MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 916 Peerless Twins

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  Chapter 916 Peerless Twins

  After returning to Moscow, the time has come to March.

  Yanukovych’s inauguration ceremony, Wang Ye did not go there, and his adoptive father led a team to go there.

   Come on, Da Mao is Er Mao's "big brother", at such an important moment, he must go there to support the scene, to support the scene or something.

  Because of the closure of the city that night, many countries in Europe and the United States were particularly dissatisfied, so this time the new president's inauguration ceremony, there were no developed countries at all to celebrate.

  However, under the leadership of Da Mao, some leaders of Eastern European countries finally came, so that Yanukovych would not be disgraced.

  Secondly, the adoptive father also went to support Yanukovych, Yulia, and Natalia this time.

  I just want to tell some people who are still dissatisfied with Yanukovych and others that this government is supported by Da Mao, so if you are not convinced, you have to bear it!

  Wang Ye watched the scene of the ceremony on the TV news.

  In the news, Yanukovych is full of spring and high spirits. Obviously, this moment is the brightest moment in his life. How many politicians have worked hard all their lives, but they have no chance to reach this "peak".

   Similarly, his running mate Yulia is also very eye-catching.

  The youngest female prime minister in the world, this gimmick is not a small one. In major European and American media, Yulia has even more news than Yanukovych.

   There is no way, this is the gender advantage.

  Of course, it's also because Julia is pretty.

  The person is young and beautiful, has temperament, and knows how to dress herself up, so Yulia looks more like a wealthy socialite than a politician.

   Some media have already dubbed her the "Most Beautiful Prime Minister".

   It’s also ridiculous to say that Uzbekistan is usually not a very conspicuous country, and few people pay attention to it.

   But in this campaign, this country became famous all over the world.

   First went to the capital, Kiefu, and a city-wide martial law was imposed. The large-scale arrests shocked European and American countries, and embassies in many countries raised protests and dissatisfaction.

   This action made one person angry, and that is "the most beautiful prosecutor" Natalia!

   At the inauguration ceremony a few days later, the new Prime Minister Yulia stole the limelight from the new President Yanukovych and was called "the most beautiful prime minister".

   This is also dubbed by netizens all over the world, Uzbekistan has beautiful women!

   On the Chinese Internet, Natalia and Yulia are called "peerless twins" by everyone!

  Relying on their looks, the two of them have gained a lot of fans around the world. It is estimated that Yanukovych will be dumbfounded when he finds out.

   Originally, I was supposed to be the protagonist, but how could I be upstaged by two women...


   Without any twists and turns, Yulia's nomination for Prime Minister and Natalia's nomination for Attorney General were successfully passed in the Verkhovna Rada.

  After all, Natalia’s position as an "independent prosecutor" has not yet resigned. If anyone dares to vote against, it is estimated that he will have to weigh it, whether he will be retaliated by her...

  Of course, under the management of Guccima for many years, the Verkhovna Rada is actually just a decoration, and it is completely incomparable with Duma over there!

  However, the Duma only started to gain real power and influence in the past two years, especially after Wang Ye became the deputy speaker. It is no different from the Verkhovna Rada of Ermao a few years ago.

  After Yanukovych officially took office, under his promotion, the trial process of the "priority treason case" was obviously accelerated.

  In the face of a large number of witnesses and material evidence, the pressure from foreign media and embassies of various countries seems to be ineffective. Although the final trial has not yet been held, the Priority Division is sure to be doomed this time.

  For Wang Ye, the affairs of the Ukrainian side no longer need his attention in a short period of time, and it is enough for the trio to sort out and stabilize slowly.

  Some things can’t be rushed and need to be worked on slowly.

  Yanukovych and the three of them want to truly take full control of Uzbekistan's political arena, and it may take three to five years of hard work.

   This is the case when Wang Ye and Gu Qima have already laid the foundation for them...


  After entering 2005, except for Keefu's incident, Moscow's side was calm and nothing major happened.

  However, the various group companies under Wangye have begun to enter a stage of rapid development.

  Wang Ye's time and energy have also begun to be devoted to the business field, especially the Internet company he values ​​most at the moment, which is Facebook!

  Wang Ye already knew the importance of Facebook.

   It’s just that he didn’t pay much attention to this company at first. He wanted Facebook to develop naturally and try not to interfere.

   But last time on the plane, through Nova, he seemed to have a new understanding of Facebook.

   This thing seems to have more influence than I thought, and it is more popular with young people!

  He made a decision at that time that it was urgent to accelerate the pace of Facebook's development, especially the expansion to European and American countries.


  Facebook is now one of the largest Internet companies in Russia. Especially after the expansion last summer, a large number of fresh graduates joined the company, making the total number of employees exceed 4,000.

   This scale is not too small!

  For Russia as a whole, it is second only to YANDEX&MAIL and RU companies.

   No way, it is a company formed by the merger of the former Internet "boss" and "second child".

   Now it even starts to involve Internet instant messaging, e-commerce, etc., and can do anything.

  Facebook is much simpler in comparison, it only has a business like "FACEBOOK", but it is also developing very rapidly and is widely loved by young people.

  With the expansion of the company's scale, the original office space is not enough. Now Sergey is already considering whether to build a company headquarters building...

  The company is not short of money now. In addition to the start-up funds given by Wang Ye, the company has also experienced two rounds of financing in the past two years.

  In the latest round of financing, the company's valuation has reached five billion dollars!

  Of course, Wang Ye followed up on all these two rounds of financing.

  But he holds too many shares in Facebook, so he has diluted a part of it to some extent, otherwise he would not be able to introduce new venture capital.

   It is worth mentioning that Facebook has conducted two financings successively, and none of the fat water has flowed into the fields of outsiders.

  In the first round, Facebook’s valuation has reached one billion dollars!

  Wang Ye recruited Hovchenko and Abramovich to complete the financing amount.

  After this financing, Facebook’s shares accounted for 60% of Wang Ye, 15% of Sergey, 12.5% ​​of Khovchenko, and 12.5% ​​of Abramovich!

   When it came to the second round of financing, that is, in the second half of last year, Facebook had become popular on the Russian Internet and became the hottest Internet company in 2004.

  Facebook's valuation has reached 5 billion dollars!

   At that time, many European and American venture capital companies had already set their sights on Facebook and wanted to invest in it, but they were all rejected by Wang Ye.

  He did not pay for it himself this time, but brought in several large companies with state-owned backgrounds, such as the Russian Federal Bank, Yukos Group, Natural Gas Industry Group, and SDIC.

  Several companies spent a total of one billion dollars and took away 20% of Facebook's shares.

  Now Facebook’s new shares account for 45% of Wang Ye, 15% of Sergey, 10% of Khovchenko, 10% of Abramovich, and several new companies hold 20% in total.

   It can be seen that in this round of financing, Wang Ye "suffered a loss". He gave up the most shares, which is proportionally more than the other three shareholders.

   But this was also proposed by Wang Ye himself.

  He holds too many shares in his hand, there is no need for this, and Sergey is the founder and CEO of the company, so the shares in his hand cannot be too small, otherwise he will have no right to speak in the future.

  As for Hovchenko and Abramovich, they are both their own people, and it doesn't matter if Wang Ye suffers a bit.

  After these two rounds of financing, Facebook, at least in Russia, has no worries about the future, and it is impossible for anyone to engage in its affairs.

  After all, looking at the list of shareholders of Facebook, no one should have any ideas...


  On the Russian-language Internet, Facebook has no competitors, and it has basically reached its current limit.

  So from the second half of 2004, we began to actively go out and develop into Asian, European and American markets. We established branches in Shanghai, Paris, and Silicon Valley, and wanted to develop the three major markets of China, the European Union, and the beautiful country.

  Unfortunately, things didn't go very well.

  Especially in China, when the business was just launched, Sergey was surprised to find that more than a dozen competitors emerged overnight!

   Except for changing the website name, everything else is exactly the same as Facebook!

   This made him quite speechless, but there is no such thing as piracy on the Internet, unless someone else directly steals your code and website materials.

   It was quite troublesome to fight this kind of Internet infringement lawsuit, and the relevant laws were not perfect at that time.

   It is common for everyone to plagiarize each other.

  The competition is who develops faster, who has more users, and whose daily, weekly, and monthly activities are higher!

  In the field of the Internet, the big fish eat the small fish, and the winner takes all.

  When the number one company in the subdivided field has left the second and third companies by a long distance, the second and third companies are basically about to go bankrupt.

  Especially in fields such as network communication and Internet social interaction, they are very exclusive!

  The overseas business was not going well, and he was hesitant to build the headquarters building, so Sergey planned to find an opportunity to meet Mikhail and ask for his opinion.

   As a result, he received a notification from Wang Ye's office before he had time to call Wang Ye's assistant to make an appointment.

  Wang Ye intends to hold a shareholder representative meeting of Facebook to discuss a major event!

  Of course, before the shareholder representative meeting, Wang Ye asked Sergey to come to his office, and the two discussed it first. This is also a respect for Sergey, the founder of the company.


  When he came to Wang Ye's speaker's office, Sergey became a little cautious.

  He is a technical nerd, although he is now the CEO of a large company, and he is also a rich man with a net worth of hundreds of millions of dollars, but in a place like the Duma Building, he still feels a bit restrained.

   This is Sergey's first visit to Wang Ye's Duma office.

  Before, he also knew that Wang Ye's status was unusual and that he was a real big shot, but he didn't have any specific concept of how unusual it was.

  But after arriving at the Duma Building this time, in this solemn and solemn atmosphere, he suddenly realized how big the gap between ordinary people like himself and people like Wang Ye was.

   This is not something that can be measured by wealth.

  Because power is far more precious and powerful than money!

  After being brought into Wang Ye's office by Nova, Wang Ye warmly greeted him and gave Sergey a strong hug.

   smiled heartily: "Sergey, welcome to my office, it's a bit shabby, not comparable to the office of a CEO of a big company like yours, haha."

  If you only look at the decoration and area of ​​the office, Wang Ye's office is indeed inferior to that of many big company bosses.

   But look at the national flag next to Wang Ye's desk, and then look at the golden double-headed eagle national emblem hanging on the wall behind!

   No one should pay attention to the size of the office area and whether the decoration is luxurious...

  Walking into such an office, there will be an invisible pressure on your face, which will make you even speak in a low voice.


   After the two sat down, Nova brought coffee, and then retreated, leaving only Wang Ye and Sergey in the office.

  Wang Ye said: "This time I called a meeting of shareholders' representatives to consider a major event, which is to introduce new strategic investment partners!"

  Sergey was taken aback, because Facebook is not short of money now, the last round of financing has been less than half a year, and there is still a large amount of cash lying in the company's account.

   Is it too anxious to start another round of financing now, and it will suffer a lot in terms of valuation!

   After all, the company's overseas business has not done very well in the past six months, so compared with the previous round of financing, the valuation will not increase much.

  He hesitated for a moment and said, "But...the company is not short of money."

  Wang Ye smiled, "The company is indeed not short of money, and this round of financing is not for money, but for strategic partners, the purpose is to lure them into Facebook!

  Have you ever thought about why Facebook's overseas business development is not very smooth? "

  Sergey blushed, and his overseas business suffered a setback. He must be responsible.

He didn't explain too much for himself, but said frankly: "This is my problem. It is too simple to consider overseas business expansion, so Facebook's localization in various countries is not good enough, and competitors also have problems. Many, so overseas business development is relatively slow.

   But please rest assured, Mr. Mikhail, I have already paid attention to this issue, and this year I will focus on overseas branches. "

  Wang Ye waved his hand and said indifferently:

   "No, no, you don't need to blame yourself, in fact, you have done a good job.

  However, this is not enough for Facebook to quickly occupy the market! "

  (end of this chapter)