blade of the scabbard, it is truly fearless!

Undead Shield, a soul that can be trusted, belongs to him... everything!

The ink blade slipped from the palm of his hand, with a fierce offensive, hitting the enemy opposite!

The balance is broken, the stalemate is shattered, and the overwhelming strength advantage is met.

Aztec is exhausted and died.

He could not believe until death.

His life was actually put on the end in this way.

Being stunned by a newcomer who he despised, despised, never looked at!

The familiar light group floated in the air, and Qin Mo reached out and took it.

For a long time of fighting, Shi Qing was exhausted, but at this moment, he was greatly relieved, and the danger finally passed!

The light group slowly fluttered in the hands of the Qin desert. It seems to carry the will of Ao Xuan. I don't want to give in. The slight resistance falls in the eyes of Qin Mo, not worth mentioning.

It was easy to suppress, and he took the little panda out and placed it next to the light group: "Eat it."

The little panda blinked.


Shi Qing refused to see it at a glance, and he shook his head. Then I said, "I don't need it."

The Qin desert turned his head and the black cockroaches locked it.

Shi Qing jumped from his palm and stood slowly. The boy's body was long and graceful, and it seemed to be surrounded by a white glow. He reached out and clung to Qin Mo: "I don't want to be a god."

Qin Mo slightly glimpsed, and slowly smiled: "This represents ‘destruction’. If I devour it, there may be bad things happening.”

Shi Qing looked at him and blinked: "I am by your side."

"Be with you forever."

"Even if it is a minute or two, it will not leave you."

Qin Mo smashed, and then understood.

Shi Qing was comforting him in the way of Qin Mo.

Let him feel at ease, complete peace of mind.

- You control the power of destruction, and I guard you.

- Take the oath of the whole world and promise to live forever and never give up.

- We are together, it is complete!

The white light group quickly rotated and disappeared from the palm of Qin, and he was completely absorbed.

Turned around, lifted the boy's chin, and twirled on the rosy lips, when Qing's heart, he knew.

Thank you, Shi Qing.




After Shi Qing woke up from the red bed, it was already half a month later.

I have been sleeping for so long... I have a cough... It’s really relaxing!

Stretched out, Qin Mo embraced him from behind, neither of them wore clothes, just woke up, and pressed tightly, it was inevitably hot, along with the previous lubrication, not difficult to advance, but also A while.

After the cool, Shi Qing quickly stopped, he still remembered things in his heart, turned to ask Qin Mo: "I remember ... you said to take me to pick up a mission?"

Unfortunately, it was interrupted by a group of people, and then it was a battle of life and death. At this point, Shi Qing finally remembered.

Qin desert should say: "Yes."

"What mission?"

“The task doesn’t matter, the focus is on the place to cross.”

Shi Qing’s heart snorted.

Qin Mo touched him and said, "It should be your world, a place called the earth."

When the time is clear, some are unbelievable.

"Want to check it out?"

"Will... will you meet them?" His parents, his brother, his family and friends, where he grew up.


Shi Qing was somewhat overwhelmed.

He had imagined that he would once again cross back to his own world, but he did not expect to have this day.

I came to the world of origin and saw the tens of thousands of different worlds. He has not hoped to return to his own world with good luck.

But now... he has this opportunity.

Can he really go back? Should I really go back?

When Qing’s heart was in a mess, he immediately flashed through everything in his life, and turned to see the Qin desert.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief and said to Qin Mo, "Go, take you to see my hometown."

When the two just left the system space, Shiqing received a series of messages.

From the same person, Sin.

"Man! I have only walked for five or six days. What have you done in the end?!"

"Oh, my God, I really want to be jealous of you! Do you want such a cow, buddy!"

The author has something to say: cough... It’s almost over, this time it shouldn’t be said to be bad... Amen... I slowly climbed away with the lid. 2k novel reading network