MTL - Reborn As a Top Student In the 1990s-Chapter 248 Discover

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Chapter 248 Discovery

 Chapter 249 Discovery

But Fang Decai and his wife did not dare to sit down to eat. They quickly stopped the housekeeper and refused to stay to eat.

But Mr. Qin didn't want to force them too much. Before leaving, he asked the housekeeper to pick out a bunch of gifts from the library and give them to them. He also made an appointment to play chess together next time.

After getting in the car, the old couple was sent home. Along the way, Fang Decai chatted with the driver Xiao Wang about Mr. Qin. Fang Decai recalled the old man's legs and couldn't help feeling a little regretful, "Mr. Qin is a person, but it's a pity that he can't move around much now. Otherwise, if I take him to live in our country for a while, it will definitely be much more comfortable than in the city! "

Xiao Wang nodded in agreement, "Actually, my old man also lived in the countryside when he was young. Later, he injured his leg during the war, which left the root of the disease..."

Fang Decai felt sorry after hearing this, but he was stunned for a second, as if he thought of something, and asked quickly: "Mr. Qin... is he a soldier?"

 Xiao Wang looked proud, "Of course, I heard that if he hadn't been injured, he would have been able to become a division commander..."

The surname is Qin, he was born in the military, and he also lost a child...

Fang Decai suddenly became excited. He suppressed his expression and continued to ask, "I heard that you went to my hometown that time to look for someone? I wonder who you were looking for?"

Xiao Wang didn't expect that the old man actually didn't ask the Fang family about what happened back then. He thought about the butler's previous instructions and pursed his lips, "Actually, it doesn't hurt to tell you. My old man went to your county just to look for clues about that year. It's a pity that your old lady can't explain clearly, so I can't continue to ask, but Mr. Fang, has your father ever mentioned some old things to you?"

 Listening to Xiao Wang's words, Fang Decai suddenly felt like there was water in his ears, and there was a roar.

 Are things in this world really such a coincidence?

Fang Decai was panicked for a moment, then quickly calmed down and shook his head with a smile, "My father doesn't like to talk, how could he tell me about his past..."

Watching Xiao Wang’s car leave, Fang Decai immediately returned home and started packing his luggage after entering the house.

Liu Chunxia was startled by his actions, and followed behind him a little uneasily, "Old Fang, what are you doing?"

Fang Decai was a little anxious and explained while packing his luggage randomly, "I forgot something before. If Deli wants to get married, it won't be okay if there is no one in the family to help. As the second brother, I will definitely go back and give him advice."

Liu Chunxia felt baffled, "Didn't you say that day that Deli was not in a hurry and we should stay for another two months? Why did you change your mind again after only a few days?"

Fang Decai couldn't explain clearly, so he could only stuff clothes into the box irritably, "My old buddies miss me too. I can't stay with my daughter every day. Anyway, I have to go back. If you want to stay, you can continue to stay." Come on!"

When Fang Qing came back in the evening, he saw his parents who had packed their luggage. After the family of three had a meal, they took the train back to their hometown early the next morning, leaving Fang Qing confused. She had no idea what happened to her parents, so she left in such a hurry. But at the weekend, when Xiao Wang came to look for someone again, Fang Qing realized that his parents had actually met Mr. Qin.

Fang Qing couldn't help but sigh at the wonder of fate, and told Qin Xue about this matter as a joke. Unexpectedly, this matter spread throughout the Qin family and attracted Qin Li's attention. Thinking of Fang Qing's special blood, Qin Li always felt that something was guiding him, and finally began to investigate Fang Qing's family. Through a special method, Qin Li obtained Fang Decai's hair and immediately sent it to the inspection agency.

Qin Li's hands trembled with excitement when he looked at the DNA test report in his hand.

Fang Decai returned to Jingtan County, but he always felt uneasy. It was not until Mr. Qin appeared at his door again early one morning that Fang Decai finally calmed down. He knew that some things will always come when they are supposed to come.

Mr. Qin looked at the middle-aged man opposite with tears in his eyes. He really couldn't believe that the old son he had been looking for for many years actually appeared in front of him several times, but he almost missed it.

 "Decai...I...I am your biological father."

 In the living room of the Fang family, Mrs. Fang closed her eyes and counted the beads in her hands, muttering something in her mouth, but if you look closely, you will find that her hands are shaking.

She really didn’t expect that the secret she had kept for so many years would be discovered by someone! But except for himself and his late wife, no one else knew about this matter, so how could it be exposed?

Mrs. Fang opened her eyes slightly and looked at Mr. Qin's family opposite, who were also sighing, and her second son, who was bowing his head in silence. Her eyes could not help but be filled with resentment and darkness.

snort! The biological father has come to see his biological son. Now that the second child has a rich father, he will be more confident. How can he deal with an old woman like himself again? No, if you want to take away the child she raised so easily, there is no way!

"Brother Qin, although you swear that my second child is the child you lost back then, there must be evidence, right? Otherwise, don't say I don't believe it, everyone will find it ridiculous! The child I raised with all the hard work, you say it is you Child, am I going to give up my life to you?”

Mr. Qin had asthma due to excitement. He took medicine and rested for a long time before he recovered. Hearing this, he nodded to the housekeeper, who immediately asked someone to bring out a box.

“Old lady, we won’t come rashly without evidence. Please see, this is a DNA comparison between Mr. Fang Decai and my master. The result proves that the two are indeed father and son.”

Old Mrs. Fang snorted, "Where did you get the tattered paper? You just made it up and tried to fool us?"

The old housekeeper picked up the report on the ground and was very helpless. When a scholar encounters a soldier, he has no reason to explain. What should he do if the opponent does not play according to the routine?

“Old Mrs. Fang, even if you don’t believe this report, do you dare to curse and swear that Fang De is your biological son?”

 Old Mrs. Fang believed in Buddhism and was silenced by the old housekeeper's question. Curse and swear? How dare she do this? What if it comes true...

Seeing Mrs. Fang closing her eyes and saying nothing, the old housekeeper smiled proudly and softened his tone, "My old man knows how difficult it has been for you over the years, so he specially prepared these. Thank you for your upbringing and dedication. Of course, if you have any other requests, , we will definitely try our best to satisfy..."

As soon as the old housekeeper finished speaking, the assistant on the side immediately opened the suitcase, and there was a whole box of money neatly placed inside. The children of the Fang family standing behind Mrs. Fang suddenly opened their eyes in shock.

 “I have a biological mother, how much does it cost...”

“Looking at your little income, you can use all this money to get our second brother away. It’s pretty cool to think about it!”

 Old Mrs. Fang listened to her children's mutterings and wanted to stand up and slap them. She immediately coughed a few times to interrupt their children's words.

“Brother, you’re welcome, but some things can’t be solved with money alone!”

 (End of this chapter)