MTL - Reborn into A Slash Game-Chapter 25 Chapter 25

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Sophie frowned. Actually, life-saving grace wasn't enough. Speaking of it, Aryan tried several times to help them resist the harm.

In fact, Sophie has always been a little confused. Although it is said that Moya City is adjacent to the Knoll jungle, it is because of this that Moya City has a protective enclave since ancient times to prevent the invasion of beasts to protect the residents.

They did not step out of the enchantment area of ​​Moya City. Why did they encounter a fifth-level beast? That's right, after Sophie took the Beast Dan, it was judged that this was a fifth-level beast. And because of the cavern incident in the Knoll jungle, most of the beasts inside recognized Sumu and Sophie. It only took two days and two days before they would attack them in the end?

He told these to Su Miao yesterday, and Su Miao explained to him in one sentence: "It is a domesticated beast."

If so, it makes sense, but ... the person who can train a fifth-level beast is really unusual, which is much harder than killing a fifth-level beast.

Speaking of this, Sophie also remembered that the eyes of the fifth-ranked beast were red with no focal length. Obviously, it was stimulated by something and it was completely out of reason. In the setting of Jarance, if the relationship between master and servant after signing the contract is unilaterally cancelled, this crazy attitude will occur.

It turned out that someone was willing to abandon such a high-level beast.

It seems that this is obviously not an accident. There are premeditated attacks!

But who is it for?

The parties involved are only three of them and must be one of them.

Sophie thought to himself that when he came to Moya City, he and Su Miao did not touch anyone at all, let alone offend anyone. So, is this incident directed at Aryan?

Perhaps this is the case. As one of the leaders of the human race, Aryan controls the main city of Moya. There must be many offenders. It is not impossible for someone to kill him all the time!

Sophie's thinking has always been limited to his impression of Aryan when he cleared "Alans". He always believed that this was a soft affection, but he didn't think about it. How could a real soft adorable climb to this position, especially the human race There are many races and highly competitive races.

Suddenly worried about Aryan's safety, he struggled to tell him something, but before he spoke, Su Mu stopped him.

He took Sophie's hand and used a little force to allow Sophie to turn his attention to himself, before he looked at Aryan and said, "OK."

This was at the invitation of Aryan.

Aryan's eyes lit up and he looked very happy, and he said again, "I have ordered it early, and I am ready now, please come with me."

So Sophie was held by Su Mi all the way to the restaurant.

On the way, Sophie finally realized that he didn't plan to ask Aryan. He had already given the little acceptor to Su Miao. Naturally, he shouldn't go to fight for the drama again, and he should tell him that he should be attacked. Something happened. Thinking about this, he closed his mouth happily.

After entering the restaurant, Sophie felt Aryan's sincerity. It's true that it's true.

There is an eight-meter-long table full of dangdangs on it. Regardless of the taste of the food, the gold and silverware on this table is enough to make people unable to move their legs.

Even the corners of the white tablecloth on the long table are a thin circle of pearls, which is a luxury at home.

Sophie swallowed, and suddenly wanted to say, can you not eat and just move things ... he has a lot of space bags, and it's enough to put these gold glitters!

However, this idea is also in my mind, Sophie is not a poor ghost now, where can I do such a price drop.

After taking the seat, Aryan still expressed his gratitude with enthusiasm.

Sophie listened silently, and suddenly remembered something. He interrupted Aryan's words, and said abruptly, "Let's eat later."

The bluntness of this statement made Aryan stunned, and her body was slightly stiff.

At this time Su Miu, who was sitting next to Sophie, looked at him and asked, "What?"

Sophie looked at Su Miao and felt very energetic. He organized the language and said, "The fifth-level beast's flesh looks very good. We originally killed it together. Since it was a celebration party, it would be better. Taste the flesh. "

He said this to Su Miao, but Aryan was also on the scene and naturally heard the score. He hurriedly said, "You have already taken it, so don't bother to clean it up. Try the characteristics of our city of Moya today."

Sophie pouted and didn't speak. Su Miao looked at him and asked, "Do you want to eat?"

Sophie nodded vigorously. Although the animal meat was not as good as that of the Frost Flame Beast, it was definitely delicious according to its grade.

Su Miao turned to Aryan and said, "That's trouble."

Aryan froze and finally turned his attention to Sophie. He looked carefully at the elf in front of him. To be honest, he knew who it was, the young master of the Evans family, the waste elf who was very famous in the elf family, although it was Purebred elves, but until the adulthood, no deities have appeared, that is, there is no special ability unique to purebred elves.

But even so, he was greatly coveted for his noble birth, because of the protection of his father and mother, and the happiness and comfort of life since childhood, most of them can not be overstated. All of this was destroyed after the fall of the Holy Tree. Then it fell from the clouds and turned into dust.

But even so, why is someone still guarding him? Manzi Yagu is, and the demons in front of him are ... What kind of merit is there in this kind of person? Incompetent and cowardly, timid and fragile, except for his proud bloodlines, what is left of him? Can he live without the help of these people? Can he offer leisurely terms here? he can……

Those unfortunate past events were about to rush forward, and Aryan quickly interrupted his thoughts, struggling to suppress the unrest. He adjusted his mood instantly, and said to Sophie, "Okay, I will order the kitchen to prepare."

"No need." Sophie interrupted him again.

There was a hint of impatience in Aryan's eyes, not knowing what the spoiled elf wanted to do.

Sophie looked at Su Miao and said, "I'll do it, it's faster."

"You can do it?"

Sophie nodded.

Aryan stopped saying, "So what do you do, you are a guest, where does it make the guests cook, let alone I want to thank you ..."

Sophie quickly waved his hand and said, "No trouble, I'm fast." In fact, when he was tidying up the space bag last night, he deliberately put the Beast of the Frozen Beast into the fifth-level beast's flesh At this moment, the outside was crispy and tender inside, and the aroma was fragrant. Otherwise, he would not ask to take it out.

And when the beast suddenly appeared, Aryan dared to protect them. Although his ability was insufficient, his mind was obvious. That's why Sophie wanted to share the animal meat, and since the last time he ate the Frozen Beast that was cooked with animal dandelion, Sophie has always felt hot in his body, and the little cub is like a small fireball all day. Warm. Therefore, it may be that the fire-based elements in the Beast Dan ran into the beast flesh, with a certain buff effect. Aryan is a mage of the fire department, and it is certainly good to eat it.

But how to explain this to Aryan ... It's so complicated, tearful, too challenging.

He stiffened his face for a long time and finally said: "Take me to the kitchen." Lao Tzu only needs a kitchen knife and a few plates. Cut the cooked meat with Shura and it will cry ...

This was already a tough tone, and Yalian was very dissatisfied, and his disgust was even higher, but he couldn't be angry now, so he had to lead them to the kitchen himself.

Sophie's knife is very rough. The cut pieces of meat are really not small. He thought that this stuff was fat but not greasy. Eating more would be good for the body, and it would be generous and full of three plates.

At the end, he wanted to pass it by himself, but was stopped by Aryan. Aryan said that these were done by the waiter. Sophie thought about it, although he said it was kind, but he was too conscious of being a guest, so he didn't insist.

The three returned to the restaurant first, and Aryan glanced at her personal maid.

The maid stood with her hands up. Before lifting the animal meat, she took a small bottle with a thumb from her arms and ordered three drops of dark blue liquid on it.

This toss is finally about to start. Aryan sat on the main seat, staring coldly.

Sophie was very enthusiastic in selling beast meat to Su Miao. Su Miao took the lead and ate nod and said, "It's delicious." Then he remembered Aryan and motioned for Aryan to eat.

Aryan immediately waved his hand and said, "I'm a vegetarian. I never eat these."

This made Sophie stupefied. Aryan was vegetarian? This is impossible. He clearly remembers that when attacking Aryan, the beautiful fur and delicious food could brush his favorability. And this delicious food is not limited to vegetarian food. It is clearly vegetarian, why is he vegetarian now?

Is he wrong? Sophie frowned and thought, impossible, he would not remember it wrong, because in this world, Sophie thought about all the details of the Raiders game countless times. Later, he could not wait to write it down.

So, he wouldn't remember it wrong, that Aryan was lying.

Why lie?

He looked up at Aryan, just in the corner of his mouth and the green disgust flashing in his green eyes.

What's wrong!

The next moment, Sophie knew, the stiffness that spread rapidly from his limbs.

He looked at Su Miao fiercely, and those purple eyes were already dark.
