MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 8 slap in the face

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  Chapter 8

   The administrator in their mouth is naturally the management of the dormitory building.

   In the dormitory buildings here, each building has a big administrator who is responsible for all the affairs of the entire building.

   Including paying the accommodation fee, changing the dormitory, and dealing with all the affairs that happened in the dormitory, the power is quite large.

   In addition, there is a small administrator on each floor, who is responsible for floor management, including floor hygiene, changing and washing of sheets and bedspreads, etc.

   The chief administrator of Building No. 6 is an old lady who looks kind, but she is not very good at talking and is rather strict.

   Hearing the boy at the door "bringing a tip", Wang Ye hesitated and said decisively: "Come on, give him two slaps, this is over, don't talk for a while, I'll deal with the administrator."

   said, he grabbed the short boy with long hair by the neck and pushed it in front of Song Xiaogang.

   has come to this point, Song Xiaogang no longer hesitated, and as soon as he gritted his teeth, he stretched out his hand and gave the short boy two slaps...

   The face of the long-haired dwarf turned red visibly to the naked eye...

   Actually Song Xiaogang didn't use too much force, otherwise this guy's face would not be red, but would turn blue!

A    slap in the face is not a big harm, but it is very insulting.

   The long-haired dwarf was about to jump up on the spot, but was pinned by Wang Ye's shoulders.

   At this time, the administrator has come to the door...

   The gray-haired old lady stretched her head to look inside, and asked with a straight face, "What are you doing!"

   Of course, she speaks Russian, but it is relatively simple and everyone can understand it, not to mention Wang Ye.

   None of the others said a word, because Wang Ye had already said in advance that everyone should stay quiet and he would deal with it.

Wang Ye took two steps forward unhurriedly, came to the old lady, and said with a smile: "Hello, I'm a new student who just arrived tonight, these are my friends, know I'm here, come here I'm welcome. Everyone had a good time chatting, so it's a bit late, sorry, we'll go to bed right away."

   These words are naturally spoken in Russian.

   To be honest, this level has exceeded the Russian level that Wang Ye and the other preparatory students should have...

  So, the old lady felt a little surprised after hearing this, and she looked at Wang Ye in surprise.

   A new batch of international students is coming over tonight. Of course she knows that the check-in procedure is still handled by her.

   However, she did not expect that the foreign student who just arrived in front of her had such a high level of Russian, and the pronunciation of words was particularly accurate.

   If she closes her eyes, she is talking to her because this is a Russian student!

   "You are good at Russian, have you studied it before? Why are you still studying preparatory courses at this level? You should directly take the preparatory graduation exam." She calmed down and asked curiously.

   "Hehe, yes, I have studied Russian for many years before. My grandfather also came to Moscow to study at the University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He taught me Russian since he was a child." Wang Ye said without changing his expression.

   The truth is not what he said. His grandfather never came to Moscow to study, and Wang Ye never learned Russian since he was a child.

   But none of this matters…

   But Wang Ye's remarks immediately made the old lady feel good about him!

   This is a "comrade", my own!

She also had a smile on her face, and said kindly: "Both of your grandfathers and grandchildren have come to study in Russia. This is also a good talk. It seems that your family and Russia are related. Welcome to Moscow, I hope you can study here. Happy, go back to build your own motherland after graduation. China is also a great country, just like Russia..."


   The two of them were talking happily here, and several people next to them were dumbfounded.

  What Wang Ye and the old lady said, they couldn't understand.

   After all, Russian is also one of the most difficult languages ​​to learn in the world, and its complexity is almost catching up with Chinese!

   This is much more difficult than English. These students have all learned English before, and they have only learned Russian for half a year at most. Of course, their level is not very high.

   If you want to understand the conversation between Wang Ye and the old lady, you have to learn at least another year or two.

   But looking at Wang Ye, they were a little admired.

  In a foreign country, language ability can be said to be the most important ability!

  If your language skills are not good, then there is something that makes it difficult to communicate with others.

  This is Moscow. Naturally, Russian is spoken everywhere, and there are not many people here who learn English, including college students, who can speak English.

   Whether it is daily life, studying in school, or working part-time after school, you need to use Russian.

   Therefore, students who are good in Russian are more popular, because sometimes they want to do something and when their language skills are not good, they also ask these students who are good in Russian to help themselves.

  Like now, if Wang Ye's Russian was not so good, he would have sent the old lady away in a few words.

  This incident may have serious consequences. If the old lady knows that several people are fighting, it is very likely that they will be punished by the school as Wang Ye just said, or even expelled and deported...


   After chatting happily with the old lady, the old lady twisted the waist of the bucket and walked out the door, and while walking, she told Wang Ye and the others to go to bed early and not disturb the rest of the other students.

  Wang Ye naturally nodded and said yes, sent the old lady to the door and waved goodbye.

   After the old lady's footsteps disappeared at the corner of the corridor, Wang Ye turned his head and went back to the room. Song Xiaogang and the three boys were still there and didn't dare to move.

   "Okay, don't make a fuss in the middle of the night, why are you guys still standing here, do you want me to say goodbye?" Wang Ye looked at the three goods and said with a smile.

   The three boys who were short in high school hurried out, how dare they make trouble again.

   In terms of physique, the three of them together are not enough for Wang Ye and Song Xiaogang to fight.

   In addition, they found that Wang Ye's Russian level is indeed very high. If something were to happen, Wang Ye could communicate with the school at will, and a few of them didn't know what to say if they wanted to defend themselves...

   So don't think about it, it's better to slip away quickly!

After the three of them slipped away, Xiao Hei, who was hiding outside the door, also came back. He looked at Song Xiaogang and shouted a few words in his mouth. Neither Wang Ye nor Song Xiaogang could understand what language he was speaking.

   But looking at his posture, it should be a sign that Song Xiaogang has an injury on his face.

   Then Xiao Hei looked at Wang Ye, gave a thumbs up, and said nothing.

  Wang Ye smiled and waved his hand, then looked at Song Xiaogang and said, "Go to the bathroom and wash your face, your face is a little swollen, put a hot towel on it, I'll go down."

   After he finished speaking, he picked up his wallet, kicked his slippers and walked downstairs...

   (end of this chapter)